a RARE PASTA SAUCE I ate weekly when I lived in ITALY

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when i lived in italy about 15 years ago before i really developed my passion or skill for cooking this is me and some friends 15 years ago off the coast of capri in italy we're all wearing stupid sunglasses and for some reason they gave us a boat to drive around the island no supervision they just gave us a boat there was this one jar of pasta sauce that me and my roommates would get every week and it was kind of our favorite meal in the house we were obsessed with it and i never found it when i came back to the states and i haven't had it since but i actually have a trip planned for italy next year and that sort of triggered some nostalgia for this dish and so i sought to recreate it the pasta sauce does not use tomatoes it uses two red bell peppers and a few other ingredients and the flavor of this pasta sauce is distinctly different and a nice change up from a regular tomato sauce i hope that sounds good to you and with regards to the italian trip if you've ever wanted to travel with me to italy i've got an opportunity that you just might be interested so make sure to watch the whole video for details on that otherwise let's just jump right into it now for this sauce i really like a some sort of tubiero pasta so i'm going to use one of my favorites today cavitapi you could use a penne you could use a rigatoni you could use a lumache maybe some shells would be nice but i kind of want a pasta that i can fork for this dish and now this first step it's really going to be optional i've take these sliced them into little slices with the skin on and add them to a pan with some onions and the rest of the ingredients and then made the sauce that way what i find and what i've read is that bell pepper skins are kind of hard to digest and they can often result in an upset stomach so after i made this a few times i made it once with roasted peppers it tastes very similar and it seems to have not upset my stomach as much so if you're tight on time you could just cut them up the way they are and throw them in and cook this recipe like that but today we're going to roast the bell pepper so that we can remove the skins easily and then go forward with the recipe so we're going to do is just get my broiler cracking lightly coat with some oil you don't need too much [Music] and i'm just going to broil the entire surface we're going to get char all over the outside that skin protects the inside so we're not going to be burning or anything the flesh of the pepper we just want to get that skin separated from the flesh so that we can peel it off later shouldn't take much time at all we're just making roasted peppers then you want to make sure your rack is somewhat close to the broiler to allow for the broiler to do its job and then just let those peppers go rotating them as needed as you start to see some color develop turn them rotate them you don't need to go too hard of a char anywhere just that kiss of heat and char we'll separate that skin and then we can pop them into a bowl cover them with some plastic wrap and then that's going to steam itself and allow that skin to easily separate while that steams we can get to prepping the rest of the ingredients i've got two cloves of garlic these are huge i'm just gonna give those a quick thin slice i've got some red chili flake i'm gonna add i've got some calabrian chili i'm gonna add and then we're just going to slice an onion really thin i'm gonna just slice everything fairly thin just so it kind of cooks up real quick everything's gonna get blended up anyway [Music] [Music] for the collaboration chili's i always like to cook with the addition of some of the liquid that they're packed in adds just a nice flavor to whatever you're making and then with about five calabrian chilis i just take the stem off and remove the seeds and the membranes inside keep them whole we're gonna blend them got my garlic and my chili flake here i add the chili flake as well as that because i take the seeds out of here and i can kind of control the amount of spice a little bit better and it's just two different flavors we got all of our stuff we just need to cut our peppers now see how they're all wrinkly the skin is sort of pulled away from the flesh so now we can just scrape that off really easily just discard the skin again you can skip this whole process slice off raw peppers from here and then cook this recipe as normal but like i said i like this a little better and with your knife you just literally scrape it off [Music] once you get the skins off you just want to remove the stems and the seeds from inside the peppers and then give them a nice thin slice [Music] now i've got the bell peppers the onions the chilies and the garlic we've got a little bit of cream and some tomato paste to add just a little bit of depth and body and for me the cheese of choice is pecorino romano parmigiano-reggiano might get lost into the strong flavors of this dish so some pecorino romano is really going to stand out and going to add a little bit of salt and it's just gonna be the right cheese for this particular recipe i'm gonna cook the sauce up real quick give it a nice blend and then we're gonna finish up this pasta now before we get into making the sauce i wanna quickly talk about the italy trip yes it's a trip that is open and available for you guys to join we're going to rome and we're going to florence we're spending nine days there where we're going to be enjoying wine food and the history of some of the most beautiful cities that exist on earth the dates are october 6 to the 14th of 2022 mostly everything except for airfare is included and a full itinerary is available in the link down in the description so you can get all the details and decide if you can make it to the trip there were 20 spots open and now there's 11. the three available spots are an early bird price of two thousand nine ninety five and in the remaining eight spots those are gonna be three thousand ninety five dollars for the full nine days you don't need to cough that amount up right away all you need to do to book the trip is 25 down there's also financing options available so if you're interested in traveling to italy with me click the link down in the description check out my travel page you'll find all the information there itinerary price all the details where we're staying and i hope to see you in italy now let's make the sauce i get a large skillet or saute pan on medium high heat coat the bottom of the pan with some olive oil once the oil is hot get the onions in them with a little bit of salt and cook those until they start to get translucent and soften basically to sort of catch up with the roasted peppers once you see the onions starting to soften and get translucent add those peppers cook for another few minutes until the onions are fully softened and begin to slightly brown peppers need a little salt so give them a little hit of salt [Music] then we can add in the garlic chili flake and the calabrian chilies and we just want to give those a few minutes until we know everything is really nice and softened and will blend up really well once everything's softened and we've got nice flavor development we're going to hit it with two tablespoons of tomato paste and then we want to mix and work that tomato paste into the peppers and the onions and start to kind of caramelize a little bit and develop a little bit extra flavor once we've cooked out kind of the rawness of the tomatoes we're going to lower the heat slightly and add about a pint of heavy cream once the cream is in pop the temp up to medium medium high and cook that for three to five minutes until the cream has thickened and those flavors sort of marry with each other adjust the seasoning and then we're ready to throw it into a blender [Music] get every last bit of it in use a spatula scrape all remnants of the sauce into the blender and then give it a blitz now it's a hot liquid in blending anything hot can always be dangerous so just be very careful i've got a little spout that i could release the steam and just blitz it until it's nice and smooth and thick and has a really fantastic flavor basically sort of looks like a vodka sauce it's spicy it's got the flavor that i like it tastes right just needs a little bit of salt but i can correct that when we get it into the pan meld the pasta with the sauce and don't forget we've got pecorino cheese that has some nice salt to it too so you don't want to go too crazy with actual like sea salt i got some water boiling we're gonna salt it put it all together and you're in for a treat [Music] i get a pot of water boiling and salted and the sauce is enough for like a whole pound of pasta but i'm only one so what i do is i take a little bowl and i fill that up with raw pasta and i know that that will be like slightly over one portion of pasta as it expands when it cooks so i got my single serving of pasta i know it's going to take nine minutes to cook the cavitapi it's 125 so at about 132 i'm gonna get the pasta out of the water and into the sauce after five minutes of cooking i'm gonna start to add a couple tablespoons of the sauce into the pan get the heat on medium-low i'm gonna adjust the seasoning and i'm gonna add a knob of butter to the sauce to make it nice and glossy work that cold butter into the sauce and then two minutes before the pasta is al dente transfer it with a little bit of pasta water directly into the pepper sauce now you want to marry the pasta with the sauce you want to get it nice and thick and combined and coated on all those pieces of caffei and finished cooking the pasta that lasts two minutes and as it finishes cooking it absorbs that pasta sauce and it just makes it super delicious before i add some cheese i'm gonna add a little bit more sauce and a little bit more pasta water to thin it out because i know as i add this cheese and work it into the sauce it's gonna thicken again so you're always sort of balancing the consistency of the sauce based on what stage of the pasta you're at and as always add cheese off of the heat or else you're gonna get it melted to the bottom of the pan once the cheese is in the sauce and the sauce has thickened and is coating every piece of pasta give it a taste adjust any final seasoning and then we're ready to plate [Music] oh man nostalgia's popping off right now it's just as i remember it tasting you need that spice because you got sweet bell peppers and sweet onions without that balance of the spice you may run a tad sweet here so even if you don't like spicy add a little bit of it it will aid towards balance i know you think it looks good looks like penne vodka i mean come on so head on down to the description go grab yourself some kavatapi check out the trip to italy that's all that i have today i'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself [Music] if you love pasta like me and you want some more pasta videos there's a few options on the screen right now may i suggest this beautiful shrimp scampi
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Keywords: italian food, pasta sauce, how to cook, pasta sauce from scratch, pasta sauce at home, creamy bell pepper pasta sauce, pasta sauce made with bell peppers, how to cook pasta, how to make pasta, how to make pasta sauce, how to make the best pasta sauce, calabrain chili bell pepper pasta sauce, spicy pepper sauce for pasta, not another cooking show, stephen cusato, the food freakk
Id: I0DkkLsvF4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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