Broccoli and Goat Cheese Frittata - Frittata Oven Roasted Omelet Chef Jean-Pierre

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hello everybody another fabulous recipe today an oven roasted omelet the frittata this one is gonna be with broccoli with goat cheese fabulous be sure to stay tuned if you like the recipe subscribe be sure to give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell all right let me show you how to make that perfect frittata it's very simple the secret everything i do is simple the secret friends is misoplus everything ready to go before you start cooking remember that's the most important part about fact you know i've been teaching people how to cook my whole life and i've been doing this for 54 years and i'll tell you what if i have one advice to give to everybody that wants to be a better cook miso plus do not start cooking until everything is chopped and ready to go i see it all the time people are not enjoying cooking and they they're chopping and dicing and cooking and chopping and you can't do it can't do it it's impossible friends you cannot do both at the same time i don't care how good you are with a knife you cannot chop and dice at the same time you're cooking if you want to enjoy cooking that is if you want to be a scott brain in the kitchen and and and not enjoying cooking then keep doing what you're doing take my advice and you know in a restaurant business there has to be one of them i'm sure there's some chefs that are looking at this and are saying he's right that is the most important thing in the restaurant business if you have 10 cooks and one of them doesn't have this bison plus he could screw up the whole restaurant the whole night one cooked then that's obvious mison plus home same thing let me tell you what we got here we got potatoes a little too much potatoes i don't need all this the regular potatoes i dice them and i put them in water so they don't uh uh they don't turn on us they don't tarnish on us right so it's a little too much potato here i don't need all those potatoes so little potatoes in there right and then i got sweet potatoes i got onion in there first thing of course we do as we always do we make sure the onion are caramelized a little bit i gotta take my thermometer i always forget to take my thermometer to check my temperature or the oil i don't want to go in a coil oil so if i got about uh 350 i'm comfortable i'm going to put my onion i'm going to caramelize them and then i'm going to put my potatoes and what i like to do when i make home it's kind of like home fries you certainly could add some bacon in there too if you want to but this is a very simple recipe we'll talk about the ingredient in a second let me first get this going right first thing we do is we get the onion we wait for a second for the onion to be lightly caramelized and then we'll put our potatoes in there and then we're going to cover this we're going to cover them for a few minutes and then we're going to cook them let me tell you what's so special about this uh this frittata recipe i see so many people cooking for tata on youtube and it gives me nightmares to watch them you do not go in the oven with a hot pan you do not put the egg of your frittata in a hot pan you don't do that otherwise what's gonna happen is if you if you use the same pan right here you put your egg in a pan hey guess what's gonna happen the bottom of your frittata the side of it is gonna be already cremated the minute you put the egg in there by the time you're in the oven for 25 minutes 30 minutes to cook the whole frittata guess what's going to happen to the outside it's going to be all boiled and a good egg is not supposed to be dry and golden brown a golden brown egg is an overcooked egg it's really that simple so we got the onion going in there and we're gonna give them just a little bit more of a color but they're gonna continue cooking with the potatoes so as long as it's sweet and right now you know we're in the middle of a daily season vidalia onion season so that's what i got in there i got some vagali on you in there we're going to put the potatoes in there and then we're going to put some we're going to cook them just for a second to give them a little head start and then we'll put the sweet potatoes because they don't take as long the sweet potato to cook we're going to put salt and pepper in there salt and pepper measure carefully and salt and pepper i'm always entertained by cooks that measure the salt and pepper with them little spoon you know the quarter inch spoon i mean they they quarter teaspoon and i'm always very entertained by those people there's enough to be entertained on youtube let me tell you all right so let me explain what i'm doing here so you understand the concept okay we're gonna get everything in this bowl right here everything we're gonna put in this bowl including the cooked potatoes everything's gonna go in this bowl and then we're gonna transfer all this into a cold pan and we're gonna go in a preheated oven at 375 and we're gonna cook this thing and when i take it out you'll see what it's gonna look like it's amazing okay so actually you saw it on the promo so a little potato gotta head start let's put some sweet potatoes in there all right we're gonna cook them up i like to cook my potato at the beginning especially with the cover on it especially at the beginning of the first few minutes and then when they tender i'll take out the covers all right we'll have the perfect recipe on our website we'll put a link down there so you'll be able to get it so we're going to let that cook for a second in a minute i'm going to put some i'm going to put some sun right there we'll put some sun-dried tomatoes in there so now let's deal with this right here this is um uh 14 eggs my fry pan i'm using a wall that's a german uh non-stick cookware wall w-o-l-l-o-l-l it's a fabulous five minutes oven proof and when it do you see how it comes out of there it's fabulous so i can put 14 eggs you know if you are concerned about too much yolks i'm not really concerned about the yolks but if you're concerned about the yolk believe it or not if you have 14 egg frittata you can do seven whole eggs and then maybe 10 or 12 white just a white get rid of some of the yolks in there if you're concerned you would be amazed you don't lose much of the quality at all it's quite amazing as a matter of fact i do it a lot and uh and and for you guys i do it i do the real thing but if i make it for myself for lunch i usually do 14 white and and and seven yolks and uh and it's really really really perfect so you can take out an egg and so an and an egg every other egg and a yolk every other egg so looks do whatever you want my fry pan fits faulty an egg you're gonna have to figure out what your fry pan is gonna fit a little salt and pepper right and then uh let me just uh do the sun-dried tomatoes in here we're probably ready for the sun-dried tomatoes so let's put a little bit of sun-dried tomato in here it doesn't matter if you put extra sun-dried tomatoes now you could add mushrooms you could add spinach to your frittata you can add whatever you want all right now no more cover we good we don't need the cover anymore right there we're good to go i'm putting a little bit of a mess here so let me clean up you know i like to work clean this is one of the most important thing in the kitchen you got to be clean clean kitchen is a happy kitchen all right so all of those things let me get them out of the way the potatoes are cooking so we need them to cook so we're in good shape it's probably going to be a little too much potato in here i'm probably not going to use all that either so what else am i putting in here i am putting some cheddar cheese i have a beautiful english cheddar it's called costol it's really really really really fabulous little cheddar cheese we're also going to put a little bit of garlic i make this garlic puree with garlic and olive oil and i have a uh a video also on youtube on that how i make that it's just a peel garlic and olive oil and then i freeze it so when i need garlic i can just use it like that it's really good put a little bit of hot sauce in there just a little bit of hot sauce you don't have to put hot sauce if you don't want to but why not you can use brie cheese today we're going to use cheddar and we're going to use parmigiano-reggiano and we're going to do some goat cheese all right so all we're going to do now we're going to break the egg [Applause] or break the egg now i don't mind putting a little air in there that's what i like to do with the machine it makes the frittata slightly fluffy so don't be afraid to put a little bit of air in there okay that's why the machine makes it easier to break the egg okay you certainly don't need it okay i'm sure your uh your recipe will turn out great if you just mix the egg with a whisk it'll be perfectly fine let me remove some of that stuff right here now in today's recipe let me get my spatula back in today's recipe i'm gonna put a little more cheese okay you can never have too much cheese okay and then we're gonna put a bit of parmigiano vagina this you have to measure carefully here and then we're going to put some goat cheese now the potatoes forget making the frittata let's just eat the potatoes they smell delicious we could be here may reduce my heat because now it's really cooking i think they're going to be ready they got to be ready the the idea is very simple okay whatever you put in the frittata has to be cooked so broccoli cooked uh potatoes cooked you want to put mushrooms saute them in a pan you want to put spinach saute them in a pan everything you put has to be cooked okay it's ready that's important let me test it let me test it just a little bit more i'm going to cook them just a little bit more and then they'll be ready okay so we gotta uh we gotta we're gonna put our broccoli broccoli it's just blue broccoli florets that have been poached or steamed so they're ready to go you could put broccoli you could put whatever you want there you go all right and you enjoy them a little bit of a chopped parsley right there right basil will be good in there too right right mix it all up and then we're gonna put the goat cheese now the goat cheese i like to uh kind of crumble it you see look look now if you like goat cheese then do it this way if you don't like goat cheese then don't even put it in i like to say crumbly like that then all of a sudden you get a nice surprise you get a nice big big piece of goat cheese and this is a domestic goat cheese it's actually a florida cheese um and i love a beautiful creamy goat cheese you know what you can put in here also this is fabulous is uh put a trip or creambree in your frittata you know remember you're only as good as the ingredient you're using you're only as good as the ingredient you're using just remember that that's really important right because at the end of the day you're only as good as the ingredients you do it meaning you know what they say garbage jeans garbage out it's exactly true all right so now what we'll do now what you see here a lot of people do is now take all these eggs and put it in here in a hot fry pan we do not do this we do not do this at all as a matter of fact let me get myself my my in fact we do not do this at all we just take the potatoes i don't need all of this this is all too much right there i'm gonna put them aside we mix all this up you see mix all this up oh yeah you'll see when they come out you see mix it all up all right mix all that up well this is going to be a really nice frittata very nice frittata right there very very nice okay so now let me explain how we're going to prepare the pan that's very important to prepare the pan we're going to put a little bit olive oil we don't need a lot then i'm going to take a brush okay i want you to see that it's really really important we'll take a brush right there and i'm taking the olive oil this is a beautiful garlic olive oil roasted garlic olive oil look look i'm taking the oil now and i'm rubbing it on the side and i'm going to show you the trick it's really easy the trick okay everything i do is easy i'm telling you i'm dying you friends you can all become fabulous cook you know what i love to do this i love to make this on a sunday and then during the week for my lunch i just make a little salad and i serve it with a little salad it's delicious you can serve it with the bell pepper and and we got a we got a recipe on that on our website also a little bell peppercorn or tomato that would be delicious so now see what i'm doing right putting the oil let me tell you what's very important now we're going to take a frittata we're going to pour right in that pan right now just like this now let me show you what is very important friends let me tell you what's very important now all you're doing now you just push push it in don't mix it let me explain why you don't understand it right away you'll understand right away you see what's happening all of the olive oil a couple of tablespoon of olive oil put in guess where it is it's right there around you see it that's beautiful roasted garlic olive oil and that's gonna make it super super easy for the frittata to come out you see now if you mix it they all have already been mixed up in there and have nothing wrong with it it'll be delicious but there's no reason to have it this is why we put on the outside so now we're going to go in in the oven set up a 375. this guy's going to take a while to cook it's going to take at least 35 40 minutes to cook at 375 slowly the idea friends is we want to make sure we don't do it fast we want to make sure it doesn't turn a little bit golden brown is okay a little bit of golden brown but not burn golden brown like so many people do it and the secret was to go in a cold pan because imagine if you put an egg in a hot pan it's gonna start cooking immediately right and what about the one in the middle right not cooked yet but the one in the bottom is already cremated so now you understand the concept cold pan everything prepared in advance i'll see you in about 35 40 minutes when we finish and we're going to take it out of the oven and when do you see how beautiful it is okay the frittata should be ready it smells beautiful now we're gonna take it out of the oven look at this gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous so now what we need to do friends we need to flip it and for this you need one of those oversized styles i get those at the hilton um you can get them at bed bath and beyond so look no motion here okay between this and this we're going to flip this guy right and all we're gonna do now is we're gonna flip it this way right we're gonna do this this way right there we'll do one of those it's very important friends very important and it should come right out look at this hold on i gotta get another plate i get another plate we're not serving on that side look how beautiful that is right we're gonna flip it voila carefully carefully carefully carefully take it out so it looks absolutely beautiful all i'm going to do is i'm going to take a little bit of parmesan cheese on top of it and this friends is a frittata look how beautiful that is this is a frittata you can make this in advance make it on sunday night you'll have a nice slice of frittata every day for lunch it's gonna be fabulous so i like to serve it with a bell pepper so just a little spoon of that's all you'll need a little spoon goes a long way and you can get the recipe and that on our website and we're going to plate it look at this frittata friends look at this now i don't know about your frittata but i like mine to be nice and a little runny not you know not runny runny ronnie but look at this look how beautiful that is it's nice and moist just the way i like it i hate the dry eggs this is perfect this is like oh yes gonna be [Music] delicious you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 188,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frittata, chef jean-pierre, chef jeanpierre, french chef, frittata recipe, how to cut an onion, food network, how to make a frittata, egg recipes, breakfast frittata, easy frittata, vegetable frittata, omelette (dish), low carb recipes, perfect frittata, egg frittata recipe, how to make frittata, onyo chef, funny chef, fun cooking, french chef onyo, chef jean pierre onion, dicing an onion, how to dice an onion, chef jean pierre, frittata bon appetit
Id: zjv-I0S6zck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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