Mornay (Cheese) Sauce | Chef Jean-Pierre

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here we go folks this is another wonderful quick video sauce morning what you need for your lasagna or for your macaroni and cheese oh just because you want to rub it all over your body it's delicious sauce money stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make it very simple okay friends this is a very simple and yet very important sauce that i use a lot it's a money sauce it's a bechamel with cheese very simple to make that's what you'll make when you make a lasagna that is what you make when you make a macaroni and cheese a version of it changing cheeses back and forth but that's the sauce it's very simple to make okay so we have it's a one of the basic of french cuisine guess what butter this is the the beginning of it we have a little butter and you know you can put a lot about it don't worry about butter butter is our friend okay more more butter you put in and better off you'll be trust me about this one okay anybody who doesn't like butter i don't trust them i'm telling you guys this is going to be good so depends what it is you're doing you can or you cannot put or you shouldn't be putting onion it all depends what you're going to do with it sometimes i make a morning sauce and i put on top of a cheese souffle and i don't want any lumps than i created with the onion the little lump or the onion so i don't put it in if you make a lasagna if you're making macaroni and cheese you like the onion and by all means put the onion but you don't have to put it in if you don't like it man i do it now you see then it's easy i saute my onion right in there in the butter so i do it in two motions instead of making a roux making a more complicated this is the easy way to cook you see i like to make things more simple i like to simplify things and then you guys can make beautiful food at home not complicated it doesn't have to be complicated we got flour same amount of flour then you have the same amount of of of butter and in the recipe then i will print below the recipe by the way some of you are always asking me where the recipe where does it be right below if you click and do more up after the description you click a button more they have all the links of all the recipes okay and then what we're going to do we're going to saute the onion for a minute we don't want to caramelize them it's a white sauce okay so we just want them to be translucent that means they're they are releasing they're releasing their sugar but they do we do not caramelize that sugar okay we put the amount of flour right there right and we have the flour now we're going to create a roux okay and now that we have a roux we're going to cook it for a minute we don't want to cook it very long remember this is a white sauce friends all right so again that's what you see here by looking at the uh the onion it looks like it's lumpy but it's not lumpy this is just the onion okay you don't want to put onion in there don't put on you on there i like to put on you all right and then you're going to put the milk this is hot milk you don't have to put hot milk you can put cold milk it just takes longer with a hot milk that's all i mean it with a cold milk that's all and this is very simple you see we're going to thicken this and you'll see it's going to thicken right away see look all right so then you add more milk it's really that simple you see how much milk you put in until you get the consistency than you want and you'll see in a minute you're going to understand what i'm talking about you're going to be able to see it you see you see right there the whisk is easier and you see it's getting thick again right see getting thick again and that's okay and we add the milk and hot milk make us go faster but cold meat will work just as fine okay so if you don't want to dirty another pot i don't really care because i got stuffed and can clean my pots when i click at home i'm a little more uh careful about how many pots i dirty you see and here we're going to cook it friends you want to cook this for a little while okay it's still a little too thick so i'll put the milk in there you see until we get it to the thickness that we want now you can put goat cheese in there you can put brie cheese in it for those of you that have made my macaroni and cheese this is it this is it friends you just put the cheese and you want in here as long as you put gucci's not the uh the cheese then comes in the green boxes i'm not gonna say but you know what i'm talking about crap all right so here we go we love it we're looking good we're looking good we're gonna put salt and pepper and you're supposed to put white pepper in there friends but i don't like white peppers so i'm gonna put black pepper is that okay with you but you should put white pepper okay so you don't have the black pieces in there but look oh yeah i'm not doing a food competition i'm cooking for you guys okay and and my customer don't mind i know you guys not gonna mind either you're just a school it's the recipe police then don't like it but you know what they're not here so we're gonna have a good time look look it's starting to get there friends you see so you see if yours is too thick put on more milk if it's too thin watch it because you put that's put too much milk so you have to be careful that's why you see me putting the milk a little bit at a time a little bit at a time okay don't go out there i'm putting too much milk you see look it's looking beautiful isn't it all right so now we're going to cook this this needs to cook for a little while and then what i'm going to do i'm going to put this right here i can put it right here right right there now i like a wooden spoon here because i like to scrape the bottom of the pot i don't want it to stick and and this helped me with the bottom of the pot you see i want to make sure there's no sticking in the bottom of my pot you see that you can see the onion right here and i don't mind for macaroni and cheese i don't mind it on you at all i don't like it by making a lasagna i just mind one i want to make a very smooth sauce okay so now i got some uh gruyere in here put whatever cheese you want you want to put gouda put good on there i got uh cheddar okay and you can put a parmesan cereal parmesan also it'll be delicious in there pecorino romano put whatever cheese you want friends put whatever cheese you want in here this right there let the cheese melts oh a touch of nutmeg fresh nutmeg there you go very little nutmeg you don't need a lot just a little bit of nutmeg you don't have nutmeg don't put it in don't worry all right we're going to let that melt and this right there folks make a fabulous macaroni and cheese make an amazing lasagna just a little bit more and this right there is a beautiful cheese sauce you guys are going to love so like i said you don't want the onion in there don't put the them in there and that'll cook for about 10-15 minutes and right there friends you have a beautiful morning sauce look at this look at this look how beautiful that is another thing that i like to do sometime when i make a nice morning sauce is to add a couple of egg yolks that's gonna make the sauce richer uh and the secret is to mix them up really quick see otherwise you'll have scrambled eggs kind of like you're making a carbonara you're putting raw eggs and you syrup right there beautiful that's it you don't have to do that just an extra it makes it add a really really beautiful richness to us here we go you see right there beautiful that's another beautiful sauce you can use for your macaroni and cheese for your lasagna for so many different so many different preparations it's wonderful make it at the edge don't let the eggs don't worry about it no matter what it's going to be wonderful i hope you like the video if you like it be sure to subscribe to our channel gives us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every time we put up a new video we'll see you next week
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 237,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mac and cheese, cheese sauce, chef jean pierre onion, white sauce, chef jean-pierre, mornay sauce, mornay sauce recipe, mornay cheese sauce, cheese sauce for macaroni, cheese sauce recipe, how to make bechamel, bechamel sauce, how to make white sauce, white sauce recipe, easy bechamel sauce, bechamel sauce with cheese, how to make cheese sauce, bechamel sauce for lasagna, sauce béchamel, Recette de sauce béchamel, Salsa de queso, Receta de salsa de queso, easy white sauce
Id: 9oGASwMjZ88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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