Beef Chuck Burnt Ends (bonus beef tallow) | Chuds BBQ

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hello what's going on everybody welcome back to chud's bbq my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how to make these delicious smoky tender affordable tender chuck burn ends coming up through these difficult times brisket prices and meat prices across the board are soaring through the roof and i've been getting a lot of comments on my instagram and on the youtube channel to do a cook with something that's a little bit cheaper so that's what we're going to do today so what i've got here is some beef chuck often sold as a whole chuck chuck steaks or in this case beef chuck roast and this is usda prime so when it comes to making burn ends you can really make them as big or as small as you like if you want them maybe be a two biter have some more toothsomeness to it you could make them big whoops and if you wanted to make them tiny and bite size that's what you can do as well so it's really up to you when it comes to the chuck gross it has a natural separation right on the fat and you can just pull it apart if you were to slice through that you'd end up with little bite-sized pieces that would likely fall apart during the cooking process so anywhere there's a natural seam i just like to separate it as you can see there's some beautiful marbling in there so there's no reason not to throw this on the smoker what i'm going to do is just cube it up little one-inch cubes i remember these are going to shrink up a bit so keep that in mind when you're deciding how big to make these but that's pretty much what i'm looking for nice little bite size well marbled cube little fat cap on there should be delicious any scraps that are too fatty or too small to bank a burn end out of toss in your freezer because chuck and burgers are best friends and that is what we are left with some beautifully nicely marbled chuck burnt ends now let's make a rub when it comes to rubs for your burnt ends you can do whatever you like store-bought rubs are great you can go straight salt and pepper or you can make your own today i'm going to keep it pretty classic with three cups of 16 mesh black pepper link in description one cup of diamond crystal kosher salt because there's so much surface area and there's gonna be so much bark on every little piece i don't want to over salt it half a cup of granulated garlic and i've also got a quarter cup of brown sugar and typically i don't put sugar in my rubs because they tend to burn but we are making burnt ends after all so that's all i'm going to put into this simple rub today [Music] in they go beep beep beep that's rubbing these down i'm just going to toss them in get them all nicely coated dust off the extra and i'm going to put them on this little rack over here a lot of people ask me too if you can reuse this rub because it's had raw meat in it the answer is sure if you're worried about the cross contamination or any meat being in there you can sift it out get rid of any chunks and you can also pop it in your fridge or your freezer and then it'll keep for a long time all right let's throw them on the pit all right now we're going to maintain around 275 300 degrees until these get a beautiful crispy bark on them so when it comes to these cuts of meat like chalk or tongue or cheek that are not necessarily known for their tenderness one method that always seems to work is applying some beef tallow at some point throughout the cook and if you don't have any beef tallow on hand luckily it's really easy to make if you saw my chud burger cheeseburger episode you'll know that all the brisket scraps and every piece of meat that doesn't get cooked i always say pop it in the freezer and there's a million different uses for it and what i've got here is all the beef fat from my freezer that didn't make it into the burger and now we're going to send it through the grinder and render it down [Music] we're going to simply put it in a pot a little fat baby fat and on to the burner it goes keep this under medium-ish high heat and it all start melting down all right we're about 19 minutes in this is coming along nicely we're basically just trying to evaporate all of the water out of the beef fat and then what we'll be left with is pure rendered tallow so once these pieces start looking real golden and crispy we'll know that they're starting to fry and that there's no more water left in this mixture right at 23 24 minutes in and these little crispies are looking beautiful and golden brown any further they'll start to burn and you don't want to burn your tallow it'll give you some really off flavors so now it's time to strain all of these out and we'll be left with some beautiful clean tallow these little beef crispies are pretty tasty too save them salt them up throw them in your chili put it on top of a baked potato or something [Music] liquid gold everybody gotta love brisket fat good old beef tallow so this is what we're left with we got the beef crispies we got quart and a half of beef tallow this stuff is great for cooking steaks frying chicken pretty much anything you use butter or olive oil for throw some beef fat in there and get a little extra flavor and these are the three different stages of beef fat this is hot room temperature and this is chilled so any time you have beef fat lying around from a brisket trim or whatever you're doing save it render it down thank me later so it's been about four hours and these little beauties are looking fantastic nice and barky nice and smoky they've shrunk up quite a bit [Music] that's a hot rack [Music] and that's the main reason i use these racks it's just so it's easier to transfer all these in and out instead of having to pick each one up individually now we're going to take these and toss them into this here half pan and i'll have a link in the description for this pan and everything else that i've used in this video and every other video down in the description below so now what we're going to do is pour in our freshly rendered beef tallow but what this is going to do is just make sure these get really nice and tender while supporting that really beefy flavor we're gonna pop this back on the smoker and let these slowly cook in their own fat around 250 degrees until they are impossibly tender and delicious or you could do this in your home oven but home ovens are kind of lame these little burnt ends have been chilling in the fat oh that's hot for about three hours now and let's see how they are looking oh yeah nice and tender [Music] let's pull them out beautiful nice and juicy nice and tender this is why you want to go real heavy with the black pepper and the rub just so that bark can really uh withstand being submerged in delicious beef talo and you can totally keep this fat as well you just went from making your own beef tallow to now having smoked beef tallow so send that through a strainer add some smoky beefy flavor to any dish at this stage in the cook you can really go in any direction you can throw them back on the pit get them a little extra crispy you could throw some barbecue sauce in there give them a toss let it cook on do a glaze do whatever you like to do but for me i like them just the way they are nice and barky nice and smoky and maybe serve them with a little barbecue sauce as you can see these are incredibly tender incredibly barky nice and juicy you can just break them apart and because it's chuck it's got a little bit of a different flavor than your average brisket burn end nice and beefy incredibly smoky the salt is at the perfect level that is tasty take these any further they're going to just shred apart you know what makes these even better though some leroy and lewis beet barbecue sauce on sale now all right guys and that is it that is my way of taking a really cheap cut like chuck roast and turning it into something smoky and delicious and this recipe can go in any different direction depending on what sauces or rubs you use so if you give it a try please let me know in the comments below or hit me up on instagram chudsbbq i'd love to see what y'all are cooking thank you as always for watching i'll have links in the description for everything i use in this video and all my other videos as well as exact recipes and all that good stuff so please like and subscribe to the channel let me know in the comments what you want to see me cook next and until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 232,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backyard BBQ, Offset Smoker, Texas
Id: v-5p8y0Kl7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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