INCREDIBLE Homemade Beef Tallow!! || Stop Wasting your Trimmings!

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what's up you guys it's susie  from and today   i'm making a video requested by you  guys i'm going to show you how to turn   your brisket trimmings into this beautiful snowy  white perfectly rendered beef tallow let's do it so i have been making beef tallow at home for  about as long as i've been smoking briskets   because the first time i ever trimmed down a  brisket and saw this beautiful pile of bright   white fat i knew it had to have a better  life than just being discarded as waste i   mean i paid for the brisket that included the  fat right so i wanted to be able to utilize   this excess and turn it into something that  i could use and cook with in my kitchen   and now it's just part of the routine so here's  how you do it i save my brisket trimmings anytime   i'm trimming down a brisket and then i make a big  batch of beef tallow all at once i usually cook   down about three to four pounds of fat every time  i make tallow for me that's anywhere between one   to two brisket trims just depending on how big the  briskets are but i pop the uh i pop my trimmings   into a bag press out the air and put them in the  freezer until i'm ready to make tallow that way   i only have to go through the process once and  then i have some beautifully you know ready jars   in the fridge whenever i want to use the rendered  tallow so that's what i have today i think this   is probably about four pounds you can see there  are little pieces of meat attached that's totally   fine what we're really looking for is these nice  thick white pieces of fat because these are going   to render down really nicely and then anything  that is left and crispy just gets discarded at the   end so don't worry if there are little pits little  bits little little bits of meat in with your fat   now we just have to render it down and this can  be done a lot of ways and i've tried a lot of them   but at the end of the day my favorite one is just  putting it in a pot and letting it simmer on low   until that fat really renders out it takes several  hours but there are a couple options i've also   smoked the fat chunks for several hours before  rendering them i've added rosemary and garlic   to the render so that you get kind of an infused  tallow we're going to keep it simple we're going   to keep it classic and we're going to put these  four pounds of brisket fat into a heavy bottom pan simply going to pop this pan over a  burner low heat leave it uncovered   and this is going to go like i said for three  to four hours and you're gonna stir every 30   minutes or so with a wooden spoon just making  sure none of your pieces are stuck to the bottom   and all of that fat has equal access to the heat  below i do like to do this outside because there's   a smell it's not a bad smell it's not like a gross  smell but it's like a smell it's like it's a smell   uh and so if you don't like smells in your house  maybe this is something you can do outside too that's all that's it that's it you just put  you just put the fat in a pan and then you   put it on the stove i feel like it took a  long time to just pan stove it's really easy   our beef tallow is done rendering you'll know   that it's finished because you'll have  more fat than crispy beef pieces left   it'll be nice and golden brown all the way  through every single one of these pieces   is gonna be brown and crispy you're not gonna  have any remaining pieces of that hard white fat   and that means it's ready for our next step  so i pulled it off the heat and i've let it   cool for about the last 10 minutes we don't want  this like boiling hot but we don't want it cold   enough that the fat solidifies so this is warm i  would say so now we're ready for our first strain   i have a colander not a super fine strainer  the holes are pretty big and a bowl but this   is just meant to catch the big particles we'll  do a second strand to catch the tiny ones next now these guys you can just  discard those we've done our best   to keep as much as we could but these do  not taste good you don't want to crunch   them up and bread things with them you  don't want to eat them like chicharrones   they're just not great but that's okay here  we have some beef tallow and you can see those   particles at the bottom we don't want those to  end up in our finished beef tallow the more pure   our final product is like free from those you know  crunchy pieces and impurities the longer it will   last so we want to get it as clean as possible and  there are a few ways to do this start with a jar   and here are some options this is a really fine  fine fine mesh strainer i just bought this online   set that on top into here and then slowly  pour your beef tallow through the strainer now this strainer is actually  newer to me it feels very fancy   it works really quickly and you can see all of the  little impurities in the strainer that it catches   and clears away is that not darker than  it usually is it it looks dark but it   when it chills it's totally white crazy i'm not  crazy now like i said that strainer is new to me   the way that i've done it in the past and  a way that's worked for me is with just a   regular old kitchen funnel and a paper towel  i've also done this with cheese cloth but   cheesecloth is generally a little bit like it  has more holes in it so if i do cheesecloth   uh i i typically have to strain it through twice  because like i said we don't want any impurities   that settle at the bottom of our jar so if  you see any of those while it's still warm   give it a second strain if you're doing the paper  towel method or the cheesecloth method and again   just pour it through your strainer this one takes  a little bit more time and you do have a little   bit more loss because the paper towel actually  absorbs some of the tallow but it does work   while i'm waiting for this beef tallow to  strain through the paper towel into this jar   i wanted to give you guys a little bit of a some  tips on how to use it because it's great to make   beef towel but then what do you do with it right  just need to get it into the fridge first of all   well i guess you could use it right now if you  wanted to but this guy if you put the lid on it   and pop it in your fridge it'll last you a good  three months and you can use it on so many things   my favorite way to use it is to make roasted  potatoes but it is also phenomenal if you render   it down and use it to fry french fries and word  on the street is back in the day when mcdonald's   french fries were like the stuff and everybody  loved mcdonald's french fries they were using   beef tallow to fry their fries they don't do that  anymore unfortunately but you can do it at home   and you can deep fry your french fries and beef  tallow and it's amazing it's also really great   for like skillet vegetables anything you want  to cook in a skillet really eggs are delicious   i would just say however you use if you were  using bacon grease or butter you can swap for   beef tallow and have a really delicious rich  umami beef fat to cook with and it's awesome   i'm gonna let this guy keep going slowly add  some more fat so that it can strain through   but wasn't that just the easiest thing i mean all  you really needed was beef fat especially if you   already purchased a brisket you have that anyway  a pot and a couple of strainers and some jars   and you can really utilize those scraps or garbage  that would essentially be discarded otherwise   and turn it into something super delicious that  you can cook with at home and if you're asking   me i think that that is next level in terms of  being a backyard barbecue hero so i hope you guys   step it up make some beef tallow from your next  brisket fat and uh snap some photos and post them   online show me what you're cooking with your beef  tallow at home so i can cheer you on and tell you   what an amazing backyard barbecue cook  you are we'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Hey Grill Hey
Views: 94,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef, tallow, beef tallow, hey grill hey beef, how to make tallow, how to make beef tallow, hey grill hey ribs, hey grill hey veggies
Id: 7c8c8zVz8DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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