How to make BBQ Chicken - Easy Basic BBQ Grilled Chicken

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the whoop it tonight we're gonna make your classic everyday simple barbecue chicken legs and we're gonna do this just like basically any any other backyard barbecue or griller would do so we're keeping this simple we're not making any special sauce we're not making any special rub we're gonna do this just backyard down-and-dirty barbecue chicken legs so we have four and a half pounds of chicken legs here and we're gonna just put salt and pepper on top of them that's it no special rubs here tonight all right so we get all that inside we're gonna put these on the grill and when we do we're gonna put a seasoned side down then we'll see the other side all right today here to see me do something that I very rarely do and I have the coals already lit and we're cooking on our jumbo Joe tonight so we have a bed of Kingsford Charcoal over to one side we're gonna put a chicken on this side and we're gonna cook it indirect all right so we're gonna be the first is add a couple little pieces of apple wood you use whatever kind of wood you want or you don't even happy a couple of small pieces right here all right we got our chicken legs on here as you can tell they're still partially frozen but we're gonna go ahead and season them anyway it'd all be good me gonna put some salt and pepper on needs [Music] all right now we're gonna do is put our lid on put our lid directly over top of our chicken and way you get the convection of heat coming right underneath and over top of the chicken meat and we're keep our temperatures between 300 and 350 degrees that way you get a nice finish skin on your chicken you don't rub it against can on your poultry all right here we are about 30 minutes in to cook and we're gonna go ahead and start separating our wings now you don't want to let them fully cook connected like that otherwise or we have a little raw spots and Mexican chicken so separate these just a little bit all right we're gonna let these go for another 15 20 minutes all right for about an hour indirect cooking our chicken legs are just about done so we're gonna go ahead and begin to base these and we're probably only gonna base see is maybe two three times at the most and when you base and you just want to put a very thin layer of sauce on top each time you baste otherwise you're just gonna build up a bunch of gunk on the outside of the chicken so you just want to build a little layer of flavor a little bit at a time [Music] all right we've got our first layer of sauce on there we're gonna go ahead put the lid on and come back in about five minutes flip them over and face the other side all right after about an hour fifteen minutes and three basins our barbecue chicken is done and again this is just your basic average backyard barbecue chicken salt and pepper bottle barbecue sauce it doesn't get any more straightforward net anybody can do this so let's give it a try and see how it turned out these are nice and sticky and good old man that's hot my man is hot [Music] huh you see right there how moist that is you get the nice smokiness I got to the downside you have the nice smokiness from Applewood the the very basic plane seasoning from the salt pepper which to me is the ultimate seasoning from barbecue simple straightforward then you get the sweetness and the tangy miss from the barbecue sauce use whatever kind of barbecue sauce you want whatever kind of barbecue sauce you like use it and that'll be the perfect one for this for this type of chicken so we give this one more bite there and see if I can do this wrapper in my mouth or my hands thank you guys very much for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TheWolfePit
Views: 3,615,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq chicken BBQ Chicken, Barbecue Chicken (Dish), Barbecue, chicken, BBQ Chicken, BBQ, how, to, how to, make, grill, smoke, cook, Grilling, grilled, best ever, 4th of July, Fourth of July, July fourth, July 4th, Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Picnic, cook out, picnic, outdoor, festival, recipe, recipes, southern, north carolina, food stand, restaurant, country, grilling, charcoal, propane, gas, barbecue grill, easy, delicious, sauce, amazing, video recipe, the wolfe pit
Id: qL6D5aJlb6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2013
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