BBQ Chicken Halves Recipe

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what's happening sports fans welcome back to another episode of mom and Papa Joe another simple cook for you this one is going to be especially quick fast in a hurry because it's hot outside chicken has on the expert Grill let's go so here's our chicken last night before I went to bed I quickly rinsed this chicken dried it off with some paper towels uh put a little kosher salt maybe a teaspoon of kosher salt and just let it air dry in the fridge overnight and again air drying dry brine really helps to dry out the skin gives you a nice bite through that's why it looks a little splotchy come off our little rack this is a four and a half pound bird I'm just going to quickly get this split I'm one of those folks I do not remove my backbone I like cutting right through it I'll leave my back going on one I like to gnaw on it season well it tastes great and then secondly it gives the chicken a little structure now granted you're not going to get to split this backbone right down the middle with backbone on each side but you do the best that you can all right once I split that I also don't do spats so they're going to be two completely separate chicken halves right down the middle so here are our finished chicken halves folks uh our half with the with the breastbone left on and the other half that's usually mangled uh first thing we're going to do is get the seasoning uh some of the moisture from the inside gotta got on the outside so I'm not worried about a binder I'm going to be using two rubs today my base is going to be my body a complete seasoning and then I'm going to top that with some Uncle Steve sweet and spicy R man it's going to be a great combination all right little body very little salt so don't be afraid to really put it on there people are saying why do you do the outside folks I like gnawing on these bones uh on the underside rather come back with a little spicy sweet and spicy or in the position I want them to cook as always I'm gonna come back and finish seasoning all right we're gonna call it good we're going to do a quick clean up head outside get this pit cranked up all right folks that garlic onion briquette is rocking made this is going to be a pretty hot cook I'm looking to get this upwards of 400 degrees on the lid for my expert grip I'm anticipating this is going to take hour to hour 15 minutes all right we got the 30 minute Mark folks let's see what we're working with I don't see anything wrong with a little book and grind so all I'm gonna do uh is turn the vent to the opposite side and we're going to continue rocking we give this another uh 20 minutes or so all right folks we are at 55 minutes and I think we are good to go man we're going to put a little sauce on this I'm gonna be lazy I'm not gonna take this in the house and I don't want to get a mess in the pit in the grill so I'm gonna sauce [Music] on this foil and all I'm saucing with folks is just head country Apple habanero I'm not I'm not doctoring it in any way let's see let's see what we're looking like under here oh look at that look at that oh so I'm gonna put a little bit under here oh that's hot and let's get this back on the grill all right we'll give this another five or so minutes 99 we'll call it good all right folks we are at one hour and five minutes man we're gonna pull these I don't even have to Temp because man I'm just so uh confident in what this pick is going to do all right can I get under here all right all right these have had a couple of ten minutes to rest man lots of juices right off the bat man wow we can see a nicely cooked apparently amputated wings again well cooked perfectly cooked let's get in some white meat oh folks look at that still hot still hot that combination of rubs beautiful nice and more smooth and I'm not a white meat person but that's delicious mama's gonna love this oh yeah a little dark meat if that's what you're into again perfectly cooked look at those juices this is the part of chicken that I like dark meat [Music] um oh yeah that's delicious so simple folks you put it on the grill I let the grill do what it do um I'm gonna eat this dark meat folks all right so there it is thank you guys as usual for hanging out with my Papa Joe's as usual we appreciate it man be on lookout for another video coming very soon in the meantime mom and I want you guys to take care of yourselves love each other and we'll see you when we see you all
Channel: Mama and Papa Joe
Views: 3,364
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Keywords: bbq chicken halves, bbq chicken halves recipe, bbq chicken halves on the grill, bbq chicken halves on charcoal grill, bbq chicken, how to bbq chicken halves, how to bbq half chicken, how to bbq chicken, barbecue chicken, grilled chicken halves, grilled barbecue chicken, grilled half chicken, chicken halves on the grill, half chicken recipe ideas, how to cook bbq chicken on the grill, grilled chicken, how to grill chicken, chicken halves, charcoal grill, smoked half chicken
Id: qjlO3xPlknc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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