How to Grill the Perfect BBQ Chicken Drumstick

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so now I want to show you how you lay your chicken on the grill you know people just say well you can just go ahead and put it on a grill but no it's a scientist and art grilling is an art and I'm going to show you exactly how you lay your chicken and maximize your space this goes for wings in this case legs and things of that nature so there's a warm and a cool side of the grill so if you look you can see where the bricks towards this side are higher and that there's just one lining our layer of the bricks on the other side so when you cook like thicker meats chicken things that ain't your steaks you put it on the thickest the hotter side and for things like hotdogs smoked sausages you put it on the right side so it cooks a little longer but it all you basically want it to do is just similar so so after you wash your hands you want to place the chicken on the grill you want to go every other way because this maximizes your space and that goes with wings and things that are nature but you get the idea as I should so as I was saying you want to go every other way grill is nice and hot careful don't burn yourself see how it's maximizing your space you want to load your grill up use every inch that you can normally some people use tongs but for placement and things that nature is kind of hard to get to you want to you know you can use your hands however you do want to make sure that you wash your hands afterwards because chicken carries some things like Salmonella that's not good for you so immediately when you put your chicken on the grill it's going to tend to want to stick to avoid it from sticking you want to close your grill up and cut up the ventilation that's going to bring your temperature down and more of your control you want to make sure that you're in control of the grill you want to go and keep your ventilation and your beer close for about five to seven minutes then you can reopen it bring your temperature back up to a higher flame now be a great time to pay tribute to my uncle Francis that's the man that made it all possible for me as far as my grilling career is concerned I used to man the grill with him as a kid and one of his most his main ingredients beer and then he put beer on everything of course after he took a sip of it you know me as a beer too but now and a beer makes a great marinade especially for chicken myself born in New Orleans Louisiana raised in a little spot called Labrador Louisiana a KA Labadie a cave a calamity a kay buck town and if you was from there you was a town lawyer but a lot of the grilling took place in my grandmother's back here at the Joseph I got to give her her props 94 years old right now I'm still going strong so now that the chicken has been on the grill for some time now and you have turned it repeatedly to make sure that all sides are even that's going to be approximately maybe 25 minutes but you can't really time grilling you know you get out what you put in so you got to put some love into it so basically what you're looking for is for the juices to run clear from the meat and that'll let you know that it we're actually done and it'll be time to put your sauce on Belarus barbecue sauce that is so now is the main event everything else with a preliminary round here's the main event we want to go ahead and put the barbecue sauce on Belarus barbecue to be exact dub dub dub Belarus vbq calm but anyway I digress from a point so let's go ahead and get the sauce song want to make sure you put a nice lather on each side everybody has their own technique you can go back and forth you can do one row at a time you can do two rows at a time that's sort of more experienced professionals like myself so you want to make sure you get a good lather on hear it sizzling that's what you look get a nice and saturated you know when sometimes you know I just keep it interesting in I'll just dunk them in the sauce and you know let them sit for a minute so that they actually absorb it and then pull them out and put them back on the grill so now that we first layer on we want to go ahead and let them put them over so that we get the other side hello chard we gonna keep going with it go ahead and lather them up again make sure you get both sides now the grill is starting to get a little hot so we'll control that in just a second and moisten the meat back up as you can see the spices are running into the meat which is what you're looking for don't be scared to put it on I mean just go ahead and give them a bath they'll be all right okay so now you want to close your vents and your flap what that's going to do drop the heat down and basically it's going to moisten your meat up so now that we've lathered both sides of the chicken we're going to go ahead and close our vents which we've done as well as the top then let that sit for about seven minutes that's going to moisten up your meat drop your fire a little bit
Channel: Bella Rouge BBQ
Views: 179,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grilling (Culinary Technique), Chicken Meat (Food), cylinder grill, grill, Cooking (Interest), Barbecue (Cuisine), Sauce (Type Of Dish), how to grill, Food (TV Genre), outdoor grilling, bella rouge bbq
Id: NNTBhV0vh7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 29 2014
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