Quick EASY Mask Transition | How to Use Masking in DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial

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what's happening guys today we are talking about masking here in DaVinci Resolve it's pretty easy and specifically we're going to take a look at an example of a masking transition that's going to look a little something like this [Music] creating a masking transition like this is really easy when you're out filming and it's really easy to do here in resolve too so let's jump and resolve and check it out all right so jump into DaVinci Resolve here I've already got my Clips in the timeline and you can see I've got the first clip which is the train passing the second clip which is going through the subway station and then we end up in Times Square so I've got my three Clips on three different tracks and whichever one is on the top track is going to be the first clip that you see and then that one's gonna wipe away and reveal whatever is below it so you want to order your Clips on the tracks and like the order that you want them to appear so I know that I want the train to be first now when you're creating these masking transitions you want to look for objects that wipe across the entire screen kind of like this right it goes across the entire screen if it's back here it's not going to work out so good because look we got space up here right on the screen but if I bring my hand closer and I wipe like that we can use that edge as a place to start our mask and and help blend together two shots so if we look at my train footage here I know I want to make a transition I could use any one of these things that comes all the way across the screen but I want to use where the cars are separated so right here where there's a gap between the two cars this is the element that I'm going to use as my border to mask between my two clips so once we put this mask in it's going to go from the train and then it'll mask right down and then this will be revealed and then we're going to create a mask in this clip and it's going to reveal Times Square now just so you can see too in my second clip here we have the stairways see how the stairway kind of makes this line coming across the entire frame you want to make sure you've got something like that because that's going to make these kind of transitions look better and just easier to create it doesn't have to be a hard straight line although it's easier if it is but it doesn't have to be it can be any shape you've got the ability to change the shape of your mask which we're going to take a look at so we're going to start with our first clip here we're going to jump over into the color tab so click on the color wheel down here and just so you guys are looking at the same thing I'm going to go to workspace and reset you UI layout if you do that too you should be looking at the same thing that I'm looking at now I'm just going to close some windows Here Close The Gallery close the clips because I don't need that so we are going to start working with this clip the first thing we need to do is add an alpha out channel to our nodes so if you just right click in this area and you come down to add Alpha output you see it's going to pop up a little blue icon for you now in order to make our masking work you're going to want to connect up the Square from this node to here and you can do it now but I'm actually going to wait a little bit and do it after we create the mask just so we can see the difference and I can see both sides of my clip while I'm working on it the next thing that I like to do here is I like to create a new node just so that it's on its own node you can use the first node it doesn't really matter I just feel like creating the second one so next you want to come down to your power windows which is this icon right here go ahead and click on your power windows and scrolling down I'm going to use this guy right here we're going to use the pen tool to create our power window and while we're right here with the pen tool you can go ahead and click on this guy so it inverts our mask and you're going to see why we did that in a minute here once we draw our mask now coming back up to our clip area up here where we see our clip you can zoom in and out using your mouse wheel you can push and hold your mouse wheel to pan around but what I want to do now is find the point where I want to start creating that transition or have that transition happen so that I can start building my mask so I'm going to scooch ahead here and right here so right here is the line that I want to use that as that last car goes by we're going to reveal the clip that's underneath it so I'm going to back my clip up so I can use my arrow keys here to back up the clip so that section or that line that comes across the screen is just before uh our frame right here next I'm going to zoom out a little and now I'm going to just draw a mask with my pen tool so I'm going to start here come down and you want to draw a mask that's going to cover the whole frame so I'll just draw it nice and big here and we can always add points later if we need to and then you're going to click on where you started to close the mask so now what we're going to do do is essentially have this move across the screen with that line on the train that's going to help mask out the clip and we're going to have to keyframe that so that it moves as the footage moves and the train moves through the clip so it sounds confusing but really it's not that hard so I'm going to start with my mask over here and we want to have our keyframes open right down here so if you don't see them click on this icon right here to open up your keyframes and now since I'm on corrector number two you see the little number two right here right the number two we want to come down and corrector number two right here you want to go ahead and click the keyframe right here so go ahead and click that now that made a keyframe for us so now all I'm going to do is use my arrow keys and I'm going to look at my clip and I'm going to go through the clip and I'm going to move this mask while I scroll through the clip frame by frame so that we can create a nice masking transition now before we start setting all the keyframes for our power window you might want to feather The Edge a little bit so that you don't have to go back every single frame and do it every single frame again so you can come down here and use the softness settings here you do the inside or the outside so let's just make this one say two and we can see it kind of feathered that edge a little bit and let's make this one one there we go that way it's feathered a little bit on each side now all we have to do is go ahead frame by frame using our arrow keys and when we see the line that we want to start to mask come into frame we're going to move our mask on top of it so right now you can see I still see this down here and the reason is because we didn't connect up our our output node here so if I did this and connect it here now you can see it gets rid of that clip right there so you can do it either way whatever you like to do is fine I like to kind of keep it off in this example just so I can see what I'm doing a little bit better I'm going to go ahead frame by frame and I'm going to move my mask and now you might say well it doesn't quite line up well what you can do is just grab any one of your points here and just adjust them so that way it lines up with the clip and you can always add in extra points as well just by clicking on the line and then dragging it around you can you know make curves and things like that depending on the shape of whatever the object is that's wiping across your screen so you can make it fit right on that object pretty easily by just clicking and adding points I'm going to undo that because I don't need this point then I'm going to go ahead the next frame slide it forward make my adjustments and I'm going to do this all the way through the clip so now that we're just about at the end of the clip I actually have one more frame right there boom and now where we wanted our transition to mask away is already gone so this is why you want to have this window to cover the entire frame that we see here so now let's go ahead and connect up our Alpha output so I'm going to click on this I'm going to come back hook it up and if I go backwards on my clip just use my arrow keys you can see we've maxed masked out that transition so if I play through the clip here this is what it looks like all right pretty good so now that you've got that set let's jump back into the edit tab so we can put our new clip underneath that we want to be revealed jumping back into edit and now we have the passing train right here so I'm going to come over here and let's see where's our transition start it's back here and you can see since we feathered that edge it does a nice job of kind of just blending or Feathering the edge of our clip there so I'm going to come right about there and I'm going to slide this clip in and now as I play through you just go in frame by frame we can see it wipes in and then we're on the next clip so let's just play through it fast and see how that looks now I can adjust where it makes that transition on this clip on the bottom so if I don't like how it comes to the bright white wall right we can come ahead a little bit and maybe I just want to slide this clip back right so it comes to the darker area so let's see how that looks so maybe that's a little bit better I don't know I kind of like I kind of like it going into the the bright wall so that's basically how you're going to create a mask where something's just wiping across the screen and revealing what's underneath it so now we can take a look at how we're going to mask out this clip going through the subway station and reveal Times Square underneath before I show you how to mask out the second clip in this example I want to take a minute to thank today's sponsor and that is motion array motion Ray is awesome they've got a ton of great stuff on there and actually all the footage we're using today comes from motion array you can get stock video Motion Graphics you can get templates text you can get overlays they have so much stuff on there that you can use to enhance your videos to help you with thumbnails they've got still images they've got icons they've got all kinds of stuff that you can use that level up your videos level up your thumbnails and help you just make better content here on YouTube or anywhere on social media if you use the link in my description below You're Gonna Save 50 bucks that's right 50 bucks You're Gonna Save on an annual subscription to motion array and really all these assets are just going to help you level up your video they're going to save you time because you don't have to create all this stuff yourself and really just help you level up your video and audio game so I've been using motion right for a long time I love all the features that they have and I think it's going to help you out too so if you're interested definitely hit up that link and check out motion array and thank you motion Ray for sponsoring today's video [Music] back in resolve here we're gonna create the second masking transition and we're gonna do it the same way we did the first one I'm going to come here select my clip in the edit tab jump over into the color tab I'm going to add in a new node because like I said I just like to add a new note in I'm going to right click add Alpha output I'm going to connect up my Alpha out make sure my node's selected I'm going to come down to my power windows right here I'm going to add in my pen tool I'm going to use the arrow keys to kind of move ahead a little bit to find where I want this transition to be or where I want the masking to be and I want it to be right here where this staircase is I think that's going to work out pretty good so I'm just going to draw in my mask kind of try and make it you know a similar angle to uh what's there I'll move it over in a minute here make it big enough so that it's hopefully going to cover the entire frame going to come back down here by my pen tool and I'm going to invert that mask so see what I'm talking about here you don't you can't see this side so maybe I want to be able to see that so I can just line things up a little bit better that's where you would disconnect this Alpha out so you can just highlight the hover your mouse over there highlight the blue unclick so let's say I want it to be like this I'm going to adjust the angle a little bit and I'm going to move it off screen I'm going to go back a few frames before that uh staircase comes through I'm going to come down to my keyframes and since I'm on corrector too I'm going to go ahead and hit the keyframe on corrector two and now again I'm just going to go frame by frame and I'm going to drag over my mask as the clip moves and that staircase moves across the clip now I can again feather The Edge a little bit so maybe I'll do that I'm going to do one there and let's do one on each side kind of give it a little bit of a Feather a little bonus step here if you hover over the word inside and out you can just click hold and drag to adjust that uh that Feathering a little bit you know visually you can watch it and see what it looks like so a little bonus tip there so I'll adjust that up a little bit and now go ahead just use my arrow keys over and I'm just going to keep dragging over my power window to mask out this transition to mask out this clip and once we're done again you want it to be bigger than the entire frame that we're looking at here so that way it it masks everything out so now that we got that I'm just going to go ahead and connect my Alpha out with this little blue guy right here connect that up and boom goes away so let's move our clip back and see how that looks all right looks pretty good all right so let's jump back into the edit Tab and we're going to move our picture of Times Square underneath our video of Times Square so here's our transition let's see where is it so it's on this staircase right here so I want to slide Times Square a Little Closer and here we go now if you created the transition you decide hey I need to change it something's a little off just jump back into the color Tab and you can select the node that you have your power window on and you can just go back and adjust it you can change the shape of it if you need to you can add points to it you can feather it but you might have to go frame by frame again and make the adjustments on each frame so that way the keyframes get updated for every single frame that that transition or that power window is applied to so if you like this transition masking video maybe you want to check out some more videos up over here or maybe uh one that YouTube recommends down there with that said guys I look forward to seeing you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 85,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Mask video in DaVinci Resolve 18, How to mask out davinci resolve 18, How to mask transition in davinci resolve, how to mask transition in davinci resolve 18, How to mask davinci resolve 18, Mask Transition DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci resolve 18 mask transition, How to create a mask transition in DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci resolve 18, Resolve 18, Color Tab, Masking Effects, Masking DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 18 Transitions, Resolve Transitions, Transition Resolve
Id: fKCv2J0f6gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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