EASY Luma Fade Transition Effect ~ A Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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so luma fate has been around for a while now and it's a relatively easy effect to do when the effect is done right it'll bring your videos from like right here up to here so in this video I'm gonna teach you how to do the basic version of the luma fade effect but then I'm gonna teach you how to take this effect one step further and make the more advanced version of the luma effect just like how popular editors do it nowadays like Sam colder and junior Ali but first if you're new here my name is billy ripka and i make weekly DaVinci Resolve tutorials about different effects transitions and other workflows that'll help you become a better editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click the subscribe button and the Bell notification to stay up to date on the newest videos but let's get into this so to get to the advanced version of this effect you actually have to go through the basic version of this effect we're gonna start this off at the basic version and then move into the advanced alright so on our timeline we have two clips we have one of a guy standing in front of a waterfall and the other one is just a picture of a really nice City we're gonna be using the luma fade effect to transition from this clip right here into this one so I'm gonna have to drag this clip above and bring this one under and then we're gonna jump right into the color tab right here so now that we're in the color tab we need to adjust our colors because our colors have to match if your clip has different tones contrasts color or exposure then it's just not gonna work well so in the name of making good effects I'm gonna show you how to match color super-quick so just click this timeline button right here now we can see our whole timeline and both of our Clips click on this Clips button right here and if it's super blown up like this you can use your scroll wheel to just move in and out and all that stuff so like I'd mentioned before we want to match our colors and we can literally do that in like four button clicks so under our clip section we want this photo right here to match the color grade of this video clip right here so click on the picture and then hold ctrl and select our video clip then right-click and go to shot match to this clip and just like that it literally color matches our shots so we're ready for this effect so make sure that you select this top layer right here and go to where you want to start seeing the transition so let's just say somewhere right here now in our nodes section we just want to and it we're gonna right-click and go to add alpha output and then on this note right here you're gonna want to hit Alt + s and that's gonna create a serial node and now we're going to connect the elf outputs together by just dragging a line and connecting it like that so with our second node selected go to qualifier right here this little eyedropper turkey baster lookin thing go down to illuminate section right here and we have our light side and our darker side so we want to key out this light part first so we can drag it around and do all that and also open up this keyframe section right here so into this keyframe section you see correct or - that is this node right here we're gonna click this diamond button this is gonna add a keyframe and then go to H soft and we're gonna just drag that up to where it's about like 15 reason why we're doing this is because we want it to transition so now move forward about 20 frames so now under luminance grab this and just drag it to the left until the image on top is fully gone and it'll add a keyframe right here so now you can see that we have this cool-looking luma fade that transitions us from this clip right here into the other clip if it's too fast for you you can expand the keyframes just like this and highlight them and just drag them over so then the transition is gonna happen slower also keep in mind you can do the exact same thing but from the opposite side of spectrum so you can take the darker section here and just drag it over so it's gonna keep the darker stuff first just like this but for this clip I'm gonna want to use this lighter section right here because there's more white than there is black so now like I mentioned we're gonna take this thing one step further we're gonna have the luma fade effect happen but what I want is I want this guy right here to actually be part of the final image so he would technically be like right here so we're gonna add another serial node after this so with our first node right here selected we're gonna hit all s and we're gonna create another serial node like this and then just disconnect it from this node right here and then just add our source to this one also so now both of these nodes have the source next right click and go to add node and then key mixer now connect your alpha output from the second one and the third one together so just drag them and connect the lines like this then connect the output of the key mixer to the alpha output what this key mixer does is makes us the alpha channels so we're their third node selected we're gonna mask out this guy and the rock so under the window tab right here we're gonna scroll down until you see this pen tool using the scroll wheel we're just gonna zoom in really far you can also move around like this by clicking and holding the scroll wheel now we're just gonna mask out the rack and the guy so the more time you take with masking the better your results are gonna be quick so I know here if you mess up and you need to delete a point you can hover over that point and click using your middle mouse button so when you finally gotten through this tedious process right here to finish your mask you're just gonna connect it outside right here and then just bring it back to that first point so now in this third node right here you can see the only thing showing is this section right here and now that you've done that remember to hit control s because if you don't save this crap and DaVinci Resolve crashes you literally are gonna hate your life yeah it's happened to me so many times but not as much as it did in Premiere Pro so that's a plus so now over here on the left you see this little power window thing right here what you're gonna do is to turn that off right now so we don't say all our points we can turn it on if we need to I don't need it on right now so now just zoom out and play it through that's pretty cool but you can see right here we need to soften the edges up so in the window tab under softness just bring it up a little but with bringing up the softness it creates this white layer around the whole thing and we really don't want that so under inside we're gonna just drag it up a little to where this disappears the problem is is we also lost our guy's legs like he just doesn't have any legs so because of this we have to give him his own mask and bring it together with another key mixer so just like we did before on node 3 we're gonna hit all ass create another serial node disconnect it from this connect it with this source up here so now we have three things connected then right click add node go to key mixer connect the output of the first key mixer and your new node together and then bring it to the output next select the new node and move back onto this image and then in the window tab again mask him out using the pen tool so once we've got the guy fully masked out you can move forward over here just make sure that everything is aligned like right here maybe I can move this point so that there's more rock around him because we use the feathering on the rack and then to see the final version you can just turn off the power window again still a little choppy right there so to fix these rough edges just go to softness and just bring it up ever so slightly you don't want much at all so like even point 3-0 think that's enough and that if you want you can bring it in just a little but I honestly I think I'm just gonna leave it like I think that looks pretty good alright so one time through all the way so there you have it the luma fade effect in DaVinci Resolve so if you thought this video is helpful give it a like and actually share with a friends so that they can know how to do this awesome effect in their videos too and if you like me hit the subscribe button but if you really like me hit that Bell notification also it really helps out so with it being the new urinal what are some of your goals for 2020 let me know in the comments below if you're interested in mine especially for this channel let me know and I'll actually make a video about it or maybe livestream what do you think but with all that being said the video on the top is a video about five easy Star Wars transitions that you've seen in movies in DaVinci Resolve and the video on the bottom is a video that YouTube thinks that you would like but until the next one peace
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 99,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luma fade, luma fade transition, luma fade transition davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, luma fade tutorial, luma key, davinci Resolve luma Fade, Davinci resolve Effect, Billy Rybka, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16
Id: f3IvRtHWaLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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