How To Make Apple Fritters Using Pancake Mix #apples #fritters #food #easyrecipe #applefritters

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hello YouTube I'm Don and welcome to Double D Homestead kitchen where today I'm going to show you how to make apple fritters with simple pancake mix super easy come on in here and I'll show you how we do it so I'm going to start with a couple of apples here in any Apple you want I just don't recommend using something soft like yellow delicious or something like that but any Apple will work for this so I'm going to get these peeled and diced and be right back and there they are so I'm just going to take a little bit of lemon juice a little bit of lemon juice just like so just maybe a tablespoon or so just to keep them from turning brown give them a little mix like so all right now I'm going to get my electric skillet here and I'm gonna get my oil in it and I'm setting it at 350. because we're gonna fry these puppies up in this so I'm gonna get oil in it and we'll be back and while the grease is in here getting hot let's go ahead and get our batter ready so well first thing we're going to do is sprinkle some cornstarch on our apples so I'm going to stick them in this bowl right here and take about a quarter of cup of cornstarch plain old cornstarch just like this ah and get it all over my counter and just give this a good shake and get these coated really well because this helps the batter stick to them and just keep doing this until I got them coated good and all you're going to need is just so easy all I got pancake mix here whatever kind you usually buy [Applause] I'm going to take a cup of batter and pop that right in my bowl like so and I've got one egg here put that in and I'm going to put in about two tablespoons of sugar and a dash of salt well I have about a teaspoon because apples can take some salt and it helps the apples taste better my opinion oh and milk and a teaspoon of vanilla it's like so and I'm gonna start with about two tablespoons of milk and see how it goes because it's really humid today so I don't know what's gonna happen humidity really does affect cooking and a lot of other things yeah this is a little bit stiff so I'm gonna go ahead and add about another tablespoon of milk like so mix there we go yeah just like that and last but not least what I'm using today and you can use cinnamon nutmeg and cloves if you want I'm just gonna use a teaspoon and a half of pumpkin pie spice sorry grab the wrong one pumpkin pie spice I'm just going to put that in here about a teaspoon and a half I'm going to count the spillage as the half I've got a mess over here that's okay my mom always said a messy good cook is a good cook and now all we gotta do is dump our apples in here just like so and give them a good toss in here just like so oh yeah this is already gonna be good I can smell it that's it they're ready to go yeah they're ready it's all right miles hot and yes there's little things in there I used this oil before so I do reuse my oil and I'm uh got my bigger cookie scoop it's about a quarter of a cup and I'm just gonna scoop these in here just like so see how the it sizzles as soon as you put it in there that means your grease is nice and hot so I'm going to go ahead and get these in there and they're frying and I'll do two to three minutes to a side till they're nice and golden brown and they're golden brown so I am turning them over it's like so all righty they're getting done see that nice and gold on both sides so I've got a wire rack over here I'm just gonna set them on this and let them grease drain a little bit and then we're gonna make some glaze to put on these yum that's my favorite way and I'm alrighty they're all fried up and you can see how many this made and that's just with one cup of a dough so you know this can go a long way if you need to feed a lot of people so let's make some glaze to put on these and I am going to make some cinnamon sugar because that's what um Mark likes so I just got some sugar here and some cinnamon and I'll probably put about a teaspoon in it so I don't want too much because you know heartburn and here's the cinnamon sugar and all I'm gonna do is take it a pinch and just sprinkle it while they're still nice and hot so it kind of sticks to it and put that on there like that and then one more and then I'm gonna glaze the rest just like so I think a little more down there just like so and now let's make that ready we got about a cup of powdered sugar left in here that's all I have left can you believe it and uh I'm gonna take just a little bit of cinnamon and give it a shake like so if I had Apple Juice I didn't make this thing with apple juice but I don't I have milk so I'm going to put a teaspoon of vanilla that's that pants we're measuring fancy measuring thing I got and then just like a tablespoon of milk to start and like I said earlier it's humid so this might not take much milk today at all look at that pretty color the cinnamon gives it all right got another tablespoon of milk like so yeah now we're there now we're there my friends just like so and then we're just gonna take an apple fritter these are still warm but you can handle them now and drop it pick it up just like that and back on the rack can you see the red nude let me get you over here just like so I'm gonna dunk it and put it on the rack aren't these just gorgeous and easy so easy off let's break One open and have a look-see hear the crunch look at that oh um so good hope you like this video if you did please give me a thumbs up and if you're new here please subscribe and if you come back every day thank you so much I appreciate you
Channel: Double D Homestead Kitchen
Views: 31,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NaZs_5vk3LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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