APPLE FRITTERS | Easy, Amazing,Delicious!! 🍎❤️

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hi everybody today on Rachel Cooks we love I'm going to be making some delicious apple fritters now if you love donuts and you love cinnamon rolls then you're gonna love these apple fritters and I'm gonna make them with ingredients that you probably already have at home this is a very simple recipe and today I'm going to show you how to make them step by step let's get started now I'm going to start out by cooking my apples I've got two apples here and I have cut them up into small cubes see and these are honey crisp apples I love these Apples because they're a little tart but sweet at the same time but you can use any type of apple that you like I put in a fourth of a cup of lemon juice in here and I'm giving them a little stir like this every minute or so so they don't get brown on me I'm gonna be using two tablespoons of butter two tablespoons of granulated sugar a fourth of a teaspoon of cinnamon and a fourth of a teaspoon of vanilla now the reason I want to cook these apples is because the fritters come out quickly they fry quickly and if you put the apples in raw like this you bite into the apple fritter and the apple is still real crisp and raw and I don't like that I want it to be kind of like an apple pie so now that you know that let's take these to the stove so I'm gonna be using this Skillet right here and I've got my heat set on a little bit lower than medium I'm gonna add my butter and I'm gonna wait until it melts so now that my butter has melted I'm going to add my apples I'm gonna add my sugar my cinnamon and my vanilla and I'm going to toss these around and I'm going to let them cook for about eight minutes and we're gonna wait until all this liquid has evaporated these apples will be slightly crisp and a little soft which is perfect for an Apple Fritter see and I'm going to continue moving them around like this now it's been exactly eight minutes and they're starting to sizzle see I'm gonna turn off the heat and I'm gonna remove them see and here they are now I'm just going to spread them around like this and I'm gonna wait until they're totally cool before we go off to our next step so I'm going to start out with my flour I have one and two thirds cup of all-purpose flour 1 4 cup of white granulated sugar 3 4 of a teaspoon of salt 3 4 of a teaspoon of cinnamon two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of nutmeg just enough for you to grab with two fingers see just like that and I'm gonna bring them in together really well see and that's good now I'm gonna get my wet ingredients together in this bowl I've got half a cup of milk and I'm gonna put in two eggs so I'm just gonna beat them lightly like this I'm going to put them in here I have two teaspoons of vanilla and I'm gonna mix these in together really good like this now I'm gonna add this into my dry ingredients foreign and I'm gonna add two tablespoons of melted butter but it's nice and cool and I'm gonna bring this together really well like this this is going to be our batter now I don't like the batter to be very runny I like it just right and I'll show it to you thank you see this is the way we want it to be look at the texture and this is perfect so now that we have this ready we can go to the stove I'm going to be using this Skillet right here and I've got two cups of canola oil in here I've got my heat set on about medium and I've checked my oil with my thermometer right here and it's about 360 degrees but once I put my battery in there it'll come down to 350 which is where I want it to be so I'm going to add my batter in here now everybody makes their apple fritters differently different shapes the apple fritters that I always had growing up look kind of like a small little shoe see they're not totally round just like this and I'm gonna do about two or three at one time it may take about a minute or a minute and a half now I'm gonna flip it over see I'm gonna flip this one over too I'll wait a little bit on that one since it was the last one I put in and I'll give this side another minute and a half now I'm gonna take it out see and I've got a rack right here that I have lined with paper towels and that's where I'm going to set it right there and here's the third one now I'm gonna do three more and I'll give these one minute and a half like that so here they are and they're perfect I was able to make ten now before we glaze them you want to make sure that they are totally cool so I let them set out for a while and now they're totally cool I'm gonna set them aside and I'm gonna get started on my glaze so I've got two cups of powdered sugar and I have half a teaspoon of vanilla so I'm going to add my vanilla in here and I'm going to start adding my milk slowly a little bit at a time I have a fourth of a cup now I'm not gonna use the whole fourth of a cup but you can use up to a fourth of a cup so I'm going to add a little bit at a time slowly like this see now it looks like this is not enough milk for the powdered sugar but it goes a long way and it'll be just perfect and I won't even use it all up now you're gonna see that as I continue to stir it it's going to start to come in together and you'll say wow that milk went a long way see look at the texture this is the way I like it but if you want it just a little bit runnier you can add a pinch of milk a little bit at a time until it looks exactly the way you like it so I'm going to move all this out of the way and I'm going to glaze my apple fritters I'm gonna get this brush and I'm just going to start glazing them on top like this see just brushing them now if you want to you can just dip them into your glaze I like to be able to see a little bit of the fritter this I think I've blazed them all really nice look at this see now it's time for the taste test I'm gonna get one of these Bakery tissues and I'm gonna pick one up just like they do at the bakery see now it's time for the taste test um look at this oh man if I close my eyes these are the apple fritters from the bakery when I was a little girl growing up super super delicious oh my gosh and they're crunchy from the outside and they're real soft from the inside and the Apple has the perfect texture so these are my apple fritters if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 919,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 18uKlVXFZ_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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