How to Make Apple Fritters | Easy Homemade Apple Fritter Recipe

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And I grab one and take a bite. Mm hmm. Look at that awesome. Hello and welcome to you in the kitchen with Matt. I am your host, Matt Taylor. Today, I'm going to show you how to make apple fritters. Oh, yeah. I love apple fritters are so yummy. Really easy to do. Simple ingredients. If I can do it, you can do it. Before I move on, make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bill so you don't miss out on any of my new videos. Let's get started down below in the description box, you'll find a list of the ingredients and the amounts. First, let's take a pot and fill it with oil about an inch, inch and a half deep. I'm using vegetable oil, but you could use also canola oil, lard, shortening peanut oil or coconut oil. And we want to heat this to about three hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit began by taking three apples. I'm using Granny Smith apples, but any any apple will work. I like a nice tart apple. All right. And then once you peel and pour the apples and slice them into little chunks, what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some lemon juice. And this is about a tablespoon, two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, which is about half of a lemon. And I'm just going to pour that on the apples and just stir them around a little bit. Fantastic. And now in a medium bowl, I have one cup of all purpose flour and I'm going to add one half teaspoon of salt, one half teaspoon of ground cinnamon, about an eighth of a teaspoon of nutmeg, one and one half teaspoon of baking powder and three tablespoons of white granulated sugar. And then with a whisk. We will raise that together. All right, now I'm going to add one large egg, one teaspoon of vanilla extract. Give this a whisk. One half cup of milk, I am using whole milk, but you could use two percent, one percent and even almond milk if you want. And now I have one tablespoon of butter and I'm just going to melt this in the microwave 15 seconds or so and then put that in there as well. We don't want it to be too hot. So just until it melts. Oh, right. And then we will pour that in, give it a good mix. Excellent. We'll take the flour mixture and then I'm going to switch to that spoon and we will stir this up. Oh, right, and now let's add in our apples. And we will mix this up. I like mine to have a lot of apples in it, so depending on how you want it, you might reduce it to only two apples. This has a lot of apples. All right, there we go, and now we just take it over to the stovetop and Friday's up. All right. Once the oil oil comes to temp. I'm going to take a big scoop. Of the batter and pour it in the oil, kind of just push it around a little bit. And then we will take a wider ladle and we'll turn these, you can also use tongs and we're going to fry them till they get pretty brown. Now, if you use only two apples, you'll have more of a batter than you will the apple. Like I said, I really like to have more apple than batter, but it's totally up to you, your preference. And he wanted to get them fairly dark and crispy. So about like that, OK, and we're going to put them on a plate lined with paper towel. Yeah, I mean. And then after it dries a little bit on the paper towel, then put it on a wire rack to cool, and this will prevent it from getting soggy and stay nice and crispy. And now let's make a simple glaze. I'm just going to take some water, about a half a tablespoon at first, add some powdered sugar and then just mix this with a fork and then add a little bit more. Water is necessary to get the thickness that you want. And that's about a cup cup and a half of powdered sugar, a little bit more water. All right. That is really nice and thick, so that is a good glaze right there. And you may even just a little bit more winds up being about two tablespoons. All right, awesome. Now we have our glaze, we'll just take the apple fritter and dip it in that glaze. Make sure you have clean hands or use tongs and then put it back on your way, Iraq and it will drain. You also could just take a spoon and grab some glaze and pour it all over. The Frita. However you want to do it, dip it or pour it. Awesome. And there we go. It won't take too long for that glaze to dry and then you can eat them and now once the glaze dries, you can also roll these in like a cinnamon sugar mixture or sprinkle powdered sugar on top if you want to grab one and take a bite. Mm hmm. I get that awesome. All right, the apple fritters are done and turned out fantastic. This recipe makes somewhere between nine and 12 apple fritters depending on the size. You make them really easy to do simple ingredients. If I can do it, you can do it. I'm Matt Taylor. This has been another episode of In the Kitchen with Matt. Thank you for joining me as always. If you have any questions, comments or requests, put him down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thumbs up down the corner. Push it. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos. Take care. Time for me to dive into this. Oh, yeah. Mm hmm. Huh? So good. Mm hmm.
Channel: In The Kitchen With Matt
Views: 79,279
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Keywords: how to make apple fritters easy homemade apple fritter recipe, how to make apple fritters, easy homemade apple fritter recipe, apple fritters, apple fritter recipe, how to make apple fritters from scratch, how to make apple fritters at home, deep fried apple fritters, in the kitchen with matt, breakfast foods, apple fritter recipe easy, homemade apple fritters, easy homemade apple fritters, apple fritter batter, old fashioned apple fritters, apple fritters recipe, donuts
Id: Kq_202heRis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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