Country Apple Fritter Bread - HHH

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hello everybody and welcome back to the hungry househusband show today I made for you apple fritter bread now as your normal apple fritter is a fried affair and full of fat and oil and all that stuff that the doctor keeps telling me to stop eating this is actually a baked affair it's a kind of akin to a cinnamon roll with apples in it but in bread form the taste is exactly that of a apple fritter that I remember getting in the grocery stores as a kid going grocery shopping with my grandparents so this thing really brings back some memories I hope everybody out there enjoys it and you can change the fruit up in this as well you can add nuts you can go from apples instead of apples add chocolate or you know whatever you'd like so it's completely customizable I'm doing the normal apple fritter flavor today let's get this show going now the first thing we're going to need for apple fritter bread is apples this is two apples that have been peeled and cored and chopped pretty rough to that we're going to add our teaspoon of cinnamon and our two tablespoons of sugar and just give them a nice good toss real quick to get them good and coated next we need to take 1/3 cup of our brown sugar packed and add to that one teaspoon of cinnamon and just give that real nice and incorporated as well this is going to comprise the cinnamon sugar layer of our bread and it's also going to swirl throughout the top of the bread and give it that that apple fritter doughnut look now in our mixer we're going to add our 2/3 cup of sugar along with our one stick of softened butter and just get that whipping up here for a couple of minutes until it's nice and smooth once that's nice and incorporated we'll add in our two eggs one at a time just until the first one is nice and incorporated at that point you go ahead add in your second one along with the vanilla now at this point we're going to add our flour and our baking powder now quick tip I add my baking powder and whisk it into the actual flour before it goes in the bowl this way you are sure that your baking powder is evenly distributed and you don't end up with one section of cake or bread that Rises and the other part doesn't so good tip there go ahead add the flour in about a third of a cup or so at a time just until it's incorporated and then more it keeps it from flying up in your face and saves you a bit of cleanup time now at this point it's nice and incorporated go ahead and just stop your mixer real quick scrape down the sides of the bowl just so you can get any pockets of flour that may be hiding on the edges that hasn't been mixed in yet and then go ahead let it run for about another thirty seconds and we'll be done with the mixing okay now for the fun part we're going to take our greased bread mold and we're going to add in one half of the batter now be sure to get good coverage on it you want to get the corners make sure there's no air pockets all that good stuff okay next thing we're going to do is add half of our brown sugar cinnamon to this layer be generous with it because it makes quite a bit of sugar and cinnamon on top of that we will place the apples and be sure to press them down otherwise the bottom of your bread will have no apples at this point we'll go ahead and add the other half of our batter and again just make sure you get pre decent coverage you don't want generally don't want any apples from that bottom layer peeking through if you can help it so no neatness doesn't count here but it kind of helps so get good coverage we also don't want those apples to burn that would be bad all right and then we're going to add the next half of our brown sugar cinnamon now because this makes so much I actually sprinkle some on top here in just a little bit and you're going to see that that's going to make it kind of it's going to help the appearance once it's done baking begin with the next layer of apples now these are going to be the top apples you're going to see these coming on the top of the bread be sure to smoosh them down though you want even distribution of Apple per inch then we are going to yep there's the last layer of what I had left of the brown sugar cinnamon and then we take a knife and we swirl through it and this is going to give it that donut effect it's gonna look layered but not evenly kind of a swirl like a cinnamon roll if you will Pat it all back down smooth it out and into the oven set at 350 degrees for anywhere between 50 and 60 minutes be sure to stick it with a toothpick to check for doneness do remember that ovens vary so mine actually takes about about 70 minutes total to cook so here we are the toothpick has been inserted and came out clean as a whistle and you can see and how the brown sugar has kind of helped the color on the top here now these apples are not burnt they don't taste burnt they are not even crispy they are nice and moist and the cake itself is an extremely moist we're going to let it sit here for about 15 minutes while we mix up our glaze most apple fritters have a anywhere from a translucent to a opaque white glaze on top so got to do it to the bread got to stay true to the apple fritter so here we go so here's our glaze it's just a basic cream glaze with powdered sugar about half a cup and 2 tablespoons of milk to start with now it does depend on the humidity in your environment as to how much milk it's going to take to get your glaze just the way you want it so start low on the milk in whisk it and if it's still too thick add just a little touch more milk at a time I'm in Texas and Lord knows it's humid here so I started on the low end but you can I would take it up all the way to even three tablespoons of milk if you wanted it really thin or if you live in a very dry environment and now we simply take our bread that's been cold about 15 minutes though it's still pretty pretty warm we're going to just spread this glaze on now the heat from the bread is going to help this kind of loosen up a little bit and start to run that's what you want you want it to kind of find its own way inside the little nooks and crannies on top and it's going to you know it'll thin it out quite a bit but not to the point where you don't know that there's glaze there just go ahead spread it around and then we're going to let it cool completely before cutting and there you have it country apple fritter bread now this stuff again you can vary the fruit that you use you can even you know take the fruit out and put in chocolate chips it's completely up to you I just think of anything that would go good with french toast would probably go well inside this bread when you cut it try and cut it a little on the thick side it'll hold up better there are you know like I said earlier nooks and crannies on the inside it should be solid though you have places where apple are and you want to be sure to get the nice pretty effect of all that this is one of my wife's favorite desserts and I hope that you enjoy it as well as always be sure to LIKE comment subscribe on this video it helps the channel out a lot and I'd love to hear from you guys and until next time may your life and your food always have flavor bye bye
Channel: The Hungry House-Husband Show
Views: 233,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, recipe, baking, apple, fritter, bread, donut, doughnut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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