1927 Apple Fritter Recipe, Old Fashioned Recipes

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live from the kitchen we are going to make apple fritters yes i said yummy apple fritters we are going to start by mixing up a little bit of um glaze we're going to then mix up a batter chop up some apples and get them to frying i've got my oil over there preheating on a low temperature so right now i've got about a cup of um powdered sugar in here i've already added a teaspoon of vanilla to it and now i'm going to put in about two tablespoons of milk now this is half and half but you don't have to use half and half you can use water milk whatever you got it'll work and i may need to add a little bit more we'll see looking good it's good stuff yep it'll be good on our fritters it's just barely too thick for my locking so what i'm going to do is add a little bit more vanilla instead of milk mix it up now that's ready for our fritters we can glaze them with this and if you want it more pourable you can add just a little bit more milk but it's going to melt on them while they're hot all right so we're going to sit this over here on our pan that will drain them on and we're going gonna mix this up a batter [Music] all right i'm gonna go ahead and throw in a dash of salt one egg now let me tell y'all where i'm getting this recipe this is an old recipe this is a 1927 cookbook apple fritters she tells you how to make banana fritters how to make the batter and this and then there's corn fritters at the bottom this is a first edition of good housekeeping and it's in kind of want to fall apart a little bit and they found me this at a thrift store all right so you got your egg beat up with a little bit of salt we are going to add one and one half teaspoons of baking powder a third cup of milk i'm just making sure i don't do it right [Music] we got the salt we got the milk we got the egg three tablespoons of powdered sugar goes in the mix it tells you to sift it and i didn't um and then you're going to have a cup i believe of flour this is all purpose that's why we add the baking powder and of course we're using our white lily flour today this is our batter for our fritters that's all there is to it all right so there's our fritter batter now we're going to chop us up an apple simple dimple y'all you can come over there on that side yeah that'd be good it goes fast because we're frying something these are honeycrisp apples just as long as you use a good tart apple i like golden delicious honeycrisp gala's good i mean really just about all apples are good but i will say that a gold a red delicious is terrible to bake with those are the ones that get all mushy right well they just aren't sweet at all and they don't have much flavor they're just very bland when they're cooked so a golden delicious is really good it's tart and sweet honey crisp gala ambrosia they're all favorites of mine and no i don't like go um the what do you call it the green ones granny smith the granny smith is sour but it's not sweet enough so you have to pair it with a sweet apple to really get it to be delicious so i'd re i'd just rather use one of these good kind these were on sale we got these at sam's club didn't increase yeah we did so we didn't have to pay too much for them yep so we're going to chop this up real quick they're big pretty apples too now lots of times when you get an apple fritter at the store what's missing the most fritter the apple apple they don't ever put it up in it it's just a bunch of dough for the most part so today since we're making our own apple fritters we'll make sure all we want and get plenty apple and our freedom really i could have got by with one yeah they're big apples yes i don't know what i was thinking i guess we're gonna have to eat one daddy that's all right apples are good for you and if you've never had one of those apples they're really sweet they're good and tart they're delicious yes they're one of the best that's why they cost so much you could probably get by let's see what they tell you to do she tells you two medium apples do like one and a half about that yeah it's monday do y'all feel like it we're having a great day aren't we dad i am i hope you all are and if you're not maybe you'll start tell us where you're from and how long you've been watching cbc that'd be good to know yeah tell us where you're from and how long you've been watching caller valley cooks if you're new welcome and hit that subscribe and follow button subscribe on youtube follow on facebook we're going to be live on both platforms tonight at the same time so you should both be able to see us all at the same time tonight looks good don't it now this says peel and pour your apples cutting slices add to the batter drop it by spoonfuls and fry in a deep fat then you roll it in powdered sugar but instead of rolling in powdered sugar we're gonna put glaze glaze on it so let's get the apples over here in this bowl oh so you just mix it right in with a yeah batter what about that and they then you just drop it that spoonfuls so we're to mix this up now this is an old recipe old is the heels from 1924. it's a good housekeeping's first cookbook ever so 27 or 24. 27. okay and uh we're gonna see how it turns out okay i'm ready i know you're ready chris likes our fritters don't you baby now we're gonna see how hot this oil is because i've just had it on over here for a little while i'm gonna go ahead and turn it up because it's probably not that hot i wouldn't think i'm gonna put a test piece in it we're gonna have to let it get pretty hot y'all it's not hot enough all right so while that's getting hot i'm gonna wash my hands and we will bring our tray over here yep i've already promised one of our neighbors some apple fritters she can't make it she says she's ready all right i'm going to add i am going to add a little bit of milk to this because it is too thick you want it to be pretty thin for fritters or doughnuts so we'll mix this up while we're waiting on that oil to get good and hot we can show them those lemons she gave us we can our neighbor gave us lemons i told chris i want to get me i don't have just an old ice tray because i want to squeeze these lemons and uh just come in here chris um he just went and got these look how big they are and they have so much juice in them and i want to get an ice tray and squeeze them and freeze them in those little ice cubes and then put them in a bag and freeze them that way when i need them i can just grab a block of it over there all right here we go i hear it popping it's getting warm let's flip this and just see if it's brown at all like a little apple hush puppy isn't it well it's not a hush puppy it's more like a doughnut it's not quite hot as i want it but it's really close really it's probably hot enough because you want it to get done oil is that is it like corn oil okay the only thing i ever use for the most part all right so i'm going to scoop this out and put this in there and these are just homemade apple fritters so they're not going to look like the ones you see at the grocery store theirs they roll out a little bit put a little bit more flour in and flatten them out a little bit so ours were going to be more rounded now did they fry theirs too or do they oh yeah okay oh for some reason i always thought they were baked oh no camera fritters are fried like a doughnut fried like a donut i think i can get one more in there what do you think yep all right so we're gonna let these get brown see this one right here is our test piece and it's browning you don't want to flip for me there he goes so it's going to take him a minute or two but you want it to take a minute or two i don't have a temperature on this oil do like i did put your little test piece in there once it starts floating up to the top and moving around good then you know it's hot all right um so i don't have a thermometer on it or anything we're just going to fry them up now you do want it to take a few minutes and it's going to take a little longer on our stove because it's gas but you want it to take a few minutes so that it gets that dough good and done you don't want to open your fritter and have raw dough in it all right so it's good that it's going to sit in there for a little bit and get nice and bright you want to watch them they rub rubs up pretty that has really done a good job chris i think you're shading them just a little bit we all know now you are you're doing good i don't know what i'm talking about we're just gonna do this one batch with y'all on here okay cause i've really just got enough for a couple more and we're gonna taste them we're gonna glaze them and see if they're good i'm gonna have to make me some coffee it's kind of good it don't make too many didn't it yeah it is just right if you don't have a whole house full of people turned over to it once yeah i did these apple fritters really got apples in them you can see the little humps fluffy ducks hold on that's the apples so you want to cook them in it [Music] you know apple fritters are usually pretty brown when you buy them let's show them this cookbook one more time good meals and how to prepare them you can get them on ebay and sometimes you can get them on amazon um this one it's from the depression error and the date in it first edition printed in the usa copyrights 1927 by the national international magazine company and what i've found there's a lot of uh recipes in here uh that have the parts of the cow that we don't normally eat there's a lot of really different things in here that we don't eat a lot of now in 2000 in the 2020s compared to the 1920s now i'm going to flip these and let them continue to cook on that other side a little bit longer because i want them to get nice and brown i want to make sure they're good and done they're really frying up pretty and this is really all we're doing you want to take that little one out you can taste it well we won't be able to really taste what it's like because it doesn't have apples in it does it nope and you know i didn't put cinnamon or anything in them uh so if you want cinnamon of course you could add it but i don't think they put cinnamon in them do they crease in the store i've never tasted cinnamon and an apple fritter i think they have them you can put cinnamon sugar on it because it's fried and it's sticking really love cinnamon yeah we could we'll do one like that i'll go get my cinnamon sugar and uh we'll do one like that can you flip over for me buddy i think they're pretty close to being done i'm gonna go get my cinnamon sugar and we're gonna get them out some of them are fat fluffy that one a half teaspoon of baking soda did the trick it sure did so i'm gonna grab my cinnamon sugar and we'll fix it with sugar on one no they could just uh use self-rising flour couldn't they if they wanted to use it yeah they can of course you want to use your white lily all right y'all ready to get them out of here yep let's do it you think they're done on the middle we could test one we're not sure i guess i could take one out and cut it like these big fat ones might take a little longer you know let's take this one out and this little flap flatter one i'll take out the ones that are flatter well i think they're flatter let's just cut one yeah let's see what it looks like why not before we take them all out in the interest of science we've not made these before homemade how are we doing let's do that let's get them out of there it's done oh now y'all can make them thinner if you want to and you could do that you could just put a little flour on the counter and maybe just you know mold them a little bit but we are just doing some old-fashioned fritters you can do corn fritters banana fritters different kinds of fruit let's turn off this oil now while they're good and hot you gotta glaze them and they are so let's pour some glaze over them that's what makes them good right it smells pretty good it does don't it wish y'all could smell it i guess you could drop you know i'm going by their recipe but i think if i ever make them again i'm gonna drop a little butter in the oil and give them a little buttery flavor these look pretty don't they they're pretty good anyway i bet they are too my little baby one all right cinnamon on you wanna do it on the one we sprayed i mean open yeah all right so that's what it looks like with the cinnamon sugar on it look good did you do a real good picture for him i want to get a thumbnail out of the video since it's live you got to clip it out later whoo don't that look good all right let's give it a taste i want to try this one it's so pretty ain't it so pretty i'll open it up you can see the apple in it crutch that's good really good the texture's real spongy like really really good but i think i like the cinnamon even better because i think it needs a little bit more of a kick yeah sure y'all um the cinnamon's really good on it they're not as pretty but they taste better could you put it cinnamon like in with the dough or would it no that's okay okay all right y'all that's all there is to it homemade apple fritters what about that when i saw that in that old cook book i said and chris need to make some he likes apple fritters y'all have a blessed night and thanks so much for watching collard valley cooks where we cook la mama did bye
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 1,173,166
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Keywords: collard valley cooks recipes, collard valley cooks, breakfast, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, desserts, dinner, diy, easy, food, how to, lunch, meals, recipes, simply, tasty, chef, cooking, cooking channels, cooking show, cooking shows, delicious recipes, easy recipes, how to cook, laura vitale, recipe, apple fritter, vintage recipes, 1920s, old recipes, apple fritters, apple fritter recipe, apple fritters recipe easy, apple fritter donut recipe, apple fritters hillbilly kitchen, cvc fritters
Id: o1be4O8Ri9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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