How to make Amish Apple Fritters | Quick | No Bake

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Our fritter ingredients are on our left there and our glaze ingredients are on our right   Do check the caption below. We'll begin by making our Fritter base so or batter. So we'll want to place the eggs (accidentally shot in slow mo so sorry here) and the sugar into a bowl   and just whisk to combine until  that's nicely mixed and you see that there's   a little bit of fluff or bubbles have formed. A whisk will absolutely suffice here in making our   batter. Then we'll want to add in the remaining ingredients, so the milk, the salt the ground   cinnamon, which I think is essential here, our baking powder, which really is also essential.   Or self-raising flour and the flour, so if we use self-raising flour, just omit the baking powder   that will help give our fritters a  really nice rise as they cook   Now this batter, the uh wet to dry ingredient ratio here is kind of more dry so mixing the batter   you see it's quite firm, it really holds its shape, it's kind of difficult to get all the dry portions   completely mixed through. But when we add the lemon juice to the finely chopped apples, it will loosen   the batter up significantly because the batter really is just a vehicle for more apples. You'll   see even as we're stirring the apples through the batter it's still quite firm you don't really see   much bqtter it's more just apples and now you see the batter has loosened up significantly so   just trust it also definitely do cut your apples quite small. We'll want to heat our oil on medium high   you can definitely test it out with a small piece of batter and just see how long it takes to cook   and I always find if I'm doing frying I like to put the portions I'm going to be cooking   onto greaseproof paper it just makes it so much easier just to portion into the oil   if our fritters are cooked quicker  than about two minutes on each side   one and a half to two minutes it means the oil is too hot so don't be afraid to turn our oil   down a little bit we'll want to make sure that our fritters have the time to cook through into   the center and that they're this like nice truly golden color, but they're not too dark. We also want   to ensure that they drain on baking paper because there is a lot of oil there we want to make sure   our fritters are still really warm when we put that glaze on them so we'll want to combine the   sugar the vanilla extract and the water and just in a small bowl and stir those all together.   Some icing sugars have different ingredients, they have additional ingredients instead of   just the ground sugar and so that means just that portion of water might not be enough. We want our   glaze to hold its shape, but still thickly drizzle off our spoon, we don't want it to be too loose   because then it will just like run off after it is you'll see here it kind of is a little difficult   to like spoon onto our fritters, but we also want to brush the remaining glaze over anyway. Definitely   don't be afraid to use a half a teaspoon more of water at a time just to loosen up, if necessary   also brushing the glaze on after it is means that we get to like really get into all those little   nooks and crannies and because the glazes is this consistency it sits really quickly even whilst   there there's like a little bit of warmth left and after it is the glaze will have probably set   There we have it friends and this is  done, our fritters are actually really quick   to make and do serve these fresh I hope yours look just as just as great as these ones   I know they're not the prettiest, but they do taste really good and do let me know in the   comments below what you think and what recipes you'd like to see in the future
Channel: Roaming taste
Views: 8,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amish recipe, how to make, amish apple donut, apple recipe, apple no bake recipe, baking
Id: BvgxH3hJJtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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