Apple Fritters Recipe - How to Make Apple Fritters

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with apple fritters that's right I'm not gonna lie I've never been a huge fan of apple fritters I mean I just didn't understand going to a donut shop and then not getting a donut but eventually I came to realize that had nothing to do with its lack of hold I just wasn't crazy about those chunks of what we're basically undercooked Apple so for our first official fall recipe of the season I'm going to show you my sort of reworked version of this featuring two significant changes the first is we're actually gonna cook the Apple a little bit beforehand and second well I can't tell you it's a huge surprise but you'll see that soon enough so in the meantime let's go ahead get started with the star of the show our apples and for this recipe I'm gonna suggest the Granny Smith which is my personal favorite cooking apple and what it lacks in that traditional red Apple color it more than makes up for with ideal taste and texture and to prep these what we're gonna do is peel them quarter them and then core them and I'm gonna be using the busy prep cook style to peel these which is to peel around the top and then peel down the sides like this since this is probably the fastest and most efficient method but if you're doing these with friends or family you want to do the thing where you peel around the Apple seeing who can get the longest continual peel without breaking which is a lot of fun but does take longer but anyway one way or another we're gonna peel that Apple before cutting in quarters and then we'll take our knife and trim out the core and then once our apples been trimmed and quartered what we'll do is cut each of those pieces into two or three pieces and then we'll simply turn that and slice it about every quarter inch or so and of course you're gonna try to be a little bit consistent but don't forget these things are gonna be stuck inside a fritter so no one's gonna see if you're a little off so try to relax and then what we'll do once our apples are sliced up is transfer those into a bowl and reserve those while we melt some butter because as I mentioned one major change here to the traditional apple fritter recipe is that we're gonna cook these a little bit before they go in the batter so we're gonna melt some butter over medium-high heat but we're just not going to melt it we're actually going to toast it a sort of nutty brown and please be careful butter can go from golden brown to golden black very quickly and as soon as we have something that sort of looks like this we'll go ahead and dump in our fruit and what we want to do is cook these apples for I don't know three or four minutes stirring occasionally on medium high heat until they kind soften up a little bit all right we certainly don't want to cook them all the way through but we do want to take that raw edge off and by the way we are gonna throw in a tablespoon of sugar but I don't like to do that right at the beginning I like to give these a couple minutes first so we'll give those a little saute until they just start to soften up around the edges and at that point we'll go ahead and sprinkle in some sugar and continue on for another couple minutes until we end up with something that's starting to get a little bit golden brown and starting to soften up but they're still gonna retain their shape and stay relatively firm and please keep in mind that truly raw apples are used in here so we'll probably want to err on not cooked enough versus overcooked so for me that is looking good right there and then what we'll do at that point is pull them off the heat and toss them in a strainer just in case we have any excess liquid which of using the Granny Smith you probably won't all right other apple varieties could produce more moisture and if you do have any extra it will drip down and then what we'll do is let this cool down to room temp before we add it to our batter and of course putting the components together for that batter is the next step so first up let's go ahead mix up our dry ingredients which will include - no one's surprise some all-purpose white flour as well as some baking powder and please make sure the one you're using you bought this decade we'll also want to toss in some salt and then some traditional apple fritter spices including some cinnamon some ground ginger and some freshly grated nutmeg I mean come on you're gonna make apple fritters and use now and a freshly grated nutmeg that ain't right so we'll grate in a little nutmeg before taking a whisk and giving this a thorough mix in the olden days they used to sift the ingredients but today we just use a whisk which some folks actually refer to as millennial sifting because while doesn't work quite as well it is easier and faster so nobody cares so we'll take a whisk and mix that for about a minute to combine those ingredients and once that's been accomplished we'll set that aside and move on to the wet ingredients so in a bowl we'll go ahead and crack one large egg to which we'll add some white sugar and then we'll take a whisk and give that a mix for about a minute and please at this point do not forget the melted butter which I did so I stopped and added it in and continued mixing okay so don't forget that tip I've given you in the past whenever you're stirring or mixing something always try to remember what you forgot but anyway we're gonna mix up our egg our sugar and our melted butter and once that set we can move on to final assembly so assuming our apples have cooled down to room temp or at least very close to it we'll go ahead and add those to our wet ingredients which brings us to the second significant change to the traditional technique we're gonna add some sparkling apple cider oh yeah and I'm using a gold-medal variety if you can't find that you can substitute with silver or bronze metal and why I'm using this instead of the traditional milk or regular apple cider is because hopefully that carbonation adds a little bit of lightness to the batter and even if it doesn't it seems like it's going to plus we get to drink the rest of the bottle so we'll go ahead and pour in some sparkling apple cider and then last but not least we will dump in our dry ingredients and then we'll take a spoon and mix until it's just combined so as usual we're not gonna obsess about overmixing we're just gonna simply stir until we don't see any more flour and as with all batters if it looks a little wet add a little more flour and maybe if it looks a little too dry add another splash of cider and actually as I'm looking at this it probably could have used another tablespoon of flour but I really don't enjoy a dense dry fritter so I will tend to always err on the side of slightly too moist but anyway once our batter is mixed we'll set that aside while we heat up a couple inches of oil over medium-high heat to approximately 350 degrees and once that's up to temp we will fry a couple tablespoons at a time using two spoons to safely transfer it in oh and by the way those irregular edges are one of the signature features of the apple fritter I mean these are supposed to look homemade not like something that came from a store so we'll transfer that batter in with complete disregard for any kind of uniform shape and what we want to do is we place this in a sort of flatten it out just a little bit that's gonna help it cook a little quicker and a little more evenly and we're gonna fry these for about two minutes per side and one thing I like to look for sort of like when you're making pancakes as you'll see bubbles kind of forming on the top of the batter that is generally a decent indication you're ready to flip over but like I said it's gonna be about two minutes per side so I went ahead and carefully flip those over and once those have been successfully flipped we'll give the other side a couple minutes at which point our fritters should be fried and you'll know because you're gonna test one if it's still wet and doughy inside go longer and if it's dry and burnt you went too far but happily these were perfect so we'll fish those out with a strainer and let them drain on some paper towels and yes those do look amazing but wait there's more we're gonna go ahead and ice these with a simple apple cider glazed so while our fritters are draining and cooling down a little bit we'll go ahead and take some powdered sugar and add a little pinch of cinnamon and then all we need to do is stir in enough of our sparkling apple cider until we have something just running enough to drizzle over our fritters and there's two ways you can do this you can sift the sugar first and mix this up in about five seconds or the method I prefer don't sift it and stir for like ten minutes but either way we're going to stir that until it's smooth and we've achieved a viscosity similar to what you see here and that's it our last official act will be to place these on some kind of platter and drizzle over our glaze which some people will just dip in but why the heck would anyone dip with naked drizzle so I'm gonna go ahead and spoon that over slowly and provocatively until approximately 50% of the surface area is covered and that's it our updated reimagined new and improved apple fritters are done and who knows maybe you enjoy the apple fritters with the raw apple chunks but like I said I don't I love that when we bite into these the Apple while still having some texture is kind of tender and definitely sweeter so I really do personally prefer this style and also sometimes when you use the raw Apple is there cooking juice will leak out and make the inside of the fritter soggy which is generally not considered a good thing and of course it goes without saying if you're gonna make these for some kind of party or Halloween get-together if you want to dress up the tops a little with some crushed nuts or maybe some toasted pumpkin seeds something like that go ahead it's up to you you guys are the babysitter's of these apple fritters which reminds me after this video you can watch one more but then it's time for bed okay but anyway that's it apple fritters tis the season to use apples in desserts as well as hang out with friends and family in a warm kitchen and this project is a fantastic way to do both of those things so I really do hope you give these a try soon head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,428,707
Rating: 4.9256258 out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Fritters, Recipe, donuts, doughnuts, fritter, fried, dessert, breakfast, brunch, fall, autumn, winter, Halloween, chef, john, foodwishes, pastry
Id: -LnK51yULck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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