How to make a seamless repeating pattern in for fabric designs (updated tutorial)

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hi today I want to show you a tutorial for how to make a seamless repeating pattern and so I was inspired by the love to slow podcast today where these ladies from spring flower we're talking about how to make seamless repeats and they do have some tutorials but there was no toil for canva which is something that's free and easy to use so the tutorial that I'm going to show you is basically a digital version of the verse tutorial here which has done with paper and cutting it in half so I was inspired by this tutorial that I found on this website here so I'll link all these and the notes but let's just get into this cam4 tutorial so I've started with a canvas that's 1200 by 1200 pixels so for an 8 inch by 8 inch swatch at 150 dpi you need to start with a 1200 by 1200 pixel canvas so if you wanted to make it bigger or smaller you'd have to adjust your original but that's a good place to start and then what I did as I filled in my little canvas with these elements that I found on creative market then what I did was I downloaded that design and now I'm just going to upload that design back into canvas so as you can see this design is now here what I'm going to do is I'm going to start again and I'm gonna go 1200 by 1200 pixels and custom design and I'm going to go to my uploads and I'm going to add my design I'm going to push it right up to the edge so those two pink lines were there and then I'm going to make it fill the whole canvas and my mouse is not working that well so I'm just gonna do my best now while it's still selected we're going to basically digitally cut it in half and I'm just going to do that by dragging it across I'm gonna drag it across to the left and I'm not going up and down I'm just going across to the left so there I get that pink line which means that I've cut it in half now I'm going to copy it and drag it across to the right and get that pink line again so now I've got it half and half on the left and the right in this but in the middle I'm just going to fill in with a couple more items so I'm just probably pineapple there and then nice frog it's flip EPS and change the size okay now what I'm going to do is download again and once I've downloaded this I'm going to re-upload it and do the same process but do it up and down and this way I'm going to get all my edges are going to match the other edge the opposite edge and that's what you want in the seamless pattern the left and right edge need to match in the top and the bottom each need to match so there's no drag that up into my uploads and I'm just going to delete all there and start fresh with this one yeah okay easiest way to get it to fill the canvas is to push it up then drag it down and of course if you've got a decent Mouse watch they don't right now you all take a little bit more time to make sure that it's perfect so now like I said I'm gonna instead of doing it left and right I'm going to cut it up and down so I'm gonna push it all the way up until I get a nice pink line in the middle so that's how I know it's exact on half when I copy it and bring it down that nice pink line yep that'll do it and then I'm this little bit here I'm just going to add a couple of elements to make it a bit more yes to fill in any random white space that you might have all right there we go so now what you can do is this is now your seamless pattern so this left hand side matches up with the right hand side and the top matches up with the bottom and you can now do a little test if you want so just download that again and then I am uploaded into a canvas that's slightly bigger and then you can put them together and see how well you've done with your seamlessness this one might not be that great because I've tried not to go too slow I've tried to rush okay I'm just going to make it a little bit bigger we'll make this two forty two three four hundred I should say and try and you design go to click to uploads and I already uploaded the pattern which is the air and I'll just put it in the corner make it smaller I'll copy it and then I should be able to align it and you shouldn't be able to see where the two patterns are so that looks good that way now we'll copy the whole thing that way and see how we've gone that way and that looks pretty good there's a little bit of a line there but like I said you would spend a bit more time so there you go that's how this one tile makes this whole pattern and that's how you make a seamless repeating pattern and canva in the notes I'll link up all the blog posts that are referred to and I'll also link up the elements they got from creative markets the - seamless pattern and the tropical paradise and anything else that's relevant and come and check out my Instagram where I mostly have some selling stuff and that's why I'm interested in this seamless peasant stuff on spring flower okay see you later bye
Channel: Caroline Flynn
Views: 27,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surface design, seamless patterns, seamless repeat patterns, seamless repeats, spoonflower, canva, tutorial
Id: xbPFPEGboO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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