How To Make Seamless Patterns in Procreate! EASY!

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hey what's up guys welcome back to let's draw i'm your host bj dell and in today's new video tutorial i'm going to show you how you can set up a seamless repeating pattern design in procreate like the one you see here it's super fun super easy so keep watching and i'll show you how [Music] all right guys let's go ahead and jump into the video as always i'm using the ipad pro this is a gen 4 2020 model 12.9 inch apple gen 2 pencil the app of course is procreate since you know this is a procreate tutorial and as you can see i've got a bunch of different designs already up on the screen here for this seamless pattern design tutorial i decided rather than drawing everything out in the video and it being super long i would just use some pre-made designs and just kind of import these onto the canvas these are actually part of a kawaii breakfast clip art pack that i made just posted this today for sale on etsy and on gumroad along with five other packs to go along with this some fruits and vegetables and sushi a bunch of fun different stuff but these do come with full commercial rights so if you guys do any print on demand stuff want to purchase these to use in designs that you sell you can do that like i said i'll link those in the description below but those are going to be the ones that we use today so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my files here i'm going to make a new folder here to save these in so i'm gonna go ahead and hit plus here and we'll just call this seamless video so that's where all these are gonna be saved at so i'm gonna go back to procreate now and i'm gonna go to select here and this is one of my favorite features is that you can actually select multiple images at once multiple canvases and export them all at once saves a bunch of time so now that i've got those selected you can see got the backgrounds turned off transparent backgrounds so we're going to go ahead and share these as png or pings it's going to take a second here to export but like i said this is a time saver because it does all of them at once so all 15 of those designs are gonna go out all at one time into that folder so now that it's ready i'm just gonna go to save to files and on my ipad i'm just gonna find that folder that i just made seamless video and we're going to save all of them are there ready to go so let's go ahead and x out of here now and i'm going to go ahead and hit the plus button here to start a new canvas and i'm gonna do a 4000 by 4000 pixel 300 dpi canvas uh maximum layers that i get on this is 37 with the new ipad pro if you're using an older version or just a regular ipad you probably won't have as many available layers so if you want to drop this down to a lower resolution you can but i always recommend the higher the resolution the better for print so let's go ahead and create this and we've got our canvas we are ready to go it's just a square so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to import all those files onto this canvas of course like i said this is just to save time if you want to start drawing directly on this canvas you can this is just going to allow me to do this quicker so i'm going to add i'm going to go to insert a file and i'm going to go to my seamless video and the first one is the bacon so i'm going to start to put these in here kind of move them around on the canvas so i will speed up this do it time lapse and come back once this is done [Music] okay so i've got the designs laid in here as you can see i did not use the little pop tart guy here yet and i'll show you why here in a second so next thing we're going to do we've got all these on separate layers so i'm just going to pinch these all together so they are on one single layer like so and then we need to make a new layer just by going up to the plus button here so we've got another layer and i'm going to pick a little bit of a darker color just do like a dark red here and making sure that we're on that new layer i'm just going to drag and drop this in on top and then we want to adjust the opacity of this so going up to adjustments and opacity you can also get to this through the layers menu but i like to do this in the videos because it's easier to see we'll drop this to about 60 percent or so all right so there we go we've got our two different layers so now that this one's selected we want to go ahead and slide layer one here to the right this is going i'm sorry to yeah to the right it's going to allow us to select both of these and group them together so now we've got a new group so this is going to be one side of our design but we need the alternate side so we're going to slide this to the left and we're going to duplicate this one so now we've got two different sets of the same group i want to go ahead and turn off the top group here so we're left with just this bottom one now we're going to start moving this around and start working on the seamless pattern so by going up here to the arrow we're going to get the bounding box here make sure uniform is turned on along with magnetic and we're going to slide this to the left as we slide the reason magnetic is on you can see it locks it right there to make sure that we're lined up correctly you can see on this right hand side there's a circle and there's also a circle showing us where the middle is so we just want that right circle to line up in the middle with that center circle and there we go it is locked in we are good to go so now we can do the same thing to the other side so now that we've got that let's go ahead and turn on this layer and we're going to select this once again going over to the arrow and then we just need to slide this one to the right now you're going to see a few different things here if we are too far away from each other you're going to have a white line in the center that means that they are not connected likewise if you start to see this darker line that means they're overlapping and we don't want that either so we want to make sure that they are perfectly lined up it should give us a solid color of this from left to right you can see there's still a line here so that's too close together they are overlapping so to fix that what we're going to do is we're going to go to our arrow up here again and we're just going to tap a few times on the right hand side this is going to nudge this to the right and you'll see we've still got that there so let's keep going went a little bit too far that time and this is perfect you can see there's no line there at all now when you're using that nudge make sure that your finger or your pencil is pretty much lined up right here with that center because if you nudge up here yes it's going to nudge it to the right but it's also going to nudge it up so it's going to do a diagonal nudge and you're going to be left with a little bit of the colors on the left and right same thing down here if you do it that way you're going to have a color line here of the white and you don't want that so make sure it's as close to that center line as possible so it doesn't nudge it up or down now that we've got that done let's go ahead and delete our layers here that contain those colors and we're left with this so you can see when this breaks horizontally the coffee cup here and here is going to match up same thing here the little guy here the croissant's gonna match up here even here it's kind of cool to see that little drip of syrup coming over from the pancake you can see over here so when those line up from left to right they're gonna match it's gonna be seamless but that's only left to right so we need to do top to bottom now so let's go ahead and do that we can go ahead and group these together by pinching them and grouping here then we're going to repeat that process that we just did so we're going to go ahead make a new layer drag and drop that color on top once again going back up to our adjustments layer and going to opacity sliding this down to around 60 something just so you can see it there maybe a little bit lighter and then once again sliding this to the right so we've got both of these selected and grouping those together so we've got one new group like we did before and then we need to slide this one to the left and we're gonna duplicate that one so now once again just like before we've got group one here on the top group two same exact thing this time we're just gonna move one up though and move the other one down so let's turn off that top group go back down to our bottom group go back up to our arrow and start to slide this up make sure that we're there in the center boom and now going to our group up here at the top turning that back on with the box there selecting it and arrow dragging down again you can see the line here so we need to nudge that down a little bit more a couple more times this is where you might have to zoom in really far to see because if it's just you know one nudge it's going to have a line you're not even going to be able to see this far out so make sure you get in really close because otherwise it's not going to match up seamlessly so that's perfect we're good to go there so let's go ahead then and turn off or delete the colors here and here and we're left with a pretty finished design from here too if you wanted to go in and you know add maybe some little extra things around here let's combine these you know you could add some extra dots to fill in some of the space as well i would recommend if you do decide to do that i would probably start doing that beforehand so once you start lining up the top to bottom left right those are going to line up as well otherwise you're going to have to stop around the edges and then you're going to have some pretty big gaps and it's really not going to look all that great so now these little areas here this is where i can go back in and going up to my wrench icon inserting a file i can throw in my little pop tart guy and put him in here turn off magnetic just to kind of fill in some of the spaces do him just a few different times around or here if you wanted to just kind of alternate and bring in some of these other ones again you could do that as well key here why this works is because you see these are all in the center these aren't on the edges so adding these in once we're done moving everything around it's not going to affect our seamless pattern just because we've already got those added in it's not going to mess up anything because they are away from the edges so it's okay if you want to go back in and add more later towards the inside just make sure you're not doing it on the edges a couple more in here so we got big ones we got small ones we just got stuff pretty much everywhere i want to make sure there's enough space taken up and not too much white space floating around there i think when i add one more little guy right there let's do a little egg right there [Music] okay there we go so that's our finished design so what i'm going to do from here is i'm going to go up to my wrench icon and then i'm going to go to share [Music] i'm going to export this just as a jpeg we'll save it as that so let's go ahead and just save image so we've got that exported so now before we see what this looks like on actual products let's go ahead and see what it looks like on the canvas itself so i'm gonna go ahead and once again pinch all these together i'm gonna go back up to my arrow we're gonna go ahead and just drag this down lock it in there then we're gonna duplicate this one slide it and you can see once again here it's not really lined up perfectly so if we nudge it here to the side you can see that lines up perfectly so we had two completely separate images here that because of the process that we just did they line up perfectly they don't have any seams that's why it's called seamless you can't tell that those are two separate images so let's go ahead and group these together or combine them flatten them by pinching and then we're gonna slide this to the left and duplicate this one then we're gonna go up with it once again getting in here a little bit tighter to make sure that these line up perfectly there we go once again absolutely perfect no visible lines no visible seams so there is what it looks like on a canvas with the image multiplied the four times there so we've got the ones matching up horizontally we've also got the ones matching up vertically so let's hop on over to redbubble and check out what it looks like on products all right so now we're over on redbubble i'm going to show you exactly what these look like on products so let's go ahead and upload new work here we're going to go to photo library where we save that at select this done this is going to upload so with this once you see it it's going to look a little weird here because it's just doing that basic square that we saved but for these repeating seamless patterns what they look really cool on is the leggings these are just fantastic so let's go ahead and hit disabled here so these are enabled now as we get in here you can see everything's really big you can't really tell that it's a seamless pattern so what we're going to do is we're going to drop the size on the product down like this and then we're gonna go here to repeat hit that little four square one here and you can see this is going to be our seamless pattern repeated it just looks really cool uh once these are cut this is gonna be exactly what it looks like so just a really fantastic repeating pattern across here of course stuff here is not going to line up because that's just the way that the stitching goes you can't help that but as far as the pattern goes around the whole design it just looks super super cool and you can't tell like i said that it's a seamless pattern so you can adjust the size if you wanted to even go smaller you could and it looks just absolutely crazy just a ton of that stuff on there and just play around with the the size and exactly the positioning exactly where you want everything and you get something like that all right guys so that is the seamless pattern design tutorial for procreate hopefully you found it helpful today if you did make sure you give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and hit that bell for notifications so that you can get alerted when i post new videos also if you guys do stuff like this and use any of the print on demand platforms or if you don't and you're looking to learn how to make money with your art i started a new podcast just for that interestingly enough it's called make money with your art and you can find it wherever you listen to podcast stitcher apple podcast i heart radio it's out there everywhere the link is in the description below so definitely check that out also join the facebook group keep creating i'll link that down in the description as well a place where you can make friends share your art give feedback get feedback it's an awesome place to be and want you guys to join as for me i can be found online as well as on instagram and twitter at bj dell so until next time keep creating [Music] you
Channel: Let's Draw with BeeJayDeL
Views: 39,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seamless repeat patterns, how to make a seamless repeat pattern in procreate, how to make patterns in procreate, how to make patterns on the ipad pro, pattern, pattern tutorial, ipad pro, procreate, procreate tutorial, apple pencil, illustration, procreate ipad pro, procreate tips and tricks, ipad, procreate tricks, procreate app, procreate for beginners, tips and tricks for procreate, tips for procreate, procreate beginner tips, best procreate tips, how to make fabric patterns
Id: FS50vPhrnSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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