Canva Patterns Part 01 - Make Your Own Pattern In Canva

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being able to create your own pattern in canva is one of the coolest tricks that I love and I get asked about this often because I use patterns in some of my own social media content posts as well as on my vision board templates I created a few pattern backgrounds and I've seen a few other lovely ladies using those on their template designs so I want to show you how easy it is in canva to create your own custom patterns so the first thing you want to do is start with a square design so in this case I've gone ahead and just used 1080 by 1080 pixels which is the standard square size for an Instagram post so I went ahead and already created a few little images here what you want to do is whether you are using a clip art that you've gotten from from canva or from the web or something that you've designed you will want to get it into canva I used the upload section in this case so that you can add it I'm gonna drag it right over here and there we go so obviously this is a little bit too big I'm going to resize it down to make it something that I feel is manageable as far as creating a good template so I'm gonna go with 300 by 300 there which is a great size so the first thing that you want to do is you want to go ahead and position this guy I always start with the middle so that you can get it lined up now when you click and hold to move these guys you will notice these pink hot pink magenta little guides coming up those are your friend they will help you be able to pinpoint exactly where you are placing these which is going to be crucial to make sure that once we set up the initial image here for the pattern that they repeat and everything lines up exactly so once you've got the graphic placed on here and you've sized it approximately to the size that you want it to be go ahead and drag it to the center and then if you move it up now you'll notice as soon as you hit the top it has highlighted the top section if you keep going once you hit the middle point boom it has now highlighted that again I'm going to move it back up so you can see that that is exactly where you want it to be because ultimately what we're doing is we are cutting this in half so that when it is placed up against another one it acts as if it is just a continuous repeat of that pattern so I'm gonna select this and go up over here to duplicate it I want to make sure it's exactly the same size as opposed to bringing it over again from my uploads section and trying to resize it so you always want to be sure to use the duplicate feature so I'm just gonna do this again only now at the bottom I'm gonna align it up in the center and I'm gonna bring it all the way down now one of the things that canva doesn't necessarily always do is you'll notice it is not showing me that pink border on the bottom but if you watch carefully when you move it down there it snaps it into place so you can tell exactly as long as you're looking carefully boom and there you go I'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing on the left and right hand sides of this guy and just using again those guides to tell me right when it's dead center in the middle now the first one boom again it locks it right into place I'm gonna duplicate that guy and bring it right over here to the other side now in this case it actually wanted to show me the guide so you got to play around with it a little bit it might seem a little bit tricky at first but honestly once you do this a few times you're gonna get familiar with it you're gonna be able to recognize what that looks like so once you have these four set up on each of the four sides you are good with the first step all you need to do is go up here and download this graphic to be able to start your new pattern so I'm gonna go ahead and download this there we go so once I have got that done and set up I'm going to create a new page in here I'm gonna go back to my upload section and I'm going to upload this patterns graphic that I just created give it a second here while it's added okay and then all I need to do is click and hold to drag this guy over now it wants to try to snap full size like that and I always just drag it a little bit over towards the center so it doesn't do that and then you want to just click and hold to drag this it'll keep it at the right proportion so it stays in even square now in this case depending on how you want the pattern to go you will need to determine the size that you want to resize this in this case I know as you recall that I set this canvas up at 1080 by 1080 I am going to make a repeat of 4 so in this case I know that I want this to be 270 by 270 which will give exactly 4 even spaces of this graphic across and down my board here so what you can do is if you start here in the upper left hand corner you drag it up again it kind of does its nice little job of snapping it into place then you duplicate that guy now here I always like to zoom in because you can get a much better view of exactly how they're lining up so it always wants to go right up to the top first and then BOOM now when you let go I always suggest that you click out of it now you'll see here we've got a tiny little gap in there so if you click on this you can just use the arrows on your keyboard to just move it right over now what you want to do is you select the first one and you hold down your Shift button on your keyboard select the second one took so you've got them both copied and then if you just hit duplicate up here it's going to keep them both duplicated so click-and-hold you can easily move this over and then it just snaps right in click outside of it now in this case there is no gap so we are good I'm going to zoom out a little bit here what you can do is you can click whoops what you can do is you can click and hold to drag and select all four of these at once if you'd like to you can group them at this point just so that they stay together and then you can duplicate it again now all you got to do is bring this down so that you've got it centered on the page you can see your guides and then it snaps right up click outside of it and I can already tell there's a tiny little space so I'm just going to click on it bump it up a pixel and there we go a seamless pattern is emerging here okay I can do the same thing with both of these click and hold both of them duplicated at once then I'm just gonna click and hold to bring this down boom I'm gonna click outside of it just to make sure this looks fantastic I do not see any spaces or gaps on this guy so there you go if you want you can select all of this one of the things and this just might me be me being a little bit picky that I've noticed is because we had to bump it over a pixel or two if you look here at the bottom it actually is a little bit off there's a little bit of a gap there and there's a little bit of a gap there so I always like to take and select the whole thing you can then use this it's gonna keep it all at a perfect square and then drag it right back out to the corner to make sure it goes all the way to the edge so now it is a perfect 1080 by 1080 and there are no gaps on either of the sides or the bottom there you go you can now use the download tool again to download this as a template to use in something else or you can keep it in here and save it as a background start placing texts photos anything that you want to be able to set up your design using this fantastic new pattern that you've just created
Channel: Brand With Ease
Views: 8,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, patterns, canva tutorial, make patterns in canva, canva templates
Id: LDR11bBTJc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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