How to make a Minecraft 1.14 Starter Base

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today I'm going to show you how to build a wicked starter base in Minecraft 1.14 this is the area that we're going to be doing it in I mean this is quite a nice environment we've got plenty of trees around us you've got a handful of flowers which are going to come in handy and I'd say we should probably start it around about here that's gonna be my staircase and I think we're going to create a garden out the front alright so if we just make sure that nothing can actually get into this area now this may seem like a waste of wood in the early days of your Minecraft world but it's definitely worth doing because it kind of gives you a border and a safe space to exit your house because there's nothing worse than leaving your house and instantly walking into a zombie or worse still one of those guys now if you really want to step up the security and also make the place a tiny bit prettier I would suggest placing in some of these berry bushes which will cause damage to any mobs that are standing just outside your fence anyway we now have a kind of walkway coming into the place this is just for decoration obviously you don't have to do anything like this if you're really struggling for resources but it definitely is a nice touch but I would say the next thing we have to do is create some form or farm out of the front here so we can actually start getting ourselves some food now potatoes is generally a good way to go because you can cook them relatively easily and you've got a really good food source there I do not remember potatoes being this tall regardless of that I have to say this area is good really good already I mean we haven't even started on the inside and I'm already quite proud of this little place now a few things I've added in is a little storage facility for any excess potatoes so you want to keep outside and also a composter so that we can transform some of these potatoes into bone meal if we need it anyway let's start punching through into this area right here and actually start work on the base itself now the first thing that I would suggest you build in your brand new base is of course the storage system the storage system is kind of like the heart of any base it's going to be where you're spending most of your time so it will be pretty smart to put it in a fairly accessible location which is exactly why I put it right next to the door so that you can just run into the base pick up some items and then run back out and continue what you were doing now I would say we should use barrels for this and I think I'm going to have them facing upwards because I think it looks a little bit cooler but the reason I'm using barrels isn't only because they're brand new and I I like them but also they're slightly cheaper than chests Ches use eight bits of wood whereas barrels use six bits of wood and two slabs so it's a tiny tiny bit cheaper but every little helps when you're in the early days of a Minecraft world I think the style that I'm going for with this starter base is to make it kind of look like a cave but slightly improved so we've got a little bit of cobblestone here and there obviously all of this is super easy to get in the early days and it doesn't take much effort but it really improves the place if you see things like diorite massive Paget's here then just take them out and replace them with some cobblestone and it ends up looking ten times better anyway moving on from the decorative stuff let's get onto some actually functional things getting yourself set up with a decent smelting system early on in the game is gonna help you out massively especially now that we have the new furnace types introduced in Minecraft 1.14 which is the smoker and the blast furnace it would also be handy to have a pair of those because this means you get food twice as fast and this means that you smell ores twice as fast but as we all know gathering up the things to actually power these furnaces be it coal or wood is a little bit of a pain in the backside so it might be worth investing some time in building up a bamboo farm bamboo that was introduced in Minecraft 1.14 can actually be used to fuel furnaces it's not the best fuel source in the world I mean do you use a lot of bamboo power item but if you have a farm that automatically does it then you can get a decent amount and once you've gathered up all of the resources this farm should only take you about two minutes to build so all we need is a line of dirt that's where our bamboos going to be going we're then going to have a line of pistons you going to need five bits of iron and five bits of redstone for that the rest is wooden cobblestone which is quite easy to gather the only thing that could be a bit of a challenge is the observer because of course you're going to need to go to the nether to gather up some nether cores to get those but realistically it's not it's not too difficult so then we just need two bits of redstone dust here and two bits of redstone dust here we actually need a repeater running out of this observer first and that observer is then going to run it into a block which is going to power some redstone dust right here and then we're going to have blocks on either side with redstone dust on it either side just like that that should power all of our pistons when the bamboo grows in front of the observer so now all we have to do is create the item collections which I've solve already done I've got a hopper running out into a barrel that's just underneath this stair right here so then we just need to run water in from each side and that will cause all of the bamboo to gather up on this hopper and then make its way into the barrel now I have actually done some extra decoration to this thing just to make it fit in a little bit more in our cave and have to say I think it looks pretty cool I mean this this is a nice looking place and I'm hoping that we can continue to make it look nice as we go on because this next area is gonna be pretty important now I feel like this base kind of has a natural curve to it so you kind of come in like this and then it feels like you should be able to go around here so I think we should take out all of these blocks and we should kind of create a little I guess sweep around I don't really know the technical terms for these sorts of things but we're going to have a little error around the back here which is going to reveal a few other redstone contraptions and also take us up to the next level this is looking super cool already I mean I obviously love the way this has come together I've added in another crafting bench over there because you can't have too many crafting benches and also I have this barrel with this little hopper behind it now the reason I have this is because we still don't really have a proper food solution I mean obviously we've got our potato farm out here and that will do an okay job but we need some way to fully automatically get food and that tends to be a chicken farm but with that being said chicken farms are really loud and noisy so I've come up with the idea to kind of put chicken farm a little ways away outside of the audible zone and then have have the chicken get funneled in via a water line I think I think that'll really help us out know as we're just starting out we don't have any access to silk touch or ice so that means we're gonna have to be smart about this you're gonna have to count one two three four five six seven eight placing your water source there and then we're going to need to have a block and you're going to need to basically stagger your water line so one two three four five six seven eight this is where the next water source is going to be going and we need a block behind it strides will go along there and then you need one more so that your chickens are fully out of the audible range then the actual chicken farm itself is going to be pretty simple so we're going to have a dropper and then a hopper running into that dropper then we're going to have a dispenser which is going to be running out into our slab this is where our baby are going to be standing waiting to die unfortunately color the nature of these things and then we're going to have a hopper on top of that that's where our adult chickens are going to be laying eggs into the system now the actual Redstone side of things unfortunately we are going to need another comparator so you're going to need a little bit of quartz right there but it's actually really really easy if we just take a look wonder in here we run the comparator signal out into this redstone dust that's going to tell the system that there are items in the inside of the dispenser that need dispensing out we're then going to run that into this comparator right here which is going to create a comparator clock and then we need to run a signal into the side of this dispenser which will then dispense out the eggs emptying the dispenser we're then also going to make use of the output of that to power I'll drop her down at the bottom here so that it sends out all of the roast chicken that we have on the inside of the dropper into this water line send them into the barrel but we're not quite done just yet because we still need a little lava blade dispenser right here and we're going to make use of some rather strange game mechanics to make this one function so first off we're going to need some redstone that looks a little bit like this one repeater set to one tick on one repeater set to four ticks we're then going to need a little regular piston with some sand on top to create a monostable circuit and then we're going to take a repeater output from this redstone dust which is going to have a pressure plate on top of it now we're in a little bit of a strange situation here because I'm surrounded by trees but then what we have to do is we actually need to create an area for a chicken to stand in so I'm going to create a three block long area just like this and we're going to have a chicken on the inside of here and it is going to randomly activate that lava blade every now and again so we're going to need to fire some eggs hopefully at some point we should get a chicken there we go so he's going to walk back and forth and you'll see that way does we get a double tick through this dispenser which is amazing so now we have to do is chuck some lava on the in some of that dispenser and when the chicken walks on to the pressure plate we will get lava be spat out and then instantly retract it this is some really really old-school redstone is making me laugh anyway we're pretty much almost done now so this is the chamber where our baby chickens are so you make sure that you enclose that and then also make sure that make a chamber for the adult chickens by just creating something a little bit like this and then fire a bunch of eggs into there and eventually you'll be able to fill it up with chickens all all lay eggs into the system so we now have ourselves a working farm nice one oh I do feel like is worth mentioning you don't have to use glass for any of this stuff I was just using that for demonstration purposes anyway back over at the base now I think it's time that we actually added in a nether portal so that we could get access to all of the things that we keep having to use now I think we can all agree that nether portals don't exactly make the nicest noises in Minecraft hurt me very nice if we could switch this thing on or off the first thing that we're going to need to do is we're going to need to actually place in a dispenser with a flint and steel on the inside and then we're going to need to place a block with some redstone dust on top and that is going to be our activator so that is gonna turn on on nether portal but then how how enough do we switch it off that sort of things is a tiny bit more complicated so you need to place a redstone torch on top of this block right here which is going to be powered by that redstone dust with ain't going to take a piston output from this block and also this redstone torch at the same time which creates a rather interesting result in that if we watch the piston quickly retracts and then re extends then we're going to take an output from that piston face using an observer and then run that across into our dispenser which we're going to put water on the inside of so if we now watch flick the lever we got ourselves another portal click it again and we get a quick dispensing of water that then breaks our portal which will turn off that horrible noise so now we can fill in all of these blocks behind it maybe mixing some cobblestone here and there this looks really quite cool next up on the agenda is to now go up onto the next floor so I want to have an upstairs of this place where my bed and everything like that goes so it's kind of kept away from the rest of the base and the only real way to do that after minecraft 1.13 is of course bubble elevators really really simple to build and they just look amazing all we need is two Pistons the three blocks apart and a pressure plate in the centre we're then going to run a redstone input into one of these Pistons just a little bit like this and then we're going to need to run a redstone output into the other piston with a falling edge come on a staple circuit to do that we're going to have a redstone torch on the side of this redstone dust we're then going to run a repeater into a piston with a piece of sand on top and then we're going to have another repeater set to four ticks once again just to increase the length of delay and that's going to be running out into a block with redstone dust on top and then a block right here so we should see that when we stand on this pressure plate that piston will extend and then when we step off that piston will fire briefly okay so then we need to get ourselves a Magna block and also a piece of soul sand we need to make sure that our soul sand is on the side that extends first and then the magma is the default position so when we walk in the soul sand will be pushed across and will be shot upwards and then once you get out the magma will go back across so we can drop back through our elevator oh now I'm sure all of you already know this but when you're building up these walls or elevators you need to make sure that every piece of water on the inside of them is actually a water source as opposed to just having water at the top that drops down anyway if we try this out so we drop right the way down to the bottom that's perfect now does it work properly with the soles hands yes you may be able to tell that I was quite surprised there because I definitely didn't think we had enough delay now if your elevators a little bit taller than mine and your magma comes back across too early then I'd suggest adding in a few more repeaters down here anyway here we are on the top level and as you can see we're kind of continuing the theme that we had downstairs we've got a small little storage system with furnaces and a crafting bench just in case you want to do a little bit of that up here but other than that it's just gonna be a bent I mean there's there's not going to be too much that's functional up at the top here because it's always good to keep all your functional things in one area otherwise you drive yourself nuts running around all over the place so there we go I guess that is our starter base all done and dusted well I guess you know all right okay now it's done and I think we can all agree that this is a pretty impressive starter base I mean we've got security we've got a food farm out the front with extra storage and also the option to convert it into bone meal we then have a barrel based storage system a bamboo powered furnace array complete with smokers and also blast we've got a remote chicken farm that's off in the distance so that we can't hear the noise of it but it is actually producing roast chicken in fact that roast chicken has actually come through that is the first roast chicken from the antral farm itself and then we also have a toggleable nether water once again so that we don't have to deal with the horrible noise that nether portals make we have got a bubble elevator which takes us up to the bedroom and then we've got a few bits and pieces up here that we might potentially need I'm gonna be totally honest I'm actually pretty proud of myself for this one so let me know your thoughts down in the comment section also let me know if you like this style of video a little bit more tutorial bases that you can actually follow along at home but anyway I hope that you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 7,603,060
Rating: 4.9111862 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: sN1KnKMpQdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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