10 Minecraft Starter Houses

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hello my name is green and today I'm going to show you some starter house concepts these aren't ten individual tutorials for these houses these are just some really cool ideas and concepts that I want to show you so let's just dive straight into it there's no need for long introductions the first one that I want to show you is a log cabin made out of dark wood and spruce now I do want to immediately point out by starter home I mean a Minecraft house that can be made in a few Minecraft days made of local materials which usually means some stone andesite cobblestone and all of the kinds of woods so there's no complicated blocks involved so I want to point out that the terrain is the big feature of how this works you'll see that there's a big sort of cliff face with a bit of a plateau on it and that's where the house is going to sit so you may want to go ahead and remove some of that terrain and then you want to make sure that your house sits nicely on a platform so if I go up a little bit closer you can see that there is a base foundation made out of stone mixed in with some and design cobblestone and we have a very simple box that's on top but there's a specific technique on the corners here to make it look like it's layered logs over one another so if I make a quick corner here I can show you this was one side of the square so if you make that out of your normal dark oak and then you take your slab and you interlace them over the top of each other so that there is half a block gap so it does mean that it does overhang the top a little bit but you can see that it kind of looks like they're sitting on one another and at the top you can just sort of make that mix in with the roof later on but if you stack those up one after the other you will have yourself a very nice-looking corner to this build so for the most part I'm going to be pointing out all of the individual features of each design so that you can take the concept away and make it your own so on this build it's actually fairly simple it's a big square and it's a big a-frame roof the only thing that's different about it it is a normal standard side-by-side upside-down staircase normal staircase a-frame but there is a slight difference with the slab underneath and all that does is just give it a little detail that's something different there's even a cobblestone wall either side completely optional it just makes it look a little bit different on the left-hand side we have an entrance but instead of having your standard roof on the top actually it's got a bit of grass that spreads over the top and it really melds into the mountain itself the whole idea of this cabin is to really look like it sits nicely in the terrain itself and there's a few little extras like the chimney and stuff but the brick may be considered not a starter material so it's not strictly necessary but everything like from the oak to the Spruce to the dark oak you can get with a little bit of exploration fairly easy on the inside we've got a fairly nice amount of space and the entrance itself you know goes down to the river bottom it is really snug in here it does actually feel like a cabin in itself and of course you can dig into the mountain even further if you want more space as for the details it's some very basic stuff this is just a concept proof of concept so that you can do with it what you like on the roof there is a few little techniques that I want to talk about you may know this before but instead of just having your normal staircases all the way along you can add in some slabs and some full blocks to make it look a bit more rugged as well as some leaves as well right let's move on to the next one which is actually a modern house design using starter materials this modern house is kind of different to how I've shown to do it in the past but the concept is roughly the same we're using some very block like ways of building we've got a series of rectangles that are just overlapped on top of each other to produce this modern effect and then open it up with plenty of glass but the very key thing here is that we've got basic materials cobblestone oak wood spruce wood and having those three different colors that work quite nicely together is the key to this build so what to point out that none of them none of them connect straight on to each other even that bit there has half a block the cobblestone everything overhangs just that little bit sometimes a lot with the oak there it's all about how you place those different rectangles into one another and on top of one another you really need to think three dimensionally when you're doing something like this but it is entirely possible to make a modern house without getting your hands on quartz and stuff like that and then detailing it is quite easy you don't have to fully put walls everywhere you could put some leaves on some fence gates and you can also add some grass here and there but for the most part you can keep really nice and open add loads of glass add even some pergolas that kind of thing just make sure it feels nice and airy modern is all about the spatial and the minimalist and kind of style the stairs are something actually rather special because it uses carpets on top of fences which is not a technique I see particularly often but it actually has a weird effect in Minecraft because the carpets have this very small amount of height to it it allows you to step on top of the fences and it allows you to walk up fairly quickly so other than that it's a very spacious minimalist interior but it does give you a pretty good starter house and is possible to make this in a few Minecraft days once you've got your materials together and it is very simple as well is just a bunch of cubes so you just got to try and get creative with how those rectangles fit on top of one another and hopefully this house should give you some inspiration to get there now I really want to show you a real variety of houses for this video so I've come up with some houses that may not look very good but they are super survival friendly this one is really efficient with how it's designed so as you can see it's kind of like a hobbit hole but not really this is normally a flat plain and the concept here is that you dig a hole and use the blocks from that hole to create the house around it and then have a sky hole underneath so it's a very odd design but this is supposed to be House Plus this is supposed to be a builders way of making your very first house so it's got a very simple wooden entrance that's dug into the ground and when you go round here you are in your one-room hole with a bit of a skylight there there's actually a fair amount of room in here and plenty of natural light room for your chess and all that kind of stuff it's a very basic interior that we've put on this one today but you can kind of get the idea so I want to kind of show you the concept behind this a little bit in more detail because you might not understand exactly what I've done here so get a good look at it and how I've sort of detailed it but let's go and take a quick look off to the side on how it's done so basically you start off by making a big hole you dig by hand or with a shovel when you shovel whatever you dig yourself a really big hole in a circle or whatever shape you want then you grab your dirt or grass that you've just collected and place it in a crater formation around that whole building it up slightly so that it's not just flat on the ground and anyone walking along won't actually see what's inside at all so it's a bit of a hidden house even though it's just unobtrusive it's not really hidden but you can kind of get the idea you then take your glass and put that over the hole not bright at the top put down at the bottom where it sort of meets the normal land making sure that your hole is pretty deep in there and then you want to just make sure that you get yourself an entrance to your newly dug minecraft hole this is like your basic house done green style and I've not really seen this done before so I really hope this is a fresh design and I'm not sure how many people would use it so you then build a entrance that slopes down very gently around in the circle shape that mimics it and you put some slabs in there so that's the general concept I know I've just made this very roughly there but you kind of get how it's made and you can see why this is very efficient way of using the landscape to make yourself a starter house and then you can decorate it with some grass and some trees to try and make it fit a bit into landscape but once you go down you've got a nice little entrance and you've got yourself a little private room underground I think this is a really good design it may not be the prettiest and it may not technically be like your traditional house with your frames and stuff but it's certainly something new next up as you can see we've got an underwater house now you may not think that this constitutes as a starter home being as building underwater is not very simple at all however I think I've got a technique that makes it super easy to make so I wanted to share the concept and the technique with you and then you can build on these bubble houses obviously what I've made here is a very rough very simple bubble house made out of glass but I really want to drive home what the concept behind this is and all you need is a bunch of sand really a bunch of sand and that's it you're gonna need to make yourself a quick platform over-the-top but you need to make sure you know where the flat areas are underneath no matter how deep they are you probably don't want them too deep because you will need to hold your breath so you can see there's a bit of flat area here and that's what we're going to use so you make self a quick platform which may actually take a little while we may need some dirt blocks to bring that in from the land but once you're over the flat area you can make yourself a quick popcorn out of dirt stone whatever probably dirt is best then you take your sand and you make yourself a quick semicircular sphere over the top of the platform and I think some of you will already see where I'm going with this I've never seen anyone do this technique before but I think it's absolutely fabulous so hopefully this idea that I've proposed here hasn't really been shown before and some of you may use this for your starter house once you've got your sphere done and I've just made a very small very rough one it is super simple there's nothing special at all is it may not even be a perfect sphere at all so you want the shape of the dome then you simply reel and the sand will fall into place very simple stuff then you're going to need to take a dive quite literally underwater and I've turned night vision on so that you can see this fairly easily and all you need is some glass even stone it doesn't actually have to be glass a tall glass it's just great because it lets in all of the light and stuff so you can see it from above and not lose it so basically you take a dive underneath and you start spamming the glass over the top of the sand which is kind of why getting the shape on the platform is really needed for how this works obviously you're gonna have to go up for air a couple of times I'm pretty sure the torch technique doesn't work anymore I've been playing too much evolution and you then go inside remove the two sand blocks at the door and then put the glass in there then you've got yourself a quick bubble all you need to do now is remove all of the sand inside and you've got yourself an underwater house and you'll be surprised at how long this actually takes is not long at all you can get yourself a very simple bubble underwater house and then from there you can start editing it if you don't want it to be just glass because just glass on its own it's actually fairly simple you can start by adding a door you can add in some stone as a base layer obviously none of this is going to look good in my example because the dome that I made is incredibly small and even if you do mess up it's kind of easy to fix any leaks so you can make supports out of stone whatever you want it's actually a really solid design concept for making these quick underwater houses and you can take it even further by adding them pretty much everywhere as long as the floor is stable and if you're really clever you can use the terrain if you can picture how it's going to fall down underneath anyway that's the concept of this build obviously that really doesn't look very good but you get the idea so you could make a bunch of these bubble houses you could connect them up it could look really fantastic so our next house that I want to show you is a ravine house and it's nestled in one end of the ravine or a corner whatever you want call it and it's essentially a bunch of decorated platforms it's very simple it's very unobtrusive it doesn't take up loads of space it's not big and bold but it is a really neat house and this is a surprising amount of space in here and it utilizes the entire height of the ravine so the deeper the ravine is the more space that you can get out of it but you'll see that each layer has a lot of height to it so to make this I want to just briefly go over the concept behind this and how you might go about making it you start off with a very simple pillar made out of log or maybe even something else if you if you fancy it and you want to go roughly the height of the ravine itself now obviously you probably want to put this at one end of the ravine not in the middle but of course you could put it in the middle as well there's a lot of options there's a lot of flexibility with these designs and concepts and again they only use the starting materials that you would require you use the whole of the ravine that's already there and then you just decorate it with some very basic materials so you start off with that pillar connect it up to the ravine either side and then you can start filling that in with oak wood planks or whatever and that would create your platform I do not recommend putting in many platforms yes you could have a to space gap between each one and you could put about 10 different platforms in there but it's going to a cramped it's not going to look good yes these designs that I'm trying to show you in this video are supposed to be survival friendly starter friendly and all that but they're also so that supposed to look quite nice so I recommend leaving a lot of space between each platform and trying to keep it consistent once you've done that you then want to decorate it and the simplest thing to do is to make it look like the pillars are actually supported with some diagonal straights so again using the upside down staircase and then the normal staircase you can create these diagonals that look like they're supporting it really nicely now as for the roof you could go for what the example has over there with just a straight diagonal using staircases but if you're where I am now where there's not a lot of terrain behind it to back it up you can just do a shallow roof using slabs both cost roughly the same amount of resources they have a slightly different effect but you can make it work for you you've got to bear in mind the terrain around you and work with it as much as possible so that's the basic rough concept and then of course you can decorate it with some leaves which are very easy to acquire once you've got to iron and you can decorate it as you sew please it's very nice design that's quick to use and there are ravines absolutely everywhere in vanilla so if you find a decent one like this you can make an entire ravine town out of this eventually you could start off on one end and make a series of platforms that make their way through the ravine very very easily these are all houses that you can make super quick the next house that I want to show you kind of builds on the whole concept of the platform's but kind of takes to the whole new level now I want to point out the terrain around it is these nice sheer cliffs that I've pointed out many times they're absolutely wonderful that everywhere in Minecraft but this one in particular was amazing so I thought for a starter house why not attach some platforms to it and then make some very basic houses on them and the actual houses themselves are not the point of this design the whole point is the platforms themselves we've got a very simple a-frame they're just box houses they're not very big and the details on them are very menial compared to some of the other designs that I'm going to show you and we will get into some more complicated designs in a minute I'm trying to cover literally all of my bases or as many as possible with this video the insides are tiny but you can make them bigger we'll get to that later on so the whole point of this are the platforms themselves so they're quite thick and they're all attached they don't overhang too much which is very key it would look ridiculous if it did and they're supported by these dark oak straights made out of staircases you can do different things as well you could take some log and you could try and make it look a bit more messy and handmade and that kind of thing it doesn't have to be those straight diagonals you could do something like this consistently throughout the platform's themselves just to make it look a bit more higgledy-piggledy in a way there's many designs that would work here but the main design thing is about how they're connected and you may be wondering how you get up you actually go down to the bottom and if we take look at what it looks like from the floor it's rather impressive it does look like a big bass even though it is only a start of one so you can start down here and make your way through I did have to mine this out myself so that would take a serious amount of time but you could leave that until the end and then you connect it all up with a bunch of staircases and try and make the most out of the space now if you wanted more space on the inside you could just go into the mountain itself and you could have a massive base based on these platforms themselves it's always nice to add a waterfall whether its natural or not you can always utilize this space much better than I have so anyway that is the concept of this one I hope potentially to see some of you guys giving this one a go I think there's a lot of opportunity to work on this make the platform's longer wider more of them again there's the opportunity to make an entire village using this design this next design is probably a little more on the complicated side it still uses starter materials and it's in a sort of Mediterranean style however the shape and the way that you use these could be seen as a little complicated but again I wanted to cover all of my bases so maybe there are a little more experienced builders out there that would love to see this concept anyway you use a lot of sand stone cobble and spruce but you could you know interchange that with any wood so this is a mediterranean-style build so it's kind of a one-story thing only and if you break it down into its constituent parts it's fairly easy to understand you've got basically a bunch of rectangles all attached in the same way so you've got one there you've got a large one there and you've got a little one that juts out at the front and they're all connected up and they all share the same roof which is a slab one it's very simple there's no extra details on that so but what's kind of complicated about this build is the mixture of sandstone and cobblestone and how they change from one to the other in fact this house probably warrants a tutorial of his own so if you do want to see any more in-depth tutorials of these houses let me know which ones specifically because some of them are so easy you would be able to work it out on the inside of this house you get a really nificent amount of space to use it really feels open because of all of the very large tall windows it's not particularly wide but there's plenty of opportunity to add things in with all of the details and the interiors here we've made sure that they're fairly simple and not too obtrusive they're not meant to be particularly survival friendly it's it's all just to make it look nice and give you an idea of what you can do but hopefully this design could give you some inspiration and hopefully you can kind of get the whole concept we know with the different rectangles that are connected together not not unlike the modern house that we did earlier this is just in two dimensions so it's somewhat easier in that regard so if you can plan properly using those two materials and mix and matching them as you see fit you can make a really nice house this house would not look as nice if it was all in cobblestone or if it was all in sandstone so that's quite important to remember and also it's the big windows that really define this and the archways and even the little garden at the front I think this really ties in together quite nicely and in contrast our next house is actually going to be one that is much much simpler the next one is a boathouse quite literally a boathouse but it's more of a raft than a traditional boat or ship so it's got a very flat raft made out of spruce wood again all using starter materials very doable in Minecraft in your first few days as long as you can get your hands on those different kinds of woods and if you can't you can always interchange them with birch or whatever so you start underwater with a couple of layers and then you build up around it and you've got to just get a very gradual shape of a raft even if it is fairly square shouldn't be too difficult to try and get that shape it is very very rectangular even if there is that little bit there and the actual bit that you stand on is at water level itself the rest of it is actually fairly easy the raft is the hardest part of this build to get correct kind of right I suppose if right is the right word you then need to just make a very rectangular box house on it made out of oak or a contrasting wood color and it can have a base layer of log the roof may be a little more tough to get you could just make a straight one but for the shape of the boat to try and make it look a bit more in tune with the raft you have it sloping down to the left to the front so it's smaller at the front and larger at the back and that will help produce that nice shape and you can even add some details in there with some staircases to try and make it look like it goes really fast or whatever and then the details are fairly simple some glass windows and some trap doors and fences and that kind of thing there's a lot of flexibility here and you could go bigger smaller etc etc our second to last house will probably seem a little more in the complicated side for a starter house but as you can see this is a bridge house it goes over a valley you can see in Minecraft sometimes you get a really big river and then you have terrain either side that makes this sort of this big v-shape that's quite easy to make a bridge over the top and connect the two up but if you break this house down into three constituent parts the pathway which is meeting are made up of the stairs and the support beams and the Spruce word and the cobblestone and all that kind of stuff and the bridge itself made out of pillars you can sort of break this down easily and figure out how to make it it's not as complicated as it may seem at first glance the second part is of course these pillars that keep up the whole house even though they're totally aesthetic you could just have it floating across but this does make it look a bit more at home and of course leaving a bit of an archway over the river itself so it seems nice and clean if you remove some of these leaves you can kind of get an idea of that so a nice little arch that covers the river and then of course the house itself on the top now it's made up into two repeatable patterns it's just two very simple boxes except for perhaps the roof the details they are very simple but the the roof itself is a little more in the complex side it's got this cobblestone overlay but the framework is very simple so it's kind of a mixture of both worlds again this is just trying to give you a bit of inspiration for how you could tackle a starter house without just making a dirt hut or a wooden box you got an overhang made out of cobblestone and then you've got just one layer of the oak but then on the top you've got this dirt which obviously has spread from pod saw over the top and then decorated with some planted trees and ferns and that kind of thing this is obviously not natural terrain this has been purposely placed on top of the house to make it look like it fits in and it does the house does look like it fits in with his natural surroundings which has been somewhat of a theme throughout this video for the interior of this one it is just a square rectangular house despite being complicated on the way up and all the supports and stuff but on the inside yeah it's just a rectangle so you can put stuff in here is quite sizable depends how wide you want to make this house you could make it very wide it would look very weird but the key would be not to make it too thin and you can get a really nice view out of this as well there's a lot of opportunity with this house and this concept in particular but our final house is probably your simplest one of all this is a very normal looking house and I had to include it because all of these were pretty weird I mean the normal one was probably the first one that was the most normal with the cabin so I wanted to include your bog-standard wooden house made of some very normal starter materials and this is what I came up with so there's nothing too exciting to say here but I'll probably go over it except for maybe the brick which of course will cost a little bit more valuable resources everything is made out of stone cobble wood as you know the rest of the video has shown you so I want to go over some of the features we've got a very simple a-frame there's a lot of depth here so you've got an overhang and then you've got a framework and then you've got a wall behind it it's very simple very standard Green style of building on these type of houses but there's a few more little features that are there to make it look a bit nicer and one of the big ones is actually these rocks at the side of the house you can see them they really tie it in together it's all about integrating into the terrain even if it's just a flat plane in a normal Minecraft world you can still do things to integrate your house I've added a pergola on one side of the house because this giant L shape isn't actually very well balanced so having something either side that are just there for esthetic purposes and on the other side we've got this cover with a chair and tables and even a little patio with some trap doors around it they're all there to make the house balanced out and you can see like how the eyes when you look at it you kind of slope from right to left and it really does work quite nicely so it's got some really cool features even though for the most part everything about this house is very very basic and starter there is a bit of a foundation they've all made out of spruce there you can see that wrapped around lots of a frames the main thing is those a frames are not facing the same way you've got one front facing and one on the side it is very small inside and but you can make use of it with the height of the house you can really make use of this design so if you wanted to see any more of these tutorials in depth I know that this was more of just a inspiration type video but they are important because you need to learn to build in your own but sometimes it's good to get a few ideas behind you however if you want to see a few more tutorials then let me know obviously this video has been nearly half an hour long so I can't do individual tutorials for every single house that would take hours literally hours anyway a big thank you to Pat Jaisal who helped me put together this video and thank you very much for watching if you've made it to the end god bless you thank you very very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,197,275
Rating: 4.9310675 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, minecraft houses, grian houses, concepts, inspiration, minecraft house ideas, starter house, minecraft starter house, underwater house, cliff house, small house, easy minecraft house, minecraft build, easy, fast
Id: Wo_qfeYxjq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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