DIY Ghillie Suit, all natural materials, make in under 5 minutes!

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Hello friends if we are interested in Bushcraft or any kind of wilderness skills it's essential that we get to know our plants all the plants that you see around me here have uses they may be Edibles they may be toxic they may be medicinal or they might have utilitarian uses today we're going to learn about a plant that can help you to disappear into the woods I think you're going to be amazed at how quick and easy and effective this is you've seen ghillie suits they are incredible as far as camouflage goes now this ghillie suit is extremely light and it's free you can make it by yourself in the woods once you learn the process that I'm going to show you you can make one in about five minutes these are awesome if you are playing Airsoft if you're playing paintball if you're playing Capture the Flag they're great for wildlife observation they're useful for hunting and just for emergency purposes I'm going to show you this plant and we're going to learn how to use it to create a super camouflage ghillie suit in less than five minutes now hopefully if you live in the Midwest of North America you're recognizing a fair amount of the plants that you're seeing here but what we're after today is this all kids know about cleavers these are sticky look at it's grabbing that leaf you can probably already see what we're going to do with this they're tiny hairs that cover the leaves and the stems and give this an amazing property that we're going to make use of today when you find it it tends to grow in mats look at this this is probably all you would need for your ghillie suit right there when we Harvest it we're just going to reach down and it pulls up very easily and we're going to get these nice thick ropes to work with now you might also want to watch the short I did I'll try to link to it up here in that one I used one strand at a time you can do it that way or you can do it this way it doesn't make a lot of difference just depends on how much material you have to work with the trickiest part of this is making the hood to do this I'm just going to create a weave [Music] there's one two three four now I'm going to sprinkle on some leaves some debris from the environment you're working in that's going to make sure that you match your background now I'm going to complete my weave by just laying down in the other direction if you've got some hanging off the top like that that's just fine sometimes I'll do that on purpose because it's going to allow me to essentially latch the front of the hood or the back doesn't matter onto the other side I'm just going to lift this up and show you what we have so you can see we have a mat here a camouflage mat that is dense enough to hide what's behind it you can see how my hands are kind of Disappearing behind there but it also is allowing us to breathe and to see through it and this is very light I'm just going to repeat this process on the other side if you have some holes like this you can really quickly spread these out to create a fuller mat okay I'm gonna put the hood on so you can see how this works here's the front of my hood remember I've left some long strands coming out the top just put it right on your face the back I'm going to put over the top and I have a really nice Hood this is really adjustable I can open up my eyes if I want to I can leave spaces for my ears so I can hear I can close those up fully adjustable because of the way this stuff sticks it's really easy to breathe through this you don't really have the same problems that you can have if you're using cloth or other things that restrict your breathing a hood is one thing it's going to make your face disappear but you can use this on your body as well and the principle of this is so simple it's just it drapes to my clothing we know this if we have kids and we played in the woods and it's going to grab onto debris especially if I tuck that debris underneath I'm going to show you one more tip here before we put on the full suit and that's it this stuff can wrap around and will hold to itself just extrapolate from here and you'll understand what's going on when I'm in my full outfit you can see what I've got going on here and I wore bare skin today because that's the toughest thing to deal with if you can just stick this onto your clothing you're great but here I just have to do more of the wrapping and then using the clothing as a bridge in order to reach out and hold that up onto my arm so it doesn't all just slide down not bad camouflage for five minutes work let's see how it works when we are not just standing out in the open like this depending on the time of the year you're gonna get these little guys all over you they are not as scary as you think they come off really easily even out of your hair so it's not like a lot of other Burrs that are gonna if you have long hippie hair like me you're gonna have to shave your head we'll throw away your clothing if you're gonna use this ghillie suit remember some of the basic principles of camouflage again this color skin just glows in the dark so even just the mud is going to start to break up the coloration of your face that clear color is what the eye will pick out in the forest and so we have to break that up one tip here is that the Cleavers as you manipulate them squash them around they're gonna release a juice this juice is not harmful to you at all but it does lubricate the little spines that hold the Cleavers together what that means is that when you first make your hood and you put it on it's going to hold quite well remember if it doesn't you can take a single strand here or there or some little rope strands even around your neck and Bridge any areas that aren't holding together but if you're taking it on and off a few times messing around with it a lot it's just going to turn into a green ball of goop and then it's not a lot of use unless you're just going to use it as a drape cover to hide behind and that can be really effective too now remember we can't just watch skills on YouTube and then pretend that we have them go try this out if you have this plant in your area you don't here's your mission should you choose to accept it in the comments leave some bit of knowledge that you have about a plant it might be a plant that you eat it might be a plant that you use to start fires try to think of something that might not be common knowledge and we can create a little database down there to share with each other so we can all learn and grow from each other if you're liking this content Please Subscribe like and share help us to make our Channel grow this is how my family makes our living this is our entire lifestyle so becoming a patron or just spreading the word or just taking part in our Channel Through commenting and watching the videos means the world to us thanks so much my friends I'll talk with you in the comments [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: ReWildUniversity
Views: 12,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenton Whitman, ReWild University, Human Rewilding, personal rewilding, mindfulness, how to, bushcraft, survival, wilderness survival skills, how to survive in the woods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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