How to Make a Horror Game in Unreal Engine 5 - Full Beginner Course

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal engineer 5 tutorial today I am going to show you on how to create a complete first person horror game it will cover all the things that you need you will end up with a true first person controller an intelligent AI that will be searching you a system to hide in cupboards and much much more this can be a very easy build to follow so let's get started alright so the first thing that we need to do is create a new Unreal Engine right in my case I will be using the latest Unreal Engine version 5.2 in your case you can use a potara version you want but I recommend using the one I'm using right now or above so we are going to go ahead and select the third person template this is because we are going to be choosing the true first person approach which will mean that we'll place our camera inside of our character's head to create a super realistic effect so this is like blueprint the entire platform will desktop a moment whatever you prefer because the preset you can choose whether it's better for your Hardware sorry content I recommend to take that on it will give us some tools that we can use later on rate racing depending if you want it or not and your Hardware supports it then select a prior location and lastly a bright name so let's go ahead and put so horror game and let's go ahead and hey great all right so the editor has opened so when I create a new product what I like to do is go into window go into the content browser and just place it over here in the bottom part of the screen I just preferred to have it fixed so I can use access my assets way easier okay so as you can see right now we just have our third person character and so on so let's go ahead and put our camera in the player's head to get that realistic motion and effect let's go into third person Blueprints and open this up and now what we can do is go into the viewport and we can get our camera boom and just go ahead and put our armlet to be a zero so now we'll be like without any separation whatsoever applicants get our camera boom and just put it inside of our player's mesh and now as you can see it's a child so now we have the option to Anchor it into a socket basically we're going to Anchor it into a specific bone in this case of course it will be our head so you can just put it in our head there now we're going to go ahead and go into the location and reset this so now it'll be perfect there and we're going to put it a bit forward as you can see over there so now as you can see when I press play we have our camera inside of our player's mesh and we can move around but there's still a few things that we have to change right now you can go backwards and you face the camera mesh and so on there's a few things basically so what we're going to do is go and go and select the character movement component go down into the rotation settings and disable a range rotation to movement because now if we are going backwards we don't want our character to rant backwards because it will see our message we did let's also go into the class defaults search for jaw and enable this this will basically turn the camera uh basically the whole player to where the camera is aiming as you can see so now we have Peak controller perfectly set it up now let's go ahead and make one thing so our camera can be a bit more smoother basically it's a very good trick so what I can do is Select our camera boom and search for lag and here I can enable camera rotation light and then in the camera rotation like speed this person like seven and now if I compile go back here as you can see now the camera is super smooth and also it will give us like a type of horror movement effect now maybe it's a bit too smooth and to you know with a bigger transition and interpolation so the smaller this will be the greater decimal thickness will be right now it's very look it's very harsh but let's put it something like maybe uh nine or something like that you can play around with the settings to what you want but I think 9 will work great for me as you can see now it's also select the character movement component and let's go ahead and uh put the max work speed to be maybe around 350 so it will be more like you're walking and a bit more horse you can see so now we have a full body eye case you can see full camera movement with a resting head Bobby motion smoothness and everything so now we can go ahead and continue on as we have our player movement set up so now let's go ahead and create a flashlight for our player so let's go inside our follow camera and let's just go ahead and add a spotlight and this will be our flash light over here so we can put a bit more forward so it will not be overlapping with the camera we're gonna put a bit more and we can change the intensity to get what we want and so on we'll play around with the values in a second but basically the inner cone angle has to be a bit bigger and maybe the outer cone a bit smaller so it'll be like basically concentrated area in the inner angle and then the outer angle like a more of a outline you know tone own out type of light intensity so we can play with the settings I can just go you can see now we have a cool flashlight you can change about the intensity you know the angle we're gonna make it a bit smaller so um you can play with that of course right now we don't have our environment or scenes that object so it's daytime so it would not be re notable as you can see it is already looking pretty cool so we have our flashlight ready set up now let's go ahead and make that we can turn it on and off so for that let's create an input so let's go into this third person folder input into one and inside of actions we can just create right click go into input gradient in production this will be EA underscore slash light and let's go ahead and open this up make sure that it is set as lead to blue because the input is on we don't have to really change anything everything might be full work but now we have to go into the asset collection and it's added so our player can use it and now we can assign a key in this case let me put to be maybe L as you know flashlight or light well actually if I think it will be a bit better you can input whichever you want really and now with that I can save go back in a third person character and let's go into bang back so now we can use our action event as we use it in here is right click EA underscore flashlight and um here what I can do is create a new Boolean and this will be flashlight and active let's say so now we're going to get our flashlight and make it not Boolean so if it's not on into a branch so a new statement I'm gonna put any start that one so when you start to press the key so if we don't have our flashlight active right now we're gonna enable it so I can just go into the flashlight and just set and now there's a few things here we can set the visibility and this will be true but now for our uh pause Clinic you're gonna copy paste this and this will be false and also going to select the flashlight in my component and set up the disability to be disabled at the beginning so you won't have your flashlight still at the start so now I can turn it on and off as you can see well not off because um we didn't set the ebullient so now of course when you interact with it this should be now it is true and here now this should be when it's false because if not of course the variable will not update so we're gonna never go into the other option right so now we can turn it on and off so let's just add a quick sound over here in my case I'm going to add it in both places so I can just put it at the beginning and it will be used to play sound I'm Gonna Be Too Deep nothing crazy and now we have a few things I'm going to be placing probably the click on bottom it will sound good now let me lower a bit to maybe 0.7 and now with that said when I interact with my flashlight I put a little sound as you can see so we have now our flashlight set up so that we go okay so now what we are going to do is create a sort of drawer that we can hide from our AI that will be chasing us and so on so what we can do is just right click create a new folder this would be blueprints so I think it will be organized which is key when creating a pride and I'm going to right click and create a new blueprint class in this case it will be an actor because it will just be played in a world and we can interact with that let's name this BP underscore like drawer I mean you can really change it later on to whatever you want it doesn't need to be like a drawer but in this case I'm going to be using a drawer um so what I'm going to do is basically just add a static mesh and in this case because we imported our sorry content we have like a door frame and so on which I will use I know it's not really a drawer but whatever it will do the job so let's select our drawer frame here and then let's also just change the name to uh USB frame let's duplicate this this will be the door itself and I can just go here inside the door and just move it to be inside of it kind of and let me snap it there we go and let's go ahead and rotate a bit by default so it will be open I'm making this highlighter on his open my before not um but with that said make sure that the equation is set to block all dynamic and what we're going to do is now also just add a new component and in this case this will be a cube and this will be used to be the side one and basically Also let's put the door inside the frame so it's a bit more organized we can use neatly put it there and inside one will just be basically squash like that um maybe we can make it a bit smaller like plenty one and just put it in one of these sides here and basically it will just fill in the Box okay um so let me just do this over here like this like this uh yeah I guess I guess it would be cool I made a bit bigger like this okay and then you're gonna just duplicate this put it into the other side and then duplicate this just go ahead and no ee no site three and then rotate this like this around 90 degrees and just place it on the other part now I'm doing this real quickly but you can put a bit more detail into it and gonna just double this and this will be the floor you could say and I just rotate this minus 10 degrees and make it smaller pour it into the ground like this great it up and then just duplicate this this will be the ceiling we can say and now we just put this into the top and now we have our box and we can select all the size and floor and signaling and whatever and we can supply a wooden material and which we have with the sorry content for example this one I made this a bit too maybe this one yeah yeah you can play with that with that uh okay so that's great I can also change the element here to be also some wooden you know aspect let's do also this and wood let's put this one here there we go and we have our drawer over here I can just drag it into the scene you will see here and maybe it's a bit is too small I see you in a second uh it's great okay so I can go here and you can see I could go inside and there we go you can see that our door doesn't have a collision even though we have has set here the local Dynamic this because the mesh itself doesn't have one so I can just double click in the mesh to open up and just go into collision and add a box 75 collision and I'll just add a simple box around it and now you can see that it will have a collision so I can just go here and I can now Collide and then we can later on and shut it and so on let's go ahead and add you say trigger so we can interact with Pip so in our drawer let's select the root is add a box collision and this will be our distributor so when we go ahead and go through here we will need to be able to enter or exit whatever you want let's just fill it in a bit here and just fill in like this make it thinner and you just cannot put him in a bit of the side maybe bigger like this you can play around with the trigger and make sure the distance as overlap or dynamic and let's go into the on component begin overlap and on here gonna get the actor just cast to the third person character and making sure that it is our purpose gather which is interacting and if so we are going to use right now print and this is a test over here so we'll see when I go here I'm going inside my box you can see Hello in the top left corner of the screen so that will work um but we're going to do instead is go ahead and create an interface uh interaction so we can just press the E key and enter exit whatever we need so let's go ahead and do so so let's go into third person folder input actions right click input action EA underscore interact we don't need to even open by default will be okay I can just go into the collection add a new mapping and this will be our EA interact I'm gonna assign the E key over here save close that we go and I can just go into my third person character right click over here EA interact and then I can just go ahead and you say get overlapping actor sorry we don't need to do a for each Loop so we'll go through a loop from every object of an array in this case the array will be the get overlapping actors and this because if we are inside this trigger up here it will be inside uh our character will be overlapping nectar in this case we can interact with it uh so now we're gonna leave the glass filter into so it will detect any object that we want and now we're going to do is create an interface so let's go into blueprints right click go into the blueprint category create a blueprint interface BPI underscore interaction let's open this up the new function will be interact and we're going to generic like this compile save and close and now I can just go here and say interact and it will be that now of course we are only going to be doing this if it contains that interface so we can just do a does implement interface BPI interaction and make a branch and we'll only continue to sell so basically you're going to be wondering why do we do an interface well an interface will allow us to communicate between different blueprints by not directly casting so I would not need to do what I did here about casting into this specific third person on whatever so on uh or even even using the beginner overlap basically it will detect whatever object I am overlapping and if that object contains the interface I can interact with it so to add an interface into an object that I can interact I can go into class settings implement the interface at BPI interaction and now I can just go into the interface section double click and as you can see when whatever or interact I play interacts with something it will be called the code from here so in this case we will put our camera to be inside of it and so on so basically what it would do is get the player uh character and set the uh transform in this case will be the actor Transformer so we'll basically just change the location and rotation to be inside against right click the transform have different anchors over here and let's just go into the root and add a skeletal mesh and this will be a reference point so I can just add my money or I think we're using Queen right now it doesn't really matter but uh Queen simple and I can rotate it put it in place and basically our player will go into that point when we you know move it inside basically and I can just make sure that the Collision are disabled and also let's go and enable hidden in game because this is only for us to see and to put in the rotations put a bit up so now I can just get the reference get the in this case will be the world okay so the world location and put it there actually work and instead you just get the weld transformed right click split it and now we have all the things so I think it's directly plastic uh one only one another so now basically when you interact with it it will go into that position we can test it out and go here I'm inside the box I think press e you can see that now I am inside and I can go outside too uh we'll should also close the door so what I can do is use a rotate the door a bit so by default it will be like this um so I can just go ahead and get the door set rotation in this case it will be the relative rotation because it is in local from that blueprint and right now the rotation is this this one right um but I would change it so I can split this to be at zero yeah exactly zero so like this will be great so you can go hear him enter you can see the door will be locked I can go out or anything I can see my AI going out and everything will just work let's also quickly just make that we can go out of the driver of course uh so what we're going to do is use a cleaning variable inside well you can say yeah inside I think and then here we're gonna be 783 through uh and then I'm gonna make a branch and this will only continue of course if it's not inside so if we are not already inside we will go inside right and if not and be setting inside to be false and we can put our player to be out so I can just get a reference and change the name to be the reference to be reference inside and I'm gonna duplicate this and put it to be forward there and this will be the reference outside there you go now I'll move my player to be outside so I can just get this and basically cut all this copy paste put it here in this case OBD reference in uh outside sorry so this is yeah outside so I'll be moving my player to be outside basically and this set into false and then door we're gonna put I think it was I don't know how much this value so just copy it paste this in zero instead sorry uh okay I cannot be like 100 maybe yes okay and with that I should go ahead and work of course our trigger will need to fill in the interior a bit more too because now we will not be overlapping so I can just go select my trigger and use expand it and put it more inside thing like that will work so I can get to go press e to enter I will be enter uh can I go out to whatever my door is closed press e again I will exit my door is open everything will go ahead and use work without dropper so now we can hide from my AI when it's created of course okay so let's make some footsteps so first of all let's import our audio but for that let's right click and create new folder let's name it audio and now can just go ahead and import my uh footstep in this case I will be limited description you can get the same one as me just drag it into the account browser as you can see we should be able to import it import post tab drag it here there we go I don't know what happened now we have it here uh so we can play it so we're going to do is just right click and create a in the audio category what is it how did we go meta sound swords Ms underscore footstep so basically right now we only have one clip which is this one and we play a lot of times it can end up very repetitive so what we can do instead is change a bit the pitch every time that we play so it will sound like a variation but actually we only have one clip so we'll basically do some code let's double click this and just go and use play with player mono so play a sound in this case will be our wooden footstep and now what we can do is put our output mono to be here in our unfinished on on finish and then what you can do is get the pitch and do a random load so every time we've played we'll change a bit the pitch which will make it sound a bit different so now I can put for example the minus between minus two and two so now every time I will play it it will sound slightly different and I can basically increase it with the boundaries to make a sound even better so that's it I can now just go close all this and let's enter our character folder mannequins entering animations Queen and I'm gonna go into the walk forward animation and I can start placing some uh sound so I can just go into notifies add a new track will be both steps puts that and I use in the right ones right leg and now if I play sound and I can just play my Ms footstep against Ctrl C go here select this Ctrl B click here Ctrl V click here you're going to B and now I'll play my first steps whenever that's done you can see that will work and now also let's create a sound automation so it can be in a 3D space so let's right click go into our audio category go into speculation sound alternation essay underscore character because all these sounds that will play will be through our character so this will be our inner radius it'll be like the inside this minimum radius we can hear like in 2D so let's drop it down to 100 or even 200 and then for distance it's the max distance that we can hear audio in this case I think that 100 and sorry 1700 will work but we can test this out so let's quickly close this open our add a sound and go into Source automation apply our character Automation and now if I drag it into the scene you can see the two boundaries the minimum one and the max one the next one is a bit big maybe so let's drop it down to maybe 1200 and it's a bit better yeah so I can just press play and it would be sounding in 3D and so on so later on for creature Ai and so on also okay footsteps will play in 3D which will be very handy so now I have our footsteps set up quickly alright so let's begin to create our creature AI so I'm going to do right click gradient folder AI open this up and just right click and let's go into the blueprint class and open all classes and let's create an AI controller and this will be AI controller selected let's call this VP underscore AI underscore controller and this will be for a creature or whatever we have as an enemy uh so now we can just open this up go into the events graph and on here we'll go ahead and run Behavior three now we'll go ahead and create the video in a second so let's do that right click go into article intelligence create a we have a 3 BT underscore Ai and then right click and create another Blackboard underscore AI so basically the Blackboard will be assigned into a behavior tree so the Blackboard will be a list of all our variables that we can use throughout our Behavior tree when we started to touch it you will still have it there but let's open up our AI controller let's assign that we have a tree so it will run it and then close this up and let's open our Behavior tree and let's make sure that we have our Blackboard selected as the one that we created wait so let's close this and now let's create our character blueprint our actual AI right click blueprint class character BP underscore AI let's open this up mesh assign a character let's use perfect sample many simple let's put it in the correct position so minus 89 over here and then minus 90 over here and now in the name class I can just put ABP menu so I have the animations that it has great so I can now go into the class defaults search for AI and this is very important we have to go and change the auto business AI to be in place in both or spawned and this one is just a prevention a thing that I like to do you can just in case later on you spawn or in your AI instead of manually placing it in the level because I'm not the AI will not be assigned it will not work and you'll see why it's not working whatever and it's just because this was not correctly set up so like this will work and then the most important thing is changing the AI controller class so let's change that to our one that we created which is BP AI controller so now I can use compile save and I can just close this great so now we have our AI created and assigned so I can just go and drag it into the scene now there's a thing that we need to do in order to let our AI move around our scene and just go in to quickly add to the thread go into volumes and add a nav mesh bounce volume so let's go ahead and fill in the whole scene so I can just change the scale to be locked and spell like 20. now it will just fill the whole screen uh screen not seen and now if I press play uh P sorry you can now see the whole routes that our AI will be able to navigate so that's great uh you can just press P again and there you go of course right now our air will not move because of course there's no logic so let's start to create our logic let's go and open up our behavioral tree and what we can do is get from the root and add a selector so we will have two sequences we have a new sequence over here which will be use the search AI well search player sorry and this one it will just be run uh randomly you know going through the level searching the player and then we'll have another sequence which will be chasing player and this one the you know enemy AI has already seen the player and will start to chase it so for search player let's go and create a new task we just click this button over here and now in the AF folder let's create a new folder tasks let's open this up and this will be our BT underscore task underscore and this will be uh new and used ROM around and now we can just enter in this task so let's add the begin play of the task which is in their functions of write receive execute AI just like the gameplay of our task so when the you know test is being executed so on here we're going to do is get the control pawn and just do a AI move to and this will just sorry I need to add a a move to without putting any values there we go now the pawn will be all controlled Pawn which will be our AI and then our destination we can just do a random point and get random reachable point and radius this would just get a random Point okay our origin we can just get the actor location from this and then we're going to search around let's do uh 3000 from this point great so now when we put this 120 and then they can just do in success I can just do uh it was what was the um finish execute there we go and this will be a success so ticked on and on fail it will be well I'm taking the success and there we go so now our AI should wander around our level let's go back into the heavy tree and search player against add my task which I created which is the ROM around and now when that finishes executing I can just add in the right a weight so I can lose weight for example uh three seconds right so our AI will wait three seconds now this should work if I press play or else should start to walk around our level stop for three seconds and then go and search again another point so that's working let's also go ahead and start to you know add some animations and smooth out the movement you can see when he turned it was like very Snappy let's go ahead and do so so let's go into our bpai blueprint open pool blueprint editor uh go into the class defaults and disable job because that would just overwrite the rotation to be very Snappy we don't want that instead we want to go into the other approach we should select the character movement component go down and enable orange rotation to movement so basically rotate to where it is moving and with a smooth interpolation so we just look much better great so with that said we need to create a new animation blueprint so let's go here into the AI folder right click animation blueprint let's go select SK mannequin create ABP to animation blueprint underscore and this will USB AI now for that let's also right click animation Legacy and create a blank space 1D let's select again our SK mannequin and now we can name this AI underscore plan space 1D so with our band space what we can do is translation between different animations depending on the value in this case it will be a speed so in the horizontal axis against speed and then the maximum b600 because it's our Max right now walk speed for our AI if you guys can see 600 uh actually we'll go ahead and drop it down to 350 also you know actually 300 so it's a bit less than the player and let's change that to B300 and then we're going to do is enable snap to wait it will just make things a bit better and now I can start to drag in my animation so let's search for idle in this case I think we're using the menu for AI so let's use the mm let's drag it and the left part of the screen and then let's search for a walk and let's put it and it will be the fourth mm once again put it into the right and now if I hold Ctrl as you can see and drag it across the timeline as the speed increases I will be transitioning smoothly between both animations that's great I can just close this and open up my animation blueprint and here what I can do is get in my AI blend space and drag it in and connect it now depending on the speed for example if I put here 300 it will start as you can see through walk let's put back to zero and go and right click and create a variable because this speed should won't need to be you know controlled by our AI moving in the scene in real time so we can just go into the then graph from our owner that is controlling this animation blueprint against get the velocity and from the velocity I can just use this Vector length node to convert it into nice float so now I can just use it in here so I will be setting the speed great so that should work I can go into my AI mesh and now just putting my ABP Ai and now the animations should go ahead and work let me also start to close some things around because I have a lot of tabs open and as you can see the AI will start to work with its animations and you know work very smoothly another thing that we can do is smooth out a little bit more of the blend space so we can just go here and add some smoothing time like literally like 0.2 seconds that would be enough and it will just make a more realistic movement so there you go so let's go ahead and make that our AI can sense our player and start to chase him and so on so for that let's open our bpai and I'm gonna be adding the pawn sensing component and let's go ahead and hit enter as you can see now we can change things this is the side radius and the sensor interval and the vision and so on so let's drop the vision to be around maybe 70 degrees so I'll be players something inside of this and then we're going to be stable here notices and make sure that c pawns is enabled only intense players are going to be enabling this because we will not have any more ai's in the level unless you want to have more in that case then settle that by Gonna Leave It enabled and then updates should be enabled so with that said um so you can see now we should be able to see our players so on C Pawn we're gonna be making sure that that's our player in this case I'm going to be doing a tech so hashtag because it's way more efficient than just casting into or third person succeeded we know it is a player I think a better option is just to create attack so what we can do is go into our third person connect blueprint which you know we shouldn't rename to first person so let's do the BP underscore first person there you go let's open this up and I'm gonna be changing and the class defaults tag I'm gonna be adding an actor tab okay not for a specific component it's going to be an overall so in the actor one and it's gonna be is player now make sure there's no spaces or whatever it has to be exact so now here I can just type player and again it has to be exact okay no errors let's make a branch so this is true it means that it is our player so what we can do is get our AI controller there we go and now what I can do is get our Blackboard and this will be also sell so we're getting our AI controller getting the Blackboard as I mentioned before the Blackboard is all of our variables that we can use throughout the behavior tree and so let's create a new platform variable let's go into AI VD Ai and let's go a new key and this will be seeing player my people will be you know close so now we're going to do is go back into our Ai and here it will be set value as Boolean so there's no accessing of like if we are a normal variable of you know just getting the example the speed or whatever is universal so it's any variable that that is a bull but here we can pass the name so we're going to make little name and here will be well scene player which is the one that we set up again the name has to be exactly the same that is in here actually I made a mistake and it's all joined together so you know be careful with that make sure to put that there I think I click that okay uh so now true here put this here that Boolean will be true because well it has seen the player um so that would be great we are enabling that variable there we go so now let's go into our Behavior three so let's open this up and let's add a condition so what we can do to decide if we go into this part or this part is create a decorator so I can just go into my search player right click and the greater and will be a Blackboard because we'll be seeing a Blackboard variable in this case we're gonna be selecting our key which is our variable and skates will be seeing player and in this case will be if it's not set so if same player is false we'll be able to go here now in a port we're going to be putting this so This basically if this result changes so this variable changes will go ahead and a board of the self uh sequence go up into the selector and then decide whether we go here or here and James and player gonna do the same thing but the opposite if it's set so just right click add the creator of Blackboard select our scene player this is very important make sure it's not cell Factor these are variable which is same player and then in this case it will be a set and once again itself so we can later on a board and decide if we go into another one all right so let's create a new task which will be from our blueprint base and so important this BT underscore task underscore no B Chase player so let's go ahead and open this function receive execute AI so select the beginplay of our task and now on here what we can do is just do an AI and move to and I can spouse our control Pawn into the pawn and then Target against b or get player character so be following our player now destination we have Atari actor we can leave it as default uh the acceptance radius let's drop it a bit up in 220 because if not it will get too close to the player and it's a bit messy and then on success I'm going to just do a on I don't even remember uh how is the the other uh finish execute okay the note uh so finish execute this will be true and here it will be false and you know there we go so that would be great that will be said um everything we should use this works so let's go back into our Behavior Tree on here we're gonna go ahead let's drag in our task which we created we just Chase player and then every time we can just make it white or maybe you know 0.1 second so it can be a bit you know smoother and livable space so that should work if I now press play or should see us you can see now it's chasing so everything is going ahead and you know working uh so that's great now of course we should make that we can also you know escape from our player uh enemy sorry but first of all let's make that he can catches and so on all right so to set our attacking we're going to be importing an animation in this case I will be leaving this free animation asset pack in the description you just go ahead and get it and unzip it and you get all these animations in this case we will be using this a third push shop at second so you drag it into our account browser into our AI folder close this and now for our skeleton instead of using the new ue51 we are going to be using our old uh ue41 sorry SK mannequin underscore content say import all and now we have it over here you can see the animation now works uh basically we had to now it into the Armenian fight but because we're using the template we already have that done so again it's right click uh sorry it's a create a new folder put uh ue4 drag it in to move here and now I can just right click go ahead and lubricant and select the retarder from ue4 to E5 and I can see that will work I can choose now my AI folder okay it and now you can see we have the animation there perfectly going stats grade uh everything we have it you know set up so now what we can do is play this animation whenever our AI gets close so let's right click and create an animation Montage this will enable us to you know play this animation from with our power we want blueprint but to be able to play an animation Montage let's go into our ABP AI so to our animation blueprint and then graph and we have to add this node which is the default slot and this will just enable us to play animation montages in between it's very important so now we're going to go into our um we have a tree add a new task from our blueprint base task PT you know BBT underscore task and uh this will be attack player and now this will be receive execute Ai and on here what we are going to do is basically play an animation and so on we are going to be doing this from our AI blueprint so we're gonna be communicating so what I can do is just go over here and use cast to DP AI normally I do interfaces but because we're all going to be using one cast in this whole AI system to just go ahead and use attack every once in a while on our you know enemy reaches our player it's okay to use cast so on here what we can do is let's close everything that we all need in this case this okay let's go into bbai and let's create a new custom event just let you go that we don't need right click custom event and this will be attack Ed player in this case it will just catch it okay so now I can just go ahead and play a montage and it will be with this curtain with the mesh and the monster to play will be the one I'll import it great so we're going to be playing an animation let's make a new variable in this would be attacking and we're gonna only be you know attacking if we are not already attacking so let's get attacking again not Boolean so if it's not true we can attack okay and then we'll go ahead and set up attacking you know to be true because we're attacking and then one is uh on complete we're gonna be assigned to false because if we finish you know attacking and with that said in here we're going to be doing a sphere Trace by Channel but don't worry about that instead we'll do in a second and basically sphere Choice by Channel we just create like invisible fear in a specific position and if our player is inside we'll apply damage or catch or whatever we're gonna be just deciding okay so with that said I can now go into my task and I'll call attack player and I will go ahead and do so and then from that I can just make a bit of a delay in this case more or less the animation length so I can just open up the Montage and I can see that it will be 1.27 seconds so I can just go here with 1.27 and then here do the Finish execute I've or not finish execute there we go and this will be your speed success you know what I mean so with that that's great everything will just go ahead and work um so now we can just go ahead and really test that out but we have to edit so instead of waiting I now gonna be doing the attack and it's because um what is it what is it was a tech player because when this is completed I will go into this next one so now on our plus play go here you can see it reaches and we're doing the attack and everything will just go ahead and work so now let's go ahead and do the sphere Trace answer one so to do our Spirits let's go into our BB AI let's go from our play montage and just do a spirit Trace uh as to in this case four objects so this will just create an invisible sphere I just as I just mentioned so let's create a point which will create this sphere so let's create an arrow if I know how to type we go and this will be our attack Trace point I'm gonna be pissing this a bit more in front and up so the sphere will be created around in this point so I can skip this do get weld location and create there so they start and endpoint will be there and actually the endpoint what can do is just get the world rotation and then go ahead get the forward vector and use times this by a value so basically wouldn't get where the uh arrow is looking which in this case is in this direction I'm going to be applying an offset so it will end here so basically create more fun uh you know let's say we could say uh like a not cylinder but one of uh enlarged sphere you could say and now against right click convert this into float and it will be like maybe 200 forward and I can just add the wall location and this new opposite unplug it into the end great so with that said I'm gonna play array used let's do like maybe 50. okay I'm gonna play with that in a second the object types will be what objects it will be detecting so let's make an array and we can use split Parts because our player is a pawn and number rewind value we're gonna make a branch so we will only continue we have actually detected something let's get our odd hit and do a break so now we have all the parameters and information about what object we have hidden in this case let's get a hit actor and let's do damage to be damaged right apply damage sorry that line damage there we go and we're gonna play certain damage let's do like 10. now we're gonna be doing that it will automatically catch you so it will just fade and so on so really there's no health or damage system but I just like to use this you know just apply damage because we can just use the receiver so uh in the player side and just do the fade and so on so there will not be any health system so we can put this in four duration so we can just preview our last rear Trace so now we can just go and we can see how this works now what I also just did in a cut which is uh basically reduce the radius to 25 and put this to be 70 so it's a bit better okay so I recommend putting those two values um so now you can see the spirit Trace is perfect um so now what we can do is send a player when we receive that damage we can just do the fade out and restart the level and whatever we need so let's go ahead and do so so let's go ahead and close all the tabs that we don't need open up the third person with Brands first person blueprint and now we're going to do is right click and add an event which will be event and any damage so when we receive damage it will be called this it's like its own Implement an interface so on here what we can do is go ahead and create a new widget and then here this widget will basically Fade Out everything and here we go also go ahead and disable the input so our player will not be able to move anymore and we will play a sound in a second and so on so let's go in to the content browser you create a new folder click on this UI open this up right click use interface for a widget blueprint use a widget that you'll be underscore and this will be our Fade Out let's open this up and now what we can do is in the play add a canvas panel so we can start placing things in our screen let's add an image and now with the anchors while holding Ctrl so the left control I can just click this one now we expand through the whole screen I'm going to change the brush uh sorry the color opacity to be you know dark and I can split the alpha to be zero at the beginning um so with that said I can exchange this name to be just the fade image and now with that selected I can create a new animation this will be fade and now I can select this animation and add that fade image so now I can start adding keyframes so the first keyframe will be the color and opacity with this totally uh with the outline 0 so add a key from here with this button now go M maybe 75.75 seconds I can just open this up for the output to be totally one so totally opaque and add another keyframe and now after some time I could go ahead and fade out but we will not fade out at this same animation because what we are going to do is restart the level so it will not make any sense because we will not see I get to see that fade out uh once again right that you know fitting to back to the game so what we need to do is every time that we start the new game make it fade in and do the other thing so now you can see I just press play it will just fadar and we can just play around with the timings and so on a bit later so let's create another animation and this will be made out so really this will fade in and fade out so let me just change the name over here so they ask for out and fade I'm gonna score it in and I will change the name of the blueprint instead of Fade Out it should be Fades okay um so now I'm here I can just select my Fade Out add my fade image and then it will basically go from Full Alpha at one it will be no pig to use uh 375 maybe you know put in the alpha to zero and keep framing so we'll do this that's us what we got let's go into graph delete everything let's make two custom events so just right click custom event this will be paid in and basically in here we're gonna get our fade in animation and just do this play animation node okay so we'll be playing that animation and now right click right in the custom event fade out and we'll do exactly the same but with the other fade so I can do Fade Out animation play animation and now with that said I can just go into my player create that WB face like it's created and then go ahead and use uh actually will need to create it in the gameplay because we want to also fade in so I just paste it here so when the game starts it will be created and now you can just right click promote this to variable so face widget okay and now I can skip this and add it into the viewport okay so I'll add into the player screen so right now will be empty there will not be any Fades or whatever because our office at the studio but now in here I can just get my face widget and do the fade in and it will just cover the whole screen uh you will see that will work it's going to my Ai and then out so everything is working now let's go also in the beginning play and do the Fade Out okay so it will just like start already with the game like this you can see it also looks very cool when you start the game you know let's see if our enemy AI seizures come on we should play a sound so on but it is gonna work alright so let's add our jump scare sounds and so on so in my case again I will be leaving them in the description uh so here they are inside the game start and jumpscar and so just drag them into the audio folder over here and now we have them so the jump scripts like this nothing crazy and then game start it's a pretty so like you know when when you started the game with a fade out those little things adds a lot into experience and makes it more professional and Polished trust me okay so let me just go into my first person character when I do this I'm gonna be play sound to D and in my case I'm going to play in that game start so when the game starts let's find it what is it game start okay let me just open this up audio game start selected put there okay easy way yeah it looks pretty cool and then let's go into our thing here and we'll do our Fade Out we'll also play a sound d I'm gonna be doing our jump scare so now when our guy detects us and guesses who played that sound which is really cool and later on when we have the environment and other sounds it will feel much better okay right now it feels a bit off but because there's like no other sounds right now uh that's the thing let's also just go real quick into our enemy and let's just get rid so we can select the Ctrl e to open this up let's get rid of the the book type to none so it will not get that line Trace out there so there we go uh let's just make better restart the level so I can just make a delay of maybe a second and then open level in this case I will be opening again the third person temp uh right now third person nap there we go there we go we have the whole game looped cool all right there we go so yeah let's continue okay so now let's make that our AI can lose us because right now once it has since you you know seen you it will just chase you and whatever you do get out of you know his side or whatever it doesn't matter he will still chase you so uh what we can do is open up our Ai and what we're going to do is get the begin play so we're gonna be doing one thing the thing is that the pawn sensing component does not have any form of on stop scene pound right so what we need to do is in a constant Loop be disabling the same player so every couple of uh seconds will be disabled in this right the thing is that the on C Pawn because it has this sensing interval will be also playing in a loop so basically as this is playing in Loop if he is seeing us it will be constantly be refreshing to be true and the thing is that if we go any Loop and be constantly disable in this but with a lower rate and if he sees us it will still be over Rhythm and activating but if he stops seeing some seeing us it will be you know instantly be activated and it will just work okay I don't know if it made a lot of sense it's hard to explain but once we get it working it will make a bit more sense uh so basically let's make this sensor interval a bit better a bit better not basically more often so we're gonna put this at point two so he will send us uh more regularly okay the more you know a higher rate now the main clay let's go ahead and make an uh timer uh set timer by event and it will happen every point for seconds or 0.5 we can look at 0.5 so because this rate will happen more often and this will have like more priority basically so now I can just make sure the looping is on okay enable this looping this on and now you skip the vent create a custom event and this will be um stop scene layer so now I can just go and put this up here this here I can just get this okay and just get all this copy paste put it here and now disable this okay very important make sure to do the disabled back let's put this here get this over here and put a bit up there we go so now you will see that if we manage to somehow you know escape from him he will basically lose track of us and will continue into his walk cycle so now he sees us and let's try to hide him from him it's gonna be hard there we go so he stops seeing says and now he goes back into his patrolling as you can see so that works now and he sees it again there we go it's coming so that basically goes ahead and works you can see it's coming now we're having this problem and is that every so often because it's in a loop it will stop you know singers and so on uh so what we can do is go and police sensing interval to be very very high so maybe 0.05 and this will come and you know happen so often that there will not be any no school thing now still a bit uh noticeable so we can just drop this bit up to maybe 0.8 and you know 0.0 maybe two uh really this doesn't consume a lot of power or whatever and because our AI is a big thing we can allow this right um so now you can see that is there we go no I don't we don't feel anything and also look guys it also did look a bit good it's like if it's like I don't know possessed and all that's like his vibrating a bit you know like it can end up being cool but for now this would be great okay so now let's go ahead and set up that you know we can actually hide from our player over here so let's do that and I mean I just realized that of course because we already have been set up against both and of course if it doesn't catch me so let's put a bit more out there now he's coming to me but if I go and hide oh there we go because I have my door and everything he will stop seeing me so now he is going and wondering again because that system is already working so there we go we don't have to you know manually communicate with him that you know he's you know stops seeing their player ultimatically because we had the door and everything he will stop seeing me and he'll go wandering so that's already automatically set up that's the cool thing of making modular systems so there we go so let's go ahead and make the final game Loop the end game basically you'll need to search for a specific weapon so an item in the scene and once you get it you can basically equip it and once the AI finds you can use when it's closed you know go ahead and kill him and he will win the game right um so let's go into Blueprints and create this weapon item however you want to call it so it's right click whipping class actor BP underscore and this will be used let's say weapon um and let's open this up so right now I will not apply any model and I'm gonna just go ahead and make a sphere okay this is just a bit temporary don't worry about that okay but there we go and I can change the material to be uh maybe Queen so I can see well maybe uh no yeah this car okay it doesn't really matter it's just temporary against drag it into the scene and for example let's put up here and I can just grab it right so we're going to do is add a sphere collision and this will be our trigger so if our player is inside of it we can basically go ahead and grab it um so let's make our sphere radius bit bigger maybe like uh yeah uh 55 50. and then let's make sure this setup overlap all Dynamic so now uh basically when we interacted we can now equip it and so on so we're gonna go into class defaults go into sorry class settings at the BPI interaction interface double click here and now what we will do is just go and cast to the first person character and also oh yeah because we guessed it before yeah we don't cast before all right don't worry um I thought about because we changed the name to from third person to first person but I'm real already automatically you know change that and also I think we don't have any cost because we deleted that anyway so again player character and what to do is basically enable one thing so let's go into the player into the mesh and add this code to mesh and this will be the weapon and basically this weapon will be in our uh like in our camera we can actually build it inside our camera and we're going to put this here it will be that sphere um so I don't know what this spear this fear okay let me search it let me add it here okay mesh sorry about that SMB static machine there we go um the color was like uh this one let me started let me apply it we go and the size was 0.2 there we go we had here I can just go and put it maybe into one side so that you have it equipped I don't know whatever we'll see you know I don't know how it looks right now yes it's like we got it in the hands very cheap way but it will work okay you can play around with the settings let's make sure to disable the collision and now we change the name to be weapon so this by default will be disabled so let's go into visibility and disable this now I'm going to do is creating two new custom events this will be well sorry one custom event which will be equipped weapon so now I can just get the weapon and you set the invisibility to be true and then what I would do is get a new wearable and this will be [Music] um has a weapon and this will be set to true there we go so now from the weapon I can just go this equip weapon custom event that is created and what I can do is just go ahead and destroy this actor so it will disappear from the ground so now because we already have the system set up so I can pick up things from the interact and it's Universal this uh interface I need to go for the AI catch me go here click key and now can equip as you can see so everything is going ahead and working so now I should be able to attack the player or whatever you know if I have it on all right so let's go into the content um and then go into the input folder and create a new action so this will be the EA underscore and let's do like attack and this case again don't need to open this default values are good let's open the collection and just open up mapping I'm going to be applying our EA attacks in this case it will be the left Mouse button so I'm now going to go back into first person character let's right click EA attack in this case it's going to be making sure that we can only attack if we have our weapon with our bad boy that we created will be set up here great so now if so we can go ahead and play montage and you know what we're gonna be using the same exact um animation that we had for our uh other AI okay we have then we don't have a need to make a new one it will just work so there we go and from here we're gonna actually copy our logic forest for your Trace okay it will just work so I think it's copy all of this okay literally copy everything like it is paste it and plug here it will do exactly the same thing why we have to repeat again the code there's no point so now I can just go and add again another arrow and this will be the [Music] um the attack race pass I know it will score like that but there we go and just put it over here right and it will attack um so I can drag it let me go put it there and there you go it will do exactly what we have to do I'm gonna basically use make a federation in the debug type so we can preview this okay so now I can just press play go and get mine sphere here now you go let's go buy behind you can see now if I attack this happens so that's great so now I can just go here I will be attacking him uh let's also do one thing and let's make this a bit bigger so maybe like uh 40 in this like maybe like uh 120. so basically be a bit easier for you because not the AI will catch you first you know what I mean uh so we have to be careful with that um and also let's go into our Ai and apply the logic that you can die or he can die so at the event any damage so when he receives damage what we're going to do is literally just get the mesh and you do set simulate testing and what this will mean is that he will just drag though into the floor now for this let's make sure that the Collision is set up properly so let's select our mesh go down and let's change this this collection preset to be custom and I can put their questionable to be query and test it in the capsule component make sure it's set ignore only Pawn so go not uh you know collision with its own mesh and then after saying Ragdoll I can just get the character move component you can stands set the movement mode to be none so he will automatically stop moving he can move anymore so that should work if I just go here get my um weapon okay there we go we have it here I need to go and attack him if I there you go come on there we go he died into the floor uh of course we have to um scene to expand this a bit more into the oh sorry I changed the AI one right yeah okay sorry so this is 25 and this is uh 70. sorry I confusing that make sure to set it in the player F supporting there you go so now yes let's go get this over here and you're saying why we don't ask Sprint well I think for this horror game if it's more there we go all right cool cool cool so we should just add a few sounds but that's great um you should also win the game right here so let's create a UI for that um but basically I think that is it's okay to not have sprinting it's like more into the horse thing let's say win add a canvas panel and would do is just get a image again hold Ctrl expanded make it uh like this Alpha zero and then put the image to be just be fade so again we'll play yes uh no Fades are very good I like them a lot and now I can just go ahead and create an animation fade in and bands uh without underscore and then just add that specific fade image and then at the start it'll be like this and then after here we can wait a bit more you know what I mean it's like more celebrations like a bigger fade and put this like this so I would like take more time you want to fade there we go and you basically won the game we can put like a text on here so in the middle for the position x y and zero zero alignment 45 and 5 and then size to be bigger and then in the middle and then winner I don't know or you caught the creature or whatever you want to say right I don't know so with that said there we go we got it there and we should just go ahead and in the event construct so this is like the gameplay of The Witcher I can just get my fade in animation and just do uh play animation so automatically when we create a widget it will just play the animation so I can just go here in the AI so when it dies I can just go ahead and create a widget from here so great widget this is like the event in damage and just go ahead and do the win and just add it into the viewport there we go you will see that will work and I can also just disable the maybe the movement from the player but I think that that's not necessary um so now I can just go and test this don't worry we'll add also a winning sound when he dies too in a second but I can't get this I don't know where my AI is oh my God oh my God I got my scare my own game okay that was very embarrassing okay um I don't know he literally disappeared okay so now I guess there we go you call the creature okay cool let's add some sounds all right let's add some more sounds so in my case I got this grunt so when the creature will die the way I will build in this in the description let's add also the horror Ambience Loop which I got um let's also add what just happened I'm gonna do some copies okay um uh game ground that means Loop there we go and then a cinematic boom so let's go ahead and extract that into the audio uh folder and close this up and now basically this horror Ambience I can just go into my player character and use in the gameplay so when the game starts I can use uh play a sound to be paste and that ambience Ambience and also let's make sure to open that horror Ambience acid and make sure the loop is on very very important so now you can see there's a horror in me in a second let me make it a bit louder maybe like two and that's making it too much right I like it uh okay good and then so let's open up the thing here and let's make that he will die and play a sound so play it sound and this will be at location I'm gonna play that grunt okay now the location will be the get actor location so when the enemy is right now and then also gonna apply an attenuations will be in 3D that's the one that we created uh so that's that I can also play in our sound in this case it will be with a bit of a delay and then this will be our cinematic boom so it's like boom you know what I mean the game ends uh so let's try that out let's get this here okay um that is okay oh oh sorry yeah it's not boom you should play this uh I don't know why I didn't play honestly so I would oh play sound at location okay well it should be into the but I can explain that allocations okay let's try this again one more time thank you whoa okay I feel like everything at once let me just get this one more time oh my God maybe we should add some screen right oh yes that feels good there we go Okay cool so let's go ahead and now yes we can start to create the environment which will be one of the final things so let's go ahead and do some aim for our creature enemy we are gonna be using this official real ninja 5 uh well no actually I'm going for but it's compatible within 25 and free asset so it's called implantically Warriors once again link your description let's just add it into our project so horror game and in this case we have to choose the latest one that it supports which is uh 5.1 okay this is support problem two but it's okay we'll convert it and so actually it is compatible with five uh at spread and let's just wait a few seconds okay so it has imported so I can just go into Infinity Blade Warriors there's a new polish you can see a character complete characters you can see we have a whole bunch of them you can pick whatever you want okay there once uh but in my case it's gonna be using use this car M underscore pit I just found it to be okay for our enemy you know whatever we want you can just whatever I said you want but let's select this let's go into our BB Ai and just click this Arrow to replace it with how to mesh and because it is the same Skeleton thing the animations will just work as you can see so that is great it looks really cool and there you go that's it now for our character we are probably gonna be living like this because you can only really see the hands nothing crazy but if you want to replace it go ahead you don't know how to do so so now we can go into the environment now yes all right so for the environment I am going to be using this acid which is an awesome uh like old horror Mansion uh which actually was free in a free for the month bundle which I don't know which month was but it was free so you have to go ahead and do so and if not you know don't worry there's a lot of other assets that we can use I'm not gonna really touch anything about this environment gonna literally load the map put in the things that we have in that set it so it's not nothing crazy gonna use using a quick environment so let me just go ahead and click create bread now the thing is that it says only create bright I cannot add into my existing Pride but that will not be a problem because I can just migrate the assets later on so let me just hit grid and I will now you just need to wait all right here it is the map holy this looks absolutely unbelievable this is crazy like wow I I literally have no words like I didn't even know that this looked so cool and this literally is so big look at this like it is just insane so what we are going to do is just go ahead and migrade and this whole thing into our pride so what you can do is Select this folders you can see it's already like premium so we can use right click and migrate this so right click migrate select everything that we need which is all this doesn't really matter if we get extra things you know um no network we don't need that okay you say okay everything by default will work and now I can go into my price and select my horror game select the content folder and with that we can use select and now use weight I don't know who will take a lot there are a lot of assets so just you know get a cup of coffee and now we'll go back all right so now it has my graded all of the assets as you can see now we have the Sega Mansion folder so let's go ahead and open up maps and I guess it will be the map mentioned so let's open this up okay so now yes we have the environment in a horror game Pride so there we go um so I have noticed this a bit like darker than the original one I don't know there's settings that I have to change so on but it still looks okay for me uh if you want to mess up with that go ahead but look how beautiful this looks um so let's move around the level a bit more you know correctly I would recommend to set up the tone lid so you can see a bit better um and then also let's go into wall settings and let's put the game mode to BRB uh third person game mode okay you can see there's already a horror game uh mode uh this is the one that came with the pack so don't use it that's not far Press Play I'm using my own camera control as you can see in wow this looks so cool and if I turn on my flashlight oh my God great uh so there you go you can see everything without working let's go into the player start and let's add some droppers okay and we have to also have the enemy AI so on you get the idea um so I am pounding here let's uh spawn it already looking into the door I just prefer that I'm going to do is go into the blueprints at The Dropper let's add one here maybe yeah okay so it doesn't fit very well but you will need to maybe delete one stand you know put it there you get the I'm gonna quickly just put some drawers but you're meant to maybe yeah you know do it a bit more your way you get the idea so let me start putting some drawers over here I mean that one here uh I'm gonna quickly just put them and I believe there's no enough mesh volume no so we have to add one huge one uh so let's go this one thanks sorry volumes not match bounce volume and this will need to be blocked so like 50 and hopefully it will fill the whole thing let's Press B and we'll start to generate there we go so yeah I think it fills the whole level um whereas yes it does made into this room not but it doesn't matter all right so there we go we have our now image you can see this works beautiful and let's go ahead and drag in our AI into the level I don't know where I'm just gonna trap it here but there we go uh cool so now you know we could use press play and wow wow wow hide here this game turn our flashlight oh my God this looks so cool so let's make one final thing and it's that one of the AI sees you gonna be playing some heavy you know uh like violin allow it sound so let's go ahead and do so this is the final change so let's go I'm gonna again leave it in the description get the chasing Loop drag it into here and now we can just double click and make sure to click on looping so I will Loop let's go into our BB AI then graph and then we're gonna go into the on Pawn sensing so on here what we are going to do is after we do this let's go and say spawn sound uh at sorry spawns on 2D in this case will be our chasing Loop in this case let's say this into variable so we can then uh you know do things with it so it'll be chasing and music or whatever I want to call it and then I'm going to do is also do a fade in and it will take like maybe three seconds let's also make it louder so maybe by two we'll see how the volume works but now when you see the enemy that sound should start to appear we can test it out to us directly this basically is wondering around the scene okay it goes there you can see uh it is like playing a lot of times just because we have to make sure that it is only and it's not already playing so we can just do a get right click and set as validated again so basically if it's not valid okay basically if the sound has not been jet created it's very important because now that happens we'll just you know it will just start to create millions of uh sounds at the same time so let's go here you saw me oh my God sound wow it does really scare me oh my God is there wow hey that's really scared me okay so the thing is that right now he lost me but we haven't done anything to you know stop the sound so on here I'm going to do is basically uh get this rank it if it's in this time in this case it will be if it's valid and if so we are going to do eighth Fade Out and around three seconds uh now the thing is that we will need to undo this if you know if this has lost fully uh you know the player but let's see here we go down here there is the enemy let's see if it is this house yeah you can see it will never play because it's always also go ahead and fading out so let's go ahead and fix this so the business we can do is just make a delay of maybe like Point uh let's do like one whole second okay and we are going to get our Blackboard and then we're gonna do a set of values Boot and get values pool and then we can use get copy paste the same variable and then only if this is set to uh true sorry to false we're gonna stop the sound okay with that it should the trick because we're waiting like a full delay to check that our but it's not uh following us and then going ahead and stopping the sound so it's going up as you can see follow him There He Go he saw me and he stops seeing me so the audio went do you see that let's write this again okay so we also have to load the other map uh let's do that oh my God okay so I am being scared with my own game this is very embarrassing guys okay please uh hopefully I will remember to you know cut that out uh that was very embarrassing okay um and this should be map underscore Mansion okay there we go let's try this again and we're going to do is go directly into the uh Player thing okay play from here so he sees me the audio is playing I don't know where to go it's Jason me you can see the sound is is playing oh my god um I I am there we go I hid and the idea goes there we go everything made okay so that's it guys if you found this tutorial helpful I would really appreciate it if you could ukulele video And subscribe to my channel this was a full Master Class the awesome like this just you probably learned a lot like you're not gonna lie and you you end up with this absolutely incredible game smash the like button uh the profiles will be available in my um page from the YouTube members without this map of course and join my description server follow me on my socials all right so I forgot one thing and is to add the weapon into our scene she's Dragon gonna be like here what is this Central thing and it's also just right click and create number two and this will be weapon and basically we'll like kind of glow so let's hold three left click put that in base color but like you know whatever call you want like this will be cool and then I can use multiply this by a value like for example with five and just plug it into the massive color so so now basically we'll glow and then I can go into the weapon and then just apply that material so aim underscore weapon and there we go now we have it assigned there so we can pick it up and so on so that's great so I'm gonna put more we go here and that said if you found this tutorial helpful I really appreciate it if you could like the video and subscribe to my channel I hope that you learned a lot in this massive tutorial the profiles will be available in my patreon and YouTube members except the environment of course during my unscript server follow me on my socials and now yes before I said bye bye [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 262,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, horror game, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine horror game, first person horror game unreal engine 5, ue5 first person horror, ue5 how to make a horror game, unreal engine 5 simple beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 easy horror game, unreal engine 5 beginner game, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5 easy game tutorial, ue5 make creature ai chase game tutorial, beginner 1st person horror game in ue5
Id: QoXxNpTyuV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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