How to upload your Vroid (VRM) Model to VRChat in under 5 minutes!

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hello welcome in so today i'm going to show you how to turn your v-roy character into a vr chat avatar let's get straight to it so the first thing you're going to want to go ahead and do is download unity the current version as of august 2022 will be unity 2019.4.31 so this one down here um go into your windows and download that then all of these links will be listed below next thing you're going to want to do is go ahead and head over to booth and you're going to want to download the vrm converter for vr chat and the final file you're going to need is the vr chat avatars 3d ks avatars file and this is the one that's worked best for me perfect i am acting under the assumption that you already have a v-roy character if you do not i will link this video below which will show you exactly how to create your v-ray character and export it okay so next thing you want to go ahead and do is open up unity you'll find it down here i would don't bother with the hub i would just go straight on to unity so open it up here once you've got unity open let me just close my old version once you've got unity open you'll want to go ahead and create a new project 3d and then call it whatever you want so i'm going to call it pokey98 frog top create project sometimes they take a couple of minutes to create the project and open up but that's totally normal okay perfect so now unity is opened up what you're going to want to go ahead and do is find the uh sdk file you downloaded from the vr chat website and i'm going to want you to drag and drop that into this assets box down here this can take a couple of minutes when you get this pop-up i want you to click all and import okay so that's now finished downloading if you're wondering if something hasn't quite finished there'll be a little cog down here if anything is being imported the next thing you'll want to go ahead and do is find the vrm converter that you downloaded from booth and you're going to want to extract the files i've already done that so you'll end up with a file that looks like this i want you to double click it go into the file and you'll see this unity file for you here and do the same with that drag and drop it in select all and import okay you might get this pop-up if you do just close out of that okay perfect you'll know when this is done installing because you will see vrm 0 at the top for some reason it doesn't always install first time for me if that is the case um just drag and drop that same file again okay so now we can go ahead and click on vrm 0 and import vrm go into whatever you export all your vroid files to and find the file you like so let me try and find mine i would like man i love frogs t-shirt okay open that up and it'll pop up with this next popup go ahead and just click save don't mess around with where you're saving this it can mess it all up i would just save it wherever it's automatically saving it to and make a note of it so click save okay once it's all imported you'll be able to see your avatar down here go ahead and click on your avatar go back to vrm and click duplicate and convert for vr chat once you see all this i don't mess with any of this i'll just click duplicate and convert save it again okay so it's all imported now you can see your avatar in here you can scroll in and check everything looks good here is my guy again man i love frogs t-shirt super duper cute the next thing you're going to want to go ahead and do is click on your character over here so there's my avatar and you're going to see this little tiny ball let me see if i can see it yeah see this ball right in the center of the face so you want that basically directly between the eyes i think i mean mine is right in the middle but you want to move it a little bit more forward basically where your headset would rest on your face so i need to change my x-axis and i think i need to go to about naught point naught four five four five that seems about ample to me you can check it from all angles how are we looking i think that's about okay for me i'm quite happy with that okay so once you've done that you just need to check that you have um turned everything on down here so you can mess with your rotation states this will be how your eyes sort of ambulantly move when you're not looking for me for my my left and right i've got minus 10 and 10 and on my y-axis for my looking left and right i've gone minus eight and eight make sure for your eyes you've clicked if you click in this little box here you need to go and find eyes so if you search i at the top you'll see left eye which you need to select the left eye bone and right eye which you need to select for the right eye bone this will probably be automatically done for you um i just like to go in and check the other thing you'll need to do is normally for lip sync you'll need to turn it on i've already done it um but if you've not already done it you need to go ahead and click on that okay so once you've done all that it's time to export so you click on vr chat sdk go to show control panel you're gonna need to go ahead and log in i will obviously blank mine out okay you can see on my world creator i'm allowed to publish world and i'm allowed to publish avatars if you get to this stage and it says you're not allowed to you just need to play a couple more hours in vr chat and hopefully you'll get a little email from them saying oh you are now user level of trust you can upload content okay as long as you're allowed to publish worlds go into builder if something here might say there might be a few errors and it might say auto fix just go ahead and auto click them i am no expert at this so your avatar is obviously not going to be optimized um but they do work and they do work fairly well from what i've experienced so if you just want to test it but you don't want to upload it yet you can do offline testing which is build and test and it will send it to your uh account but for this i'd be pretty certain it's going to work so i'm just going to go ahead and click build and publish for windows okay so once that's finished it'll come up with this page just pull that to one side now you're going to want to go ahead and name your avatar so i call mine pokina 98 and i'm just going to call it milktop description i'm just going to call mine you know let's just say model based off twitch streamer akina 98 frog milk pop doesn't really matter what you call it um content warnings because i'm going to be the only one using it i'm setting it as private but i'm going to tick all of these boxes so i can do whatever i want with my model and then make sure you click this little box down here once you've done that you can now upload your avatar okay so once it's completed you can just click ok and you can come out of unity okay to check if it's working go ahead and go to your vr chat website and go click on avatars if you go to my avatars they will appear in here so there you go there is our froggy milf top you can see some of the other models that i've uploaded um obviously you can go ahead and edit your your avatar in viroid as many times as you want and repeat this process that's how i've ended up with so many different variations of my character um you can go ahead and do this however you want now i don't believe these models work on oculus i haven't had a chance to test it out but i will go and show you how they look in uh in pc so let's go ahead and do that okay so once you are logged into vr chat you're going to want to go ahead and open up your menu so go to avatars and here you go look you can see all of my creations if i just go straight into here world avatar sometimes they will appear down here for some reason if you go ahead and click the test version this is where they will pop up down the bottom here but let's just do the demon version i've not tried this one so it'll be a test for me as well there we go okay so i'd say it's pretty pretty good for the most part the physics is not too bad i say it's quite it's pretty pretty nice i'm pretty happy with this and you can obviously walk around and test how it works you can see if there's any issues that you'll need to make stuff like that but yeah so this is how you upload your avatar obviously i'm filming this in front of a mirror if you if you so wish and you want to use this like v tubing you can go into your menu click on the little camera icon click stream camera and it will come up with a little phone in front of you and then you can turn that around and you can talk direct to the camera like this so i really hope this helped obviously the the mouth movement is not particularly there but i think it's a perfect good start to getting avatars into vr chat and getting your head around the basics um i really hope this tutorial was helpful for some of you and i will do my best to keep putting out more vr chat related content if that's what you guys want have a fantastic night everybody i'm pokina i am a twitch streamer and i would love it if you guys came and hang out with me sometime so i hope to see you soon have a fantastic day everybody and i'll see you all soon goodbye
Channel: Pokena98
Views: 43,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KjUOtdywf24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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