Oculus Quest 2 BLURRY? Top 5 Reasons WHY, And Tips And Tricks To Fix It!

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the oculus quest 2 can be blurry  sometimes sometimes annoyingly   blurry in this video we're going to go over  the top five reasons why the oculus quest 2   might be blurry and what you  can do about it let's focus in hey howdy everybody I'm Dr. Neal Guymon, Dr.  EyeGuy and i do videos all about the eyes and   what affects the eyes and that's why i like to  do videos about virtual reality systems or the   optics of vr devices so let's talk about why why  this guy might be blurry sometimes number one   and we have to talk about this one is if you  are dealing with an uncorrected prescription   if you have nearsightedness farsightedness  or the one that slips under the radars   is astigmatism you might have astigmatism and  not really know it astigmatism can affect the   way your eyes focus on things especially for  long periods of time and so you want to make   sure that you have an eye exam make sure  that you're not dealing with an uncorrected   prescription because that could definitely  make the oculus quest ii blurry if you're   not sure what astigmatism is i did a full video  on astigmatism you can check it out right there   or in the description below for the next reasons  we need to go into a little bit more detail of how   the lenses in oculus quest 2 are made now one of  the big challenges with a vr device is that the   device is really close to your face if you've  ever held your phone this close to your face   and try and focus on what's on your phone it's  nearly impossible to make it clear and so they   had to come up with lenses that could focus on  something that close and actually make it clear   in order to do that they need a high magnification  power of lens to focus on something that close   the problem is the lenses that have this high  magnification are usually super thick and super   heavy and so they had to come up with something  to make these lenses with high magnification   but also very light so it wasn't going to crush  your nose so the oculus quest 2 actually uses   something called fresnel lenses or hybrid fresnel  lenses they have the same huge magnification power   but also very very thin and it still does the job  and how the fresnel lenses work instead of being   one huge magnification slab it actually does steps  of magnification and that's why you actually see   rings inside the lenses if you look at your  oculus quest 2 lens you'll see rings and those   are those steps of magnification to cut down on  the thickness of the lens and also the weight of   the lens now having explained that this brings me  to reason number two why your oculus quest 2 might   be blurry and that is the position of the lens the  fresnel lenses leave a very very tiny sweet spot   right in the middle that has the best vision and  the best optics the trick there is is you need   to have that lined up perfectly with your pupil  so positioning of the lens is critical and you   want to get the correct ipd the pupillary distance  settings to match up with your eyes perfectly and   i went over how you do that in another video that  i have about eye strain from the oculus quest 2 so   make sure that you check out that video also put a  link down below of how you can get the ipd correct   another note is not only is it important to get  it horizontally correct to match your pupils   but vertically up and down as well if the strap  or the head device is too high or too low you'll   be looking through a different part of the lens  and not the sweet spot with the best vision and   you'll notice on the fresnel lenses they actually  come in rings and in the center ring the center   portion of the fresnel lens is where you'll have  the sweet spot the best vision possible the best   optics now the third reason actually relates to  number two and that's to make sure the position of   the lens is as close to the eye as possible it's  the same principle as looking through a peephole   or a keyhole if you look closer to the peephole or  closer to the keyhole that sweet spot is going to   be a much larger view if the lens is far away from  your eye that sweet spot is really really tiny   and you'll just get this small fraction of clear  vision and so you want to make sure that lens is   as close to your eye as possible now here's what's  tricky is if you actually get it too close your   eyelashes will actually rub on the lens making  the lens dirty and making the vision blurry so   make sure it's far enough away that your eyelashes  aren't rubbing on the lens another tricky part is   that if you wear glasses that creates quite a  bit of space from the oculus quest 2 lenses and   your eyes and so it's really tricky to find that  perfect balance with glasses to be close enough   to the lenses so that you can get a big enough  sweet spot with the best vision and sometimes   people use those spacers into the oculus quest 2  to protect the lenses and to protect the glasses   but that can also distance yourself distance your  eyes from the oculus quest 2 lenses and make that   sweet spot really small and so see if you can get  your glasses as close to the lenses as possible   without scratching the oculus quest 2 lenses to  make sure that you can see through that sweet spot   or make that sweet spot as big as you can now the  fourth reason why it might be blurry and i kind   of mentioned this before is if you have something  on the lenses if the lenses are dirty even if you   have the tiniest little smudge or speck when you  are that close to the lenses that spec is really   big and can take up quite a bit of your view and  blur up a portion of the lens so you want to pay   particular attention to the detail of the lenses  making sure that every inch of that lens is clean   and so to clean the lenses you want to use a  microfiber cloth something that's not going to   scratch the lenses start in the center and do a  circular motion working your way out towards the   periphery of the lens and that will help it keep  it clean from smudges you can also use spray but   make sure that the spray that you use is approved  for lenses specifically so you're not spraying   some kind of chemical under the lenses that could  warp or distort or ruin the lenses and one thing   to note here is if you're playing the oculus quest  2 and you're playing it for a while and you're one   of those people that tend to sweat or build up  a lot of perspiration then you might notice that   the lenses over time will get a little smudgy or  blurry and that's because you'll actually build   up condensation on the surface of the lenses from  your own perspiration or your sweat and so every   once in a while take the device off and  see if you have a build up of condensation   on the lenses that need to be cleaned off now the  fifth reason why you might notice oculus quest 2   is blurry is the actual resolution or the text  resolution in the device itself there is a way   to increase the text resolution in the device and  that's by installing something called sidequest   and there are a lot of videos that can explain how  to do that i'll link them in the description below   but by installing sidequests you  can increase the text resolution   it'll make the text and the picture of the  oculus quest 2 clearer but just no it's kind   of tricky because if you increase it too much you  might have performance issues and battery issues   but there should be a good balance between making  the text and picture clear but also running smooth   and make sure that you check out the description  below i'll put links to other videos down there   that can help you download sidequest as well as  other products that can help you with the blur   from the oculus quest 2 glasses inserts as well as  glasses spacers head straps that i like all these   things can help you find that sweet spot in that  lens that can help clear up the device now here   are some honorable mentions of why your oculus  quest 2 might be blurry the first one is god rays   you might notice these strips or streaks of  light in the lenses of the device and they call   those god rays you'll probably notice them most  coming from white text on the screen and that   is because of the actual nature of the lenses the  fresnel lenses because of those rings of stepped   magnification it causes those weird streaks of  light and there's really no way around that in the   oculus quest 2 because of the limitations of the  lenses that are in there now one thing that i've   noticed is that if you turn on the night display  the blue block in the oculus quest 2 it does cut   down on the god race it doesn't get rid of them  they're still there but it seems to make them   less noticeable and so try that see if you notice  them a little bit less when you turn on the night   display of the device another honorable mention  is that your eyes actually might be getting dry   dry eyes can actually cause blurry vision  fluctuating blurry vision and because you're   actually staring at a screen for a long period  of time it can actually cause the surface of   your eyes to dry out and actually cause this  fog appearance or sometimes just blur coming   from dry eyes so make sure that you're actually  taking breaks that you're blinking while using   the device also check out my other video that  explains more about eye strain from the device   and i'll give you a few tips there i'll put the  link up there also in the description below hey   i hope this answered a few questions of why your  oculus quest 2 might be blurry i know that's one   of the biggest complaints about the device and so  i'm hoping some of these tips helped at least make   the device a little bit clearer a little bit more  enjoyable while you're playing the oculus quest 2.   if you have any questions make sure that you leave  them in the comments below i'm there to answer   any questions that you might have about the eyes  I'm Dr. Neal Guymon, Dr. EyeGuy, focusing on you   and your eyes check out my other videos right  there and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dr. EyeGuy
Views: 2,122,175
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Keywords: oculus quest 2 blurry, oculus quest 2 tips and tricks, oculus quest 2 eye strain, oculus quest 2 eyes hurt, oculus quest 2 blue light filter, oculus quest 2 eyes, vr eye strain, vr blurry, oculus quest 2, quest 2, oculus quest 2 tips, is vr bad for your eyes, oculus quest 2 blurry vision, oculus quest 2 blurry fix, oculus quest 2 blurry with glasses, oculus quest 2 blurry lens, oculus quest, vr, dreyeguy
Id: Mr7R0SchU1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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