How to Make a Custom VRChat Avatar in Vroid FREE | Vroid to VRChat Part 1

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do you want your very own custom avatar for vr chat this three-part tutorial is for people who want an anime style avatar like this one that is extremely customizable but still really easy to make we're gonna be making an avatar in v-roid a super easy avatar creator that's free and then we're gonna do some really easy and simple edits in blender to make it work better in vr chat and then we're gonna upload it to vrchat with unity if you've ever wanted your own fully custom avatar but didn't know where to start then this tutorial is for you and by the way this will work for both quest and pc avatars all of that but first vr wave prescription lenses 4vr are the perfect solution if you need glasses or even if you don't and you just want to protect your lenses from getting scratched or ruined let me tell you as someone who uses glasses using vr wave lens inserts makes vr so much more convenient and more comfortable glasses can get scratched and can actually scratch the headset lenses plus they just get in the way and aren't comfortable prescription lenses solve all of these problems plus you can protect your eyes with the addition of a blue light filter on the lenses that doesn't change the color tone in the headset making them a superior option over digital blue light filters if you want to protect your eyes the arrow wave will be linked down in the description if you want to check them out and you can use my coupon code virtual panda for five percent off so first things first you're going to want to download viroid studio from steam you can also download it from the website but i believe the steam version is completely in english whereas the website version is partially in japanese at least that's how it used to be once you have it open i like to go to the top right here go to settings and i like to change it from the light theme to the dark theme i think it just makes it a little bit easier to see the avatars and things like that next you can start the avatar from scratch or you can use one of these pre-made models if you want i'm going to start one from scratch and we're gonna go with a feminine avatar because i'm making one for my wife all right now that avatar loads in here's how you can move around first off with the mouse wheel if you push that in that's how you can drag the avatar up down to the sides like that you can also use the mouse wheel to scroll in and scroll out zooming in and out and you can use the right click to actually turn the avatar like this if you want to see it from a different angle at the very top here we have a couple different tabs for a bunch of different editors we're going to start here with the face editor and what you're going to notice is here to the left you have a bunch of different options the top one is a face set so these are all pre-made sets of faces that change everything about the face if one of these looks good to you you can go ahead and pick one or you can go through and choose individual pieces so here's like some eye sets the irises eye highlights the scleras however you say that eyebrows etc all the different parts of the face you can choose individual presets so once you choose a preset say for the irises let's choose this one right here you can edit some of the parameters here on the right to increase the size and position of these things one thing to keep in mind is these sliders are not the limits so the max i can go right now is one but i can actually type in a number bigger than one if i want to go bigger like three for example and get really big irises you could also go even bigger than that and get some really funky results like 50 right there that looks absolutely ridiculous you can also change the color right here with the color wheel i kind of like this purple color so we'll stick with that and if you just want to keep everything simple that's really all you need to do you just need to go through all the different options here it's like a video game editor it's super simple but if you want to get extra customized you can actually go in and edit the actual texture of the model so if you don't know a texture is an image that defines the look of a 3d object it defines the color and actual texture of that item so for example this is what an object looks like without a defined texture it's just gray the object will get its color and finer details from a texture that's applied to it so in viewroid you have the option to edit any of the textures of any of the items so if i want to edit the eye texture i can just go over here to the top right and hit edit texture and then here i can see the actual texture right here and i can edit it with this built-in editor which will let me draw on it or erase anything that i want you could also export this image into a photo editor and you can do more fine edits there if what you're trying to do isn't possible in this built-in editor let's say i want to erase part of the eye for some reason so i'm going to go to the top left go to the eraser and then i also want to go to the top right and select this mirror icon that's going to make sure that any edits i do on the right side will be applied to the left side and so just like that i can go and erase whatever i want i can also draw by grabbing the brush selecting the brush type the brush width all that good stuff i can choose the color let's say we want to make it black in the middle and boom now i have deep black eyes right in the middle or again like i said you can export it by going over here to the layers right clicking and then hitting export and then from there you can go into a photo editor i like to use it's a free photo editor that's really nice you can go there and do whatever edits you want there now what i like to do is go to and look for vroid textures there so if you type in let's say v-roid eyes you've got a bunch of different options for eye textures that people have already made we can actually filter it so that it's all the free options are all that's showing and we can pick any one of these to use in our avatar i found this really really cool eye texture that's got like this purple galaxy type print i'm gonna download that it's free to download and just make sure with the permissions if you're gonna edit it or anything that it lets you edit and then here back in vroid what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna add a new layer and then i'm gonna right click that layer and hit import going to find the eye texture i downloaded and and then right here i'm actually going to hide the previous layer i don't want to delete this layer or replace it in case i want to go back to it but you can hide it by just selecting the eyeball right there and now i have this awesome eye texture for my eyes again you can do this with all the different options the highlights the eyebrows the eyelids everything you can pretty much find textures for all of these in booth if you want to use something besides these presets and once you're done editing a texture you're just going to hit the x over here in the top left it's going to prompt you to save it so you can save it as a new item and then here you're going to have your custom items which we just added one and then you can go back to the presets by selecting that now if you want to add anything custom to the face let's say you want to add some facial hair or you want to add some blush or some face paint or anything like that you're going to want to go to the face paint section and then go to custom plus and then you're going to edit texture on the right and then here you can download this guide right here and then edit this to create whatever kind of face paint facial hair whatever you want or if you find something on booth again this is where you would upload it is here under the face paint section now if you're making an avatar for the quest you're actually going to want to do something special for the eyeliner and the eyebrows they do something weird with the shader so we just got to do something to fix that so i'm going to link to this right here this is a free tool that we're going to use just download that so this is what the tool looks like when you download it just hit english so that everything's in english and basically you're going to want to upload the texture of the eyebrows that you selected and the eye line that you selected so the way you do that is you would go to eyebrows right here right click that layer export it and then do the same with the eye lids or eyeliner it's the eyeliner so you're going to right click that and export and then in this tool you're just going to select the eyebrows and eye line that you selected you're going to want to make sure you also hit transparent white right here and then any of the custom parameters that you set for like the positioning and the size you're going to want to put those here and then select convert and then you're going to have in that folder with this exe file you're going to have now a brow png and an eyeline png you're going to upload those you're going to upload those here in the face paint section and then you're going to want to hide the previous eyebrow and the previous eyeline texture again this is only if you're doing a quest avatar if you're trying to make it for pc vr you could just ignore this step completely alright so now we're going to move on to the hairstyle editor so again they have a bunch of presets here that you can choose from for the whole hairstyle or you can go from the front with the back and mix and match different sections of the hair i kind of like this hairstyle right here so we're going to keep that and then if you want to change the color you can go over here to the right and change the color just like before and then you can also edit the hair however you want they have a really robust hairstyle editor here in vbroid to do that you just select let's say the front right here and then on the right you select edit hairstyle and then you select one of these groups right here and then you can actually use these dots to actually define the shape and position of the hair now i don't like to mess with this too much because it can start looking really weird if you mess with it and mess things up but it is a great way to edit the hairstyle if it's not exactly what you want you could also create a completely custom hairstyle from scratch using this i don't really know how to do that i've never done it it's really complicated but it is possible instead of what i've done in the past is i've gone to v-roid and i've looked for different hairstyles here on v-roid now importing one of these hairstyles into v-roid now is a lot more complicated than it used to be but it's still possible essentially the way it works now is you have to download an older version of vroid install the preset quickly save a model with that preset then open the new v-ray studio and then save that preset as a custom item it's a really convoluted process so if you want to do that i'm going to link to a tutorial from argama witch that shows you how to do that and i really recommend it because like i said over here on booth there's tons and tons of really great hairstyles to choose from for both male and female avatars now along with changing the actual shape of the hair i also want to change the texture of the hair so to do that again we're just going to select let's start with the front we're going to hit edit hairstyle and then we're going to select one of these freehand groups and then over here on the right you see where it says material and hit that drop down and we're going to hit edit texture and then this is the texture they're using basically you want a texture that has lots of lines to simulate the lines of hair this doesn't have very many lines so i actually found one on booth that i'm gonna upload these are some of the hair textures that i found on booth they look pretty dang good but none of them were the exact color that i was looking for so i'm going to edit one of these in canva again before you edit anything from booth you want to make sure they actually have permission to make edits some of the artists don't like it when you change their work some don't care so here in canva we're going to create a custom size and you want this to match the size of the hair texture which is 512 by 1024 and then we're just going to drag one of these here right click and select uh set images background and then okay this looks pretty good i'm gonna select it i'm gonna go to edit image here on the top left and i'm gonna select duotone and then you can choose any of these let's go cherry and then what i'm gonna do is click that again and now i can choose two different colors so i'm gonna choose a nice dark green and then i'm going to choose a black okay that looks pretty good let's try flipping it and then you get an even darker black with just a little bit of green i actually really like this a lot so we're going to apply that and once you're done editing it getting whatever color you want you're still going to see the strands of hair in the middle you're just going to download that and then upload that as a new texture and then this is what the front of the hair looks like with this new uploaded texture it looks pretty good i think all right so we got the hair and the face let's move on to the body editor so for the body editor they don't have that many presets but over here on the right you have a lot of different parameters such as the height and the body size that you can change now the stock height just base zero i believe that's going to end up being about five feet in vr chat so if you want to be taller than five feet you can go taller or if you want to be a cute little avatar you can go smaller than that you can also adjust like the head size and several other options here and as always you can edit the texture so if you want to add any like socks or skin tight clothing tattoos underwear anything like that you're going to apply that to the texture this is what the body texture looks like so if you want to add anything like i said that's skin tight you're going to do that here as an extra layer on top of this but also on this layer there's a couple things we're going to want to do we're going to want to erase number one the nails these kind of our girly nails so you're going to go to the eraser and then you're going to go to brush with make it a little bit bigger and then you're just going to erase this right here oh and make sure you select mirror so it gets both sides and then we're going to erase right here all of this these are like the fingernails and toenails if you have a girl avatar of course you can just leave those and maybe even paint them give them a color the other thing we're going to want to do and we're going to wait to do this until after we get the outfit figured out is you're going to want to erase anything that doesn't show outside of the outfit but again we'll do that after we do the clothing so that's it for the body for now let's go to the outfit editor and here again you have a ton of different awesome presets that you can choose from these are all really great they have really cool ones now they didn't used to have these so i'm actually really happy with all of these different presets that they that you can choose from what i like to do is just take a hoodie for example and then you can actually edit the hoodie texture to make it well of course again whatever color you want you can also put on top of that your very own graphics so for example some of my merch that i made i put the graphics from those onto my avatar and that's really easy to do just download the texture put it in canva align it how you want it to look and then re-upload it you can also adjust like the hem spread and the thickness of the sleeves there's all these different parameters you can mess with for each clothing item and if you want to get some custom outfits again vbroid has a ton of different textures that you can try out and don't forget about shoes again vibrate has some really cool shoe textures that you can apply to get some really awesome results for now i'm just going to keep this avatar super simple just like that so we're going to go back to the body editor real quick and we're going to go to edit texture in the top right and like i said before we want to erase anything that we can't see so for example right now the sleeves are covering my arms we don't need the arm texture so we're going to take the eraser we're going to make the brush big and then make sure we're mirroring on both sides and here's the arms right here we're going to erase all of this now be careful you don't want to go too far down because you might start to see this is like the wrist right here you don't want to go too far down otherwise you might accidentally erase some of your wrists so we'll just go to like right here middle of the forearm and of course on your own you can make that look a lot nicer you want to make sure you get all the little spots and the chest and the body we also aren't going to be seeing any of the bodies so we can erase that this part right here this is the leg this is the foot these are the fingers this is the top of the head right here is the neck so be careful not to go too high on the neck but you do want to erase all of this chest area because again we're wearing a hoodie you're not going to see any of this now the reason we're doing this is to one prevent clipping and then two it's going to make the avatar a lot more optimized so don't skip this step it's really important just erase anything you don't see now moving on to the accessories editor so you can add a bunch of different accessories here they have glasses and different furry ears you used to only be able to add these accessories by doing some really weird stuff with the hair so you might see some presets in like booth that have like glasses and ears and stuff like that as part of the hairstyle but now we have the accessory editor and you can add these things a lot more easily so like if you want to add some thick glasses and ears that's how you do that and then just like the face editor we have all kinds of parameters over here on the right that we can edit to get the exact style that we want so the final editor is the look editor and the only thing we're going to worry about here is the outline you can ignore everything else with the outline you can add an actual outline to your avatar and what that's going to do is it's going to make your avatar kind of look more like a drawn character like an anime or manga so as you can see i've got this black outline and as i turn it it stays on the edge of the avatar and it kind of gives it this cool manga look if you don't like that you can get rid of it completely and just have a completely outlineless avatar that just looks like a pure 3d model but i personally like to keep the outline completely off of my hair but i like to have a little bit of outline on the face and on the body i think that looks pretty nice again ignore these other options that's all we're going to do in the look editor now before we export we're going to hit this camera icon right here in the top right this is where you can try out the avatar and you know you can change the backgrounds if you want to take pictures they have some custom poses and animations if you select this in the top left and we're just going to try some of these animations to make sure that avatar looks exactly the way we want one thing you're going to want to be looking for is some clipping you want to make sure that none of the skin is clipping through the outfits for example which is why we erased anything we can't see so you can see here's a little bit of clipping the shorts are kind of clipping through the hoodie a little bit so we could fix that by either making the hoodie a little bit shorter or by erasing some of the the shorts texture that's underneath that and of course just make sure everything looks good you can see the hair kind of bouncing a little bit that means that the hair has dynamic bones which is something that we're going to edit in unity if you don't see your hair bouncing you can add bones here i don't really know how to do it so you can look up a tutorial on how to do that if the hairstyle you chose doesn't have dynamic bones already but if you do want your hair to balance as you're moving in vr chat you would need to add it here in v-roid and if you chose a really long hairstyle like this where the hair is kind of clipping into the body don't worry that's something that we can fix in unity to make sure that there's colliders there to prevent the hair from going inside of the body now one last thing we ignored in the face editor was the expression editor and i left that till the end because i thought it'd be easier to edit that once you have the final look of your avatar figured out but in the expression editor you can choose the kind of facial expressions your avatar is going to make in vr chat and honestly i think some of the presets they have here are pretty derpy like look at this smiling one that's pretty derpy if you like that you like that but you can edit it here by going to mouth let's say and then let's just decrease the smiling just a little bit and then same thing for the eyebrows we're just going to decrease that a little bit just so it's a little bit more subtle and that already looks a lot better you can go through for your smiling sad angry all of these options and edit it so that it's the exact face shape face style that you want when you want to express those emotions and obviously if you want to express a different emotion or have a different special kind of like facial expression you don't need to have it be surprised i could change the surprise to look like whatever i want the other thing here is you're going to want to pay attention these visemes so the viseme is the shape that your face makes when you're talking when you make specific noises like a cha la in viewroid you have five visemes that you can edit but we actually only need three we only need a a viseme which is represented by an a just when you make a sound we also need an o visine when you make an o sound and then we need a cha visine when you make a ch sound ch for that one i'm gonna edit the eye shape right there now i'm gonna put on screen here the presets that i use for all three of these i experimented with it a lot and i found that having these three shapes for these three visemes made the avatar look the most natural when talking which is really important for my avatar because i do a lot of talking head videos with my avatar it's not perfect but i think it's a lot better than what v-roid had so if you want to put those in again here's the presets that i use now we're done with that we're ready to export by going to the top right here we're gonna hit export as vrm and then if your program just kind of like lags out right here tries to like stop running just don't worry give it a minute it'll eventually load my computer is a beast of a computer yet it's still having this issue all right we finally loaded in now one thing you want to pay attention to is this export info in the top right specifically we're going to worry about the polygon count so polygons basically the less polygons you have the more optimized your avatar is going to be and the better it's going to run we want it to be as low as possible for a pc avatar it needs to be less than 32 000 for it to be considered an excellent avatar to have that excellent rating and for a quest avatar the average needs to have less than 7 500 for it to be considered excellent and anything more than 20 000 on quest is considered poor so we definitely need lower than that if we want this to be on quest we're going to do most of our optimization and reduction with the polygons in blender but we can get a head start here so you can hit reduce polygons you want to make sure that delete transparent meshes is selected it's by default selected for me so it should be for you but just make sure it is and then you can increase the smoothness of some of these options so that they end up having less polygons so what you're going to want to do is you want to increase these sliders until you actually start to see a difference in quality because if you increase it too much like if i increase the hair smoothness all the way up that's what it looks like absolutely ridiculous it reduced like 10 000 polygons but it looks terrible so we're actually going to reduce that way down you just want to put the sliders up until you don't see anything looking weird and honestly i don't recommend messing with the hair smoothness too much mostly do stuff on the face body and outfit so i set everything to like 20 and the hair smoothness you need to go back down a little bit but um that reduced couple thousand polygons again we're gonna reduce even more polygons when we get to blender and this is more of an issue for if you're doing let's say a quest avatar if you're doing pcpr you don't have to worry about this as much you can ignore the materials and bones again that will optimize those parts of the avatar in blender so just ignore that and the last thing just hit export and then you give yourself a avatar title give yourself a creator name all the rest of this you can pretty much ignore and then you select export save as some wrong in your computer and like i said in blender we'll continue the optimization and we'll make a few easy adjustments to the avatar so that it looks a little bit better in game and everything we're going to do in blender is going to be super easy so you'll be able to do it even if it's your first time using the program that video will be posted about a week after this one and you can click on it here
Channel: Virtual Panda
Views: 295,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtual Reality, VR, Headset, HMD, Oculus, OCCulus, qwest, quest
Id: nOf4XDglUAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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