How To Create An NFT And Sell It | Step by Step with no Money

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hey guys hi bryson here and a lot of you guys don't know this but me legit i have a learning disability like the only way i can learn something and it sticks to my brain is by me doing all the research then reading it over and over again and then most importantly practicing it and doing it myself i can't just hear somebody tell me something and then boom i'm a genius no i need to do it myself so in this video right here i'm not just going to tell you hey guys to get an nft to open it to create it to get the wallet just go here go there no i'm going to show you step by step without skipping a single step how you create an nft how you can basically sell it how you can create your wallet i'm going to tell you everything you need to know to actually get started but i'm gonna show you all so that way if you learn like me by doing and seeing for yourself you're gonna have fun with this video right here and by the way if you're brand new to the whole nft gang or whatever it is an nft stands for non-fungible token and the big difference is for example ten thousand dollars a year and 10k here which one is more valuable does it matter money is money one dollar is one dollar but an nft is unique so for example one nft can be worth a lot more money because again they are unique and go for different values that's the whole idea right there and by the way guys if you guys don't know this me myself and i on the internet we are the boring people here we make boring investments but not boring returns okay that's the best thing about being boring you make boring investments but they make you money and that's what i do so for this video right here yes i'm talking about nfts non-fungible tokens and you know if you're gonna be buying artwork or for example you are an artist you're gonna be creating like your own nfc to me that is awesome because in reality it's you getting paid for your work my sister is an artist so yo if you can get paid for your work that's great my cousin does like albums and all this other stuff and by the way an nfc can be for example a picture it can be an audio it can be for example a video it doesn't just have to be for example like a fancy artwork not true so you can get paid for your work great but if you're here to say hey i wanna invest into this stuff that's not my game that's not what i do i see this as for example hey i wanna create i wanna get paid i wanna get royalties for my work and i also want to support for example an artist by buying their stuff so don't worry by the end of this video i'll show you exactly how to go ahead and create your nft and you'll see exactly me creating my nft also and putting it out there at the same time as you are so i thought this video was in like a few 30 minutes of research no it took me hours so do me a favor and smash the like button i appreciate it a ton now the very first thing guys you want to understand is basically when you are going to create your nft you it's very important where you actually are going to list it you know for example if you want to sell a pair of shoes or sneakers and you want to go either on ebay or facebook or craigslist you actually sell it those are markets right so for nfds you also have different markets and the most popular markets which by the way are the ones where you want to be at why because if you're selling something you want to be selling that thing where the most eyes are actually going to be it just makes sense right so the two most popular markets right now currently i say currently in 2021 okay depending on when you watch this video the answer is you have open seeing and you also have wearable and by the way the links are down below so don't worry step by step here the openc and wearable those are the two most popular markets and like i showed you guys like i told you and i promised you in this video i'm gonna be showing you guys everything okay step by step here so open c looks like this when you go to open c it's open c dot io and when you go for example to wearable it looks like this people list their stuff here and yes you can actually buy all those board apes um the crypto punks all that stuff is listed here even for example the cool cats and everything else okay so yeah you have open c and you have wearable which one do you want it all depends on you however step two is i want you to be aware a lot of these websites okay they promise you hey everything is like free listings nothing to worry about you gotta pay for anything but in reality it's not really that simple there's something called gas you're gonna hear this a lot when you get into this world okay gas what is gas okay gas when you think about gas and you hear gas think about for example transaction fees or just fees overall so when you go to openc and you want to initiate an account and by the way you can sign in make an account make an nfc and all that stuff but in reality if you want to make it an f team like through ethereum they're usually going to charge you a gas okay an initial price to actually get into the whole game which is usually between 70 to 400 okay and that's what makes it able to support people to be able to list how many nfcs you actually want to without ever having to charge you any fees anymore but don't forget though that whenever you do sell something usually they're gonna charge around 2.5 percent up to right now and yes you can also include your royalties in there so if you want to sell an nft and you're like every time this thing sell i want to actually make some money you can actually put your royalty up to ten percent meaning hey every time this thing sells i get ten percent that means the artist keeps getting paid keeps getting paid in passive income which is kind of weird honestly it's kind of you you make something and you sell it and that's it but for this whole world and this whole space there are creating royalties which i'm not really mad about honestly and the same thing for wearable okay they also have like a little fee between 30 to 60 but by the way if you don't have any money and you're super broke and just don't want to pay that's fine i'll show you the free way to actually do it which is basically through polygon and also through the second one is called flow blockchain which is basically a free way to actually create your nft and actually post them but they have for example restrictions meaning you won't be able to make a whole collection of your entities or have auctions it's more limited to like one of ones and all of that other stuff now let's get into this step by step because step three is don't worry i haven't forgot to show to you but i'm telling you these things first before i actually show you the steps in reality the steps are fairly simple but step three is gonna be you're going to want to create a crypto wallet and again a crypto wallet is where you basically hold your crypto assets including for example your nfts also that's the whole thing now again you want to go with the most popular ones because usually the most popular ones have the chance to actually stay around for the longest and they're actually safer so you can actually use for example coinbase wallet if you want to a very popular one i have that one also and by the way the link is down below if you want to join coinbase to buy crypto and do all that stuff which by the way i don't do just telling you franklin it's like 10 bucks when you sign up and you actually get some money okay same thing me if you just want to get for example the coinbase wallet you can go to your iphone or your android or for example your computer and just download um the coinbase wallet like that but the second most popular one is actually called metamask and again it is also a crypto wallet so don't try to over complicate it but by the way one big thing i do have to tell you and warn you about when you are creating your wallet they're going to give you for example it's kind of like a random words it's like a it's like an authentication to make sure you're protected and if you lose your password that we can always access your account as long as you have that backup so you get kind of like 12 random words and you have to make sure you get them in that order now the idea is remember this don't forget this okay you want to keep that information very safe you want to either copy and paste it then print it out and put it somewhere safe in a safe or you want to put it in a metal craving whatever you want to do but just make sure keep it safe because reality if you forget your password and if you forget for example that second layer not metamask and not coinbase is going to help you no one can help you once you lose that information you will not have access to your stuff ever again you will lose everything so again make sure you keep this stuff in a safe space okay that's all i'm telling you make it encrypted make it in a usb file whenever i can find it put it on a piece of paper put it in a safe deposit box whatever you want to just make sure you don't lose it so again to show you things because again i learned by showing people stuff so here it is okay guys you have right here um the coinbase you can actually go to coinbase wallet and actually get this stuff done or you can go to metamask and actually download it either on chrome firefox brave or edge i never use brave like honestly um but you have for example the ios app which i actually downloaded myself and you also have the android app if you have an android which is fine with me i'm not judging you okay green bubbles are cool but overall that's basically it you can use this for wearable or you can use it for example for openc also now what do you do once you know where you're gonna be doing this thing either openc or wearable i'm going to show you with both don't worry there's two marketplace doesn't really matter that much but i'm gonna show you with both okay with open seeing you know about gas you know about the freeway to do it which is basically through polygon or for example the other method and you also know you have your wallet now you have the coinbase wallet or you have for example the meta mass wallet again creates your wallet the reason i don't show you how to create a wallet is because if i show you stuff i might leak some information and then that might mean my wallet might be compromised again don't show people this stuff it's like your social security number you don't show it to people so just make sure you don't show it to people but again the links are down below metamask or for example coin wallet all right coinbase wallet and also just go to the app store and search stuff up and you'll be able to download it just like that all right now let's go ahead and create an account over at openc and again this stuff is fairly simple it's not really complicated but i do have to give you guys a tip guys okay if you are going to use metamask when you go on google chrome or you go for example on firefox i use firefox a lot more a lot faster in my opinion when you go on firefox and try to go for example let me show you here so you actually know what i'm talking about when you go on firefox you click for example um right here where it says profile right you click the face you click profile you click connect your wallet that's how you basically connect to openc when you click metamask it might do it now but before it wasn't doing it when you click it it'll take you to the metamask download even though you downloaded it and you actually have the extension on your browser that's like a normal thing apparently it's been going on a lot but right now this is my entire thing i actually have my whole page it's working for me but if it doesn't work for you what you want to do is fairly simple you want to go on your phone and go to the metamask um app all right you want to do and you want to click right here let me show you guys okay let me make sure no information is here and you want to click where it says right here i can actually show you here's my phone zoom in and you see where it says um all right so look this is how it starts it shows you this right here first and then you want to click right here where it says the three little dots and you want to go to browser you want to go to open c so you want to it's like google chrome but like on your phone but like the browser you want to click open c and then you want to click for example like um create or your account and just take you exactly and just tell you like connect and that will be easier to actually connect however if you are using and this will connect like easily and once this connects it should connect automatically over on google chrome or firefox it's what i figured out by doing a little testing here and there but the one thing i noticed is that basically if you are using for example like coinbase um wallet it's a lot more simple when you click right here on coinbase wallet boom it takes you right here and all you got to do is basically scan in your wallet or just install the extension which i haven't but you should definitely install the extension if you actually want to and that's the whole idea boom you're inside now once you're inside what do you do okay fairly simple so this is where we actually get into step number five which is basically creating your nft and again okay an nft is a non-fungible token it could be a picture it can be for example music can be recorded it can be a video okay it can be anything that's why you have for example like those highlights of like the sports and all that stuff you can buy those things okay pretty cool stuff however all right so this means if you want to create an nft it can mean hey i'm going to go ahead and take a selfie for example where's the selfie stuff on my phone and take a selfie um with you guys and then now all of a sudden that's an nfc and i can actually like like get that as an nfc obviously no one's gonna buy it because it sucks but overall that can be an nfc so i went ahead i use photoshop to create my first nft and my nft campaign is called boring all right it's just called boring and it's pretty cool stuff okay so if you want to use um like photoshop if you want to use like pick art if you want to use whatever software it is out there to just create something you can use in a jpeg which is the format of a picture use for example a png it doesn't really matter that much but that's the whole idea so now for example if you want to go ahead and actually create your nfc and actually sell it here's how you actually do it on openc for example okay so back to this website here you can click where it says again this is my whole thing boring tommy bryson this is me you click right here where it says create that simple okay and you can actually sign in with my whole thing but this right here is connected to my meta mask all right so what i want to do is just for example upload my first nft which is going to be for example um boring equals rich this is my this this is mine guys this is this is this is mine okay i am super artistic apparently and again you can have any number of file tabs jpeg png gif svg mp4 mp mp3 you can have literally anything you actually want to up to a hundred megabytes by the way it's great now i can actually title this so give it a name my name is going to be um boring um equals rich obviously i don't i don't know what to tell you that's the name for this stuff you can use for example external links and by the way external links can mean for example if i would want to like say hey whenever you buy this nft you actually get an exclusive link to my discord you can actually set it up that way which is pretty cool that way you have like exclusive stuff that come along with your nft in this case i don't have that stuff description here um boring collection that's what my description basically is okay and by the way if you want to buy this stuff you can buy it but again buy to have fun if you want to have fun with this whole thing but don't think you're actually going to make money by buying my stuff okay i'm not an artist okay collection is this a collection where your items will appear um the answer is um no but if i wanted to i can go on my profile and then basically let me go right here where it says profile my collection and click right here where it says create a collection and i can call this again because i want to show you guys everything okay so this is the entire like profile picture i can have for example a featured image which can be for example i don't know like this one right here and i can say like hey my banner image can be for example the boring thing on the top which is fine fine find stuff find stuff but yeah you know my name can be the boring boring collection right that's my that's my whole thing boring collection open c treasure c this is my link boring collection i'm kind a description for boring boring is money born is money i can have the whole category this stuff honestly guys is is pretty cool you can actually have a category so if it's art collectible photography sports trading cards utility um for me it's just like art right so um my links just my instagram which is like tommy bryson so you guys know where to find me and like royalty so again this is actually pretty clever right so if i would want to have this collection and actually collect for example like hey every time this thing sells i want to make for example like five percent well i can put in here five percent so every time somebody and i have to actually put my wallet in here so that has to be private so danny blur that out um let me go ahead and put this in here put my wallet in there just blur that out danny uh and i can say for example blockchain right so it can be like um poly polygon remember guys okay remember i said polygon is a free one if you use ethereum you have to pay money if you don't you can use poly it'll be like um like for free so don't worry about it um there you go and then for example display theme um covered contained padded i like the the contain one i can click right here where it says create and boom now i have a collection and that was just like that okay just like that that simple and this basically sucks but yeah that's how it basically works if i want to say like hey now let me go ahead and add an item right to this collection and this is where we actually get into the stuff actually creating your nfc but now we have a collection a piece of like artwork like my museum if i want to change things i can change it if i want to but in reality i don't care to change things so i'm going to go here i'm going to sell this one first it's basically boring equals rich i'm going to call it again boring equals rich external links no external links for me description boring collection boring collection i am a great speller did i ever mention that i'm not i'm not and right here i can click for example what collection you want to do it to i only have one so that's boring collection v3 on properties so usually um properties are for basically like if you have like specific things about your artwork like different faces and expressions you can actually put those things in here for in this case it doesn't it doesn't really matter to me so not important um numerical traits that show as progressive bar again does not matter to me unlockable content so again this is basically if you want to have unlockable content again this is for by the way i think i explained it wrong so this is actually different from unlockable content the audible content would be basically if you have if you want to have for example like a discord link to a private chat a private party whatever it is that's where these things go and explicit and sensitive content so again if you're making like that you know content for people that are into that stuff the weird stuff um you can actually do it so then that way people know what's up the supplying copies of this i'm only gonna put for example 10. and that's about it okay so just 10 of these are going to be available i can say hey um to freeze your metadata you must create your item first and i click right here where it says create and then boom that's that's it you you just created boring equals rich and i can actually share it if i actually want to and and that's basically it now that's the first part right the first part is basically all right we created an nft so now how do we actually go ahead and and sell this thing all right this is the cool thing here so to sell this thing it's fairly simple honestly again let's go back here to this page and click right here where it says sell now make sure again you will not be able to adjust any of these things once you do click sell so if you have any things you want to adjust and so on go ahead and actually adjust it right now so i'm going to go ahead and click sell and boom um how am i going to take um ethereum or whatever it is right price per unit let's say the price how much i want to sell this for like .01 i guess it's like 40 let's make it like let's make it i want to make it like super cheap maybe like 10 bucks right so um greater than two dollars so let's say um let's actually say two dollars no no no no that we have to do like a little less so five dollars no ten dollars okay right here so right now the price for this is actually like um six dollars now click for example duration how long you actually want to sell this thing for right you can actually say like hey reserve for specific buyer or for example six months i'll do like six months this right here is gonna be for sale now creator royalty is gonna be five percent whenever this thing sells or switches hands it's hilarious okay whatever this thing sells if it does sell i'll be able to make five percent royalty in the cell and as always guys they will make two point five percent that's that's the entirety yes and then i click right here where it says um complete listing and boom that's that's it guys okay complete your listing to complete your listing follow these steps unlock currency submit a transaction with your wallet to trade with this currency this only needs to be done once so unlock and then sign again blur all this stuff out danny um sign all right so it's signing and by the way this can take a few seconds or minutes or whatever i'm sign message sign a message using your wallet okay i click sign already and then boom that's that's really about it message that's that's fine you are signing that's fine and then click sign and then boom that sign and that is it your nft is listed if i want to share it on facebook share it on twitter or just share it with a link i can actually do that right now but if i click right here it takes me to the listing and this right now is selling for 12 dollars so if you want to go ahead and buy this feel free to do so boring equals rich collection so if i go right here where it says for example my profile picture and i click my collection it shows me hey tommy here's your collection boring collection v3 and boom i have right here one item one owner and boom if i want to buy this i can buy if i want to list it i can list it boom there you go if i want to add more items to this collection i can if i want to by the way i'll actually share this collection on the link down below if you want to support the channel and buy this stuff feel free to do so it would just be for fun so don't think you'll make money by buying this stuff but it is pretty cool it it it is pretty cool honestly like the main thing that i like about nfts let's be real here is that if you are a real artist not like me and you are selling your artwork it's cool to be able to sell it make royalties and then me as a person buying it is cool to say hey i only speak some artwork from this artist that i appreciate it a ton and only i own this to me that's pretty cool investing point of view not really okay and guys that's how you do it on openc now the same thing same process applies if you want to do it for example through um wearable and again the links are down below but overall it would be basically the same exact thing okay you go to sign in you click install metamask so if you want to go with metamask you do the whole process and again you see the problem here guys whenever you click for example like a metamask even if you already have it it's a problem so the way i would do it is just always go and use for example the metamask um um browser so that way it's just like a lot more simple so again if you go on your phone right so if i go right here and i type in like hey again i'm on my phone on the on the metamask browser section let me just do this all over again so you actually know i'm actually gonna record a video actually no i'm not gonna record a video but overall if you go to metamask you put in your face obviously to actually get into the account um you click right here well welcome to your new wallet no thanks nfts okay cool and if i go right here to where it says again you want to go so this is how it opens up right this is how the account opens up if you click right here where it says um the little three dots up here and you click browser and up here for example you type in like hey um i want to go to here search something and just type in wearable right and then boom it takes you to wearable click search it takes you there and then boom you're here and then that's about it okay and then i want to show you guys everything so i don't want to skip any steps here but if you go here loading up just a little bit and then click here most likely here right and i click for example um my profile sign in and i want to sign in for example with metamask i click connect and then boom now i'm gonna be signed in and by the way you have to be at least 13 years old which is fairly young let's be honest and then boom all of a sudden i'm in so that's that's it like i'm signed in now and now i'm guessing if i do go for example like um on the entire like wearable thing again and i type in for example my profile it'll let me go directly into it without any problems i mean that's that's the whole idea guys okay but it's the same process but i do want to remind you guys something okay so when you use if you have no money and you don't want to do ethereum you know if you think you're going to sell it's okay to use polygon for openc if you don't have any money it's okay to use for example flow blockchain for wearable if you don't have any money either and you want to pay 30 or 70 eventually you might want to do it because it is a lot more easier for the buyer to actually buy your stuff but guys that is it from beginning to end how you create an nfc how you basically sell it list it and everything like that so overall to summarize here is pick a market open see a wearable i picked open c obviously you guys just saw my whole thing link down below if you want to buy my nft i'm famous now um also you want to make sure you you understand for example all of the fees or aka gas transaction fees always remember gas is transaction fee third thing is okay you want to use a wallet for me i'm using metamask if you want to use for example um coinbase wallet that's fine too doesn't really matter but make sure you keep your code safe and then fourth is you create your nft and then fifth is you go ahead and you sell a thing you promote it you do all the work and that is it my friends that's how you get it done now i know this video is long but there is one more thing i want to include for the people that made it all the way here and is that if you are buying this stuff so you have three types of people actually involved in nfts and people you don't want to trust are the celebrities because basically they get free stuff to promote it and build up hype so then buying things is not really them buying things usually they get transferred to the nfc's just basically um promote it and all that stuff okay but you have for example the greater full theory which basically means if you're buying something that you know nothing about you're a dummy and then your whole goal as a dummy is to find a bigger dummy to pay more money for the thing you actually bought that you know nothing about that's called the grateful theory which is basically stupid don't do that stuff but second is that people just having fun here if you want to have fun you want to buy something from a uno someone you support that's fine have fun it's the equivalent of buying for example like a pokemon card just to have fun you enjoy it and you support someone that's great i don't have a problem with that and you have the third part which basically people that are very wealthy buying these things as legit artwork and then using it for tax purposes that's different the way i would do this is basically just for fun it's not really an investment in my opinion again boring but i make money by being boring so take it with a grain of salt and lastly if you are doing this stuff remember scams are real they exist they are legit things so if you do get hit up about like hey put in your wallet here and you don't know the person or like hey let me share your screen with me don't do that stuff okay if you lose your information usually it is nearly impossible or very hard to actually get if you feel like you're at risk lock your account immediately but guys that is it hopefully this video actually helped you talk to everything you need to know and hopefully i did my job um see you guys tomorrow though thanks for watching as always like subscribe hit the bell side i appreciate it a ton on top of that also if you want more content like this more content here boring investment stuff like the way i invest and here's my face click subscribe and a long term team is out instagram tommy bryson and if you want to call me the link is also down below to call me for free peace out guys
Channel: TommyBryson
Views: 1,620,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommybryson, how to create an NFT and Sell it in 5m, nft art, opensea, nft, non fungible token, nft crypto, ethereum, crypto art, crypto, how to make nft, bitcoin, sell nft, nft tokens, nfts, rarible, cryptocurrency, how to create an nft, what is an nft, non fungible tokens, how to, nft crypto explained, how to make nft art, what are nfts, nft explained, nft marketplace, nft tutorial, make money with nfts, nft for beginners, nft snl, opensea nft, opensea nft tutorial
Id: p_-gv1Om5Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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