How To Make a Build in Bloodborne (Guide)

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[Music] unfortunately for you it is gym and I am genuinely shocked to see this once it hits March 24th 2018 it will have been three years since blood-borne first came out up to this point the game has been patched several times the old hunters DLC has been released and so much more has been discovered about how the game works yet in our borrows original video he states that made this video specifically for people who like to have an optimized build from day one don't want to [ __ ] up their stats in the first place now I know the video itself came out a day before blood-borne was released so or ybarra was more than likely running on pre game knowledge nonetheless it's been three years and no one has thought to want to try and update this no one really ok ok blood-borne is free for PlayStation Plus that means so many people so many new people are trying to play this game right now if this is your first step into blood-borne the very first time you're playing this game I honestly believe that you shouldn't have to worry all that much about getting the perfect build straight off the bat experience the game at your own pace and discover what everyone has been praising about for so long regardless for new players and returning veterans alike I think it is high time that we get one big retrospective build guide not just a weapon review or showcase those are great videos don't get me wrong but damn it there's something missing here we have to set the record straight I come to you today with a genuine overview of all the possibilities that are at your fingertips when you pick up this game now you may have a lot of questions in mind like what are these stats mean how do I get the most out of my weapons or how do I make my builds as efficient as possible we are going to try and answer some of those questions you may have today at the very least new players ought to know what these six stats do and returning players as well y'all might need a refresher perhaps learn a little extra something you didn't ready now so without any further ado let's Philip DeFranco right into it you there is vitality endurance strength skill blood-tinged and arcane from a glance there are two passive stats and four offensive stats the passive stats affect your survivability vitality increases your overall health while endurance increases your stamina and poison resistances the offensive stats directly influence what weapons you're able to wield and how much damage you're able to do with those weapons sounds simple enough at first but there's a bit more to these six stats than meets the eye each stat can be leveled up to 99 points but rarely do you ever want to bring a stat up to the max of 99 and blood-borne there are what are known as soft caps and hard caps when you're leveling up say vitality for instance you're not always going to get the same HP return from each individual point of vitality between 26 and 30 vitality you get between 26 and 30 HP per point but afterwards the returns drop down between 21 and 22 HP per points this is effectively a soft cap it shouldn't discourage you from leveling up vitality further but it ought to have you questioning whether or not your level ups may be more beneficial elsewhere compare this to what happens when you try to go past a hard cap between 46 and 49 vitality you gain 15 to 18 HP per point but past 50 vitality you only gain between 7 to 9 HP per point huge difference these are also known as diminishing returns they will have a hefty influence in how you make an efficient build furthermore I heavily recommend that new players prioritize vitality first until they feel comfortable enough to tank more than a handful of hits between 21 and 30 vitality you actually see your HP Returns growing higher and higher before hitting the soft cap don't be afraid of missing out on damage in the early game for more health too many times have I encountered hosts who get killed in three hits or less stay healthy out there kids and eat your damn protein the same cap logic can be applied to the rest of the stats endurance remember governs stamina and poison resistances there's a soft cap for poison resistances at 16 endurance the hard cap for those resistances start at 30 meanwhile stamina doesn't have a soft cap but it most certainly has a hard cap at 40 endurance what this means is that you should never have endurance above 40 ever remember that personally I recommend against bringing your endurance above 20 again first time players do your own thing if you feel like you absolutely need 40 go right ahead however if you take into consideration how little stamina is spent while dashing and attacking not to mention the fact that you can use Carroll runes in the game to compensate for the low endurance while your weapons themselves tend to ko players relatively quickly that extra endurance is rarely needed this lets you put points into more meaningful stats but we'll be talking about build making and a quick bit strength skill blood teams in arcane all have similar soft caps and hard caps they all have a soft cap at 25 and a solid hard cap at 50 our cane is a special snowflake though the hunter tools that you can find in blood-borne continue to scale well above 70 arcane all the way up to 99 I'd actually say that making a 99 arcane build isn't a terrible idea in the slightest don't just take my word for it reddit user slj m8d made an entire cookbook of sorts that shows off the power of a 99 arc build that link will be in the description though what's recommended for newer players are the two stat strength and skill you're gonna have the easiest time with these two they grant you access to almost every weapon in the entire game to try out it's the blood tension arcane builds that require a bit more experience in planning before you can get the most out of them side note there is no respect in this game and that's going to be a huge bummer for anyone looking to experiment with ease you might not have known you've done diddle yourself into you're already a hundred levels in deep this means two things one you're starting origin matters when it comes to men Maxine for the meta and because of that too I'm gonna be putting links to both the website Mugen monkey and a Google spreadsheet AR calculator in the description of this video these are handy tools that you can preview your builds with from the get-go this way you have somewhat of an idea of what's coming before you end up spending dozens of hours to find out that something's not right after all your hard work save yourself the trouble now that we've talked about the individual stats what happens when we bring them all together if you want to play with other players either through co-op or through PvP then you will need to make builds centered around a blood level meta or BL meta for short and the remainder this video is basing itself off of the well-established BL meta of 120y because when most people left blood-borne in the dust all that while ago a small community of players still kept it alive to this day and they use the BL 120 meta the reasons why they do this are twofold one the builds made for this are typically used for PvP if you're not into PvP then by all means continue leveling your character to your heart's content he'll even go all the way to 540 for the max level no one's stopping you well actually probably the only thing stopping you is the fact that your chances to find any random players to help or fight will be slim to none probably just none really and let's say that you do use this max level character as a cooperator to help a friend out with a password well tough luck because all of your stats and damage will be scaled down to the floor where your aunt Darlene left or toenail clippings from the night before so you'll most likely die two enemies in three two two maybe even one hit consider building around a modest level it doesn't have to be 120 but it doesn't have to be 500 either again this is all considering that you want to co-op or invade it's all down to your preference number two there was a bit of a how you say debate when blood-borne was first released about which meta the community ought to gravitate towards oroboro showcased a blood level 100 PP verson used a blood level 110 and praise the sun advocated for blood level 150 while each player had their own reasoning blood level 120 is a great compromise when no one else can agree when 20 s can match with 100's 150 s and with anyone else in between whether or not these fights are fair ultimately boils down to the builds in question and the skill of the fighters involved blood gems have a huge role to play in blood-borne well let's put a pin in that topic for now when you're deciding what build you want to make you have to decide which stats you want to use and which stats you don't want to use and we're talking about efficiency here so that means the stats you want to use have to come as close to their hard cap as you can possibly push them as long as you're adhering to a meta to so when I hear players ask what build should I make in blood-borne I think the real question that needs to be answered is what kinds of builds are there in blood-borne researching and experimenting several different builds myself I was able to condense all of the weapons firearms hunter tools all of your choices into six identifiable categories and no no no no this is not me saying that there are only six builds in blood-borne there are dozens upon dozens of different ideas for builds you know but if you really look into how some of these builds work you tend to see recognizable paths with how the players leveled their stats let's bring those bad boys back up shall we notice how there are six stats now you gettin an idea where I found those six categories from and what I'm about to say ought to help you decide whether a certain build suits what you want for your play style in the six categories there are the big boys and girls dex users in denial the most hated builds in the entire game hentai apologists literal tanks and the builds that can't even run a 5k without walking for a good five minutes that strength skill blood-tinged arcane vic couch and base endurance it's not about right no okay let's break it down the first four are self-explanatory they require 50 points in their respective stat of choice the weapons and tools that I place in these categories means that they can work off of that single stat with little to no investment in another offensive staff strengths favor builds the weapons that benefit from 50 strengths are the amygdala and arm beasts claws beasts cutter hunter axe kirk hammer and whirligig saw now these weapons do benefit from a little skill investment and the AA mcdonnen arm might appreciate a little arcane - but it is not required to do so 50 strengths is the bare minimum to get these weapons toward their highest potential as a strength build you also have access to the og cannon church cannon and Gatling gun I don't think I need to be the one to tell you how useful these firearms can be in the right hands also the fist of gratia is another solid addition for a strength build because it serves as a fast off hand complement to your slower main hand weapons it even has the ability to break hyper armor on certain enemies and straight-up stagger bosses I think it can also parry skill favor builds weapons that utilize 50 skilled a great effectiveness are the blade of mercy burial blade rakuyo rider pelage rifles spear and threaded cane leveling up skill also means that your visceral attacks will do more damaged bosses like Lady Maria will become a cakewalk and you could even one-shot some players from full health why from soft and all their great wisdom thought giving just one stat the ability to up visceral damage was a good idea is beyond me pure blood tinge builds really only benefit to weapons the ever so infamous chikage and blood letter what makes them so infamous is their burst damage that means these weapons have attacks that do a lot of damage in a short amount of time blood tinge builds also can use the Evelyn the most spammable pistol in the entire game all due to the fact that you can take sizable chunks of the health away from a range perhaps the only equalizer for players hoping to hop onto the blood-tinged bandwagon is the fact that farming for high-level blood attack up gems is an incredibly brutal slog still it isn't these players fault that blood tinges the bane of satan what were you thinking miyazaki the last of these four is arcane now if you remember that I said that our Kaine was a special snowflake let me tell you why the only weapon that organically scales off of arcane is the cause parasite but this isn't the only weapon that an arcane build can use thanks to elemental blood gems almost every other weapon in the game can be converted to work into your build equipping a weapon like the sauce spear with fire blood gems can turn bosses like vicar Amelia and Ludwig into pushovers let's not forget about the fact that arcane has the privilege of having all the hunter tools at their disposal the utility art came builds have makes them incredibly dangerous and unpredictable however they are similar to blood tianjin that getting a proper arcane build off the ground is quite a hill to climb but if you're willing to brave the hours and farm until you drop our Kane will show its true potential to you the last two categories I have are quite unique unique in the respect that most players wouldn't really have thought of making builds like these in the first place you ask yourself why didn't I do this all along vit gouge these are the builds that push past the hard cap of vitality knowing fully well what they're doing they put on the strongest health runes they have and care not for how their weapons scale because they let their blood gems do all the work for them the particular blood gems they use at flat damage increases to their weapons similar to how Ron fusions work in Dark Souls examples include the ligarius wheel and blade of mercy once you've hit the base requirements of your weapons of choice you can pump Vitt and top it off with the right amount of endurance imagine a blade of Mercy endlessly chasing after you while you seemingly can't get their health down low enough for them to back off yeah does something like that how you work your vit gouge build of choice will also determine which firearms and tools you can bring alongside your main weapons if you wanted to you could even make a forest gump build where you just run run away from your problems run away from your responsibilities run forest run but can you run away from that nagging feeling of dread that you have to wake up the next and this brings us to the final category of builds that you can come across in blood-borne what separates these bills from the rest is that one particular stat that you think you might need in the beginning but end up not needing at all these are what I like to call the base endurance builds I'm sure you were wondering where the quality weapons were going to be on this list and the fact of the matter is they belong here weapons like the Beast Hunter scythe Ludwig's holy blade steak driver saw cleavers sauce spear and my personal favorite the church pick in order to get the most out of these weapons they require both 50 strengths and 50 skill the only way to accommodate that is by neglecting endurance all together having base endurance doesn't just benefit fifty-fifty quality and works with hybrid builds like strength Ark strength Ark uses the holy light sword boom hammer - nitrous ligarius wheel and the AH mcdonnen arm yeah this guy again and in order to get the most out of Simon's bow blade you need somewhere around forty-five skill and 45 blood tinge you can reasonably throw the rider pelage and rifle spear into this category - for the real Daredevils out there you can also combine blood tinge and arcane sounds crazy right it is you can have the best of both worlds insane burst damage from the chikage element converted weapons that shew through bosses and have the utility of all the hunter tools as the cherry on top there is one huge caveat to using blood tianjin Ark at the same time now if arcane gem farming was pretty bad and blood Tim's gem farming was pretty freakin abysmal now try mixing those two together and taking a drink of all these categories base endurance might be the most off-putting for newer players these builds require a lot of knowledge of the game beforehand about farming about what you want and what you can do it also asks the player to make little to no mistakes when you're in the middle of a fight you can't spam your attacks ad nauseam all that much anymore but then again why would you if you were already in the know leveling up your stats is half of making a build in blood-borne if this were Dark Souls that would be it just upgrade your weapons and armor and bam you're said but blood-borne was from softs risky step into a new direction they didn't just make a Souls like spin-off for kicks they wanted to try something fresh with familiar looking brushstrokes that something new are in the blood gems and the chalice dungeons blood gems dictate how much real damage your weapons are going to do and the best blood gems are locked behind the chalice dungeons you can get away with never touching a chalice dungeon and instead do farming in the old hunters DLC but if you are looking for the most efficient and diverse gems for your build then you need to go deeper you are required at the very least to beat 6 fix chalices if you want to blaze through these chalices I recommend that you start the chalices after you've already completed the entire base game along with the DLC the first three should be real easy to get through with the blood gems you've acquired up to that point it's once you hit the Loran and defiled chalices that things might become difficult again much more difficult in fact get past those and the great to Marian ill then you can begin the farming the biggest downside to the chalices is that they serve almost as a barrier to entry for build making you can't just max out your build without going through these chalices - now I understand there a time sink for sure I'm not for those who wish to go that extra link for damage these are the hills you have to climb not only that but you sometimes need to acquire lost and uncanny versions of the weapons you want to use these different versions come with different gem slots than the original leading to easier farming opportunities and greater overall damage output I recommend that you hold off on spending blood rocks on a weapon until you're absolutely sure that it's the most efficient version of that weapon I would also highly encourage for you to check out the blood-borne - wiki that's the blood-borne - wiki to you not vexed relief not Wikia this blood-borne - wiki the entire site will have even more answers to your questions than what I'm able to give especially when it comes to which gems might suit your particular play style the next best thing I can do to aid in your struggle is to give you a tip save scum that's right get yourself a thumb drive or get your PlayStation Plus save cloud ready and watch this just before you face a boss in a chalice before you make that attempt to get that gem use the beckoning bell and immediately silencing blank this saves the game at the exact point that you rung the bell quit the game then save the game data to either your stick drive or to the cloud load back into the game go into that boss fog kill that boss and pray to are in Jesus if you don't get what you're looking for load back that save and try again this ought to help with some of the frustration that comes with the entire process I'm also going to give you a list of glyphs that will point you in the right direction those links will be in the description though show where you can find specific blood gems where to find the lost and uncanny weapons etc etc I will also say that physical attack up gems will be the most commonly needed gems for most of the builds in blood-borne fortunately for you they're probably the easiest farm to do in the entirety of the chalice dungeons from there though farming elemental gems blood attack up gems abyssal gems and so on will be a bit more tedious and by a bit I mean a lot but persevere through the RNG like you would in any other loop based game like Diablo destiny or Monster Hunter and you'll find the gems you're looking for or you could just lose your mind in the process and that about wraps up how to make a build and blood-borne I hope you learned something from this entire exchange it definitely was a doozy to put together because there was a lot to say also don't take what I have said to be the unbreakable rule on how to make builds you can decide how to make your own build however you want I simply wanted to show players what some of the most efficient outcomes were from there you can plot your own course and make something that other people haven't seen before or you could just make another chikage and Evelynn build whatever you choose you're gonna need all the help you can get thank you so much for watching if you genuinely enjoyed this video or learn something new small flirt mortal [ __ ] walk button if you have a unique build that wasn't mentioned in this video go ahead and comment below I'd love to see it blood gems so level and all just go right ahead I'd also like to remind everyone that it is the third month of 2018 almost a quarter of the year has just gone by and honestly it doesn't feel like much time has passed at all don't let these days slip through your fingers going into the spring of 2018 remember what's important to you remember who is important to you remind those people that you care about them and don't forget yourself that they care about you have yourselves a great day and a good night and may the good blood guide your way I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: dangitjm
Views: 1,209,268
Rating: 4.9265866 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a build in bloodborne, bloodborne how to, bloodborne build guide, bloodborne stats, bloodborne dangitjm, bloodborne jm
Id: oOBP36mUHms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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