Bloodborne DLC ► 50 Interesting Insights

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Let's go over a bunch of the more curious parts of "The Old Hunters". Some of this Insights are pretty significant and some are just minor observations but, fact is, there's roughly fifty Insights in this video so, make sure you keep an eye on that frenzy meter, yeah? Let's start with the "Eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter" in the same way that the Tonsil Stone allows one Amygdala to transport us to the Nightmare Frontier, the Eye allows another Amygdala to transport us to the Hunter's Nightmare. I thought it was interesting to discover that the Amygdala needs something related to the corresponding Nightmare realm to transport us there. Next, the grave that connects the Hunter's Dream to the Hunter's Nightmare is also the grave we find the Old Hunter's Bone at in the Waking World. The "Old Hunter's Bone" allows a hunter to learn the lost art of quickening, which was a technique particular to the First Hunters. And, indeed, many hunters like Maria dash like this in the Hunter's Nightmare without use of the bone. Third, there's a deceased Amygdala in the Nightmare, and as we discover this new realm, we learn that nightmare realms are almost certainly linked to one another: they all have Amygdala, they all have Winter Lanterns, which are based of the doll in our dream. The ship masts in the Fishing Hamlet can be seen from the Nightmare Frontier and, you know, even the washed-up corpse of Kos looks kind of similar to these things in the Nightmare Frontier. While learning more and more about this nightmare realms, specially how they have a very real ability to shape events in the Waking World. Next up, have you noticed that the old hunters all wear a garb with the same red cloth on the inside? Maria, Gehrman, ... their attire is consistent with the time that they're from which, I thought, was a nice, subtle design touch. The description of the old hunter's gear also tells us that the people in this time were quite superstitious. For instance, they used to think that the "beast blood crept up the right leg" hence, they put a belt around the right trouser leg. As pointed out by a bunch of you in the first video, thist might explain why Gehrman has a pegleg on his right. Some of you suggested that it might have been amputated in some outdated method of prevention. And Gehrman and his pegleg, both are viewable in the trailer for the Old Hunters. Have a look here, you can just see his pegleg which is curious because it doesn't just make it any old hunter wearing Gehrman's garb. it's Gehrman himself walking through the Fishing Hamlet here. It places Gehrman's character undeniably within the events that the "Old Hunters" depicts. And we'll go into a bit more depth on that later. For now, though look at the "blood lickers" you come across in the blood river. I used to think that blood lickers were limited to Cainhurst as if there was some sort of strain of the old blood that created them, because they're so different to other beasts. But, because they're here, it makes it more likely that blood lickers just appear where a lot of blood has to be present. The blood lickers in Cainhurst, for example, they likely appeared when the big slaughter took place there; where the executioners wiped out all of the Vilebloods and slaughtered them. This blood lickers would have fed on the corpses but, you know, years have passed since then, so all the blood lickers there are skinny and roaming for food when we encounter them. But, the ones here in the nightmare in the blood river are fat and bloated. In the "Old Hunters, there is a heavy concentration of items and NPC's related to the powder kegs: the Gatling Gun, the Piercing Rifle, the Boom Hammer. All of there are weapons that the old hunters use and all of it is going to help a lot when we're putting together a timeline for the things that we see in this nightmare. Take Laurence, for example. The fact that he appears in the nightmare on fire might be because this is how he died. Maybe he died to the Molotovs of the Powder Kegs, maybe in the purge of Old Yharnam, perhaps. Just speculation, of course. The Gatling Gun hunter who we find in the cave is described by his weapon as being the youngest of Djura's three companions. And he's wielding a portable version of the Gatling Gun that Djura operates in Old Yharnam. Given his relationship to Djura, I find it really curious that, he too, seems to be protecting the beast. Why else would he be standing at the entrance to the dead end cave with his back turned to four or five deadly beasts hiding in the cave behind him? And we see this behavior in the Saw Spear hunter of Old Yharnam as well. Who, I feel pretty comfortable now, calling one of Djura's companions. When you reach Simon outside the first shortcut, you can actually just kill him here if you want his Bowblade weapon as soon as possible. And don't worry about the key he gives you later, it will appear in the spot that he usually gives it to you. Another NPC I shoud mention is Valtr. If you crush five vermin and reload the area to acquire his helmet, his name and appearance will change to reflect that when you summon him. He becomes a helmetless Valtr, the Beast Eater. His duties, apparently, have been passed down to you. In addition, your League stance also changes to have you place your hand in front of your heart. Before we start talking about Ludwig, do you remember this snail girl that fell from the sky? I'm sure a lot of you put together that she fell from the above water world above our heads that's not able to be seen from this perspective. And I event got a shot of her falling from a distance just to make sure that's where she's coming from. Someone pointed me to this video recorded by a Reddit user: "Dr. Xanthine MD" who discovered that you can actually revive this snail girl using the Madaras Wistle on her corpse. It must activate a part of the hitbox that's untouchable or someting, because you can't damage her otherwise. Now, onto Ludwig. how many of you had this little blood corpse survive the fight? It's surprisingly difficult to keep him alive and altogether pointless, really. He just chuckles to himself once the fight is over. And if you look closely at Ludwig, you do realize a few things; he has eyes on the inside of his little growth here and he's also wearing what looks to be the executioners' garb. And his Moonlight Greatsword is strapped to his back during phase one. It's really cool to see that he retains a bit of his humanity when he lays eyes upon it. If you leave Ludwig's head alive after talking to it and reload your game, you'll reapear to find that Simon put Ludwig out of his misery instead. There's an arrow through his eye. A couple of you guys in the first video pointed this out to me and I thought it was really cool. But it was only after I watched "A German Spy" 's playthrough that I figured out how to get the most dialogue out of these characters and you know that's interesting information for me since I need to record this dialogue. You should check out "A German Spy" 's playthrough, by the way. He's got like one of the most knowledgeable playthroughs of the DLC out there and he uses some pretty overpowered techniques. Moving on past Ludwig, did you know that if you die outside the bell ringer's room, then he'll say this: "Unending death awaits those who pry into the unknown." Up ahead, in the main cathedral chamber we discover that the all popular "how to pick up fair maidens" has been ordered in bulk by the folks in the nightmare. Must have been recommended by Gehrman, or something. One of these fair maidens here, is dressed in white and recites the same phrases that Vicar Amelia did. Logically, this is Amelia. And, logically, she entered the nightmare after we killed her. She prays in a different location now, but she's still potentially praying at Lawrence's skull. Send the elevator up without you on it, go underneath and you'll find Lawrence's human skull and the Church Cannon. One of the coolest little details on the elevator is the surgery altar itself. Putting aside all of the symbolism involved when we insert eyes into the inside of the skull and ascend into the heavens. How many of you actually noticed that there is a beast underneath the table? I caught onto this when I read a tweet by "Hellkite Drake", another uploader who you should check out. The beast under the table reminded him of the beast in the opening cutscene of Bloodborne when you get the blood transfusion. And I got to agree. The whole scene here symbolizes, to me, that "latent beasthood is always a threat lying in wait". But it's also something that the Church awakened through their experiments. Worth noting also is the book, the bell, and this hat-mask thing that looks curiously like Willem's. Moving up to the Research Hall, let's take a look at these statues. it's getting to the point now where we can sort of notice this trends in Bloodborne's architecture. And I'm starting to see these hunched over shapes everywhere: these things in the fishing village, the fish-men in the village, the alien statues in the Cathedral, ... They really like this shape in Bloodborne. When we finally finish Adeline's questline she shares the Milkweed rune with us. On the Fextralife Wiki, someone has written that the inscription of the rune resembles the letters "H", "P" which could be a reference to H. P. Lovecraft whose work is clearly an inspiration for Bloodborne. In fact, the story of the Fishing Hamlet is incredibly similar to Lovecraft's horror novel: The Shadows over Innsmouth, which a lot of people have pointed out to me in the third video's comment section. The plot details a secretive town, humanoid fish-men, and the notion of human sacrifice. So, pretty similar. But speaking of great bodies of water in the fishing village, as pointed out by commenter "...", the word "lock" from Lockshield means "lake" in Irish or Gaelic: And, of course, this is all behind the giant ClockTower that Maria guards In an earlier video,we pointed out that the hands aligned to point to the great lake room. But what about the other rooms, here? Well, there are a bunch of the and some are missing, most of their. But there is one here that I don't recognize; It's this massive squiggles and there's not another rune in the game like this, right? The closest thing I can find are the "clockwise" runes but even they don't have theses shapes. And it's weird because 'Fromsoft' had a bunch of of runes they could have used here, they didn't use all of them so, why put one here that doesn't exist in the game? It's just making me curious, thinking like there's something we haven't found yet. And I should take this moment to pint out that no one has found the level 3 "guidance rune" yet. The official DLC guide does tell us that it exists within the depth 5 Root Chalice dungeos, so, if you're one of the rare, rare people who enjoy doing the Chalice Dungeons, then get out there and find that rune.
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 4,934,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodborne, Blood, borne, Bloodborn, guide, walkthrough, challenge, lore, hunter, Dark, Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls 2 Lore, Vaatividya, vaati, vidya, boss, pvp, videos, Dark Souls (Video Game), Dark Souls 2 (Video Game), Dark Souls 3 (Video Game), story, funny, ludwig, laurence, maria, gehrman, orphan of kos, the old hunters, expansion, downloadable content, gatling gun, trivia, fun facts, hidden, secret, simon's bowblade, game grumps, adeline, milkweed rune, rakuyo, dialogue
Id: vHFghwL0s7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2015
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