Bloodborne Lore - Executioners and Vilebloods

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one of the very first characters you encounter through your battles and quest for answers is Alfred who is initially seen praying at this ominous structure at first glance it is unclear who the little shrine illuminated by candles is made out for but panning up you do see a monument of a figure whose head is obscured this statue will become much more clear as we delve deeper into the storyline of Alfred and the clan of hunters known as the executioner's it is impossible to talk about the executioner's without also talking about their rivals known as the vilebloods who swear to Queen on a lease of the cainhurst castle we will get more in depth on all this later but for now let's start from the beginning when you first approached Alfred he says this you're a beast hunter aren't you I knew it that's precisely how I started out he says he started out as a beast hunter like you now he could have been hunting beasts for the church which seems more likely but it's also possible that he started out as a so-called moon scented hunter those who have received the blood transfusion and contractual obligations to find pale blood who die and wake in the hunters dream and just like you are at the end of the game exiled from the dream to waken yharnam as immortal some may say this is a contradiction to gehrman when he mentions forgetting the dream but I have renewed thoughts on the matter Jura and Eileen both remember the dream perhaps and Garmin's said forget the dream he meant it as putting it all behind you you know like forget about it forget about it sometimes it just means forget about Oh beg pardon you may call me Alfred protege of master logarius and to revile blood now if Alfred owes a moon scented hunter like you the reason for being exiled is likely due to his ties to his master logarius by shifting his prey to vilebloods rather than beasts similar to Jura and Eileen who expressed they too were hunters like you who are likely exiled for targeting other hunters rather than fulfilling their duties it seems the only way to get exiled is to deviate from the contract made clear to you at the beginning of the game which says to stop the source of the plague you were cured of the scourge and basically given immortality through a blood transfusion for this reason stray from the master plan and you wind up dying and never waking up so let's say you our prey might differ but we are hunters the both of us why not cooperate and discuss the things we've learned you can tell that Alfred is a mild-mannered man and quick to trust even if you refuse his offer to cooperate he takes it very well well that's most unfortunate but if you have a change of heart you know where to come we are after all fellow hunters and tonight we hunt but there's no reason not to cooperate with the guy in fact like sole heir in Dark Souls you need to cooperate to see his entire quest through Oh changed our mind have we then perhaps we can cooperate and discuss what we've learned sure using like a swell guy oh very good very good indeed take this to celebrate our acquaintance his character very much reminds me as sole heir even comes with his own catchphrase east hunting is a sacred practice may the good blood guide your way may the good blood guide your way I prefer praise the Sun but you know a little do good blood is in reference to the Saints who are groomed to be vessels for revitalizing blood and in the same sense it shows his disdain for vilebloods who have a very corrupted and bad bloodline there must be rules for us to share go on just tell me what piques your interest there's plenty to talk with him about but the first two dialog choices really have nothing to do with his character I say we hero it has taken these subjects and compared to what we do know is a good refresher course regarding the healing church he says as you know the healing church is The Fountainhead of blood healing well I'm a simple hunter quite unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the institution but I have heard that the holy medium of blood healing is venerated in the main cathedral every etre starter of the cosmos is in a cavern below the main cathedral and by some unknown means brought there from the great is chalice then became the holy medium for the choir whom are high-ranking members of the healing church and continue the work that began with master willem by studying the arcane it's possible some of the old blood is being harnessed from her as well considering a Bri Otis doesn't attack you until provoked it's very likely she is used to the constant visitation from the choir and that counselors of the old church reside in the high stratum of the cathedral ward the counselors he mentions are the choir above the cathedral ward you come across the orphanage and connected to that was a research hall that conducted inhumane experiments utilizing arcane which is now trapped in a nightmare and likely abandoned in the world of the real but Alfred is merely going off of hearsay and doesn't know the darker side of it all while the healing church had pure intentions when established and now seems there is corruption in the high-ranking clergy being kept secret to the rest of the congregation and world if you seek blood healing and the church is willing you should pay them a visit as you may have noticed by now most of the healing church is abandoned since the old blood started turning the congregation into beasts so you don't encounter any healing church members still alive besides sister Adela and she'll happily give you blood healing some of the choir can be found but they have their own sinister plans and aren't the friendliest people so paying them a visit is easier said than done when you ask him about Bergen worth he tells you Bergen worth is an old place of learning and the tomb of the gods carved out below yharnam should be familiar to every hunter well once a group of young Bergen Worth scholars discovered a holy medium deep within the tomb this led to the founding of the healing church and the establishment of blood healing in this sense everything sacred in yharnam can be traced back to Bergen wife I'm going to deviate away from the specific plot for a while to completely detail the history of Bergen worth in the healing church even though Alfred is correct he's very vague Bergen North was a college when tombs are discovered beneath yharnam they begin their exploration and eventually uncovered this holy medium which is likely a great old one the old blood was discovered and brought back but master willem became very averse to the use of this blood the blood made men by the blood undone by the blood and thought that harnessing the cosmic power figuratively known as eyes of the great old ones was a better alternative hence why I would assume the choir revere him so highly as evident by the one cleric who's present in his observatory and attacks you in order to protect him at that time his student Lawrence and possibly other students shunned his ideas I felt he was losing touch so Lawrence took his leave despite claiming to continue to live by the passage fear the old blood via the old blood it is very evident he continued the research in use of the old blood and turned into a beast himself later to be slain and decapitated soon thereafter his head became the basis for the healing church displayed prominently on an altar before the old hunters expansion many people saw his transformed head on the altar and thought well where's the body and tried a reason it was the headless bloodletting beast in the labyrinth I never entertained this notion because you fight the bloodletting Beast earlier with its head still attached I don't know where this theory came about is the japanese translation doesn't prove anything other than that it's the biggest beast in the game hence being called the lord master any other words expressing high authority of beast blood regardless soon after lawrence founded the healing church he became the first cleric beast and died but being the founder in the first fiqar his skull came to serve as a holy artifact that when touched one scribe Willems adage not Lawrence's upon you through a memory that adage is pure the old blood an adage that still used to gain access to Bergen worth but also an adage that became very misconstrued and meaning to the healing church the congregation of the church saw it as a cautionary right to not over indulge in old blood which is basically blood of their gods they felt the consumption of their God's blood brought them closer and was used in their religious ceremonies be greedy as they say fear the thirst for blood I should know I was once a blood stain to do on the other hand Willem meant the adage in the sense of using their blood is thinking much too simply and will lead us to ruin we are born with blood and that's what makes us men that's something we already share with them what we need to do is to tap into the unseen and overflow our brains with their wisdom in doing so we can transcend and be as great and as close as we'll ever be to them master Willems character plot is very similar and possibly inspired by the real-life nikola tesla who invented alternating current electricity and tesla coils to name a few of many inventions still in use today yet he isn't very well known due to being overshadowed by Thomas Edison who invented light bulbs in a less effective direct current electricity to name a few which are also still being used today but over time Tesla started dreaming up out worldly ideas such as limitless energy power without the constraint of cables through the very light of the Sun and became captivated similarly Willem became obsessed with the cosmic power of the moon Tesla was considered a genius who lost touch with reality therefore losing all his investors all his money and then forced to live on welfare in the last of his days he was alone looking to the skies and conjuring ideas he could not act upon still insisting on the possibility of limitless energy and prophesying Willem even in his ripe old age is just like Nikola Tesla alone in looking to the skies and still insisting that the real way to harness the power of the great old ones whom are linked to the moon is to not drink their blood and not literally line your brain with eyes as that's a figurative saying but rather harness their powerful and cosmic insight so you won't have need for your physical eyes Willem among many other characters Stern all throughout the world cover their eyes for that very symbolic meaning the notes strewn throughout Williams mansion show he was definitely on the right track and even notes from its scholars admit that he was right all along suggesting they thought he was wrong at point lawrence can be seen as Thomas Edison who greatly opposed woes ideas had stubbornly stuck to his own like Tesla's adamant notion of limitless energy Willem was stuck on the idea of transcending before Lawrence took his leave a group of Willem scholars including himself gehrman Maria and possibly others were donned as Bergen worth hunters and took to fishing hamlet in search of gaining the insight that was being blessed to the villagers by a great deity assuming leander Willems orders one and possibly a second hunter were able to transcend or evolve beyond their human form two vacuous fighters to the great old one cause but in the greed for blood the remaining hunters slayed the ocean dwelling being in a curse carried out by the villagers a nightmare world was created to punish hunters who get carried away with blood lust or senseless hunting hunters with that bloodless greed or the Bergen or spirit are cursed to suffer there but today the college lies deep within a tangled wood abandoned and decrepit and furthermore the healing church has declared Bergen worth forbidden ground it's unclear how many of its scholars remain alive but only they know the password that allows passage through the gate I'm guessing Bergen Earth has been abandoned for approximately five decades so not many other scholars would likely be around besides the choir who became late scholars of his in Deane burg North forbidden because of the presence of ROM dwelling within moon lake it's obvious Willem in the choir had some close working relationship considering he ran experiments similar to what they were continuing in the orphanage Alfred will then end the conversation with his inspiring catchphrase may the good blood guide your way after learning the adage Alfred will then relocate to an unmissable area on the way to the gates to Bergen worth with more insightful dialogue for you telling you just what his purpose is ah there's something I want to tell you Oh a bit of wisdom from the eminent master ligarius do tell once a scholar betrayed his fellows at Bergen worth and brought forbidden blood back with him to cainhurst castle I believe he is referring to Lawrence as there is plenty of motivation Williams first reactional Lawrence in the memory you see is I know I know you'll sink now to betray me no but you will never listen since willem had absolutely no support in Lawrence's beliefs about the use of old blood it's very possible that Lawrence in his quest to get the old Bloods potential recognised and established in society first went to cainhurst castle as it was quite obviously a place of wealth and power in that time it was there that the first of the inhuman vilebloods was born the vilebloods are fiendish creatures who threatened the purity of the church's blood healing to Alfred the vilebloods deviously misused the old blood for their own benefit and threatened the use of untainted blood in the healing church through blood Saints while unbeknownst to him the upper echelons of the healing church were perpetuating a different kind of corruption in their experiments alfred also alludes to the possibility that it was the vilebloods that brought their tainted blood to the healing church causing the entire epidemic Ariana's dress description says it was worn by the nobles of the vilebloods ariana is a surviving noble with the corrupted bloodline the umbilical cord you get off the baby she burst says that she was chosen by the formless great one Odin for her corrupted blood she doesn't consume old blood like fake Yosef go or Queen yharnam possibly did to be willfully chosen I knew it I'm different I know Beast god-awful but it proves the time chosen but rather Arianna was chosen because the blood already exists in her bloodline she didn't know what was happening and certainly didn't want to be a surrogate mother considering how badly this corrupted blood spread when the moon presence was beckoned the females who didn't turn into beasts became surrogate mothers for the respect of gods the great old ones the source of the old blood in madness the Saint Adela will murder Ariana then try to murder you if you consume too much of Ariana's corrupted blood this shows just how much true saints despise the corrupted bloodline in those consuming their blood and the use of blood outside the church is highly forbidden why do you think sister Adela is always keeping an eye on you every time you talk to Ariana as I said before jealousy may play a part in it as well the ruler of the vilebloods is still alive today and so to honor my Master's wishes I search for the path to cainhurst castle Alfred wants to find the castle to honor his master logarius let's be vague so we'll press some more in his time master ligarius led his executioner's into cainhurst castle to cleanse it of the vilebloods but all did not go well and master ligarius became a blessed anchor guarding us from evil tragic tragic times that master ligarius should be abandoned in the accursed domain of the vilebloods i must free him so that he may be properly honored in martyrdom ligarius and his executioner's went to cane hers castle the rid of all the vilebloods as it sounds they did some major damage and everyone was killed except for ligarius in the vileblood Queen because of that the battle is at a standstill and presumably for a very long time you can find executioner attire littered around and plenty of corpses suggesting something very calamitous occured now ligarius guards the queen of vilebloods chamber from anyone hoping to visit with her be they hopeful recruits or established vilebloods to offer their blood drugs to her she uses these so that she may one day give birth to a child of blood no idea how many of these she needs in order to do so a child of blood literally entail an impregnation through blood but it most likely means the birth of an infant great one Alfred wants to freeload arias but in order to free logarius he would have to put an end to the Queen I'm assuming there aren't many executioner's left in fact it's safe to say Alfred and Logue arias are the last two of them considering how quick Alfred is to cooperate with you I bid you farewell it has been a pleasure and so it becomes your tasks to help Alfred find the way to the castle and luckily for you on the very stretcher you start the game on is a summons to the castle oddly enough it's addressed to you this is just one of the many few supernatural aspects of cainhurst you will notice with no real logical explanation when you arrived ahem wit charnelle Lane a stagecoach arrives with a phantom driver and takes you there this whole scene was inspired by the classic book in 1931 movie Dracula complete with the ominous horse and hurried carriage ride scenic shot of the castle the right end and even the Phantom driver what do you mean by going up this even gates and doors mysteriously open upon your arrival beckoning you to enter just like in Dracula because of these ties to Dracula we can safely assume the Queen has some hand in bringing you here despite being locked in a battle if the fact that the horse is being completely unmanned is weird enough when you get there you'll see the horses are frozen and long dead even the carriage looks old and unused with ice covering it worn from the weather and even more queers the fact that the road you were driven in on is completely decimated we can assume the Arnim is across the water and over were--they over yet where the clock tower is right there but it makes it pretty obvious there's some sort of supernatural aspect to the summons and it's only with the summons you can get here talk about a fortress not only is it surrounded by water but there are no roads in the wonder alfred can't find it but standing around doesn't help is matter much or does it perhaps he is so quick too buddy-buddy with every new hunter and hopes one will bring him a summon to the castle so he can finally carry out his task maybe upon entering the gates to the castle you'll find many mosquito like monsters it's obvious they were vilebloods at one time judging from the silver gray hair who over indulged in blood so much so they turn into blood sucking beasts there are three variations of them ranging in the size of their bellies the over bloated and fat blood sucker won't even attack you in fact it turns away from you to hide its face as if ashamed of itself which I find very interesting it's as if these aberrations retain their humanity but attack at any chance to feed unable to control themselves this is a good glimpse of what happens to many vilebloods who are unable to control their bloodlust there are many statues strewn about most are very oddly placed or crumbled to the ground in a state of disarray likely from the siege on the castle once you enter the castle you'll find delusional servants hard at work maintaining cleanliness but attack them once and they'll show you no mercy some will spot you and attack you unprovoked cainhurst castle is haunted by the ghosts of the slain during the siege of the executioner's you'll find many female noble vileblood ghosts wielding daggers littering the interiors it seems many of them had their throats ruthlessly cut a story can be ascertained especially in the dining area is it seems some inspiration was derived from the Game of Thrones red wedding scene here as they were sitting for a feast executioner's possibly rushed the place and slid all their throats there's even a few headless ghosts that were likely beheaded in death I mean they were killed by executioner's after all and executioner's are known for what beheading an examination of the environment you can tell there is certainly a lot of history within the castle the statues to pick that of kings and queens nobles naked ladies and especially that of babies are potential heirs there was definitely a medieval monarchy system in place likely before the cainhurst Nobles were corrupted and decimated in war then if you look closely enough you'll notice some seemingly normal gargoyle heads protruding from the walls some broken off but wait a second there's more to it it seems a jester is seated in the lap of it almost as if using it as a chair either from software has a sense of humor or this means something too profound for me to begin to explain you may notice the cainhurst symbol of the two back-to-back rampant lions present everywhere even on the cainhurst badge lions and heraldry are commonly used to represent strength courage and royalty when lions are depicted facing each other represents support camaraderie but the cainhurst badge depicts the Lions facing away from each other which represents patience and prudence considering how close they are if not overlapping it means they have a lot of that which fits very well with what we know and what we will soon learn more about the Queen there's an expansive library that takes up nearly the entirety of the castle not to mention the entirety of the game the reading material you see littered all throughout the game are symbolic to the quest for knowledge insight and enlightenment from the higher deities you'll eventually encounter log areas just like the chariot and horses from before he is frozen solid it's as if it has been ages since he has encountered an adversary he is guarding the Queen but definitely not to protect her no rather he holds this area to ward off people trying to consult with her and to prevent the corrupted blood from spreading further and get this ligurius is dead man or Undead his spirit is trapped here and you are setting him free so don't feel bad having to kill him though killing a main as easy as it sounds he's a giant strong and nimble man once defeated it may seem like a dead end but you get his crown the description of it makes it clear as day the King died and he took his crown that is capable of revealing illusions ligarius then donned the crown to prevent anyone from finding the Mirage it hides behind his makeshift throne and when you put it on it reveals an entire new area that happens to be where the Queen is hiding as if hiding the entire castle wasn't enough someone had to hide the Queen's Chamber - all through supernatural means that are impossible to explain but all are possibly influenced by Harry Potter a known work of influence for the creator and director of this game in the books and movie there are protective enchantments one of which that can chameleons specific places or objects for a long duration of time there are even illusory walls and doors which have been used time and time again in Dark Souls as well as the blood-borne chalice dungeons when you make your way up some stairs leading to the Queen's quarters you'll notice statues of knights on horses seemingly constructed to protect the quarters but it also shows a bit more of the history of the castle before being forsaken when you arrive you'll notice a single individual sitting on one of two Thrones this is Queen on a lease of the cainhurst vilebloods upon entering you'll hear her say be seated I claim no subject but here lieth our throne near the forest or get begone even to an outsider in the ruins of the Forsaken and uninhabited castle she maintains her age-old customary and authoritative nature and will not speak to you directly in fact she addresses herself in third-person such impedence defiled are we it's still green shut up give audience to an ill-mannered Beast perhaps she speaks in third person so she doesn't have to face the fact that her King among many other nobles are dead you know she has no problem admitting she's defiled and all along I just thought this was an insult but in order to speak with her you must kneel in her honor subjugating yourself to her visitor moon scented hunter I am Annalise queen of castle cainhurst ruler of the vilebloods and sworn enemy of the church she says it very clearly that she is a sworn enemy of the church but why the church was originally in the practice of good blood through blood Saints but part oak and old blood and communion this could be because the church were enemies of their practices creating a feud that's literally good versus evil the gold blood gem makes it very apparent that members of the church per token old blood and communion then started turning into beasts quite suddenly and frequently possibly when the blood became tainted this and what Alfred said reinforces my belief that the vilebloods may have had some involvement in the tainting of the healing church and the preceding epidemic yet our people are murdered and we are prisoner to this wretched mask she confirms that the executioner's did indeed murder everyone and that she is trapped in a desolate and forsaken ruin alone it's apparent in their speech in tone she has never fully dealt with the reality of the fall of her kingdom what is it about in satsang if you swear to the vilebloods she calls out how strange it is for a hunter to wish to become defiled well well an odd hunter thou art indeed we've tired of these piteous nights share in our plate and take earth against the church if thou woods this path walk I pretty partake of my rotted blood if you refuse she actually tells you that you're wise and brushes you off completely without even trying to get you to reconsider considering her only wish is to birth a child of blood you think she'd try harder the more vilebloods to help her cause the better right but I guess not or perhaps it's a form of pompous reverse psychology wise choice there is no more to be said away from my engage if you do become a vile blood you must partake in her corrupted blood it doesn't do anything to you and even when using the oath Alfre doesn't treat you any differently afterwards very well drink deep of our blood feel the spreading corruption now there are two a vile blood we to the very last on this earth what I find very interesting is that she mentions that now only you and her the very last vilebloods this is probably true for the moment but you do see a bio blood in the cathedral at the end of Eileen's quest line that will fight you even if you are a vile blood to complete with the armor and oath why would a vile blood fight another unprovoked well the rune he drops should explain it it mentions that it resonates with the servants of Queen on Elysee and that they craves the Queen's blood and what nothing else in return vilebloods will slay other vilebloods for their blood drugs out of greed in order to have a drink of the queen's intoxicating and corrupted blood since he defeated loge arias and exposed the illusion hiding the queen other hunters now have easier access to the Queen allowing her to rebuild her army as I'm governor ruthless as they are with the corruption oath equipped you will get blood drug drops from any other hunter you kill return to the Queen and giver one thy gift pleases us let this reward be dying indulge thyself in our tainted and you will get a chance to drink in her corrupted blood once again there is definitely a prominent theme of glutton and greed in this game especially here I mean look at the cainhurst blood suckers who got so obsessed and addicted to blood they transformed into monsters that represent their desires look at the healing churches clerics who know they will turn into beasts yet still overindulgent corrupted blood you can continue giving on a lease as many blood drugs as you please but it only adds you to a vile blood register an in-game leader board no matter how much corrupted blood you consume nothing changes in the game's lore so have at it drink till your feck aren't fool vile blood or no forget not we are thy queen bend the knee vile blood or no respect will be shame Neal now you must also take into consideration her old English nowhere else in the game anyone talks like this this is because we are to assume she is really old but also we are to assume at this point that the executioner is enviable at siege happened a long long time ago Logue arias should be pretty good proof of that I mean he's pretty decomposed and in the cold that process is slowed even further this fact calls into question Alfred who is much too young to have ever met logarius and as we are led to believe is the only executioner alive this is likely because he joined the covenant long after the fact in a duration of its history which later turned into full-blown worship for ligarius now there is a theory going around that must be addressed regarding the thumb Aryans in their possible connection to cainhurst and the bio bloods as it has absolutely no foundation the thumb Aryans are a race of humans that have lived underground in labyrinth beneath yharnam for likely hundreds or thousands of years as evident by their albino Lycan deprived appearances and have established their own cities that you can visit through chalices they were first to discover the slumbering great old ones and were able to harness their insight and learn many things from them now they exist to protect the great beings that reside below they like cainhurst have a monarchy system in place with a female as a queen and burial habits similar to ancient Egyptians there's no evidence they ever rose to the surface a theory found online by seeker of fire which I assume was the origin of the widely accepted epidemic misinterpreted an item description thus taking his theory on a misguided path the item description says the temerian monarch was traditionally a woman who assumed a name with classical roots that means whoever became the monarch either already has or takes on a name of an already existing city such as in the case with Queen yharnam he thought that the monarch established the city of yharnam but that is not what the item description says at all you see Queen yharnam zaporozhian on two occasions as symbolic hints to the storyline and that's all she shows up to tell you that she lost her baby that she's sad about it and that her baby is mergo deep within the dungeons there is a very rare ring of betrothal in a sarcophagus in the description it says it's only permitted by the great ones to those slated to bear a special child this was assuming Lee gifted to the Tamarians who likely helped populate the great old ones race in exchange for their powers and extended lives the two Marian Queen yharnam was the one who actually gave birth to the special child named myrrh it was taken away from her and nursed by a great one within a nightmare the ring was really meant for someone like Queen yharnam but there is no way to propose to her no matter how beautiful and tall she is her pale skin really glows in the moonlight considering Queen Annalise is planning to birth a child of blood one can assume he can use it to propose marriage to her two so I say there is no evidence backing the theory that there is a connection to the sumerians and vilebloods when you finally muster up the courage and propose to your sweet Queen on a lease she says oh boy oh boy speak not those words we have little need of a consort such a path would be light lead to further ruin further ruin thou art dear to us we would see no home before we no harm befall me man talk about a rejection makes me wonder what exactly would happen if we were wedlock I can't even begin to theorize though you can't try again ah still thy honey tongue the thought alone suffice it by word is too great now speak no more on the matter well her compliments that time did make me feel a little better look on Elise I I just met you and this is crazy but it was fate for us to be together the very moment I set my eyes on you and your disfigured mask with possibly something else disfigured underneath I just knew I knew you were the one for me together we don't have to be alone anymore as you said were the very last two vilebloods in the world I defeated ligarius which wasn't easy by the way to have audience with you I swore your oath thought your battles blessed you with offerings and drink upon your corrupted blood only to be closer to you may I have your hand in holy or non holy what matrimony honesty well screw you then we await thy return oh I'll be back all right ona of cainhurst oh what's this an unsigned Cain her summons I wonder what would happen if I put Alfred's name on there and gave it to him oh boy I could only imagine what he'd do to you for good measure I might even add come at me pretty boy I think he got what it takes to handle a real woman ah is that the situation yeah yeah she even called you an impotent pretty boy you can't stand for that I've heard tell of cainhurst nobles and their amusingly pompous invitations wonderful I thank you profusely I will depart immediately but first a token of my gratitude I agree you should totally do something about it ah what are you doing I feel my master's hand at work praise the good blood and let us cleanse these tarnished streets it has been an honor but I must say goodbye let us cleanse these tarnished streets and may the good blood guide your way we can assume once you give him that summons he takes after him what China Alain in a steaming rage and boards the carriage on route to cainhurst castle when you go back to Annalise's chambers you'll stumble upon a grisly sight but it was the right thing to do and she definitely deserved it she wouldn't marry me masta look I've done it I've done it I smashed pounded and ground in this rotten siren into fleshy pink pulp there you filthy monstrosity what good's your immortality now try stirring up trouble in this sorry state all mangled and twisted with every inside on the outside for all the world to see you got it Queen Annalise is immortal a vampire topping off the whole Dracula reference Alfred should have just thrown garlic at her and plunged a wooden stake into her heart for God's sake now you can understand low Gary's his motivation why the war has been at a stalemate and why he didn't just offer and that's because well he couldn't on Elisa's probably the only immortal vile blood but why I cannot answer this even when looking at her splatter remains it rides eerily suggesting that she's still alive even in the gruesome State Alfred left her ah you is it look at this thanks to you I've done it well isn't it wonderful now master can be canonized as a true Mountain I've done Alfred is ecstatic because he completed his task he canonized logarius as a true martyr and is now the last remaining executioner making them the victors on top of that the vilebloods have been wiped out completely and the source of the corrupted blood will end with the death like state of analyse all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put on a lisbug together again but maybe you can Alfred will then return to the executioner's shrine sadly to sacrifice himself in honor of ligarius after a prayer he cleanse the tarnished streets of the source of the bad blood and felt his task was complete if any one covenant in the game could be considered good by making a positive difference in this world it'd be the executioner's logarius once said we shall always strive to be good you can see Alfred place the cainhurst king's crown on altar in memory of ligarius who wore it for years to guard the queen's whereabouts its significance is profound but wait just stop freaking second I had that very crown in my inventory where the hell did he get a second one that's a fake he out ok I won't question it why bother you can aggro Alfred at any point in the game before giving him the summons he'll just say things like how are you doing I got it up son and when he dies he says oh you're good but there's much more dialogue when you aggro him after defeating the Queen that's of more interest just what is the meaning of this why turn your blade on me you're jealous aren't you I'm clean white not strutted a bloody fool blood come to your head get it as you deserve get the blood you spilled my flood it feels kind of bad making him angry in hearing him yell at me when you die he says this a hunter's grudge is an awful thing you must find your own way on this hunt as I have my hahaha it's just so mild-mannered about it and even throws a little lecture you oh you'll eventually find your way oh no Gillian when you kill him he says pray for master the garius in my stead oh no that's no that's just damn depressing as he couldn't go pray for ligarius at the shrine in his death yes you too in a stead wow what a really great guy confirmed for best character in blood-borne um okay I promised Alfred I'd do this so here I go uh Bulgaria's I'm sorry I killed you okay but I do have to say you put up quite a fight you sat for ages defending a corrupted immortal Queen not many people can say that man oh and also I'm sorry I killed Alfred you know I really really really regret it he was a good guy too good for this world oh let's see uh I got I think that guy I got some scripture here I actually think you wrote it uh you said acts of kindness are not always wise in acts of evil or not always foolish but regardless we shall always strive to be good you said that man that's like Gandhi [ __ ] as most of you already know if you want a second chance at marriage with Annalise you can grab a piece of her flesh preferably a good part if you know what I mean from the throne take it to the altar of despair and feed it to the corpse ROM that served as a brie Otis's altar by the powers of the cosmos imbued by her saturated corrupted old blood time flows in Reverse for the flesh and when you return to on Elise's chambers she'll be sitting there like nothing ever happened and everything will go back to the way it was completely making all of Alfred's work and suicide for naught Annelise I fed your boob to the corpse of a spider I gave you back your life now will you marry me honesty okay you know how do I unruhe verse your death you can try to kill on a lease on your own but it takes a lot of consecutive or big hits perhaps our health slowly regenerates but I'm not sure after beating that vampire silly she'll fall over and you can hear her panting and breathing heavily but when you leave and come back she'll be flesh putty again making it so that you have to go out of your way to revive her once more when back to her original self she'll nonchalantly say well well now where is the second face she quickly forgives you with a chuckle even it matters not our flesh is undying speed at thy mind and things go right back to normal dammit I failed Alfred the nicest kindest handsomest guy fine maybe I should have just married him instead then maybe he'd have something to live for maybe you would have gotten killed himself Oh God oh and one more thing lil garius I know I know this doesn't concern you but Alfred if you're if you're listening I think I don't know uh I like like you it's okay if you don't didn't feel the same way but uh I had to get it off my chest dating a vampire just sounded really cool I mean like really really cool you have to admit you can't fault me but to be honest I really wish you didn't have to die you're you're like the coolest person I met in yharnam thanks for watching this lengthy blood-borne [ __ ] one of my favorite quest lines in the game for more on this take of humorous lore analysis subscribe to my channel in order to not miss any other detail videos and/or become a super patron like these amazing people you can also get your name listed here with a small pledge any amount of financial support will help me continue bringing you this content which is time-consuming hard work but the work always pays off in the final product as in these other great lore videos of souls borne games please watch them if you haven't or at least share to get the word out also you know look areas yeah yeah I know I keep coming back to her to you and I'm sorry I might be overstaying my welcome but I'm heading off to the kingdom of LA thorak now I've been there and I have to say it's pretty good it's not as scary but I do have to say it was a wild ride and everything I've experienced here was just phenomenal I definitely will be coming back sooner or later but hey maybe next time I won't kill you and Freddie yeah that's what I called now huh you know I couldn't choose between our bread but you know I just settled on Freddie so you know hate to say it but good bye goodbyes are forever it's kind of a issue I have a saying goodbye stunned Beach
Channel: Fungo
Views: 622,051
Rating: 4.8931122 out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne vilebloods, bloodborne executioners lore, bloodborne vilebloods lore, vilebloods, bloodborne executioners story, annalise lore, bloodborne vilebloods story, vilebloods explained, executioners explained, bloodborne executioners, alfred executioners, alfred lore, bloodborne lore, annalise vileblood, Executioners, logarius lore, bloodborne annalise, cainhurst lore, bloodborne alfred, cainhurst castle, bloodborne, executioners lore
Id: Ias_6hxuVEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2016
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