How To Make a Beyblade in Tinkercad!

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hello everybody my name is flasho and today I'm on the model Bladers YouTube channel and I will be making a tutorial of how to use Tinker cat now Tinker Cat's very basic version of CAD CAD modeling softwares um it uses shapes and cutting outs cutting out shapes to get your desired object however you want it now this tutorial will be for you know whoever wants to learn Tinker CAD whether you're new or you want to pick up a few new tricks however you want to so let's just get right into it let's start off by showing off what I've already done now for starters I have a template this is the C4 template that is right spin it's available in model Bladers so if you want the template join model Bladers now the second thing I've done is I grabbed a cylinder and I'll show you what I've done here so I've taken a cylinder and I've put it in the center and then I've made it 64 sides I've shrunk it down and then held shift and made it bigger by using my scaling tool now that is just shift and however what whatever Direction you want it to scale for me it's just the height one so that it stays in the center and then I just dropped it down now mine is about 65 by 65 yours going to be however and if you ever get it un aligned just like that and your template hit the Align tool select your template and bring it over now that you have an alignment tool to get your blades just right so that they aren't offset or anything like that they will be straight 100% of the time now that we've gotten that set up we can get into the actual blade making process so what I recommend most beginners or yeah beginners start out with is the cylinder take your sides make sure they're always at 64 and contort it however you really need it to be and the reason why I say cylinders are the best to start out with is because of this little section here and I'll I'll explain why in just a minute so what we want to do is we want to make it about the same height as my template and I know that this template if I click on this is 9.10 MM tall so I'm going to take this I'm just going to type 9.10 or 9.1 millim tall in there and now it's matching the height so now I can use my arrow keys to move in whichever way I want and for me I'm going to use my alignment tool hit my alignment option and just hit this and that'll Center that now that we've got a centered piece I can talk about beveling beveling is so important in the design process and you have to do it while you're making the blade otherwise it doesn't look right this is why I love starting out with a cylinder because the cylinder has a bevel tool which will automatically give your blade a bevel and I could stretch it down and then just chop it off and have a bevel and I'll show you how to do that in just a sec but so it comes with a bevel tool it other ones like this you don't see that it has a bevel tool the only other ones are other cylinders and those will have bevel tools so coming into it I can take this and I will I think what I want to do is I'm going to cut the front and give it this slanted this slanted look so don't worry about this we're just going to click ho and so then you can see however I want it I can move it and this won't get cut off but I want it to be cut off so great trick is to click w on your keyboard and select the face right here and stretch it what that'll do is that'll move the workplace onto this surface so that as you can see right now if I contort it it looks all weird but if I use my workplace I can stretch it on this plane rather than any other kind of plane now that it's long enough I can hold shift click so I multi- select and group them now I have something like this and I can fix whatever I want later I can contort it however I see fit and when I get it to a point where I like it probably something like right there or I'll even stretch it out and that looks good enough now I have an un beveled piece but this is why beveling needs to be done during the process with the cylinder if I go back enough I can't bevel once this is set so it is important that I bevel and I find the amount that I want to Bevel as soon as I can so if I want it about right there I'll take it I'll stretch it it stretched down right now but I can copy my alignment tool I can bring it up to the surface or however much I want for me I'm going to go right there and I can group these and it's half the blade with half the blade I can take it I can use my mirror tool and mirror on this access I'll just from here drop it down zero and then I'll merge these two I'll group them as you can see now I have a far more beveled piece than what I would normally get so now that I have that and I group this and then I can like stretch it again however I see fit how do I get this beveled cuz it's clearly not beveled compared to my cylinder so the way I do that is I'm going to use my w trick again click W click on the surface get another um get another Cube or a box this is what it's called in Tinker Cad and I'm going to just typically I like my bevels they kind of fit around 25 to 30 range I like mine at 30 and what I want to do is I want to line it up with this line right here and by doing how how I do that is I go down to my next to my settings and I go and click on my snap grid I want that off from here I can use my arrow key to slowly and holding my arrow key move it up just about till it matches and the way I can check is I can zoom real close in and as you can see it's just barely off so I'm going to use my ay once more and that it's it's very very close and that's about as close as you can get it so get it as close as you can and from there I'll click the home I'll zoom in from there I can click W and reset my workspace I can grab this copy it use my mirror tool mirror on the z-axis so that it is for my bottom bevel I can drop that down however I see fit and I can take this and merge it now I have a bevel and that is perfect beveled and I just want to do the same trick but because I don't have my plane up I'm going to hold control and my use my up and down arrow key to raise it with the height and then I'm going to get close that's as close as it'll get and I'll B one once those are grouped I now have a blade that is beveled perfectly or as close as we can get to perfect now I want to do this every time I I cut out with a square now I can return my snap grid back to one cuz it's just convenient and it's easy so now I have a beveled blade and I can do this however I see fit with the square or the cube rather now when it comes to cylinders it's a little bit more tricky if I want a cylinder say something maybe something in the back like right here I can use my hole and I can cut it out now I can't just well I can but it's not as nice I can just do this but it won't look as good so instead what I grab is I grab a cone I turn it it sides to 64 I turn it to a hole I flip it upside down and then I align these two using my trick so that they're nice and aligned and I can I'll select both and I can contort them both at the same time so they retain the same shape so I'll contort it and I will rotate it however I see fit and I think that looks good so then what I'll do is I'll grab my cylinder and my blade and I'll group them to cut a hole this next part is why we have our cone now for the cone I'm going to lower it down now I'm going to hold shift after unselecting reselect it drag it up now it's big and I can drop this down and I have to zoom in same trick once again turn my snap Gra it off control with my arrow key I can move it to as close as possible which is right there and now as you can see it is very nicely beveled all I have to do is on group take this copy it group now I still have a copy use my mirror tool mirror on the z-axis and align it with more so once again get real close and we'll just we'll get as close as we can it doesn't have to be too too much harder than that I think I'll go right there okay now it's as you can see this line runs through and they meet up so that they are the lines meet up as close as they can but there now I have a shape now I can use this shape in a variety of ways or I can make a new shape to add onto my blade for now I'm just going to use this shape I'm going to grab it my snap Grid's still off and this is where I want my snap grid off so that I can position this however which way I want so if I want it kind of like stretched and I can rotate it and stretch it always have a copy of the original I can stretch it however which way I want and I actually think I'm going to mirror it so it looks like this and I can do something like that or maybe maybe I'll keep it how it is I'll stretch this I'll rotate I'll smush it down I'll Dr this like that like so and now I have a blade now I can use my alignment tool and my blade so I'm going to copy my blade and then I'm going to rotate it 180 if I want to rotate it 120 rotate it 120 or I I only I need this already okay rotate at 120 if I want three and so however many blades you want divide 360 by however many blades you want and that is the angle you're going to need to rotate it by so for for four blades it's the same as two just cut in half so 90° um for three again it's 120 and now I have three and these are very nicely done blades now they kind of flat right now and I can actually if I want to I can keep them flat or what I want to do is I'm going to actually raise this up I'm going to put this at an angle whatever angle I see fit typically you only need a couple like maybe three and I can stretch it however I need drop it down raise it about right there looks good good and then I can even I can use this rotate it inward if I see fit it's my it's my bay it's my blade and I will I'll I'll build what I want with it cool so I can take this and I think I want it three-sided I think it looks good three-sided so again rotate 120° copy and if it doesn't if it does doesn't move over automatically when you copy just select this copy this and rotate it to 120 again and there you go now you have three sides now if I want to fill these holes I can still use this and I can actually I'm going to copy this and I can contort it to look any way I want it to so I could rotate it so it looks like this and I can stretch it so it's nice and sharp or I could flip it over so I have something like this any way you want it so I think I like it somewhere with it just being a rounded shape and then I can contort it again just make sure it doesn't breach through your blades and if it does you'll have to trim it and cut it off with holes but I will adjust it to about there if there's any other issues I can move it however I see fit now that it's where it's somewhere I like I can copy and I'll just rotate it the 120° again to get my proper shape so I'm just going to do this I have my three blades and so what I'll do is I'll take my alignment tool for one final time I'll bring it up till it meets the um the workplace your work plane and I'm just going to grab all of my blades and I'm going to group them to it what that'll do is it'll flatten it out now it's all flat and I have a blade almost ready to go now the final step take a cylinder make sure it's 64 sides align it with your alignment tool once more and I'm going to put it if you look real close at if you can see my template PL still if you need to get rid of this for a second come up here and hide that and all I need to do my work Plane off just adjust it till it meets right about there that'll work then I'll click up here to show all select this Brak my cylinder down and through so it's poking through and I'll group those two and not my template just yet now I can add some style choices personally I like them so I'm going to take a cone once more align it make sure it's got 64 sides flip it upside down enlarging it play with it how you want and just what this does is it just adds an inner bevel that looks nice align it with your template so it's not cutting your template per se but it's it's close and then group it to your blade and now you have this nice little inner bevel it looks nice and now finally I can group these two together and there you have it a beblade now this one is a it's on the bigger side typically you'll want to keep it within 45 but this will work now it is recommended for C4 blades that if you have one on the bigger side that you do cut holes in it for this tutorial I'm this is just a general example and I won't be printing this or anything like that just try and keep it with keep a rule of thumb keep it under 45 by 45 and you'll do just fine with that I'd like to say thank you um if you ever need help I'm available in the model Bladers Discord server so for future help if you want to join I'm there for you and for any other if you if you need to refer back to the video please pause and refer back to the video thank you all for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: ModelBladers
Views: 582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hLMJ86c7jVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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