How To Create A Tinkercad F-22 Raptor In Minutes - Perfect For Beginners!

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[Music] Good day friends it is me HLModTech  and I want to create a new tinkercad jet   so let's get cracking so friends today i want  to make an f 22 raptor all i did was find an   image and now let's see if we can build one  that's similar of course in tinkercad the   first step is to hit create new design i'm going  to go up here to the top and i'm gonna name it f22   and then i'm gonna put my initials just  in case i ever wanna turn one of these in   now for this project the first thing i wanna  do is bring in the wings i'm gonna visit   shape generators i'm gonna choose all and then  i'm gonna hit more again and again and again   until i get to the swept nasa friends if you  haven't seen there are a ton of shapes you can hit   more and more and more to get to them i have got  a video i'll put a link up above that actually   has all of these shapes kind of like a catalog in  a google jamboard now the one i wanted to get to   was the swept NACA you can see I have clicked  the little favorite button so that way I can   get to this easier but i wanted to show you how  to get to it so you can bring it in and use it   in your project as well notice i grabbed that and  it took a moment for it to be able to be set down   please remember to be patient as all these epic  shapes load let's take a quick peek at our f22   notice it has two of these fins in the back  and they are wide and then they go to the tip   so let's take a look at this shape ours has  a little different angle in the back so what   we're going to do is ctrl d and we're going to set  this to the side and then we're going to change it   if we go to the sweep angle and instead make it  10 check this out all of a sudden it looks more   like our raptor airfoil now the only way to find  this is by clicking on these and changing them i   found that one that was sweet and now i'm going  to use the rotate to turn it so that it matches   the front i'm going to move it over here to the  middle and we need two of these so i'm going to   do ctrl d and nudge it across i want these  turned in an angle see how they sweep out   i'm going to tell you to use the angle 22 and  a half notice if you move inside the circle   it is one click to get that and a half degree  angle i'm gonna do the same thing for this one   all right friends this is really cool i  want to spread them apart 10 millimeters   i'm set on a one millimeter nudge so i'm  going to hold down shift tap the arrow once   and it goes ten times the one or ten and boom  i've got those two fins instantly the way i   want i'm gonna make them a sweet gray now if we  eyeball our raptor i'm gonna go back here again   they need to be about four of those centimeters  apart so once again i'm going to do shift nudge   there's 10 think that's going to be the right  amount so it was two shift tens and then i'm   going to group them so that later i can align  those exactly where i want let's real quickly   create our wings once again if we return now we're  going to take this and rotate it 90 degrees notice   i'm inside the circle so it's easy to rotate  it and then i'm going to rotate it in here   once again inside the circle so that it shows up  like that let's hit d to drop it to ground level   and then i'm just going to change the numbers  for mine because i kind of like this shape   so i'm going to change this to 60 and i'm going to  change this to 40. [Music] let's take a quick peek   and see if that looks good i think it might be a  little bit long so instead of 60 i'm gonna make it   50 and press enter alrighty friends so now  we're going to take that one and do control d to   duplicate it we're going to use the sweet mirror  tool to flip it i want to put the new one over on   this side so friends what i'm going to do is hit  work plane click on that one and hit the letter d   to drop it to the other side select those two and  group them i'm going to put the work plane back   down on the ground while i wait for it to group  there it is and now let's pick that cool gray   that we're using for the rest of the airplane as  well friends this is also going to be our tail fin   do control d and move it back but we're going to  change the measurements make sure that says 30 and   make sure this one says 60. let's take those three  items and click a line pick the center and boom   this is starting to look more like a jet all right  friends so let's cut this up so that it fits the   f22 what we're going to do is bring out the basic  shape hole cube i want you to rotate it 45 degrees   so two clicks when you're inside the circle  i want you to take a second one do control d   switch to the five millimeter nudge and i  want you to go one two three clicks over   i want you to hide this part right here and bring  in another cube this one we're not going to rotate   we want all three of these to be aligned with  the top edge so i'm going to pick one of the   rotated ones and i'm just going to align it  like that now i'm going to zoom in with the   fit view and what i want to do is i want to make  it match these corners i'm going to shut off my   five millimeter nudge by making it a one  millimeter nudge when i click on this i can   find the black handle and we're just going to  snap it to that very spot this one was already   perfect but the same ideas were just snapping them  to that spot right there take those three shapes   and group them and they're going to create the  complex piece that gets cut out right back here   if we do show all we can bring back our tail fin   i'm going to tell you to align it let's do center  this way and center this way and then let's use   our nudge so that we all do this the same i'm  gonna go back to five millimeter nudge making   sure that i only have the one piece i'm gonna go  back one two three spots when we select those all   and group them you will see we've got the start  of our cut out the only thing we need to do is   we need to make this slanted cut right here  friends we're gonna do that same thing with   the cube this time when we bring it out though  we're gonna rotate it the 22 and a half degrees   let's make a duplicate of it ctrl d i'm going  to bring it to the other side and i'm going to   mirror it this way when we drag these into place  i'm going to set it back to a one millimeter nudge   and we just want to get it so that it's cutting on  that corner right there so it starts at that spot   and it starts at that spot  when you've got those like that   draw a rectangle that touches all three shapes  hit group and my friends that's pretty darn close   to the f-22 raptor you can get more perfect but  i just want to get you a start so you can start   making your own custom jets alrighty friends  so now it's time to start making the fuselage   if you look at this from the front that is a  cool hollowed-out shape let's see if we can find   something that works pretty similar to do this  i'm going to switch from basic shapes to the shape   generators and then i want to go down and click  all and i want to find a trapezoid so we're going   to have to hit more a bunch of times don't forget  if you haven't seen this i do have a video that   has a jam board that has all of these shapes on  it so you've got a better clue of what you can use   and also you've got a quick reference kind of  like a catalog of all the parts that are available   there's my trapezoid i'm going to bring that  little fella out we're going to use two of those   and we're going to flip it over so that the top  is down and i'm going to also make them holes   so first here's my flip and then i'm  going to hold down shift and squish it   that looks about the right size for what i want to  do i'm going to stretch it back and then i'm going   to switch this to a 5 degree angle just because  i think that's what it looked like in the video   if you want you can just type negative 5 and press  enter so that way it lines up super fast i'm going   to make its duplicate control d and this is going  to use the cool alt shift and i'm going to make   it larger notice it says 14 that's a good number  and i'm going to make it a solid and of course   i'm going to make it gray i'm going to change the  grays up a little bit i want to slide this back   along this face this is important when you want  to move something in the same direction it was   change the work plane so it matches it now i can  push this back and i can take this one and i can   stretch it if you make a mistake do control  z i wanted this handle up here and i missed   and i can stretch it longer  so now i can take our gray one   and i can pull it forward making sure that it  cuts all the way out which it still doesn't   and there i've got my hollow shape i want to use  for both sides i'm going to grab those two pieces   simple as that let's hit group and boom there  is that hollow area now i want the skin to be   a little thinner i think so this is cool you can  double click and i'm going to go to the inside one   so friends i'm going to stretch this just a little  and to do that i'm going to switch my grid to 0.25   i'm going to hold down alt and shift and i  just want to bring it out a little closer   so right there i'm at 11.34 i like that if  we slide back to our image you can see that   we just created this hole right here we need  two of these so let's go back to our raptor   and we're going to do control d all right friends  so it was moving slow because i was on 0.25 i'm   going to quickly flip this so it goes the other  way and let's do a shift nudge to nudge it across   so now i've got those two parts i'm going  to take and draw a box that touches the both   notice it says two shapes and let's group them  so they are now one piece if i grab everything   click a line click the wing boom they are now  centered where they are supposed to be and now   let's see what we can build next while we're  out here friends let's scroll up and i want   to use this the ogive for the front of  my aircraft so let's put that up there   it's a pretty handy shape too so let's make it a  favorite let's go back to our basic shapes right   now and let's get the body of our plane which  is just going to be a cylinder when you bring   out the cylinder we do want all the sides so let's  max it up to 64. and then find a corner view find   this handle right here touch the arrow piece  and rotate it 90 remember if you stay inside   the circle that's the easiest way to get the 90.  stretch it out with the black handle i'm going to   say a good number i think is going to be 60 and  then we want to take this and rotate it as well   once again doing the 90 degrees by staying inside  the circle and then we want to attach that the way   to do it is to put the work plane on the end of  our tube do d to drop and then we can grab those   two pieces i'm going to use shift select so i'm  holding shift and clicking on the second piece   let's choose a line make it a master and we want  center and we want setter notice adjusting your   view makes that a lot easier i'm going to take  those two pieces and i'm going to group them   and let's move them into our aircraft again so now  it is starting to look like an airplane although   we do have the scales a little bit off we are  real quickly going to add the canopy friends we're   going to do that with a half sphere i'm going to  stretch it out to 30 i'm going to change it to   18 for how wide it is and then i'm going to use a  line so once again we're going to do shift click   align and i want to align it with this piece  so there's my center i also want to move it to   the top and then i'm just going to click on it  and do control up to get it to the right height   and then use the arrows to nudge it back where i  want 18 is too thick so i'm going to change it to   16 and then hold down shift click on it do a line  and make sure that it's centered on the fuselage   of our aircraft that looks pretty wicked i'm going  to take those two pieces double check that it says   two group them and then i am going to turn on  multi-color because i think that adds a lot to   the design of the aircraft if we look back at the  aircraft we do need to angle these just a little   bit all right friends let's angle those really  quick let's hide this let's hide the wing let's   bring out the whole cube we're going to switch the  rotation on this little dude to 22 and a half and   then we just need to bring it across so that it  cuts that shape let's make sure it's going to fit   if it's not i'm going to do control z and ctrl z  and i'm going to make this wider so let's put 30.   now i'm going to do my 22 and a half which is  one click and then it's easy to drop that in   so that it just touches that corner i'm  gonna do control d i'm gonna mirror it   and i'm gonna put it on the other side and if  i just nudge it across with the arrow keys you   can find that exact spot where it touches  that corner and is good for cutting off   so just using left and right you can  see you can find the exact spot you want   let's zoom in that's groovy and that's groovy  we will select those and let's group them   now we've got that sweet cut angle but i  did not cut low enough if we double click   and then i'm going to take these and sink  them down then we'll be able to cut correctly that my friends is more what i was aiming for i'm  also going to click on this and hit d to drop so   that it's all the way at the top now let's bring  it back and that's looking pretty darn sweet let's   use alt shift and scale some of these really  quick so alt shift goes around the middle which   is really nice so i think that fits my wing size  pretty good i'm going to pull this one forward and if we look back at the f 22 this happens  just behind the canopy so that's pretty sweet   i'm going to make it a little smaller as  well by holding alt shift and shrinking if you want to make sure you're using  smaller grids just change this down   and you can find the number that you  think is right now i can pull that forward i think that is right where i want it i'm  going to take my wing let's check out where   it's supposed to be it starts quite a bit back  into this so now we can just slide that back   and i'm going to realign these in a minute and  i think if we look at this it actually goes   into those wings so i'm going to take  this wing and i'm actually going to   make it larger so it comes back into those  and then let's nudge all of this forward that my friends is starting to look a bit like  an f22 raptor we do need to raise the wings up   let's click on this and do control up arrow and i'm going to raise these up as  well hold down shift and lift them up   control up and nudge them into place  let's click on all of this click a line   pick the center and the center and friends  that is pretty darn epic let's make it gray i'm going to go with this gray now  and then i'm going to double click   on the canopy and i think i'm  going to make it a dark gray and then make sure i turn on multi-color so that  we can see it i'm going to have to make these   back so i'm going to double click and make these  the other gray so instead of green let's go gray that's pretty fun alright friends so  i am going to choose to ungroup this   and ungroup this the reason  i'm doing this is because this   allows us to do transparent which makes this  next piece just a little cooler so i want to   bring out a whole sphere and i want to check  the measurements here see how it's 12 and 23 ish   so we're going to change this to 12 and 23.  we don't mind the decimals and we don't mind   that it's shorter a little bit i'm going to  change the height of this to 10 really quick and then we're going to do shift click to grab  the two of them and choose a line you want to   make sure the canopy's the master and we want  to do center center and top alright friends so   with that aligned now we want to select just  the hole and we want to do control down arrow   till it's almost all the way at the top edge and  now friends let's hide the bubble make sure that   this is popping out so i'm going to do control  up because i can see i was missing in the back   and then i'm going to hold down shift and click  the nose of the aircraft note that it says two   shapes and boom we can group it and you have  just cut out an area for your pilot to sit how   cool is that all right friends now that i've got  that cockpit area i want to add a seat friends the   cool thing i've done is i've created a code block  seat that because i created that and added it to   my creations now we can click on it and bring  it in if you have not made the code block seat   you will be able to check the cards and build  it it is pretty fun and it's fast and then you   can use it on all your projects once again i'm  going to do shift select align and i want to   put it to the middle and then i'm also going to  put it to the top alright friends and then get   it at an angle where you can see the work plane  and you can drop that seat right where you want   i'm going to use fit view to zoom in and then  i'm going to nudge that with the arrow keys do   control d and i'm going to make this a two seater  and then if we zoom back out and do show all   friends that is pretty epic i'm going to take the  bubble and stretch it back so i'm sure it covers   alrighty friends if i'm looking at their raptor  i want to make these a little more round you can   see these ridges coming through here check this  out if we ungroup this piece right here we can   set the work plane on top and if we bring  out the half sphere we can make it low and stretch it back making sure that it  fits inside the shape because we don't want   it hanging off silly remember we had that five  degree nudge so we'll do that so that it matches and then if i nudge this in just like that it'll actually give us  some of that round shape i'm going to   stretch it forward a little more  and stretch it out to the edge-ish   and then i'm going to do control d and  nudge the other one to the other side   and then don't forget we're going to mirror it  i'll nudge it till it's the exact same spot and   now that we've got that part built let's hide the  stuff we don't need so there's a couple of hides   hide hide the front and let's hide the cockpit  area notice a skinny rectangle right up the   middle gets all of those and now friends let's  group that part and make it a little more custom   and see how that turns out this was just poking  up a little bit too high we can fix that by   double clicking and then clicking on this hole and  just doing control up so that way it cuts through that's pretty darn nifty and now when we put the  work plane on the ground that is pretty sweet i do   want it to be the lighter gray though that's what  i was shooting for pretty darn fun really quickly   friends i'm going to stretch this a little further  forward because i think it looks neat and friends   i'm going to call it quits because i'm out of time  for today i'll come back and play with this more   hopefully you will come back and play with it more  as well we have gotten pretty darn close to the   f 22 really just using basic shapes and basic  skills friends remember if you make one that's   more awesome and want to share it with me all  you have to do is hit collaborate generate a link   copy the link and then you can reach out and  share it with me i am hl mod tech on facebook   instagram and gmail you can also find me  on twitter i am hl tinkercad you are also   welcome to visit it has all kinds  of tinkercad lessons on the tinkercad tab it also   has the messaging surface you can click on that  fill it out and reach out to me almost instantly   lastly friends i hope you had an amazing time  learning how to make this sweet f 22 raptor   friends if you did enjoy the video please give it  a like if you got a question comment or suggestion   add it down below if you haven't subscribed yet  what are you waiting for smash that subscribe   button and last but not least hit that  notification bell if you want to be the   first to know in this brand new video from me  hl mod tech thanks for watching have a great day [Music] you
Channel: HL ModTech
Views: 30,804
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Keywords: How To Create Tinkercad F-22 Raptor, Create F-22 Raptor Tinkercad, HLModTech, design, educational, basic skills, tinkercad, beginner lessons, teacher created, HL Modtech, hl modtech tinkercad, free tinkercad lessons, hl modtech, tinkercad tutorial for beginners, tinkercad designs, tinkercad projects, tinkercad basics, f22 raptor, make a fighter jet, figher jet, raptor, Navy, how to make a fighter jet in tinkercad, how to build a f-22 raptor, how to amke a fighter jet in tinkercad
Id: vRUQtT0P6jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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