How To Make 2 Fun DIY Rat Traps From Cardboard

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[Music] well well well sam sam here i am you don't have to shout what happened confess was it you who ate all my crackers sue you know that i don't like cheese i didn't touch your crackers oops what does this oops mean sammy i think i mean it's only a guest that i probably didn't close tater tots cage when i was playing with her sam tater tots is missing what shall we do and what if she's hungry oh look at all these crumbs she's definitely not hungry oh i have an idea we'll make a rat trap a safe one she won't get hurt sure how could you think that i would hurt tater tots then let's get started right now hi guys today sammy really messed up but it wasn't on purpose it was just an unlucky coincidence hi everyone in fact sammy forgot to close tater tots cage and she ran away but we'll make a rat trap now and bring her back right too sure that's why we're making it by the way guys be careful while working with hot glue [Music] better ask an adult to help you and what's this oh thanks for bringing it these will be the walls of our trap [Music] so don't you take that mission huh sure sam we'll have bars here please bring the barbecue skewers i'm on it too huh you know what guys this reminds me of the other trap we made with sam if you haven't seen that video then you should watch it for sure there were no skewers here i brought what i found no worries this will come in handy too and the skewers are on the shelf right there i put them there after our last craft right i'll bring them now well well what did sam bring here hmm that's exactly what we need it's good that i didn't throw it away last time we don't have to cut or drill anything [Music] carefully here that tummy skewers i found aha great job and now cut one skewer into two small pieces will do awesome sammy let's attach them right now we'll insert the skewer here huh sam look how it's moving [Music] i guess that tater tot doesn't like swings that much to bring her here right away sammy you're funny it's just part of the closing mechanism for our trap oh sure it is i thought so but i was just testing you oh yeah sure okay let's not get distracted we need to finish the swings for tater tots shoe don't start it here bend the wire instead it's so good to have you here i was just thinking what i needed to bend it there you go that's why i'm here otherwise you'd forget what you wanted to do guys i hope you understand that i do it on purpose sam is so sweet when he's acting big or grouchy white that's not funny at all and how is tater tots doing there i'm very worried about her it'll be all right sammy that's why we need to finish the trap real quick so we can bring her home as soon as possible by the way guys if you're worried about missing the new video you can hit the bell button this way you'll always know what's going on on our channel exactly and if you didn't subscribe to our channel then you should definitely do it oh can i bend the wire now of course [Music] i like this and why is you such a slowpoke hey mister i'm still here when will we finish the walls i already brought the skewers but what do we do with them you'll see now cool idea isn't it let's see awesome but kind of slow can we speed it up um i'm trying my best to do it super quick then let the fastest slime in the world take care of it [Music] wow what speed i didn't even see you i moved almost with the speed of light of course you couldn't see me it's weird but when it comes to cleaning you're slower than a snail i just put all my energy into our crafts and when it comes to cleaning i'm totally worn out sam sam [Music] where did he go again it's always the same sam gets in trouble and i'm the one who asked to fix it hi i decided to run around the house i hope that tater tot started missing us and returned calm down sam most probably she's busy with her rat stuff or i don't know oh maybe she found herself a boyfriend oh i didn't even think about that maybe we shouldn't look for her and she comes back on her own see what do you think huh maybe you're right hmm but i think it's not safe for a rat to be out of her cage for too long okay okay i agree with can you help ya huh let me think i can't come up with something right now right away oh sue sometimes you'll remind me of a snail just as slow oh but i still managed to do everything on time and i don't forget to close the cages of my pets oh sue i will surely apologize to tater tots for inspiratory up and finish the trap but we almost made it we just need to oops oops what is this oops what happened sammy i forgot to make the door how could you all right i'll do it now fastest slime save the world again from what kind of disaster sammy from cheese apocalypse do you think that tater tots will be satisfied with your crackers oh no you don't know her she would eat all the cheese in town and then in the whole world damn stop it or i will burst out laughing a good mood helps you work thanks sam fighting spirit means a lot we should speed up and finish the trap i'm doing my best so and what is it you're glowing now well tater tots is very strong so we need additional stiffening ribs and to get ahead of your question what is it oh still give me some credit sammy calm down breathe deeply and slowly that's it i got enough i'll go brew some chamomile tea [Music] two the trap came out very gray and unpresentable if i was around i'd never go inside [Music] huh you're right we should fix it right away once more like it looks great awesome i love it so should we test it sure but how hmm well with this eraser for example but i know it's no big deal we have to be sure that our trap can catch tater tots because she's very fast then maybe the fastest slime in the world should test the track challenge accepted your speed you're the winner you're the fastest slime in the world you're sad sammy are you okay [Music] ouch i accelerated too much and couldn't stop sam let's stop our test i think that tater tots is slower than you anyways okay let's trust your instincts [Music] so she's here don't scare her off right so come on tater heights come here you're almost there awesome gotcha sorry tater tots [Music] all right we did it yep hi tater tot are you hungry it's okay we'll bring you home now you can have lots of food and sleep there hmm sam i didn't eat anything today shall we have a snack too oh so sorry that it turned out like that with your crackers sure let's go eat but first we should return tater tots to our home of course let's say bye to our viewers bye guys if you liked our video then give a thumbs up and tell your friends about it and also subscribe to our channel if you haven't done it yet bye sam hush uh may i ask what you're up to i said hush sam please explain to me what's going on i am watching watching what not what we have a rat in the house since the new year oh another one yes and it steals my candies oh all right i see now hmm well you're gonna be sitting here forever let's catch it huh i agree but how we'll make a trap come on hi guys today we're going to make a trap to catch the thief of sam's candy i know it's all rat but it's not like our pegs so we'll make a trap and then see who's gonna get in there hurry up let's get started by the way i prepared the cardboard a lifetime ago you even drew the necessary part awesome and that's because because because you're the cardboard master the greatest one holy cannoli this is so flattering sammy i also know that you're a painting master so take care of this please i don't even know what i enjoy more like this i'll make it look perfect in the meantime i'm going to take care of the teeth for our trap we need to cut it carefully according to the lines guys don't forget to be careful when working with the cutter sammy how is the painting process going don't thank me all right then let's put our parts together you know stu these people quite scary actually really well it's a trap after all right i guess so sammy you're so funny what are you afraid of it's for our candy thief yeah sue sure definitely but these teeth should be very hard and solid so no rats can escape for sure so let's glue another layer but how do we get the jaws open now very easily they just need a little help [Music] more to the left and out to the right just like that good job thanks sammy you helped a lot i think i can handle the second one myself guys be careful with the hot glue there we go looks good right huh yeah but why are the teeth so not white let's fix it all right oh it's so cool that i'm not scared anymore sure because it's art even though it's a craft art it might look simple but it requires a lot of effort and imagination did you say craft art sounds nice sir artists we will need your help with the painting again soon say no more i'm gonna guess myself when it's the right moment okay and now listen will this trap be completely made out of cardboard nope it won't we'll also add pieces like this interesting huh what are you examining there i'm trying to picture if this can catch the candy face as soon as we finish the trap we can test it right away like instantly sure why wait you're right that's why i didn't wait and prepared these parts for you wow good job sami thank you now we can bring the two parts of our trap together it tight like this great even on the other side sure otherwise our trap will fall apart when you least expect it hi such a prospect doesn't make me happy and what does make you happy candies be right back sammy whatever we'll move on and glue these small wooden pieces so the whole construction is steady and secure [Music] research continues any progress mr sam but don't you want to share with me i deduce that these are two rulers oh you're right more than ever mr sam these rulers are a perfect face and our trap opens up easily now missing something oh thanks that's exactly what i need sammy as you can see guys we keep using the ruler parts very useful material by the way ice cream what what do you mean ice cream do you like ice cream uh yeah so what rats don't eat any ice cream that's what ours don't that's for sure they eat healthy you totally confused me uh and not the other way around i'm quite puzzled as well so here we need to be super careful so everything is fixed solidly all right can i breathe at least well better not to or just try to keep it down you know but i can't this goes against my nature susie okay okay i'm used to it you can be noisy hmm it's coming out nice once i allowed him to make noise that's why slime became so quiet well then i'm going to finish quickly with this part you need to be very attentive here and don't get distracted by [Music] noises but actually it's way more fun when sam's around did you call me yes where'd you go i was preparing for the important painting stage you talked about oh earlier yep and i already have all the necessary colors great bring them here voila you can start aren't you gonna join me i i will manage the process yeah don't you want to paint it all just a little i'm dying too and go ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] is it ready check yourself [Music] [Music] now we should just wait for the rat let's put the bait here turn off the light take cover and wait sam [Music] oh what a oush i was hunting the rat i'm sure you were are you alive yep i won't do it again you bet so let's show them how the trap works well okay guys if you liked our trap give a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel [Music] and i'm gonna go eat some candy before you get trapped again bye guys see you soon
Views: 898,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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