Coolest Crafts For Active Hamsters || DIY Mazes From Cardboard

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well hi there what's up hi i'm talking to you what's wrong listen if you're in a bad mood then tell me i understand hi guys you know what's going on with the hamster's mood i'm starting to worry there is something strange about your behavior what is wrong come on tell me why aren't you running in the spinning wheel is it two who doesn't allow you to huh [Music] i get it you are too shy to talk in front of the camera i'll fix it in no time so what do hamsters like most of [Music] i don't need start with a carrot here you go you want some no whatever huh guys what's going on here nothing special we're just having a small talk here that's weird i heard only your voice sam no we were having fun here you know singing and all that singing i don't believe you guys you saw it sam if you want to make friends or play with someone you don't have to be annoying with so many questions but i also tried to treat him with a carrot and what do you think about this wow don't you think that this maze is way too easy huh and what do you suggest to make four more of them yeah that's a good idea each maze will become a new level and to make them even more beautiful we'll use different colors let's hurry up and start drawing next phase will be a bit more complicated oh sue i see that you know what you're going to draw right sammy it'll be an unusual maze oh it's round that's right i also put something together look great sam that's a cool maze right we need two more designs look maybe we can use this thing in our maze let's take a look sure i hope that our hamster friend will fit into this thing okay guys if you like the idea of this five level then give a thumbs up sam what do you think of this fourth maze it's totally awesome let's get to the construction all right and we'll design the red maze a bit later okay [Music] come and have a look our friend is already testing the future maze [Music] so friends each maze will require cardboard bases like this hmm the first maze will only require cardboard sam yes yes everything is almost ready here you go look at all the parts whoa let's check what we have [Music] no need to check time to glue them as you say sammy hmm this maze is not as easy as it seems but we'll see later don't forget to glue this thanks sammy sam you are doing a great job today you prepared all the parts so nicely you don't have to thank me just call me the master of cardboard mason i'll rename you in my phone like that guys our first maze is ready i think it looks great of course it does since i cut everything out let's get to the next one right now and this maze will be round you will need this i don't think so sammy we won't need the ball at all i'll roll the cardboard instead according to our design the cardboard will take a round shape here so it shouldn't be too thick let's get to work [Music] i'm the cardboard king we need to hurry up and assemble our maze because sam is already preparing parts for the third one [Music] glue it nicely i'm watching you whoa i really like our round maze just a little bit more and it'll be ready why is it taking so long i'm almost done with things for the third maze oh i really want to start the hamster run phew if you didn't rush me i would manage it faster don't you think so [Music] sammy guys which maze do you like the most the first one or the second one what about the third or fourth one very funny they don't exist yet well let's do a poll for the best maze when all five are ready and our viewers will choose the best one let's do it and they will write their choice in the comments i guess we need to set the parts like this uh-huh got it be careful with the hedgehogs what hedgehogs what do you mean what with these ones of course sorry i didn't guess right away how could you miss all these hedgehogs i don't get it poor sammy oh well the next maze doesn't have that much cardboard [Music] i am so looking forward to the hamster running in the maze it'll be so much fun [Music] so the third maze is ready yay well there are only hedgehogs here okay now we have a very interesting task guys you forgot something great you're just in time first we need to divide our platform into four parts like this using the cardboard uh this doesn't look much like a maze more like some rooms in a hobbit house look at this cool revolving door and the pipe the pipe where do we install it we will attach it here don't worry i'm not worried i hope the hamster will be okay with it when he sees it so we should come up with something for these two sections uh let's leave it like this we already have the revolving door and the pipe that's not interesting we should fill them at least with all kinds of bright stuff like this hmm i guess it's not that easy to get out of this maze and i think that this maze looks prettier than the others plus more challenging now attention friends we are constructing the last mace the fifth one guess which color it'll be correct it'll be red well here everything is easy peasy wow it's an italian maze why uh italian here all the tracks look like spaghetti they're long and curly by the way guys you have a favorite type of pasta i like bolognese most of all comment below oh sam i think you're just hungry that's why you see spaghetti everywhere [Music] and is the italian maze ready sure we are a great team level maze this is something brand new for our channel guys give a thumbs up for our most valiant marathon runner ready steady go i wonder how fast our hamster can make it to the finish line go go go hamster you can do it i believe in you you're going to be our new super hamster champion right all right come on you can't do it oh no no no that's cheating go back a bit he's just too clever for this yay so the first maze was quite easy the competitor looks very confident guys don't forget to comment below which of the five mazes you liked it the most let's watch how our friend deals with the second maze oops that's a good one sweetie uh go here go go go yes yes you're doing great [Music] wow that was some speed [Music] now the task gets harder you can make it friend we're cheering for you no worries sam i'm 100 sure he will tackle it and he did oh now goes my favorite part so maybe we should help him no no i control the situation everything is going as planned our hamster is super smart huh he didn't like the toy so much oh well hey the fake grass didn't confuse him [Music] yay amazing i never thought it would be so breathtaking keep going little one [Music] come on just a few steps left yes and almost there [Music] he's a champion a real champion guys did you like our five level maze if yes then give a thumbs up i had such a good sleep time for a snack wait a minute did i have a snack and forget about it sam i'm coming what what is all this mess why does it always mean when there's a mess who did it then who's been throwing things around and took my notebook too i've been searching for it for two days silence huh damn i doubt it's tater tots she's been living with us for a long time and she's never made a mess then who no then idea definitely not tater tots and not me i see something's moving in the pillows oh it's a hamster come here little one you're too gentle with her after everything she's done here well it looks like this hamster has a lot of energy if she's made all this mess and while we're thinking what to do with her we need to entertain her i can do that no sammy i meant a different thing you'll see [Music] i want to see show me did you forget something uh i don't think so was i supposed to bring something oh sam you need to say hi oh hi guys i'm sorry i'm just so happy to have a new animal in our house and i even forgot my own name i'll never believe that you forgot your own name it happens but i do have a reminder for that here i see that you're ready for anything are you ready to help me sure only tell me what we're going to do and i'll start helping right away doesn't this remind you of anything huh i think it does oh it's right on the tip of my tongue it starts with an l no sam it's not a song it's a labyrinth right tater tots has a labyrinth so the hamster will have one too yup she needs a labyrinth with all kinds of different obstacles to spend her unstoppable energy awesome guys give a thumbs up if you saw the video where we made a labyrinth for tater tots right the base for the labyrinth is done but we also need to make an obstacle course so which obstacles will our hamster face different things revolving doors a ladder fences a see-saw a see-saw oh i know i can make it can i sure here you go got it i'm off and i'll start with making a ladder out of wooden skewers here i have a template to guide me i'll place the long sticks on the sides one side and the other one neatly and i'll glue small sticks over them a question for you yes where do hamsters come from oh i don't know maybe europe almost hamster damn hamster damn oh i get it but the real question is where did this hamster come from maybe she ran away from the neighbors as far as i know our neighbors don't have hamsters but it could be i'll ask later it'll be better if you leave her oh sam we already have so many animals the more the merrier guys do you agree well we'll see right the ladder is done i'll glue it in place an awesome ladder the hamster will love going up i'm sure but it's only one obstacle we'll continue [Music] here we're going to have revolving doors it's very easy to make them you'll take a straw and glue four blades to it sam what are you doing the hamster keeps taking our food she looks so serious i'm afraid to approach her taking food while hamsters are thrifty animals some species of hamsters can stash up to 90 kilos of food they can't eat that much in their life they're so small it's an instant well my youtube channel star instincts are telling me that people are subscribing out there and hitting the bell button while we're creating that's wonderful and i've made this revolving door we need four voila i'll glue them in our labyrinth done now glue the seeds on i've worked so hard on it a wonderful seesaw [Music] let's glue it here glue it well make sure it doesn't fall apart can it fall apart well i didn't check don't worry it won't bear looks great right sam go inflate this balloon while i add a few more obstacles inflate a balloon oh well fine i'll add these colorful fences i'm sure the hamster will easily overcome them if she managed to make all that mess she shouldn't have trouble with these [Music] obstacles what if it blows up right in my face while i'm inflating it do you like inflating balloons write in the comments fine i'll inflate it anything for your new friend hamster and one more obstacle here it's almost a tunnel thank you sammy the balloon is the last element let's place it here is this an entrance yes and here's the exit and the last detail we'll add these little cushions now we only need to close a labyrinth with transparent plastic did you remember to make holes in the plastic to make sure the hamster has enough air of course i did that's a very important moment the hamster will have enough air done invite the hamster quick here you go little one have fun come on hamster you need to go up do you see the ladder up up our hamster is very small so i'll help her a little bit oh she has the whole labyrinth to explore and she's grooming ourselves who really what's going on why won't she move along the ladder even horizontally let me help her a little bit more yay hey now we're talking yes yes right here good job she passed the tunnel now she needs to figure out those revolving doors no don't worry the cushion softened the fall ah she did well with these fences okay one more revolving door come on you know what to do so and yes yay oh hey i think she liked my seesaw yeah i think so too oh wow and she was quick with that revolving door now comes the balloon a difficult obstacle oh no no no no go back go back you can do it go go hold up back forward come on i believe in you little hamster you know what to do with the balloon suzy look she punctured the balloon oh awesome go hamster go go go go come on the last obstacle [Music] yes well done oh that's it that's it go to the exit ah she found the exit clever girl [Music] even though our hamster couldn't go up the ladder she's absolutely awesome to overcome a labyrinth like that yes now she can wander around here instead of ruining our house i'll go find out whose hamster this is our what well we are going to keep her right here
Views: 1,166,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: Hztewwb8WNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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