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[Music] oh no sam if it's another animal we'll have to move out of our house time i'll show you not just one animal but a whole [Music] you scared me these are my favorite meowlings and so many different series itty bitty babies six of them plus two kids twins ice cream buckets a set from three boxes of the second series and the third series of mice mania is also here this is a small milk box and two cans of whipped cream plus two big milk boxes from second and third series a cool cat right we won't have to move out we'll start with the itty bitty series let's open the lid and there we'll find some white clay let's take it out the rest of the contents goes up too here we have a blue baggie it's high time to open it just a few moves and voila just look at this guy hiding in here he's so shaggy and looks like a hedgehog he's also wrapped in a fluffy towel in this set there's also this sticker it wasn't a towel but a sock oh he got into the washing bowl little silly one we'll place our baby bather into the clay towel it's weird that this series doesn't have a collector's guide how are we going to find out oh here it is it's a magical coincidence let's hurry up and have a closer look [Music] whoa look how cool they are oh these naughty kitties made a mess in the fridge and here's the actual guide our first baby is crinkle plum from home body series now let's get to the second lasty we'll flip it over and up so easy we're going to find out who we got and wow he's such a cutie but still a little bitty baby this kitten is playing with toilet paper little check out the sticker yep he was photographed while he was having fun his name is tp rollerton from uh-oh series so hilarious here's your wet friend mr rollerton let's search for more friends so you can have even more fun first we'll take a look at the sticker now who's flying here from that tree let's see how he looks in real life and here we go you can't hide such a cutie whoa he's so flexible and flies like a bird whoosh it's our funny danger mcgee from all play collection we already unboxed half of the cups from the itty bitty series and now let's meet the fourth baby come on out come on out we can't wait wow he reminds me of somebody i guess we found our roller ton twin just two cups left and i'd like to open both of them at once whoa guys look here the clay is not white but blue and pink let's check out the content it's a fashionista with lipstick and an adorable gamer hmm we'll start with him i want to get to know you better oh boy whoa just look how amazing he is by this controller so adorable one blue ear here we'll find our fashionistas who doesn't want to come out oh i guess she's still doing her makeup here she is oh she's so sly and stole the makeup from her owner i'm sure here's our itty bitty collection of naughty kitties we just need to kick them off it's all grown up series and it's miss chevious she has blue clay and this is steve with pink clay from all play series our danger mcgee is also here so as we agreed before kitties are yours and stickers are mine the next series that we're gonna unbox is kit twins the packages look like buckets of ice cream here we'll find two kitty cats four treats and two packages with clay let's hurry up and look inside whoa here we have the collector's guide and the instructions we'll come back to them later and here's a scoop of ice cream of a lovely blue color there's also a lemon scoop but that's for later okay what's inside aha it's clay of the same sweet shade we'll take out the clay and the baggie carefully any ideas on who's hiding in here ah it's a sweet yellow cat oh i guess he's scared a little i wonder how his brother looks like oh that's not all inside the clay we'll find his accessories it's a pink bottle with syrup and an ice cream spoon a perfect set find out which pair we got we'll need to take out the second scoop let's find his brother now oh here's a delicious yellow ice cream with a baggie inside open up and wow who's this blue cutie peeking out of the box he even pressed his cheek up against it let's look at his gifts ooh it's a lovely sugar cone and a milkshake there's also a booklet it's cartoon-like oh that's what happened he edged him out of the box now we know everything about you except your name and here's the poster in our catalog this time our kittens are making a mess in an ice cream shop we started with the two cute series they are so adorable squeezy and squishy with yellow and blue clay yep that fits it's so cool that we have another bucket we'll open everything right away and again we got a blue ice cream scoop let's start digging there you go and oh look the first surprise already fell out it looks like a delicious cookie we'll take out the second item and oh it's a classic ice cream cone in this baggie we'll find the main character here he is it's a lilac cutie but he looks worried i guess [Music] check out the spots on the side and on his ear and his friend is hiding in here in the yellow scoop we'll take out the blue baggie with the surprise and now we'll find out who your friend is oh it's an apple green cutie oh look they match each other perfectly [Music] just like their treats the cone and the scoop we can easily put them together that's another pair from the two cute series this is missing gloves such adorable names oh i totally forgot about the book with their story okay let's flip through it [Music] oh such an amazing friendship story sue would you like to have a twin friend oh no sammy cause i already have a best friend and it's you [Music] dairy product delivery let's open it now and here we have what two three milk boxes oh look at this kitty he made a fist like he's saying yeah let's get to the unboxing hmm what do we have here i see the collector's guide on top and of course the clay where our character is hiding for now through this window we can see that our clay is a pleasant coffee shade we'll take out the clay and i already see the blue baggie okay we almost got it that's not all my dear cat archaeologist check out these surprises i guess it's an unusual blue colored loaf of bread and also a cake see it's lilac and decorated with small little grapes hmm who likes baked goods i wonder let's see oh he's so sweet and he looks like bread himself so adorable here he is look he buried himself in the bread even on this sticker we'll find out his name now by the way on this series poster our kitties through a party his name is tubby tubbs from the nom series i don't even know who can be sweeter than tubby tubs but we'll find out now oh here we go our clay is hidden deep down there let's tear the box a little bit so we can take it out easier ah voila and again we have coffee colored clay or maybe bread colored we'll check out the content i hope it's not the same cat pool and dragon hooray i see something our favorite blue baggie it's time to clear it from the clay and we'll be able to open it here we go oh where are you going so pink this is our character from the box who's saying yeah his name is gusta from the adorb series it's an exact copy a cup and some bread for the winner tap tap tap the third box is coming at us we'll find out what's inside and do here it is our cup okay we'll remove the plastic and now comes the challenge to get rid of the clay but it's fun here's our baggie okay come on come on come on get out of there and ah hooray here's our prize let's remove the clay remains [Music] oh guys i guess there's something big inside why is this baggie so hard oh it's orange and orange in a bowl so funny what place is cutie on this table it's a girl and her name is olga i like that name and these are her surprises a small cake a green gift and a sticker of course i see somebody ate too much popcorn and climbed into the bowl let's open the sing box book from the third series of mice mania my favorite oh great idea sammy maybe we'll find a mouse or a cat we'll know now let's keep opening okay so there's the papers already and oh underneath there's something really really cool and it's this red cup so okay let's remove this plastic lip wow look there's white clay okay and finally oh we took out the precious baggie now we'll need to open it who is this pink beauty you just came out of the shower sam has the same pink robe but one more baggie here we go i already lost count of how many there were in this series and whoa more surprises yay a cool pink microphone and a whirligig i love toys like this we found so many bright posters today here they're having a great time with mice in the kitchen let's have a closer look hmm how do you like the name catitude and this is hamper an awesome kitty he really knows everything about having a cozy time and i know everything about collecting stickers give me that buddy with cucumbers here you go you have my tank next in line is this huge milk box there are five kitties inside and 20 surprises in total let's open it up right away it says we have to open here so that's what we'll do wow it's the first surprise okay oh here come the other ones check out this big box there's a lot of play here and most probably lots of surprises we'll try to shake it all out at once and the first ones are two small and yellow pc keyboards i wonder why there's two of them aha i guess i know who their owner is [Music] we've got a gamer kitty and here's another sticker it turns out that not all superheroes wear capes somewhere boxes it means here we'll find two cats and a surprise of course most likely it's a stylish sticky tape dispenser let's have a look at our gamers right now and here he is the furious cat but i guess this kitty is just too excited about the game maybe he's lost to someone and in this baggie we'll find our superhero he's so yellow oh what a sweetie this superhero glance makes him look very busy i suspect that it's the collector's guide sticking out there let's check out the poster we got [Music] oh right this is our extra collection and here they are standing next to each other this is victor maxwell we'll take out the next box ooh this clay is brown such a naughty package this time we'll try to squeeze out the clay like this [Music] and oh here we go here's another cool sticker and um whoa someone's enjoying their french fries we'll check out the gift hmm something yellow could it be a bowl with clay inside this time we only have one baggie um oh look he climbed into the box with his french fries so his name is chewie and that's the name of some meaning right we'll take out the box and whoa such an awesome pink color whoa so much pink okay we'll start with this box this pink color reminds me of bubble gum and sam this one's a little bit different it has confetti inside let's actually start with it wow the baggie's already visible and that's another sticker the baby is sad i guess he lost his sock do you also see this green surprise let's have a closer look i think it's a green bowl oh it seems like i'm wrong it's a clock no i get it so let's take out our sad boy now oh my goodness you're so beautiful and sparkly okay we'll find your sock for sure there's another surprise berries in our pink clay oh it's a stylish camera we can take lots of cool photos i just cannot stop looking at this clay this pink color is so awesome and the confetti looks like cake sprinkles it's very unusual it's making me kind of hungry the second box cannot wait to be opened we'll examine it carefully now check out who we got it's our friend toby tubbs this time in a special lilac color let's have a closer look at our clay inside there's a tasty bread and it's a soft blue color and a gift bag of course we'll unstick it now by the way this pink play looks so awesome on this blue daddy kind of reminds me of a night sky here he is our little loaf of bread is as adorable as his brother now they're both surrounded by delicious bread and this cat is kind of sad because someone ate his french fries we'll take off these babies here's our tubby tubs cutie with pink clay and hides and seek oh it means he's playing hide and seek not crying with confetti slime i guess we just have one package left here with some surprises hidden inside of course looks like the signature lost kitty's bag it's a gift for us very cool [Music] this time we have four packages mmm they remind me of cream or coffee now we'll find out what's inside of course we know that it's clay and if we take it out there should be some surprises and okay i guess there's no kitty in here um come on out buddy what is it oh it's a milk box so yellow sue you are a professional so why don't you use the instrument i created the pixel thanks sammy but it's actually my modeling tool sam is so caring he brought me the pick stick it's so much easier to take out the clay this way and it's a pizza or a cheese cracker yum yum yum okay we'll remove the trash and open our next cup [Music] i can feel the surprise um whoopsie and this is a blue cushion hmm so cozy [Music] here's the last cream package kind of surprises inside i wonder hmm okay we already have a milk box a cushion cracker and oh it's something blue again i guess it's bananas well i have never seen such bananas here's a whole party from our big package we'll put the bananas next to maxwell the gamer i think he needs a snack so lately i've been seeing my chin wanna keep some whipped cream i got it sammy your diagnosis is mice mania oh thanks doctor as you understood guys now we'll open the whipped cream cans from the mice mania series and the lid is hiding the first surprise so straight away not bad ah here we go whoa we spotted a flying cat come on come here buddy he's so sleepy and decorated with an interesting and beautiful pattern what shall we do next um we'll try to remove this piece of paper and here we'll find the instructions okay so we made the first two steps and took out the kitty so now we'll have to remove the white sticker and open the lock we'll do so and switch the blocking device ah and we are spinning the wheel our whipped cream is starting to come out oh this is so exciting oh this is a really nice color and i already see the first baggie could it be that there are a couple of them oh such a cool idea guys give a thumbs up if you agree we will clean the baggie from the whipped cream and try to tear the baggie but it's not that easy who is this sweet baby oh it's an adorable little mouse and what's in his paw looks like a brush this little artist stole my heart let's check out the second mouse just a second and ah-ha he is of the same pink color and he also has a pencil or a painting brush remember that wrapping that we removed we have more gifts there we can see here what really happened okay the cat was sleeping wind came over these two pranksters and painted them all over that's where the patterns came from and that's another collector's guide let's see whoa so many mice and cats they're having lots of fun here they are art stinky and doodle from the copycat series would you look at these naughty guys so small we'll move on to the second can let's open the lid oop the kitty's waiting for us let's check him out real quick oh he's so angry and looks like he's stained with mustard or something now we'll find the ones who upset him ah well well well the mice climbed up on him to get the cheese from the upper shell as we remember we have a sticker here [Music] click let's spin the handle and squeeze out the cream spinning spinning the cream is white just like real whipped cream a little more and we'll take out our mice ah here's the surprise baggie okay we'll start with the first guy and the second one will come on his own to steal the cheese we'll clear the baggie from the clay come on out wow i see something yellow oh hi cutie look he's so enthusiastic in supporting his naughty brother hmm i already took out the second baggie from the can whoa he's so happy it's clear he's the one that got his prize what are their names it's the original gotho series and they are stubbs toofy and hero guys we don't have cheese for you but i hope you like bread we just have this big red box left and our mice mania continues this time we need to open this box from the top just like a milk box [Music] okay here's some special cuts to make it easier whoa check out all these surprises here the last one to go is the gift bag so many different and cool cats i think that these baggies are storing for the clay cool now let's assemble our pyramid here we have pink clay and here white this one is brown and here well a sticker on this picture a green mouse is hugging a weird item all that's left is a yellow package that looks kind of like cheese and another one that looks like cream cheese pieces let's start with that okay taking everything out wow check out this blue confetti okay smells like cheese let's take it out using the pick stick there you go i have a feeling i'm taking part in an excavation i see something orange it's a gift hmm is it a rocket radio transmitter interesting and here is the next small cup with a surprise once again our pick stick will help me okay so we'll dig out the clay carefully i'm just in love with this process it's so fun here's our clean baggie with a surprise ah pink it's a water blaster i love playing with water blasters especially in summer when it's hot outside what about you guys ah i'm really enjoying this process this clay is so awesome and underneath we have a beautiful baggie what to think what's hidden in here hmm it's bread with a hole for avocado or is it for a mouse and here's the last cup with cream cheese and maybe blueberries what's inside i wonder i think it's a blue baggie today all of them were the same color okay here's the actual blue baggie with the surprise well to get it you have to do your best whoa the thing that just flew out of here is a tin can with a fish on the other side we'll move to the big yellow package here the clay is unusual and it reminds me of caramel let's take it out very carefully inside there's a sticker with a sad baby i guess he doesn't like his outfit this clay looks so much like caramel that i want to eat it but that is strictly forbidden guys and here a yellow watch popped out ah so this is where our cat character is hiding right whoa whose eye is that um this kitty is dressed like a frog or a fish or maybe an alien uh his name is froggo it is a frog costume the series is called shine let's check out the poster oh curious our froggo he's a star from the magazine cover we'll have a closer look at this cheese shaped specimen here we have three openings we'll dig into the first one ah here's our surprise okay so let's open the baggie oh it's a calculator does that mean we'll find a kitty mathematician here and we're going to forego the second surprise in this adorable cheese every time they are even more unexpected oh this baggie's challenging okay this time we can't do it without scissors one two and done hi little one it's that cute mouse with huge deep eyes and the last hole we'll dig into this yellow clay now jeez saggiest burn okay we'll roll it out and i think i'm gonna use scissors right away yeah it's way easier when you use scissors oh this time we got a teapot we'll take off the cutie we found in the cheese it's fluff nugget yo i think this little one will make our froggo happier we have just two final boxes left let's start with the white we'll remove the plastic and take out this beautiful clay here are our favorite surprises there are so many of them awesome and one more oh it's a sticker oh so funny he's so happy with this sock and another cool sticker look this kitty's playing with his ball on the floor we'll dig here a little and check out how many baggies we have [Music] okay let's stick them from the clay hmm there are three in total we've found lots of surprises in this box oh this is a stylish fuchsia colored slipper and a fishbone a very unexpected combo we'll open the next baggie i think there must be a swimmer's cat in there here we go and it's that cat with a ball seems like he's very happy with his little yarn ball [Music] okay let's hurry up and move on to the next baggie who's hiding in here it's that cutie with his sock such an adorable cat and the last pink package i am 100 sure there's something special inside i have already become a master of clay removal and we see the sticker right away this cutie is staring into the fridge wanting some milk in this box we have a small baggie and a bigger one we'll start with a small one and i already see something it's a blue skateboard room room [Music] and a big baggie with our kitty waiting for us these scissors will help us open it here's the cat i have the same expression when i'm hungry it's time to tick them all off so we got baller sir stinks a lot and tippy and we collected the first column completely we did super great [Music] friends believe it or not today we collected 24 kitties and five mice tell me sammy why do you need so many stickers i will become the most successful lost kitties collector in the whole world all right here still i don't like surprise eggs sammy i'm sure you'll like this one what lost kidding hooray when did we unbox them last time that was a long time ago this time i got mice mania series look the boxes are shaped like milk cartons i think that's because kitties like milk right sammy they also like cream that's why we have two bottles of cream as well shall we start with this one by the way surprisingly they're both cats and mice in this series i hope they can make friends so let's open it this way guys do you remember our last unboxing of lost kitties give a thumbs up if you do if not you can always find that video on our channel meanwhile i found clay let's take it out of the package there are also several baggies deep down come on i'm gonna get you all out here we go i think i'll start with the blind bags all right let's open this one first [Music] what's in there oh guys do you remember these cuties oh check out this unusual orange cat ooh he's got muscles okay what does this baggie have for our sportsman interesting hey these are devices for fun a microphone and a spinning top shall we spin it what can you tell us about your career i'm the champion yeah no doubt as you remember sam's collecting the stickers check out this sports cat admiring himself by the way guys i forgot to tell you that i adore this clay it really reminds me of squishing it is so relaxing what if we find a mouse in this one these boxes even open like milk cartons cool don't be afraid to ruin it all right let's see what this box is hiding here we go oh carefully ah tada time to dig out our baggies with surprises look it's not as easy as i expected but i did it okay here are two cherished blind bags children you forgot about this sticker i saw it and i thought i should take a bath too be right back i told you sam's got a nose for those stickers anyway what do we have here oh it's a tv host set there's a tablet with a speech and a microphone let's take our character out who is this oh he's nothing like a tv host it's a chill out cat he just took a shower and is going to make some tea there you go buddy well i hope we'll finally find a mouse here oh anyway let's just take all this stuff out ooh there's also a guide in each box we'll come back to it later and now let's remove this cover to see what the clay box contains all right i have to try a bit harder here ah come on hooray gotcha let me separate the baggies from the clay time to open i'm so excited any ideas who's inside oh we've already got one like this take your seat here muscled guy and now accessories these baggies open very easily wow it's a camera for making pics of sports event and oh a snapchat mask [Music] let's take a pic for snapchat cool it's time to take off those fluffy guys we've got pamper and pepe both popular by the way guys the guide has a cheese design you can find a group of cats and mice on the cover so promise me we'll find mice in this box oh sure sammy i promise this is a mice mania set cute mice must be among them let's open it what do you say i am a master of milk cartons by the way did you know that if we buy milk in milk cartons we're helping the environment all right here we go oh there's so many things well let's go step by step here we've got oh a sticker it's a picture of a mouse after a hearty meal this is for sam would you look at this cheese shaped box amazing i bet our mice are hiding right in here let's peek inside oh i really hope that mice are here because i promised sammy that we were gonna find them and yay i've got the first blind bag please please please please please let it be a mouse please please drumroll hooray just as i said this mouse is so full that he can barely take another bite of his cheese all right let's move on to the next baggie come on oh there it is let me clean it from the clay okay oh what's that wow check it out it's a cheese cracker covered in turquoise glaze here's your dessert buddy this is the last one what kind of mouse is hiding here any ideas by the way this baggie is bigger interesting whoa check it out there's milk for our little mouse oh it goes good with cookies the next box is on the way check out this pale style tab here we go this color mix reminds me of different ice cream flavors yum chocolate peach and vanilla of course voila looks yummy i guess i'm a bit hungry anyway let's begin with this blue blind bag open up oh who's there hello guys i'm mr pink cat give a thumbs up if you like me dear mr cat you look gorgeous please allow me to take a place next to you still it tastes like real ice cream that's not edible ugh i'm gonna open my toy ice cream shop what about your sticker collection whatever let's open the next becky while sam's fooling around wow guys it's a dumbbell i think the objects of our cats got a little mixed up i'm telling you this dumbbell belongs to this tough guy we've got one more box it's bigger pull the tail to open it this way and dive into the clay all right wow i was lucky to get all the baggies and sticker at once i'm gonna start with this one [Music] is there oh come on out whoa the fur of this cat is wet i guess he was planning to use his hair dryer [Music] who needs to dry his fur i wonder oops check out this tiny cute phone you can make calls pressing the paw button and where did you go these are pancakes with butter and maple syrup don't forget your treats i guess i need scissors here perfect come on out oh check out this chubby boy such sweet cheeks oh i love kitties like this and check out these purple stripes on the back meow if you want to get fit you can ask him for advice i think i was right this kitty is very lazy and this one is drying his fur the next one is the box with four sections hurry up let's reveal its secrets what do you think is hiding guys i guess there's a chance to meet another mouse in the little box like this oh come on out baggie you were hidden well but we found you well well well i'm so excited guys i think you've already guessed it's a water gun it's really useful in hot weather sports work next box please here we go oh something tells me it won't be easy this time by the way this clay looks like blueberry ice cream anyway let's open this baggie not so fast wow check out this yellow boom box with beautiful notes [Music] are you ready to see what's in the third box guys i hope this time the clay won't get stuck we're almost there perfect now let's separate the baggie from the soft clay great shall we open it oh there's something green hmm i know it's a rocket we'll send our mice into space while playing music of course oh guys i really hope we find a mouse here will we find one or not let's take a bet i guess there's a mouse astronaut hiding inside all right let's find out drum roll please [Music] the staggy doesn't want to open at all uh it's not a mouse it's a tv they're airing the first mission to the moon well that's quite an interesting set guys here's my favorite clay color it's so bright and girly let's take out all the contents and go straight to the baggie opening [Music] you'll be first whoa check it out this is a new kitty for a collection it looks like she's parachuting would you look at these green stripes on our peachy back we'll call you peach you've got great company sleepy skydiver guys this is the last baggie from this box oh not again what do we have here ooh looks like a cup of cocoa with a marshmallow awesome a great beverage after a good sleep so look i take them all off ooh okay let me check so fluffington is here mr mess snoozing susan and puddles great so i just remembered can you take that mister and a hat off oh sure here's our brilliant wilbert all right we still have two bottles to open i'll take this one first check it out there is one kitty and two mice in this bottle i wonder who's hiding under the cap okay come on let's see there's no clay here so it's easier to get the baggies all we have to do is open this mysterious blind bag now hey who is it green as a frog oh actually it's a sleepy kitty [Music] wait for us here now i need to take the cream out there's mice hiding in it to unwrap the bottle you should pull this part with an arrow oops something went wrong here but never mind oh look there's a sticker okay let's keep pulling quick quick quick quick guys there's a whole picture under this wrapper oh here we go wow there's a guide here too oh guys would you look at these bright drawings kitties and mice seem to be real friends amazing ooh they're lost among lots of sweets let's see the other side oh there's a comic telling the story about mice falling asleep on a kitty so sweet alright it's time to squeeze the cream out by the way you can find instructions on the bottle first we should get rid of the protective film and then unlock the bottle by the way here's the protective film and the mouse is pointing at the hidden lock to unlock it you should just press this button perfect twist the bottom of the bottle rightward and the cream will come out itself isn't it cool oh i can already see the baggies okay let's separate it carefully and release the baggies with mice oh they're so tiny check it out i can't wait to meet the little mice hey who's this sweetie here oh little boy you're so pretty you'll need a magnifying glass to see its nose i think he's sleeping let's not bother him oh isn't it perfect don't forget about the second blind bag oh check it out this one's tiny too she's slightly different from her brother so sweet we should sing a lullaby what do you say phil watch me sami our pets are sleeping you never care about my sleep that much sammy that's not true i always protect your sleep now let me know the instructions we can easily unlock this bottle all right let's start with this blind bag here's our mysterious surprise find the dotted line here and open the baggie hi there who are you oh this is a teen cat with headphones and a scarf hello all right guys here's a life hack check out this easy way to remove the wrapper let's find the protective film get rid of it come on okay it should work now yay carefully unlock our mechanism and begin twisting this way a little more here we go it really reminds me of strawberry ice cream anyway let's get to the baggies shall we i'm sure our mice can't wait to get out okay i will start with this one let's meet our tiny new mouse oh he's yellow oh why are you so grumpy mr mouse hmm hands crossed and everything cheer up guys this is the last baggie for today who's hiding in here any ideas oh look it's his twin brother why are you so sad sweetie you gotta figure this out go join your friends buddy guys want to see the comic from this bottle i'm super curious this kitty is taking a scarf and oh look he's got mice on his headphones that's funny do you mean that we can attach them to his headphones let's try i guess it goes here i bet the kitty is surprised to see mice on his headphones too this mouse must have been distracted from a game he's so sad well time to tick off our characters [Music] rare springs snooze and does and mr sniffles with uh and chew cam what kind of marker did you bring me uh sorry sue that marker's out of ink take another one sammy just in time [Music] do [Music] aha here you are i found you you found me yes but what about the kitties have you found the kitties as for the kitties we'll be looking for them together hi guys are you with us hi everyone if you saw our videos from before where we unbox lost kitties give a thumbs up today we'll be unboxing kitties from the kit twin series itty bitty series and single series oh who's hiding in here let's take a look at everything we have inside so we're gonna look at this later okay let's take this off well sam which one are we opening first this one or this okay then we'll start with the sky blue one let's open it yay and almost ready take some effort so let's see what we've got here oh this blue baggie looks so familiar first let's pull out this clay oh it feels great to the touch now what else have we got in here wow i think we've got delicious sauce and then something else what is it it's a measuring spoon to make sure we don't have too much sauce anything else hello no that's it we'll put our blue clay back in here for the moment let's open the baggie now come on baggie uh finally oh hi there little one he's so cute look his paw is orange the tip of his tail is orange too oh i think he looks scared when we get the second one out we'll know whether he's scared or just stained and paint here goes and one and two getting to our banana clay here it goes here and i'll pull out our ice cream in the meantime [Music] and strawberry milkshake oh sweet of course i can't resist this clay gotta touch it so soft and nice [Music] it feels like slime super stretchy you wait here and i'll go for the baggie come on out kitty i can't wait to see you look at him he's sitting in a box look at his cheek interesting that they put a blue kitty in yellow clay and a yellow kitty and blue clay cool well shall we put the two together phil you haven't forgotten have you but we also have a cartoon about them that's right sammy it's time to see it let me introduce you guys so let's see what actually happened oh look he jumped in his box [Music] just like that awesome i found the old guy why don't we take them off in here oh great where are they huh here look squeezy and squishy next we'll open one from the itty bitty series right we haven't opened any of this kind yet let's see what's inside come on now oh these cans don't open that easily oh wow this clay is lilac i really like it pretty we have more goodies here the baggie of course great well let's open it i can't wait to see who's in it let's look at you hey wow i think he's got pasta on his head he's got meat on his paws too he must really like it this little guy has all positive vibes i like him you ain't here now oh we have a guide left here let's see it let me get to it oh it's a lot of unwrapping you're about to see the whole collection it's gonna be fun there's more really wow so much to see oh my goodness these characters are awesome i took some clay to have something to play with you don't mind do you of course i don't mind you can have it and how do you like my new hairstyle go and play sam okay okay hey little one we're about to get you out and see who you've gotten there oh white clay it's white as snow hmm i guess it'll be easier if i do this come on daggy show me your treasures that's more clay great let's go for the baggie now who have we got in here oh who's this pink cutie he looks very much like a cat birdie see i'm flying me too i'm flying two you'll give me all the dry clay you get let's take off our pasta kitty meatball and danger mcgee well we've unboxed several itty bitty ones already what do you think guys you like the series give a thumbs up if you do no hiding little one don't be shy oh there's more of this pretty clay come on clay show me your treasures as usual i'll go for the baggie it opened so easily nice oh we already have this one meet your twin brother i hope we'll get someone we don't have yet in here off you go oh more white clay come on now and you baggy come here you've got something for me i hope this time i'll get someone new oh wow what's this interesting figurine i think he got bathed and wrapped in a towel he looks like a sea urchin what is art if not imitating you have such an interesting name wrinkle plum here's your new disheveled friend guys only two more left to go in the itty bitty series pretty lilac clay here you go come on out looking good ready to go baggie oops hey there's someone green in here oh it looks like slime right oh so cute [Music] i'm taking this hmm this is oh here sheldon well sue who do we have left from this series let's check it out i hope we don't get someone we already have who is it going to be look the clay is blue we don't have clay of this color yet so pretty now for the baggie who do you have for me baggie wow what's this weird creature huh his tail's all stripy his glasses are interesting who's here who's here just me and my stickers here and me right here why did sami get scared this guy is so cute let's circle our arnold i wasn't scared it's just that i was surprised here you go more stickers so we have the last box left here let's open it and see our single series i'll go with this one now let's see what we've got here uh i wonder if the clay is colored here let's see okay then i'll tear it up to make a quick work of it because i just can't wait to see what's inside we'll deal with you later open open open it didn't work out that well let's get it out oh it's not that easy to get this clay out i did it though good for me it's your turn now baggie come on out little one let's see you oh who we got here he's so green check out the cheeks on this kitty i think he eats a lot you wait here and we'll see what treats we have for you today what is it oh i got it all out in one run now this is interesting i believe it's bread okay then kitty we'll have some bread as a treat for you what else have we got in here wow a music player here it is our kitty loves listening to music too a music lover what do you know is there a sticker there or not here but this time around you'll open it yourself you could have cleaned well let me introduce you tubby tubs now let's meet our next character i'll create some chaos okay right great let's peel the plastic off and open our mysterious cup i'm excited here's clay oh see this pattern wow out out oh it's hard to get out come on there you are let's clean off the clay hmm it's something interesting huh what's this appetizing sky blue muffin and what else have you got for me huh huh i think it's a pipe you stay here while we see who's going to play you hey there in the baggie prepare to show yourself oh look he's playing with a sock that's right kitties love playing with stuff especially with socks they find on the floor see his ears and his cute closed eyes let's hurry up and find out what his name is he's ever so cool sure meow meow okay now who are you sir stinks a lot you stay here and play with the others and we'll get the next kitty out guys we are almost done unboxing here comment and tell us which series you like the best and we are opening our last character who is it gonna be huh wow clay in here is such a bright pink here we go let's get it out come on clay don't keep me waiting too long i'm so eager to see our last character hmm interesting we get a sticker too what's this blue thing i wonder oh it looks like a suitcase what's the other thing in here huh it's some sort of a cakey thing it will stay here while i look into the baggie give me something nice blue baggie you know what this baggie is bigger than all the others who's in it oh look is that a wizard expecto patronum this wizard must be very wise just look at his beard also see the stars on his hat wow i like this kitty from the meow magic team best of all let's see what his name is meowlin so guys today when i opened three different collections of lost kitties which one do you like best kit twins [Music] single itty-bitty give a thumbs up share this video with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to our channel bye now [Music] you
Views: 1,977,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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