How To Make 3 Amazing Desk Organizers ✏️

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[Music] hmm interesting uh getting even more interesting [Music] okay enough now what's going on sam did you declare war on our stationery no sue i want you to marvel at our pet's creations you're saying cookie did it cookie and fluffy and even tater tots yeah well their taste is kind of weird until our stationery has a solid fortress up just keep stealing everything fortress well i can't promise to build a fortress but we can definitely make a good house for our stationery coming hey guys today we're going to make a real house for all the stationery these are the parts we prepared so far it doesn't look like a house one would like to live in well it'll take some time first we glue the back wall of the house to the base carefully okay [Music] the first wall now and the second one any better well wow i can make out the outlines of the house already but you need a roof we'll get right on it i prepared the parts we need here sure or else cookie would easily crush your cabaret house without a roof [Music] we just have to be careful here so that the roof and the house become one there it worked just great hmm time for some interior design i prepared shelves for our house let's glue them how do we know how high we should glue the cardboard shell well here's a pencil holder for you what should you do with it draw our portrait sure as soon as we finish everything here look we put the pencil holder with the stationary on the base what their space left both on top and on the side right so we'll mark where we'll glue our shelf and this spot here will perfectly match the pencil holder and i'll go make more holders like this great sammy and i'll glue our first shelf in the meantime you mean the first floor ceiling sue don't check oh well yeah sure sam and this will be the attic floor then [Music] what's this this is um a lobby all the tenants need to enter someplace right makes sense uh what's with the front part though would there be a door of course there will here then you'll need this right cardboard master so [Music] done good job the master approves oh thank you sammy now we should glue ledges to our door what should i do make a hinge for the door can you do that you bet i can the ledges are thin so it's better to use a small amount of glue here easy does it the front part of the house is ready we only need to attach it now here you go oh great sammy you used a pipe and a stick to make a hinge uh let's see how they work after i glue them right here there's no way they don't work they were made by the master oh i didn't doubt you sammy we'll have the best stationary house because i manage the construction that's right guess what our door will have a secret look it reminds me of something it does what i'll have to think about do you think oh i know we made the marker pen compartment in the same way for our other organizer that's right sammy also we used this back then remember huh wasn't part of the draft what draft in a word we'll use this to make a lock for our house really this lock doesn't look reliable too it's too early to draw conclusions sam we're about to have an awesome clasp here [Music] he's actually working out just fine you're right now our stationery is well protected [Music] our house is kind of empty we'll fix it sam let's quickly make a compartment with several sections for our pens and pencils we'll have so many sections here yeah so that our house will be in perfect order [Music] ready i've got so many ideas i'm off to create okay sammy in the meantime i'll continue working on the house what house can there be without a chimney i already made it with four identical pieces of cardboard a cutter and a ruler huh maybe some presents will go down this chimney for christmas maybe so what about those ideas of yours just a sec first of all this box you can put all kind of trifles in it and then stick it in the attic oh and a super duper secret compartment wow it's so cool only this part could use some decor okay i forget about that decor i'll go quickly fix it it's okay sammy i already prepared everything for the house then i'll add some touches to this part and you'll do the same to the pot huh i'll resort to magic [Music] wow it's so cool wait will the roof stay just like this without decoration don't worry sammy i didn't forget about the roof [Music] great sammy right on time we're about to move the tenants in we'll put the notebook here this section will go first and we'll have erasers living here let them settle over here we'll keep pencils and felt pens in these holders [Music] oh they fit just perfectly here's the big compartment the biggest apartment in the house great we'll put it in its place don't forget about the glue still let it live in the attic okay [Music] [Applause] and sharpies will be living here awesome [Music] now our stationery is safe so i came up with a tail about our house oh surprise me upon a time in a far off youtube land there lived sue and sam who decided to make a wonderful house for the stationery so then what the house proved to be so beautiful that all their viewers built the same kind of house for themselves the next day whoa and the world got to be full of marvelous magic houses with stationery great sam let's hope that your tail will prove to be true and our efforts won't be wasted we'll know it thanks to your likes and subscriptions that's right subscribe to our channel guys have a good day and bye [Music] it's coming out so beautiful [Music] oh hello guys i got such an idea i have to draw it immediately give me a pencil and a piece of paper wait and the magic word to greet our viewers that's also important but what should you say when you ask for something oh please [Music] better here what if we make our eyes blue that's a great idea [Music] no i need an eraser so i need an eraser give it to me please that's better here you go by the way what are you drawing over there a super cool robot you'll see i hope he'll manage [Music] to draw my speed destroyed the drawing came out bad give me another piece of paper i'll draw a card sam if you decide to draw then you better prepare not to ask me to give you anything so don't be upset soon you'll see i'm gonna draw such a cool car that then you'll ask me how to draw it for you [Music] anyway i'm gonna ask for another one you i kind of got a problem the pencil broke can you give me another one you've got a lot right i'm sick of this enough [Music] if you can't take care of yourself then i'll do it we're going to make a cardboard organizer wow cool i'm ready of course you are because you're going to work now the best cardboard cutter in the world yeah that's me write in the comments what you think of my cardboard cutting skill well let's get started with the base of our organizer we need a sharp pencil and a ruler it happened just once all right once should i remind you all the times it happened [Music] it happened several times but i don't see that reason to panic and be upset several times maybe you wanted to say 20 here are the measurements guys i'm sure our viewers had the same problem right tell us in the comments how often your pencils break so sue can stop being upset with me yes tell us let sam know that he's the only clumsy one here you told i'd work but you don't let me cut anything i'll finish cutting these pieces and then you'll make pieces for the pencil holder i hope you remember to be careful while using the cutter [Music] of course and our viewers remember too it's very easy to cut yourself right while i'm assembling the base you can take the cutter and make the pieces we need okay no problem the master isn't be careful master by the way be careful dealing with hot glue as well i got my finger burned once you better ask an adult to help you [Music] here in no time great you're very quick oh could you please go to the kitchen and bring several chopsticks we need them soon be right back by the way i'm a little hungry do you want something nice idea but first let's finish the craft [Music] i'm gonna check to see what we have in the kitchen just in case all right meanwhile i'll continue with the basement i forgot why did i go to the kitchen sammy you went for chopsticks all right coming sammy little sweet tooth guys i hope you don't forget anything like subscribing to our channel and hitting the bell not to miss new videos and ask adults to help you with the draw by the way where's sam [Music] these are the last ones what shall we do i hope you didn't get hurt look the pieces fit perfectly oh i just got hurt a little i'm good can't say the same about the sticks well we don't need to cut them now very convenient if it doesn't hurt you too much we could do this way more often it definitely saves us some time no way i better cut all the things for you myself instead of falling every time i'll take you at your word now you'll always cut chopsticks and skewers well not every time i got you excited let's say two times a week [Music] all right at least two times a week that's good [Laughter] check out this awesome thing that's coming out that looks solid even if i still don't understand how it will work and why we need it soon you'll see it's very easy we need it because someone disturbs me while i'm drawing this way you'll be able to find everything you need in one place without my help i already get everything from one place you well not anymore all the tools will be in this awesome organizer then you won't be distracting me again this looks neat right would you like it sam if i distracted you every time for an eraser or a pencil while you're drawing well no i wouldn't see i don't like it either when i'm being distracted now we're going to make a paper section so it's even gonna have paper cool of course you'll be surprised to see how many things it can fit it's a super duper organizer for drawing [Music] so it'll definitely suit me because i'm a super duper slime artist wait a moment i'll show you one cool thing bring more pencils don't fall this time yes ma'am i'll attach the paper section to our organizer carefully done not a single slime was harmed during the mission sam good job look how you can take pencils from the organizer [Music] cool can i try to sure [Music] wow i love it wow wow what's this this will be a pencil sharpener machine we only need to assemble it well so i won't need to sharpen pencils manually you're awesome still oh thank you sammy huh something's missing oh sam we need a switch to turn the machine on and off and here it is sue let's assemble our machine thank you sammy you're welcome i'm your main assistant today right could you also assist me in cleaning the house and washing the dishes i guess i've already washed my share of dishes this week what if i were to share a small nutella jar with you now you're talking if you had a pack of oreos to it i'll help you with the cleaning too sam that sounds like blackmail all right all right i'll help you even without nutella she doesn't have it anyway because i ate everything yesterday let's try out the mechanism oh great it worked now we need to make a case for the sharpener the organizer is almost ready i can't wait to try it well wait a little more we're finishing soon [Music] i'll draw everything i wanted a car a robot of course you will and i'll finally finish my drawing too a little more magic nice sam can you cut several little rectangles from the cardboard leftovers i'm glad you remembered your best cutter first piece thank you very quick you even made a hole for a pencil you always forget that i got my metal for a good reason oh right i always do but our viewers never forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell not to miss new videos [Music] right guys there are more pieces one two three four well done i can see the touch of a real master that was easy should i cut something more huh oh yes we need to make a section for erasers more cardboard needed easy look and learn one two three now i'm convinced you're the best cardboard cutter bring the erasers master here everything i could find i think two erasers are enough they'll last long unless someone loses them so do you mean i never lose erasers sam you always take things personally i was talking about myself actually that's right but this paper won't last long well we can always add to it we have a whole pack [Music] doesn't it seem a little boring um maybe we can decorate it oh it's time to show everything i'm capable of sue close your eyes for one moment now you'll see the super duper power of the slime artist show me i've been longing to see it okay okay perfect open your eyes wow sam it's amazing where did you learn to decorate so well a little here little there and a little from you look it's very convenient now you take a pencil here and sharpen it if it's broken convenient indeed now i only need to teach it to draw whatever i want and sam and what will you do oh i'm a bit tired after making the craft i need to take a nap for about an hour otherwise i'll fall and break something again so you'd better say bye to our friends bye guys give a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel don't forget to rest and hit the bell not to miss our new cool crafts bye-bye right i need scissors to open the package huh i guess i put them here that's weird oh i'm so hungry i'll open it without scissors damn we need to stop the corns like avalanche have you seen tape nope i haven't which part should the roof be greener of course uh strange i'm sure he had the green marker uh sam did you take all the paper clips if i don't secure the package now you'll have to eat oatmeal for breakfast it's like they disappeared nothing here [Music] [Music] why are things not where they're supposed to be maybe they're naughty and can't sit in one place or maybe because our things don't have a home of their own hi guys today we'll make a house for all your pencils pens paper clips sticky notes and notebooks so they don't get lost and you can always find them we'll use several cardboard pieces of different sizes together with sam we painted all the cardboard parts in advance look the big piece is for the base and the smaller ones for the why do you need walls if you have me plus there weren't so many corn flakes sam did you eat all the corn flakes coffee mad shoe i have a gift for you this was on the bottom of the package wow so pretty we'll use them for the house decor the walls of our house are ready now we can start with the base we'll need these cardboard pieces cardboard again sam the house cannot be made of just two walls yeah you're right so we take all our parts and glue them like this looks like a throne for me no your majesty this is the base for our stationary house and now we need cardboard yes sam we'll make the central part of the house from them soon we'll insert some drawers here it goes pretty simple here apply the glue and attach the part to the base [Music] and what should i do maybe cut something yes sammy find the part with three squares marked and cut them out in a second sammy you did everything great i think that one more shelf would be just perfect here great we'll make a section for notebooks from it though sam always complains about cardboard he's awesome at cutting it now you can store all the notebooks and pads here now on to the transformable lid first we glue stripes like this this will help make our lid flexible you'll see in a moment next with the dull part of the cutter we'll draw a line along this part to make the folding easier be careful with the cutter guys here the gluing task is a little easier since we use ordinary glue and not the hot one but still go nice and slow to avoid making a mess yeah i am i made the lower part of the lid thanks sam here we need to glue it underneath the other stripe two more pieces go right here we fold the paper piece and attach it here it will hold the lid now we just need to attach the lid itself for the next stage we'll need these pretty blocks with velcros they'll help our lid open and close easily did you know suzy that velcro was inspired by a simple burdock oh you impressed me that's a very interesting fact i'm amazing i know i can find curious facts and all that all that well i found those colorful sheets from the corn flakes oh yes we'll use them soon sammy i'll give you a task for now [Music] attach those colorful sheets to these cardboard parts be right back meanwhile i will attach these interesting parts made of cork we've never used this material in our crafts before master sam completed the mission wonderful there we go now our house will be bright and cheerful what kind of laundry do you want to try on these clothespins doll dresses no sam these clothes pins can be used to hold useful things for example a memo sticker with a reminder there's no need to remind me of anything because i'm super focused oh then why did you forget where your green marker was i'll never forget things my marker simply didn't have a home so we was just wandering around yes now we'll improve the situation sam hurry up and bring your markers so i decided that my parents also need a home there now pens and markers will be comfortable here and you'll be able to find them easily [Music] perfect we'll also make a barrier for markers and pens so they don't roll anywhere this way it'll be secure and pretty one more barrier and done we open the lid sam look at all this space holy crap next time you won't need to look for scissors and no oatmeal for breakfast guaranteed that's true now i set the partition and then [Music] sam what are you up to wow i'm gonna take part in show jumping competition sam only horses can take part in those events i'm a disguise master we'll make a big shelf so we can store our supply of washi tape here [Music] time to make the doors for the side walls just apply the glue like this and attach a paper strip we'll attach the door to the wall and then do the same with the second one oh i totally forgot about handles already done super slime is always near sam you're awesome there we go please bring me another shelf and meanwhile i'll attach this one i'm attaching it to the door phil why do we need these shelves as i already said we'll use them to store washi tape for all our crafts [Music] awesome and the other compartment is for the glue now all our glue will be in one [Music] hurry up and place so you won't miss your videos and here we'll have these sticky notes we'll write something on them or just draw we'll need another sheet of paper with print that way our house will become even prettier and functional great idea we can attach a picture to the pin [Music] so beautiful but why stop if we can go on that's some weird transparent paper oh sam it's not paper but paper protection though you're partly right we'll use it to write on it with markers guys give it thumbs up if you didn't know that an ordinary file can be used that way [Music] now we'll start making a collapsible shelf for different kinds of paper here i made marks on the cardboard one centimeter apart from each other it's very important to draw straight lines you should also use the dull side of the knife be careful don't rush it [Music] still you look like a surgeon now it's important to be accurate here and now we fold the sheet like an accordion we have to fold two sheets like this and then use a glue stick to attach them to each other they will serve as the walls of our collapsible shelf we'll need two more accordions rainbow give a thumbs up if you like rainbows too oh i see them rainbows appear only when the sun shines on raindrops but we'll glue these sheets to our accordions like this see however sam is right we'll get a rainbow shelf in the end finally our collapsible shelf is ready we insert our accordion what a wonderful bright folder we got we just need to attach the lid so nothing drops out of the folder otherwise it won't be functional at all as you may have noticed we're using a glue stick here not only hot glue it's not a very good idea to use hot glue on thin cardboard or paper [Music] so a couple more details done what is it sammy could you bring a marker and i'll do some magic here well okay sam why did you how cool now we can plan the whole week you like sticking out so much sam what makes you think so [Music] so [Music] here is the beautiful house we made for all stationery awesome yes there's also some it our spacious drawers but it's a very special place for stickers and other fun things here we can always find tape and glue now all my markers and pens have a home and i'll never get lost guys give a thumbs up if you like this organizer and try to do it yourself good luck with your studies guys and subscribe to our channel for new inspiring videos bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 5,896,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime sam, compilations, how to, how to make, how to build, desktop, desk organizers, funny, best desktop, back to school, diy, diy desk organizer, do it yourself, desk organizer, diy organizer, diy school supplies, organizer, desk, diy back to school, diy crafts, diy projects, diy activities, howto, handcraft, simple life hacks, ideas crafts, diy folder organizer, desktop organizer, best out of waste, easy organizer, card making, paper organizer, folder
Id: MEulJmhR65A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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