FUN DIY TOOTHY CRAFTS || Trash-Eating Monster And Shark Dentist Toy

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[Music] Sam what's all this why did you leave so much trash around [Music] who who are you talking about this is no trash huh do you really think that if you catch it there won't be any need to clean up personally I don't like this idea and I also think that you have to clean it up without pushing the responsibility onto others whatever still go away and don't distract me huh well fine guys don't you will witness how I Sam will become the first slime who got the trash the dragon monster if you don't want to miss the new video then hit the Bell button it's right there okay let's get back to business oh that's Sam made all this mess here and I'll be the only one to clean it up as always oh hi guys it's you I've been looking for I decided to teach Sam a lesson and make a monster-like trash can from this colored cardboard and you can help me with that if he comes here don't say a word ah here you are what are you doing here I wanted to decorate my flower pots do you want to help me no I don't care about your flowers but I am out of paper for the bait can you lend me some cardboard take as much as you need thanks you will be super grateful when I catch the monster yeah yeah of course guys we need these cuts to make our big sheet flexible and to bend it easily like this now we need to make tea this way we'll also separate our trash can into two parts the upper part will become the lid and the lower one will serve for storing trash I did great so fast and easy I wish everything worked like this we also need these cardboard circles three of them in total she got really tired sitting in the Ambush too are you still coming out here sore pot if you want to sit in the Ambush for me no way I'm not as good at hunting as you are I hear sorry Kevin and your voice just wait and you will see soon guys do you also think that Sue is plotting something if you do then comment below guys remember that you promised not to tell anything oh I can't wait to see James face when this monster comes at him foreign to the lower part of our trash can note that the cut should be on this side we only need to keep it a secret from Sam or we won't teach him a lesson we will keep silent won't you by the way guys remember that you have to be careful with hot glue in order not to get burned now we glue it nicely right here aha what's going on here oh uh well the flower pot came out quite ugly so I decided to throw it away I'm not surprised this is all because I wasn't here with you but what's all this this is a different decoration see these teeth they'll serve as grass around the pot I just need to color it green since you are the greatest artist do you mind helping me thank you but not today I have an important task so I need to go I can't waste time on your project take this I'm pretty sure that's soon I'll catch that monster will need to clean up ever hmm I think someone is in serious trouble shoot look at him he keeps making a huge mess out there and when it comes to cleaning he finds a thousand excuses not to do it geez I need to calm down just breathe Sue in and out so now we need a hinge to hold the lid of our trash can we'll make it from a piece of a thick straw and a chopstick it's necessary to find a fitting straw diameter so it can be moved around easily [Music] we want to secure things very well so use lots of glue I already see Sam promising to do anything to be safe from the monster like clean the mess don't forget to glue everything on the inside as well just like this and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel too hit that Bell button so you don't miss any new videos and now we will need four 30 centimeter long rulers that's how it should look like it's necessary for the lid opening mechanism you have to admit that crafting without Sam is no fun he's always acting silly but at the same time helps a lot guys do you have someone to have fun with write in the comments below I'm sure you craft not only with your friends but also with your parents brothers or sisters I hope you make up with Sam soon we're such a good team though sometimes he's absolutely intolerable but first I need to teach him a lesson no time to sit around look I attached a wire here so our construction moves properly now I will glue it to the circle there we go but I guess it might be a little challenging to work with the wires so ask an adult to help you now it's time for the big ruler it will connect to the pedal and the lid [Music] so we're almost at the Finish Line let's glue the bottom carefully so that the ruler enters the square opening and this part comes out from here this will actually be our pedal we'll push it to open the lid and don't worry about the decoration we'll do it a little bit later here we attach the lid holder so the lid can be opened or in our case it will open our Monster's mouth foreign [Music] guys do you remember that you have to keep our secret now to finish your flower pots uh sure I did and now I'm uh what was I doing all right I'm drawing oh these are some beautiful circles huh you're acting strange today I wanted to ask you to help me but I see that you better have some rest it seems that she's kind of sick but you know what honey disease it is comment below Vegas phew I was about to tell him everything good job guys hang on a little more whoa we only have the pedal left here I'll cheat and use some magic one two three [Music] this is so exciting and now we get to the best part stir decoration just look at these scary and dangerous teeth and Angry Eyes with bushy eyebrows plus some antennas for Interstellar connection Sammy now you'll get your just dessert I'm so tired of sitting here plus he was acting very weird today are you sure nothing's wrong why [Music] you told me [Music] oh crashes a little dry would be nice to snack on our tasty slime [Music] no never again now you got what you deserve little coward it was you fella monsters aren't real nope I just made these monster trash cans together with our viewers thank you guys that you didn't tell Sam my secret wow this looks awesome great job if you like it then help me to clean up you promise not to make mess anymore sure we can I even made special signs one monster is for plastic [Music] the other one for paper and the third one for metal waste [Music] I think I'm done these were the last ones good job Sam you think you could keep things clean now sure I'll try to keep things cleaner guys eating monsters do really exist here are three of them all came on their own oh Sammy I made those with our viewers so what I was looking for Monsters and I found them it means that the mission is complete and I became the greatest hunter in the world you are the greatest brag let's say bye to our viewers subscribe to our Channel give a thumbs up and don't forget to hit the Bell button [Music] oh that hurts oh look what I found your favorite oh that's very sweet of you but I'm not hungry what do you mean actually Sam I'm very busy I need to I have lots to do so I don't think you get it these are the chocolates you were looking for yesterday I found them Samuel leave me alone [Music] no Sam I'm fine I'm just busy what's that all about what should I do I'm not sure I'm supposed to see them without her oh but of course little liar did you lie to your best friend oh I'm not lying Sam I hope I didn't hurt you are you all right I am but you you need to see a doctor yeah me but I well you're right I'm not feeling very well but I'll manage wait Sue I think I got it an apple chocolates there's only one doctor you never want to go to it's I said that's it you've got a toothache so what [Music] yeah easy for you to say you've never been to a dentist and I'm not afraid I just don't want to go so the best way to deal with fear is to meet at face to face oh really then why don't you play with sharks [Music] well you're afraid of sharks even toy ones they don't scary mouths they're dangerous huh and dentists have very scary tools you know what let's make a deal if you play with a cardboard shark I'll go to the dentist no way I'm not taking part in that well I like the idea I'll make the shark hopefully it'll distract me from the toothache hi everyone what do you think who is more scary a shark or a dentist write in the comments this will be the main part of the Jaws we need to make it very flexible that's why we need to make Cuts all over the surface of the cardboard but be very careful and ask an adult to help you great now I need to adjust the shape of it because this piece is irregular take it slow and let's try to make the cuts very neat and precise like this voila exactly what we need now let's take another piece of cardboard almost the same size I need to see if it fits we need to cut Corners like this I'll mark them with a pencil lightly we'll have to do without a ruler here but nobody said it would be easy and we need to cut at the front as well just like before we need to glue these pieces together to make sure the upper piece is sticking out and there's some space in the back and there let's cover this opening with a fitting piece of cardboard and at the bottom we'll glue this strip of cardboard to the edges of the bottom part [Music] so you can't be serious you really prefer crafting to Professional Medical to Richmond if it helps our friendship sure hey look guys we need to glue several pieces of cardboard here just stack them up [Music] and glue another piece of cardboard on the top of them I hope you remember to be careful with hot glue right [Music] you say it'll help our friendship really my heart attack I'm living in constant fear that there's a scary shark somewhere in the house that see him it isn't real I'm not asking you to go swimming in the ocean with real sharks as if anyone does that well actually yes there are diapers like that of course they take lots of safety measures they don't dive too deep they avoid places with too many sharks around and they try to calculate their hunting time done [Music] let's paint our future shark now I'll use this wonderful blue color Sam those divers just like extremes and only trained divers can do it there are much safer ways to meet a shark for example there's that special steel cage which is placed underwater no shark however big and fierce it is can get into that cage which makes it safe to stay inside and watch the Sharks but why Sue why would anyone want to watch big and fierce sharks guys would you go underwater to watch some sharks even in a protected cage I wouldn't no way oh but isn't it interesting I'd love to see a shark but I'd rather go to an aquarium huh what's that it's like a zoo only for sea and ocean creatures it's a large place with giant aquariums instead of walls and ceilings they often have sharks too wait you mean there are sharks not only in the sea but [Music] ready too there all they want and people come voluntarily actually Sam people come there together with their children even little ones it's so beautiful you're just [Music] [Laughter] funny Sam guys have you ever been to an aquarium tell Sam that it isn't scary but just wonderful and we need to glue together all these wooden sticks look these go on top of each other then small ones at the sides and one more stick goes on top it should move like this [Music] and a few more small pieces one moment ta-da [Music] and here is where the spring goes but that's not all let's glue a toothpick piece to this stick [Music] and set them on the spring Sam don't you want to see what I'm doing I can see very well from here Sammy it's not a shark here I want to show you how one mechanism works oh you decided not to make a shark good good mechanisms are better honey thing is better than [Music] well I haven't exactly changed my mind but look wow but what is it what for to play a game you could say that you'll see but don't run away we'll make one more part out of all these pieces um by the way Sam what are you wearing it's my protective suit it's designed to fight evil sharks off oh well that's some protective suit how are you gonna fight them off I'll figure it out later I can use that as a shield oh no Sam I've got plans for this part and here's one more part of the mechanism or it's not gonna work [Music] time to set this part of the mechanism in place there and let's secure it well and you Sam you can help me paint something do you see those items on the table these no problem and now comes the most interesting part but you'll need adult supervision for this we're going to assemble a special propeller let's apply some glue and attach these wooden sticks it's coming out great don't you think let's set it onto the spring did you say propeller are you making a point oh not quite it won't look anything like a plane then a helicopter no sweetie it's not going to fly at all right and to make the piece sturdier I need to glue several small pieces of cardboard inside and now I'm making a hole carefully oh I know Sammy no look at this thing let's insert this button in here and attach our accumulator it'll make the whole mechanism work guys ask an adult to help you with the wires it's dangerous to do it on your own I got it it's a ship but do ships need propellers take a closer look Sam before I hide our mechanisms but actually yes some ships also have propellers they are used well more or less like propellers on planes and helicopters for movement and let's cover the wheel hey Sam did you paint what I asked for [Music] yeah what's that for oh thanks we need to insert these into the openings two and three just like this wonderful wonderful but I still can't figure out what this is for oh still still making a shark with a motor too it's so cute [Music] Sam don't be afraid it's all under control oh I'm not even done yet and he ran off okay can anyone be scared that much ouch how can anyone be scared that much you don't want to wait until that toothache gets so worse you know what you don't want to play with the shark I don't want to go to the dentist everyone gets what they want [Music] Dear Mr shark wonderful weather don't you think you've got such quite big no I can't it's more than I can handle [Music] I can do this ah Sam you know I think it's unfair of me to make you Sammy yes damn you you're playing with the shark Oh you mean my friend Mr shark he's a great guy but he's also suffering from a toothache he or private touch him oh Sammy you're not afraid no what's there to be afraid of huh I'll try pushing down the teeth one by one let's see which tooth will make the mouth close uh nope no no Sam I'm going to the dentist right away there you and I did good
Views: 2,177,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: Ps-kjemlywA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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