30 Minutes Of Animals Who Love Their High-Tech Humans | Dodo Kids | Animal Videos For Kids

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this little French fry is named Turbo he was born without any front legs and he was being picked on by his brothers and sisters it wasn't very nice he needed a new place to live with a family who Moved more at his speed so a kind lady at the vet clinic decided to take turbo home even though turbo didn't have any front legs he was just like any other puppy he wanted to play and go outside but it wasn't easy not even a little but did that stop Turbo nope his mom would hold out a little treat and turbo would use all his strength to get to it it helped his back legs get stronger but it wasn't enough turbo needed something more he needed Wheels problem was turbo was Tiny even the smallest dog carts were too big for him so his mom tried making her own carts she made the first one out of a helicopter toy but it didn't quite work so she tried a few more turbo was losing hope he was trying so hard but it still wasn't working then something amazing happened a guy who makes parts for airplanes heard about Turbo's story online and he designed a cart just for him it was orange and had lime green rollerblade Wheels looking good Turbo but would it work at first turbo didn't know what to do he would walk a little but he was still discouraged then his mom had an idea maybe turbo just needed someone to play with so she brought out her other dog and off turbo went and went and kept on going as turbo grew up he learned to do even more like jump up on the couch what are you doing sir you got your own chair and wear a cool denim vest and do the Cha-Cha with his best friend Ruby as soon as these two bumped noses they were inseparable [Music] turbo could have decided to just give up but he didn't he kept going and going and going and now he's got the best life full of friends Adventure and love go turbo go [Music] something was wrong with munchkin the cat he was feeling sick and having trouble breathing he didn't have the energy to play with toys [Music] or wrestle with his brother his mom chriselle was worried munchkin needed to go to the vet but the vet was an hour away because of the pandemic the country was on strict lockdown and driving that far was against the rules but christelle knew that this time she had to break the rules she put munchkin in the car and headed straight to the vet when they were stopped at a checkpoint chrisel was worried what if they were told to go home munchkin needed help now but the people at the checkpoint saw that Munchkin needed help and they were let through as soon as they arrive the vet put a mask on munchkin that gave him oxygen and helped him breathe [Music] after examining him and cleaning him up the vet realized he had pneumonia [Music] so he gave munchkin more oxygen he needed to keep using it until his lungs healed the vet gave chriselle a machine to bring home so she could keep giving oxygen to munchkin he liked it best when she filled up a box with the steam chrisel always kept munchkin next to her because she was so worried about him every day she'd give him oxygen and then start work and then one day she saw this he wanted to play a little too hard and pretty soon munchkin didn't need help breathing at all [Music] then something pretty amazing happened chicken figured out a new way to talk to chriselle he had different meows to let her know what he was thinking [Music] there was I need to use the bathroom or I'm hungry or even open the door please munchkin's new meows met he and Grisel could really understand each other [Music] [Applause] [Music] in his own way munchkin makes sure to say thank you to crisel for taking a big risk to save his life but christelle knows that love is always worth taking a risk when he got sick chriselle was scared for munchkin but now he's back at home feel unhealthy and feeling the love [Music] a hug we missed you two little salamander you've grown so much since we first met but are you sure you're ready to leave your pond just a few months ago we were walking in the woods and spotted you but what were you you were a whole bunch of somethings under the water turns out this was you and like a hundred of your siblings you were eggs then we saw your mom and she needed our help because some of you were stranded salamander eggs have to be underwater to hatch so we gently put you where you needed to be and your brothers and sisters too we thought we were done but we couldn't stop thinking about you and your mom too what if you needed more help growing so we checked in later and you'd hatched you were the cutest little kiddos all gills and no legs but you needed our help again because your puddle didn't have enough food for everyone don't fight you two don't worry we brought snacks we weren't sure you'd like them but you did and the next time we came to see you you weren't just tails with heads anymore your legs were popping out and you looked right at us like you were saying hello friend we missed you after that we couldn't wait to see you again because you'd grown so quickly into Brave Little explorers you had back legs and front legs perfect for getting around in the water and on land would you let us hold you you weren't too sure at first but then it was like you realized who we were the one who helped you when you were just an egg and when you were hungry we made sure our hands were clean so the salt and oil on our skin wouldn't hurt you and that's when we saw them your toes the most adorable toes we'd ever seen okay okay time to get back in the water soon you all wanted to get a closer look at us sorry I just [Music] can't but you couldn't hang out with us all the time after all you were wild salamanders not pets we knew that soon you'd be leaving the pond to go on salamander Adventures and now you're ready we'll miss you all but we know you'll come back here someday to have babies of your own a final hug before you go oh [Music] watching you grow from Tiny eggs into big wild salamanders was an amazing journey we'll never forget spring little ones [Music] when munchkin was spotted in Cape Cod Massachusetts they thought she was just a rock but when they got closer they saw what she really was a huge loggerhead sea turtle who really needed help munchkin was in trouble her temperature was low two of her flippers were hurt and she didn't weigh enough she needed someone who would help her feel like herself again she needed a rescuer and what she got was a whole team of Rescuers from the New England Aquarium their plan was to take her in get her healthy and release her back home to the ocean but first they had to give her a name what do you call a 300 pound turtle they picked munchkin once munchkin's temperature got up to a healthy level they put her in a tank where she could swim around get exercise feel safe and grow stronger every day they gave munchkin her favorite turtle food and Medicine [Music] they cleaned her shell and made sure the turtle knew how much they loved her they hoped that one day she'd be ready to go back out into the sea where sea turtles belong where munchkin wanted to be then something amazing happened after eight months of living with her Rescuers munchkin was feeling healthy again her skin and shell were the right turtley color and she had so much energy to swim and play in the water it was time to go home the rescue team decided to release her close to where she was found eight months ago but they wanted to be sure they could keep an eye on munchkin even after she left them so they put a small tracker on the back of her shell which would let them watch how far and how fast she swam and where her Turtle Journeys would take her it was the day of her release The Rescuers gently put munchkin into a truck and drove her to the beach munchkin was maybe a little nervous but once she got there a crowd was waiting for her everyone wanted to see munchkin head home foreign was finally ready The Rescuers lowered her into the sand and watched all right it was almost like munchkin had stopped to say goodbye and thank all The Rescuers for helping her [Music] then she crawled right into the waves and swam on [Music] The Rescuers Miss munchkin but they have a lot to be happy about by helping munchkin and other sea turtles feel better and then by bringing them back to the ocean The Rescuers are helping sea turtles everywhere [Music] these dogs are in serious trouble a hurricane just swept through destroying houses and separating them from their families but don't worry because Doug the Drone pilot is here to rescue them Doug's a real life superhero he can fly and see in the dark or at least his throne can and with the help of that drone Doug has saved animals all over the world and just like any superhero Doug has an origin story because he wasn't always an Animal Rescuer it all started with one stray pup named Duke Doug was in the Bahamas after a hurricane to film the destruction and help people learn what happened to all the homes there when all of a sudden he spotted someone Duke immediately Doug sprung into action come on pop and got Duke to safety book creature come on there you go if it wasn't for Doug's superhero drone it's possible he would have never found Duke which got him thinking what if there were more Animals in Danger here using his drone he searched and rescued and searched and rescued some more oh these poor pups Doug found so many dogs but there was still a bit of a problem even with a high-powered camera attached to his drone Doug knew there were still more dogs missing so he went back to America and came back with an even better camera that can see in infrared that means he could see the dog's body heat instead of just the dog he powered up his drone flew it over the scene and Bam there they are look at all those dogs with this new infrared camera Doug was able to pinpoint their exact location and bring them all to safety just like he did with Duke but just as he was getting ready to call it a day he learned there had been wildfires in Australia so rather than head home he took a flight around the world to start saving even more Animals in Danger he took his infrared drone to the sky and look koalas these guys were stuck in the trees all with no place to go after the wildfires took their homes but one by one Doug helped Rescuers find them with the power of the Drone this is Douglas he's here with a tiny little baby she'd only be about 10 months old and because of the Drone this little life was saved he really is a superhero and right after rescuing those Koalas in Australia he hopped on a plane to Louisiana to search for cats in the aftermath of another hurricane cats were going to be a little harder to spot than dogs but Doug was the man with the plan once again he fired up the Drone took a look through the camera and wowza there's our pretty kitties don't worry kitty cats Doug is here to help Doug has saved so many animals but he never forgot about Duke the very first pup he spotted the one who inspired him to become a real-life superhero and when Doug herd Duke still didn't have a home he knew he had to help him one more time by becoming his dad [Music] now that Doug has a proper sidekick he's ready to keep up with his superhero duties forever disaster strikes chances are you'll find Doug and his high-flying drone swooping in to save the day that way any animal in danger whether it's a cat a koala or even a Duke can have a safe place to call home goldfish driving a car coming through wait what what in the Finding Nemo is going on here for years people have underestimated fish not anymore buddy welcome to the world a fish navigation most people only thought fish could swim and eat and look shiny of course but scientists knew they were capable of so much more fish could do things that people never thought were possible [Music] and The Crowd Goes Wild so the scientists wondered could fish learn how to drive a car we told you not to underestimate us so they built a little vehicle that would run on fish power it had a small camera above the tank that tracked which direction the fish was swimming which would then tell the wheels of the car to turn left or right this way oh no this way but was the fish actually going somewhere on purpose or just driving around in circles the scientists had a feeling the fish knew exactly what they were doing they set up an experiment on one side of the room was a Target on the other the fish once the fish drove over to the pink paper they'd get a treat goldfish start your engines in car number one we've got Mr Darcy he's headed towards the corner oh he's making the turn can he straighten out yes bring it home treat car Mr Darcy in car number two we have Mr Wickham [Music] go Mr Darcy again Fester towards the Target now [Music] Mr Wickham Mr Darcy speeding over learning prosper and prosper how to get there Mr Wickham what's happening wait he's putting pedal to the middle [Music] and that's a treat for Mr Wickham too now that these fish know how to drive the world is their oyster okay Susan room for two on that bench hey grego you got that presentation ready yet for the big meeting at 11. and thus fish prove that they have a lot more going on behind those big beautiful unblinking eyes of theirs just ask the scientists so many people say hey fish can remember only three seconds and we're like no they can remember for one year and they can drive their bubbles what's next for these swimming drivers fish airplanes fish astronauts or most likely they just want to hit the road to tell the world how many times do we have to tell you not to underestimate us [Music] mirror we're getting something special for you wanna know what it is we think you're gonna love it because we've seen you try to walk on your three strong legs you're doing good but we know it's hard for you and that sometimes you feel shy and other times you feel a little sad too so back to your present what do you think it is go ahead take a guess no it's not a chicken no it's not a whole flock of chickens either we didn't know you wanted a chicken near maybe next time okay okay fine we'll tell you egg [Music] wait wait wait be patient near you see um we don't exactly have the leg right now we have to make it this part's gonna feel slimy but we have to make a cast first it'll be the mold for your new leg check it out looks exactly like your foot right right you heard him leg maker time to get building near near your leg is ready we think but there's only one way to know for sure are you ready to try it on [Music] put on the sock first it goes between the new leg and your skin so you don't get any blisters now let's see if it fits looking good we'll just make a few minor adjustments here and here and done how's it feeling Bud do you love it go ahead near try it out that's it nice and slow okay look at you still it's gonna take some practice to move faster you're still getting used to having four legs so new plan near meet Nina she's gonna help you get in shape Nina says just do what I do I think it's working you're doing so great Mir maybe you'll be ready to run next whoa we didn't think you'd be able to run that fast uh where are you two going and that's not the only surprise you have for us mirror you got horns you're a grown-up Bull with the whole crew of farm Pals and people too I'll take all the pets please now that I think about it Mir this is a pretty great story maybe we should write a song about it no you'd rather just hang in the dirt that works too mirror you're the best gift we ever got and we're so glad you're feeling all better [Music] [Applause] it's this cat's first time getting stuck in a tree here I am I know it but for Norma it's cat rescue number 70. this is cat rescue number 70. and this cat who's is about uh say 60 feet up right there I'm gonna get him I'm getting quick as I can he's never seen a cat in a tree that he can't save and once he started rescuing cats he couldn't stop because there are so many cats out there that need his help how long has he been up there today okay two days two days could you imagine being stuck up there for two days but before he was saving cats Norma was helping kids find forever homes a true knight in shining armor but after he retired he realized he wasn't done saving lives just yet and that's when he started rescuing cats yeah this is my first cat rescuing this Kitty is just so grateful yeah and there's the kitty right there and uh he's been up there six days now six days I thought two days was long Norma has always had a love for cats he lives with a few at home and he even kind of speaks cat no no paying attention to me now that's a good sign let me see what I can do even though Norma is just a regular guy who saves cats he's figured out how to get any cat down at any height using some very special gadgets you see this little black bag here this is the kitty bag right here all right Tigger I'm gonna get you okay you see this bag right here it's gonna go over your head and you're gonna feel really good okay which have helped him rescue hundreds and hundreds of cats over 1 000 cats to be exact okay this cat rescue number 60. okay this is cat rescue number 117 and oh it's a good 100 feet this is cat rescue 259 cat rescues 372. okay this character rescue 400. you okay 5 27 come on guy rescue six 75 I believe these are real sweet okay no cat gets left behind and every single one of Norma's rescues has been successful the sky rescues 776 okay I got snowy being a rescuer is really exciting but what's Norma's favorite part of the job reuniting a cat with their family and all of this is out of the kindness of his heart because even the best climbers need a hand every now and then [Music] so the next time you see a cat stuck in a tree just call Norma and he'll make sure they get down safe and sound and home to their family almost rescued and the Kitty's down okay the cat's in the bag [Laughter] [Music] when Abba was in danger something very unusual saved his life honey how in the world could honey save a turtle well Abba had gotten Tangled in a ghost net basically a fishing net that's been lost or left in the ocean sometimes curious Turtles like Abba swim into them by mistake in this time Abba was so stuck he could barely move his flippers he was afraid he'd never swim again but these Rescuers said we'll show that Net who's boss they were gonna do whatever it took to get ABBA free even though he was scared Abba knew that if his Rescuers could be so brave he could be brave too but the net was very Tangled it was pinching Abba hard [Music] Abba's new friends didn't want to accidentally hurt him this net was gonna need to come off one string at a time [Music] get them slightly out of the way Abba knew they were trying to be gentle so he tried to be patient even though there were so many strings to cut The Rescuers didn't quit until they got them all [Music] Abba was free take that ghost net but this turtle rescue wasn't over yet Abba wanted to swim away but he couldn't the net had injured his flippers good thing his Rescuers were vets so instead of going for a swim Abba was going for a ride to get those flippers fixed Abba was nervous he'd never been to a vet before was he going to get a shot did he need stitches were they can operate would they make him swallow a big pill also what's a pill [Music] when they got to the clinic he wasn't quite sure what to expect but he was pretty surprised when they pulled out a big box of honey humans have been using honey to help Cuts heal for thousands of years and it works on Turtles too the doctor spread the honey on Abba's flippers a little here and a little here then they carefully wrapped his flippers in bandages Abba was like honey do your thing [Music] as Abba healed he started to get his strength back and his appetite it's a lot easier to catch food when you're not stuck in a net it didn't take long before Abba's flippers were back to full flipping speed [Music] he was feeling like his strong and wild self again the honey had done its thing and it was time for another ride he was going back to the Sea last [Music] here we go [Music] Apple was so happy to be in the ocean again he swam as fast and as far as he could he never wanted to stop but he'll always remember his Rescuers and he'll never forget how he was saved by honey [Music] help the kittens find the Subscribe button
Channel: Dodo Kids
Views: 3,355,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodo kids, the dodo kids, dodokids, the dodo, dodo, animals, cute animals, animal rescues, kids and animals, rescue animals, animal songs, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, funny animal videos, videos for kids, funny animals, for kids, animals for toddlers, for toddlers, dog, cat, stem, science, seaturtle, cow, 3d printing, sea turtle, technology
Id: h1cv8Fsn4eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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