Riding Big Bikes Again!! (New Dirt Bikes)

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all right guys before we jump into the video we're gonna quickly announce the winner of this pit by giveaway that we did on the last merch drop so congratulations to april lucas from wil willard wisconsin hey i've never met anyone who could care less about somebody buying their merch than you can it's quite impressive actually anyway congratulations april lucas whether it's for yourself for your son or your husband we're gonna give her a call and find out you guys ever gotten a random facetime most of the time they don't pick up well shoot him attacks hello can we facetime hello hello hello how's it going it's going good i'm like a big mystery i i think okay i have an idea well we actually sent you the wrong package and we need you to send it back no we're just kidding you are you want a pit bike and i give a big lecture how nobody ever wins that stuff well you just did send us a video of his reaction and we're stoked to see it all right all right yep bye do you remember the site you bought that from that witch pit bike you won a pit bike you won the grand prix they're filming because they're going to put it on tv what's it called well that's that uh thank you to everyone else that entered but congratulations april you just got yourself a new pit bike and we still got one more to give away this video oh yeah we're just like handing out pip bikes left and right all right we're going to hay days we're going to jump into it thanks for watching all right boys we're just rolling up to heydays howdy howdy what can we do for you um just here to uh we're parking this at the seaboys booth yeah we gotta have a pastor to get in here so they said specifically we need a pass to get in here he's not without a pass yeah i tried flexing that you said uh it's fine i said yeah big ken said it's fine and they said who the is big ken all right okay all right you're making me nervous riding that thing around your ken okay so for those of you that don't know what hay days is or you're not from minnesota we've been coming here for the past like four or five years so a while here ken we're not stopping to get drinks what are we doing buddy it's like the event to kick off winter for the snowmobiling community like it's like a swap meet like this guy right here oh here we are oh perfect for like good three-fourths of it and then like dealer for the other three fours and there's like 30 000 people that come here first year we came here we were in the middle of the swap area like people could not find us we probably had like we've really worked on 50 000 subs and then the next year was a little bit bigger then the next year was a little bit bigger and now we're here which is crazy all right it's the next day this is the most seaboy thing ever we thought we'd be okay showing up like 30 minutes before we never are we do this every time ken is somewhere way back there like a mile back and we were like dude we're gonna be late to the freaking show and people are gonna be at the booth waiting for us so we're like let's start walking all right made it in got 15 minutes until the booth is supposed to open as you guys can see we uh prepared as always and i'm the only seaboy here there's a there's a problem here oh my gosh better ask for forgiveness than permission i guess buddy why you go a little hard last night looks like your soul is literally left your body it's here [Music] drop hitch camp [Music] people love the drop hitch i don't know man everyone's fascinated by it [Music] all right so we gave a flip bike away at eight days the shortest giveaway we've ever ran it was like eight hours ten hours something like that and one of these people hopefully out here is going home with it which is pretty sweet so we got the winner and we got a bunch of to throw out giveaway and then we're gonna announce it my feet all right and the winner of the 2021 crf 110 is colin durkhoff are they here [Music] [Music] hey do you have an iphone all right facetime real quick [Applause] oh my god dude you don't realize how many people were mad that you weren't there i'm not that we weren't here either you have a truck to bring it home damn just text me your address and then i can get in contact the literal first words out of ken's mouth the first time any seaboy spoke to him when he got here was i gotta have you sign some documents and i was like that's the first thing you're gonna say to him i mean are you surprised no no not at all all right let's go party crowd surf today yeah that was scary because that was so good dude i'm so proud of you i couldn't say no to that all right boys i know you guys have been waiting for this day for a long time and we're finally doing it we'd be seeing the comments you guys want to see us hop back on the big bikes so we're pulling the trigger we're going to pick one up right now and then i think later today cj's actually going to pick one up too i had to yeah we actually used to have 450 so i had a 450 up until last year and we converted it to a trike and i haven't had a big bike since cj had a 450 what two years ago yeah but i trained it i traded for the quads oh yeah that's right but we've been on dirt bikes our whole life and honestly i think i had the most fun back on my 250 which is what i had when we started the channel they're a little bit more manageable we're excited to hop back on the big bikes i think tomorrow we're going to ride some trails to hop into the woods a little bit but i'm not going to lie to you guys we're probably going to be a little a little rusty being that we haven't rode bikes in in a while [Music] did i get him oh he goes [Music] i just one of my buddies he's like trying to go pro so he's been really running through him lately uh no golf cart driving jeez boys what you know i leave you for one day we come back with two dirt yeah so i see that well i kind of decided last night cj was like you could have told me dude honestly you got a big bike mike's the only one that's had a big bike actually you never didn't have a big bike no i know i i meant like now i got to put my dirt wheels back on but yeah oh right true so that's why i'm very excited for this we got you a dirt bike ken oh that sounds like a terrible idea why don't we do this the easy way and just unload it over at dennis's a little messed up don't ever let it warm up and don't even think about maintenancing it that's the moment you do that either of those two things that's when you're gonna have to start that problem nice getting used to the clutch again [Music] maybe they should get helmets [Music] on now that is an entrance proper entrance we'll see if his cousin cj can top it if he can follow it up terrible entrance one of the worst i've ever seen what yeah yo yo uh when's the last time you rode your quad one of that modding is it functioning properly i don't know actually you might want to look well i think [Music] maybe sit on it okay the arms will here they are straight this one's straight that one's pretty straight okay it's probably this one right i think it's this one but it is fine because the air filter isn't dirty oh how'd you bend that again dude i don't know the last like six years of abuse borrow my quad you can give me five minutes fix mine or i'll make it rideable at least the amount of times that we've gotten to film a video with this quad right here bone stock raptor 700 so many views on that on that freaking yellow machine dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] it's so annoying like i started it last night in the shop remember yeah you did yeah i put the wheels on started and i said all right i'm going home i don't know man you hate to see it though i know that you know what they say not riding something's even harder on it than riding it that's why my quads in such good shape i ride every day bro yeah do they actually say that like what year is this bike like an 06 did we try an easy uh truck unload it that usually fixes things cj you're you're the master mechanic once you start tinkering with it mike seriously bro yeah that's this thing like oh five four four tj has all this bike here and he's just sad about it so it's not a no four no no just kind of looks like it doesn't run i don't know then if your bike didn't run it'd probably look like a one bro mike it's all good dude bikes are fun it doesn't matter what year they are you know even if you have the oldest one it doesn't run don't worry about it [Music] am i going to get that old thing started so what did you do between last night and today well i went to bed have you tried putting in the back of the truck and unloading it yet or have you considered it i've considered it would you be willing to try it no i mean it's pretty old bikes this thing costs twice as much as sea days but we're all just out here to have fun and ride bikes you don't have to worry about it this guy's bragging about his money spike that doesn't even work that's all you care about man how much is so what year actually is this uh 19. oh 19. you could ride it on the back of ryan that doesn't sound fun for either of us [Music] [Music] wow [Music] mmm [Music] oh [Music] [Music] pretty much the best i can do is like make noises as i ride and not try to try and die honestly oh [Music] dude bro that was so sick i don't know if i can do it this way oh we got mike hey what's up i'm ready no way i call evan and he goes check your spark plug wire because i brought mine home and my spark plug wire was pulled off and i was like oh dang those dang dang old kids you know oh oh that makes sense my bike was parked right next to yours but they did pretty much the same thing except they pulled my fuel line oh well well well [Music] this fuel line was like pulled off right here anyway all right how's it going get back to it dude it's been fun yeah it's actually been a blast i'm finna fly to japan i'm gonna stagger the game tell them again and again [Music] [Music] straight to the face all right let's go holy i can't keep up with you [Music] [Music] tracking that up as a w for me that was fun honestly it was like a little tease no offense ryan but it's a lot more fun when we can ride uh single track but obviously quad can't go on single track we're going to gold creek idaho at the end of this month actually we usually do that every summer and we didn't yet so we're gonna sneak one in right before fall hits and that's gonna be like the most epic train single tractor biking that you can really do like in the states so this was a good warm up for that i just had a smile on my face all day because you guys got big bikes again yeah it is funny oh yeah no it did feel good like i was like oh this isn't going to be like just a today occurrence like we can do this whenever we want [Music] look rob you don't have to do this [Applause] [Music] this guy this table up what am i am i just that sheltered i didn't know that cows looked like this i don't think all cows are not dude this horse really wants to see us this this horse is a nice guy oh geez hey give me back give it back [Laughter] oreos in the making
Channel: CboysTV
Views: 2,198,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cboystv, funny, friends, fast, Facebook marketplace, Ford f-350, ford f350, Ford F-350 Sema Truck, dirt bike, Yamaha yz250, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, 2 stroke dirt bike, 4 stroke dirt bike, honda crf 250r, yamaha yz250f, yamaha yz125, honda crf 450, yz450f, super moto, enduro motocross, motocross racing, new dirt bike, new dirt bikes, new yamaha bike 2021, honda dirt bike, dirt bike wheelies, quad, yfz450r, yamaha raptor 700r, four wheeler, quad wheelie, dirt bike jumps, 4 wheeler
Id: 6w-R-X6BsaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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