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are you ready for this I have five amazing recipes using potatoes and just one or two ingredients extras very frugal very easy let's get started meal number one takitos with mashed potato cheese avocado and salsa yum okay I make a simple mashed potato I didn't add anything but salt pepper garlic powder that's it I worn my corn tortillas I add a little bit of my mashed potato I'm going to add cheese and close them up let me show you so I add mashed potato and the cheese to my tortillas here is my pan okay I'm going to add some oil just like that and I'm going to press where the CH is and I'm going to let them see there okay this is a very quick easy meal very frugal right so okay once you have it like this you're going to open them here's the cheese look at that okay I'm going to add some avocado of course if you have right and you're going to add some lettuce and then you can add lime salt and there's a tackle we're going to make these delicious potato rolls fill with um cheese chicken and ham let me show you how we're going to do it okay for the our next recipe or for this recipe this Roo like this like potato roll we're going to use flour cheese egg any um feeling that you want to use I have here turkey and ham for Christmas I had it in my freezer so I thought this is the perfect time to use it you can use anything that you have you only need three cups and it has to be something that is not water like watery you know has to be dry so here I have turkey and ham three cups in total and I have uh four cups of mashed potato or I have 2 lbs of potato that I you know cooked and then I squish it so here I just have salt pepper onion garlic that's all I have I just add as your to your taste nothing you know in spices for me it's hard to tell you a specific uh measurement just because I eyeball it you know they stuff so I have my mashed potato for this if you're cooking your potatoes to create the mashed potatoes it has to be cold okay it has to be cold before you do this so my mashed potato it's ready I haven't added anything I think so I'm going to add my egg and all my spices okay and I'm going to add my flour as you notice flour is what is helping us to create different uh dishes to do with our potatoes um if you can use [Music] um flower you want to do a glutenfree you go ahead and use corn starch that's perfect okay and remember that all the measurements are here so you can see it and we're just going to create kind of like a dough okay okay now we have like a little dough right now I'm going to bring I have a cookie sheet promise someday I'll get a cool on they are well used love anyway I have this plastic ones right you can use this or um parchment paper as well I you like to use this one so this is what we're going to do I'm going to put a little bit of oil okay cuz I'm going to put here my potato so I'm going to bring Fizz here and I'm going to do a square with my mashed potato now I'm going to be using this hand and I'm going to be putting water once in a while because it's going to be way easy to spread my potato my mashed potato okay like it gets stuck so I'm just going to put a little bit of water and let's continue working my mashed potatoes are already like this I'm going to add a little bit of cheese of course cheese is optional I just like it we love cheese as you can tell huh okay just a little bit not much and I'm going to add so I'm going to roll it this way okay so I'm going to put my filling kind of here [Music] okay not so much in here because when we're rolling it's going to come out the same here so I'm just kind of like that I'm going to add a little bit of more cheese I'm going to save a little bit of cheese because I wanted for the outside as well so I think that's fine now we're going to start rolling okay this is a fun part okay try it I know it's a little hard with the [Music] okay okay okay you can leave it like that or you can try to but I don't I don't know okay oopsie okay so here's my roll okay and I'm going to add the rest of my cheek on top totally optional it's me gabby I love cheese as you can see as you can tell huh a lot of my recipes is cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese because cheese is awesome and delicious I just love cheese guys I'll recommend for you to go and watch my one of the best cadas you ever tried I'm not joking my Chipotle with pineapple cadilla yep it's delicious I will leave the link in the description below if you want to go and check it out but it's going to be the best gadia you ever tried just going to get that cheese and kind of like Ting dting dting right oh boy does look good or what so my oven is preheated already at 350 350 Fahrenheits degrees and I'm just going to put it there for like 15 to 20 minutes only and dinner is going to be ready let's take it to the oven there you go guys so we're going to cut a little bit and look at this hi Papa and you can eat it with and you can eat it with rice a spaghetti salad but look at this isn't that look so cute of course let's give it a try oh it's very hot but I'm going to be brave M oh yeah this a roll hope you like it you're going to love me guys for this recipe because of the flour that we add it's basically look at this like a dough it's going to be a very delicious pizza let me show you how you can do it okay for this recipe our second recipe is going to be a potato pizza yep potato pizza you definitely can use um mashed potato if you have I have a pound of potato here already cooked I have cheese pepperoni you can add any toppings that you want but for this occasion I have pepperoni we're going to need flour salt baking powder egg and this is totally optional but every time I think on pizza I like Italian seasoning so this is optional and these are the ingredients let's start okay my mashed potato is cold it's ready for my pizza look at this perfect let okay my mashed potato is ready it's very cold that's exactly what we need okay now I'm going to add to this my flour and I know you think it might be a lot but remember that we're trying to make a pizza so that's why we need it this way okay and I'm going to add my salt and my baking powder and I'm going to mix it up first and then I'm going to add my egg so I want to mix this first you can use H mashed potatoes leftover mashed potatoes of course you can mashed potatoes there we go you can use your hand too that's what I'm going to do okay okay I'm going to add my egg and let's mix it all up okay this is ready let me um wash my hand so we can continue I'm going to dle my cookie sheet spread it and we're going to add our prepare mashed potatoes and we're going to um okay and we're going to do the same that we did with the the roll the potato roll I'm going to get my hand wet so I can work out better with this and I'm just going to spread it okay my pizza it's ready these pizzas not going to get T is not going to have sauce We cannot put anything that is going to make it soggy okay feel free to put any toppings that you like and of course first we have to add cheese so we're going to put cheese all over and I mean you can add as much as less as you want and like I need more cheese definely so of course I love gray I was ready with my the rest of my cheese in case I needed it and yes I needed it cuz it's Pizza come on right a little bit more okay and I'm just going to add a pepperoni this time Um this can be really good if you're gluten-free actually cuz this is a is really a really good pizza um and it's a good size my cookie sheet is [Music] 17 17 17 by 11 so that's the size so I think this is perfect and I'm going to start adding my pepperoni and remember that pepperoni shrinks one so put them a little more close so just remember they shrink so and we want enough at least us you can add sausage if you have you can add any topping honestly any toppings just can't put like refried beans or sauce something that is going to make our dough like soggy we don't want that at least I don't like it so okay and look this pepperoni that's way too thick let me get more okay and this is totally optional but if you like you can add some Italian seasoning just because it's pizza and I think this going to give a lot of Flavor now I'm going to put it on my oven at 350 fah 4 maybe uh 20 minutes oh when your cheese is melted cuz you want the cheese melted there we go oh my gosh look at this this is the potato pizza I know my cheese was all getting a little um dark but hey it's going to taste delicious I'm just going to cut a corner so you can see this is just out of the oven and because of the flour that we add it's going to be ah okay let me look at this it's very hot right now but because of a flower basically we make kind of like a dough with that potato and the flour okay look at this I know I know guys you're going to love me I told you it's very very hot so I'm just going to wait so I can try it you ready to try this this still a little hot but I can handle it but look at it it's literally a pizza so if you can't eat gluten this could be a good idea for you let's try it oh my God m it's extremely delicious look at this these potatoes are out of the oven oh my gosh they look really good this is our next recipe we're going to do potatoes we're going to add the eggs and the ham and we're going to cook it inside the um the potatoes sorry so we have potatoes garlic mozzarella cheese ham this is a liftover for than SK but you can use a slice of ham the one that use for the sandwich that works totally fine I have cilantro you can add parsley if you like it more than cilantro and eggs we may use more eggs we'll see but right now we're going to start with two and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to bake our potatoes but we're going to going to do it in the microwave just to make it faster you can do it in your oven for 45 minutes but that for me is too long sometimes we're in a hurry so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to get some paper towel I'm going to get a wet okay then I already got it wet going to open it up but before that we have to do a lot of holes I'm going to use use this one the corn one you can use a knife you can use whatever so before that just going to do a lot of this all over okay I think this is ready once I do that with all my potatoes and these wet towels going to f it like that and I'm going to do the same with the rest of my potatoes so I can put them in the oven I mean in the microwave I'm going to do first 10 minutes and I'm going to check put more it's around 3 to 4 minutes per potato just because my potatoes are not that big okay so let's do [Applause] that while my potatoes are getting cooked in the microwave I'm going to add a little bit of oil to My Pan okay and I'm going to cook my onions with my garlic going to add my onion and my garlic [Applause] okay my onions and my garlic are ready so I'm just going to turn it off and let's continue okay my potatoes are ready and if you see that towel is totally dry so just be very careful remove the um the towel um just okay okay once we remove that towel this is what we're going to do now I'm going to cut this part hold on I feel that I yeah like that ah they're so hot these parts okay we're going to put it in here no good so this is what I'm going to do hold on I'm going to I'm going to get out a little bit not much okay so very careful it's very hot this one is slightly not all the way cooked but it's okay because it's going to go to the oven okay so you're fine I did the other ones and they were fine okay okay so it's kind of like a boat right okay this is ready and I'm going to do exactly that same thing with the other Potato my potatoes are ready in this I have the um I'm just going to make sure that it's kind of like smash my potatoes and you may have leftover so you can make more potatoes if you want to um okay from all this I'm going to remove a little bit just because I don't want that much so and I'm going to just iBall it cuz I want the ham and everything else so I think this is enough we'll see you can reserve the other one if you want to so here I'm adding my cilantro my ham my eggs remember that we did our onions and garlic right goes there too okay and of course my cheese right mix it up oh look at this guys this is going to be fantastic I'm adding a little bit of salt and pepper okay I'm going to add just a little bit more oh do you think let's see I don't know cuz I don't want to have any leftovers so we'll see okay and then chaa cha right I'm going to fill this up okay and be very careful not to break it so look at that oh yeah we're going to have leftovers oh man well it's okay but you know what I don't know I'm going to fill them all the way to the top so I don't have any leftovers it's is this a good idea I don't know we'll we'll find out in a minute huh I'm going to put this potatoes inside my oven 350 fah for like maybe 20 25 minutes we'll see I'll let you know okay let's put it in the oven look at this this potatoes are out of the oven oh my gosh they look really good I'm going to wait a little bit so I can try them out because it's going to be really hot look at this guys and of course we have a little s cream a little salsa I'm going to leave the link on the description below for more Salsas if you want to and let me show you do you know how much it cost the the cost of this meal yep it's very inexpensive so now and this is a quick one easy let's give it a try of course H look at this this is totally option of course but hey look at this oh I don't know if I can do it with one hand but we're going to try oh my gosh look at this look at this guys let me this is not so hot so I want you to see it oh here's the cheese ooh look at this okay for our next recipe this is what we need we need mashed potato you can make it with four potatoes medium size or two cups of any leftover mashed potatoes we need a flour eggs salt pepper ham and cheese I like the square type this is very simple easy meal what we going to do is I have a mashed potato right here I'm going to add my eggs I'm going to do salt and pepper now if you're using left over mashed potato and it's already seasoned you don't have to add it but mine I cook my potato so I'm I'm doing that okay then I'm going to add my flour if you want to make this a gluten-free recipe go ahead and use corn starch instead but we're going to create uh like a dough the same way we did with our pizza okay okay okay my dough is ready okay of course Clean Hands right okay I'm going to grab if you wet your hands a little bit it's going to help us so let me wet my hands very quick not much but enough that you can grab it and it's not going to stick in Your Hands we're going to grab kind of a big size we're going to open it okay sorry guys family's here okay okay let me wash my hands again okay I'm going to grab a piece of ham Okay and like this and I'm going to grab a square and then in the middle and then close them again like this okay woo and flat them and there you have it so let's make the other ones and have a plate here I forgot so I'm just going to put them here so let's continue wet your hands remember so it can make it easier for you okay look at this these are ready with two potato I mean two cups of of mashed potato or four potatoes I was able to get eight great size perfect for a family now here I have flour eggs and breadcrumbs my breadcrumbs they're homemade and these ones they don't have any flavor I already have a pan with a little bit of oil on my stuff ready so my next step is I grab it I'm going to pass it for my flour okay I'll pass it for to my egg and then breadcrumbs okay and then we're going to cook them or fry them Fred them I don't like to fry stuff so I use a little bit of oil only you'll see in a minute I'm going to return it here so I can just make them all at once okay this is ready now let's go to the stove I have my pan already hit it with a little bit of boil not much um and I'm going to start putting my patties basically right that we did so here we go I don't like to fry them so I'll I'll you'll see what I do okay what I like to do let's see if you can see it I kind of like push them once they're already like cooked for both ways you know you see that oil so they can kind of cook this side like to you know or another way that I put on my oil here and then I'm just like in that look at get this guys let me this is not so hot so I want you to see it oh here's the cheese ooh look at this isn't that so good heck yes are you ready that is that is delicious look at that I really hope that you enjoy this video thank you so much for watching give thumbs up come on help me out to spread the word and more recipes very easy Frugal Very Mexican recipes stay tuned for more we'll see you next time thank you and remember that on the description below if I do have the recipes I already write it down I'm going to leave it there for you okay and if not all the ingredients I tried to post it on the side of the recipe see you next time
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 4,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potatoes recipe, potatoes recipe easy at home, potatoes recipes for dinner, potatoes recipe oven, potatoes recipe easy, potatoes recipe for breakfast, what to do with potatoes for dinner, what to do with potatoes for breakfast, what to do with potatoes and cheese, what to do with leftover mashed potatoes, easy mexican recipes, easy dinner ideas, frugal meals, easy quick meals
Id: cypWqIchTIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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