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okay for the soup number one we're going to have or we're going to make this Mexican potato soup simple ingredients potato salt oregano um bay leaves garlic piece of onion tomato and butter that's all you need we're going to add cheese at the end but it's when you serve it in the plate so I'm going to show you but this is all you need for this amazing potato soup I have here my cup for to blend I have a little bit of water I'm going to add my more on my pot but it's around a liter a liter and a half of liquid I'm going to cut my tomatoes and add it to my blender okay um I hope you can see it right he can you see so okay I'm going to add my garlic and my piece of onion okay squeeze it right there and let's blend it okay oh yes you have to be Blended come on I don't want to use my big blender perfect okay I'm gonna blend it okay now in this pot I'm going to do my soup so what I'm going to do I'm going to add what I blend okay and more water okay I think that will do I'm going to add my bit lips if you have chicken Buon I forgot to do this add it if not salt we'll we'll do it I'm going to add a little bit of chicken Buon okay if you have you can spice it up with onion powder garlic powder all the spices that are always so good so what I'm going to do mix it up okay okay I'm going to cover and I'm going to let it boil meanwhile I do the other part we're almost done guys but I want this to boil okay to start getting all the flavors out okay now I'm going to peel all my potatoes so we can slice it we're going to do like French toast I mean like french fries I mean that's the way we're going to cut them so I just have to do this this potato soup is very special and let me tell you why this potato soup it's a soup that I grew up with my mom will make it very very often it was a quick easy and very delicious meal so you have to make it and you know what it's very affordable it's perfect for now that winter is coming we want to save money this is your soup okay here in this pan we are going to like precook my French fries so I'm going to combine butter and um oil the combination is going to give a really good flavor to the potatoes so meanwhile I'm cutting my potatoes I want this to start getting warm and I have it in let me show you sorry in low heat okay this is very low cuz I want I don't want it to burn just want it to heat it right so I'm going to start by I'm not going to add my butter yet but I will add my oil so this can start and once I'm ready I'm going to add my butter because then it's going to burn right and it's only precooking so I'm not going to add a lot of oil either so let's go back well this is getting hot let's cut my potatoes uh french fries Style my potatoes are ready now let's go to the stove I'm going to add half of my batter to my pan so it can melt quickly and I will start adding my potatoes [Music] okay I'm going to add my potatoes very careful I only want to pre-cook them okay I'm not going to cook them but I want the flavor I'm adding a little bit of salt and pepper okay and I'm just going to after maybe 2 minutes 2 3 minutes I'm going to get them out I have a plate where I'm going to be collecting all of them once all them done I'm going to put it all together to my pot okay I am done frying my potatoes now it's time for me to um add them to my pot okay so very careful remember mine I'm going to have them here very very gentle so you don't burn yourself and I'm going to add the ones that I have on the pan now all my potatoes are here here in my pot look at this oh my gosh now I'm going to add my oregano that's what's going to give the Final Touch mix it up M this is going to be so good and I'm just going to let it here in medium low for around 5 minutes let's go guys the potato soup is ready oh my gosh look at this it tastes delicious let me put it on my plate so I can show you better okay every time I do this soup either my potato soup or my chicken tortilla soup um I always have leftover Cito like the soup the liquid and so you can do two things you can do more potatoes more potatoes and use it or you can freeze it and you can have it there for a month or so and whenever you are in a rush just get it out defrost it and add some um either if you do that tortilla chicken soup add chicken chips and stuff or the potato soup just more potato always have it's so good let me show you look at this delicious soup oh my gosh and the last thing that we do once we serve it we add some cheese woo cheese cheese cheese mix it up and your cheese is going to melt it's going to be so melted and it's going to be so good this is the best thing yes so I'm going to um I'm going to let it get a little it's too hot right now for me to eat so I'm not going to show you yet but I will look at this and ladies and gentlemen's here's our second soup chicken chicken torga soup you're going to love it believe me you are going to love it and tomato onion chicken Buon oregano corn tortillas um I have Chile the AR you can use uh I usually do two but this one is a long one so I only decide one this is not going to be as spicy but it going to give flavor and Chile wo okay these Chile you can find it at any store Walmart Walmart ATV uh kroger Smith they sell it you just go to the aisle where all the spices are and that's going to be there and chicken but my chicken is finished cooking so this is all you need for this soapa chicken tortilla soup let me show you okay first things first I'm going to clean we're going to remove that tail and the seats inside I always like to wear gloves because if not when you touch your nose your mouth or your baby or whoever it's going to be spicy so very quick I already have a small pot um in my on my stove with water to get it hot to get it boiling water I'm going to turn it off so I can add my chile and reh rehydrate okay get all the seeds the tail okay we don't want that and the little veins if you can see them remove them as well this ones okay we're not doing that with a um Chile AR okay only to this one okay I have a small pan in my um stove with two tbspoon of oil and what I'm going to do I'm just going to slice cut my tomato like that I'm I'm going to kind of like fry them to get all the in the flavor to bring the flavor like intense and more intense right I'm adding my garlic as well and with my onion I I like to slice it so it can like get all the flavors so okay so let's take it to the stove I'm going to fry this my tomato my onion and my garlic for around 5 to 6 minutes and then the last minute and then 6 minutes pass and then I'm going to add my chile theable only the last minute this has to be very quick because if you don't this type of um Chile their flavor change a lot so I'm just going to remove the little tail and I'm going to leave it here for later okay my water is boiling I'm going to turn it off I'm going to add my chilles and I'm just going to leave it here for like five minutes that's it now here I have my pot with two tablespoons of oil oh sorry I move it okay and very careful I'm I'm going to add my tomato garlic onion okay you want to cover it so all the oil doesn't come out um pop it up every like minute or so I'm going to kind of mix it up so everything can have a chance to to be here hold up meanwhile that's happening I'm going to start cutting my tortillas okay and this is the way I like to cut them okay put it on my [Music] plate I'm using the same um the same pot that I used for to do my potato soup remember I'm going to use it to fry my tortillas I'm just going to wait for it to be warm I have in low heat um the oil so because I don't want to burn my tortillas so let's wait for that okay this is ready I'm just going to add my chile for little literally literally 30 seconds a minute the most okay make out you don't want to burn it but you want to like kind of like toast it okay so let me see if you can see what I'm doing yeah so I have it right there I want it to touch my pan okay so I'm going to leave it there for like 10 seconds and then move it 10 seconds move it you know but this is what you're looking for okay okay I'm going to add my tomatoes my onion all that stuff I'm going to add water I'm going to add my chile gu that they were in the water remember okay hold on sorry I'm adding my chile without the water and actually you can use this water to cuz we need some water so I'm just going to use this one you can use clean one as well but it's fine okay and I'm at this point I'm going to add my chicken buan and let's blend it okay I'm going to use the same pot because all that that you see there it's a lot of flavor so we're going to use this I what cander I think that's what it's called right I'm not going to turn it on yet because it's going to start all the fat and all the oil that is already here it's going to be popping and it's going to burn me so I don't want that so just going to do this uh um you may be asking why do we need to do this every time you use wajo pepper Bano pepper all those dry Mexican Peppers you have to do you have to do this because no matter how good you blend um your Chile you're going to have all that stuff that I don't like in my soups and they're very hold on what's the word I know the word um say bitter bitter it it get this gets bitter your soup or whatever you're using so that's the reason why you have to pass it through this CER so did you see all that you don't want that in your soup you know I like more clean as well so that's why I do it too cuz I don't want all that in my soup okay once I finished I just add more water and I'm going to let this boil for maybe 10 minutes so all the flavors can combine check if it needs more salt if you want to um and at the end we're adding oregano too okay guys uh let's see my hot here here has it's going to start boiling so I'm going to leave it there for maybe 10 minutes then here I'm getting a medium low for my tortillas we're going to fry them and I'm going to shred my chicken and my chicken tortilla soup it's ready okay and if you decide to make these soups and buy a bag of Wu Peppers that usually they sell you in a bag and you may not use them all no worries because I'm going to leave in the description below a few links for recipes that I use those Chile guajillos in Mexican cooking you use them a lot so check them out the other recipes that I have where you can use them okay now it's ready okay guys our shredded chicken our soup cheese and the tortillas chips tortilla chips is done now what's next once you're ready to eat you're going to add your chicken you are going to add your chips and you're going to have cheese okay and this delicious soup is ready give them like a minute for the cheese to melt you can add more chicken more cheese more chips if you want to but this is delicious don't you think and ladies and gentlemen's here's our second soup chicken tortilla soup you're going to love it believe me you are going to love it and let's go with our third and final soup okay so when I do this C poo I love to season my water where I'm going to cook my chicken just I can have the chicken broth and I like to you to add onion garlic Baya salt and just leave it for 7 minutes in my instant pot I'm ready sorry kids are playing okay so my chicken is cooked already um and that's the chicken broth that I'm going to use for my chicken broth for my recipe I have chicken buan onion garlic Bays tomato potatoes zucchini carrots that's all I'm going to do the first thing that I'm going to do is blend my tomatoes with my onion my garlic and my chicken Buon and I'm going to add a little bit of this um chicken broth so my blender can blend right um I'm adding my chicken bu on garlic and onion and let me put this on the side what I do with my tomatoes I just cut them half okay okay and I'm going to blend it I may add a little more let's see and let's blend it so we can start cooking there okay okay I have it here I put here my chicken boo on my chicken Breo I mean and I'm going to add what I blend okay and I'm adding my bids and I'm just going to let it boil while I'm going to start cutting my vegetables okay so the first thing that we're going to do is I'm going to add my potatoes and my carrots so I'm going to going to cut the the ends and I'm going to peel them [Applause] now I'm going to start my potatoes I'm going to dice them so just like that kind of big sizes so the zucchini I'm going to wait I'm not going to put it right now those are going to be my zucchini is going to be like in the last five minutes cuz I don't want it I want it a little bit crunchy so but I'm going to cut it now to have it ready and the last thing that we need to do is shred my chicken breast and let's do it okay guys now the last thing you're going to add the zucchini and the chicken five more minutes and this is done okay mix it up look at this see that looks so good and this is the perfect time for you to check the flavor if you think it needs uh more soft add more salt uh for me it's perfect we're going to we're not done we need rice and you'll see in a minute so the rice is already seasoned as well so it's a lot of flavors going on five once your zucchinis are tender that it's you can turn it off look at these guys so so good so let me tell you I did w wise I mean I did white rice and I will leave the link on the description below for this um you're going to put a little bit of white rice there and then you're going to add your poo and guys this is ready ready to eat look at this then with your spoon you just mix it up and you can um uh you eat it with corn tortillas that's usually what we do and your G poo it's ready it is super good I hope you enjoy this delicious winter Mexican chps
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 4,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MEXICAN SOUPS, FRUGAL MEXICAN MEALS, mexican easy dinner ideas, easy mexican dinner recipes, quick and easy mexican dinner recipes, fast and easy mexican dinner recipes, easy healthy mexican dinner ideas, easy mexican chicken recipes for dinner, MEXICAN SOUP FIDEO, FRUGAL SOUP, MEXICAN SOUP, FRUGAK MEXICAN SOUPS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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