Wednesday Service - How to Cast Out Fear

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep Lord I think your that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise God well I want to welcome the Wednesday night crew and all of our partners our friends and our churches for our Wednesday night Bible study and you know I had a friend of me save one time yeah we've heard enough about fear let's go on no I don't think so I think that you have to hear about the fearless life over and over and over again until you have defeated that sudden panic that comes from bad news or the the feeling of terror that comes from bad news or a bad situation or fright and so tonight we're gonna continue our teaching on the fearless life but here's what we're going to talk about how to cast out fear it's important that you understand fear but you need to know how to cast fear out of your life and I believe this is gonna really really be a blessing to you so let's begin tonight in the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 and I just believe your ears are in order to hear that your heart is in order to receive and you know let's go get them where's in that group we're gonna share this message all around the world so that people can get ahold of what we will all get ahold of tonight second Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 how to cast out the spirit of fear now one of the things that we've established is that people tolerate fear because they think it's natural and just because they think it's natural they won't resist it when you when you think something is supposed to be a certain way then you you allow it to remain but fear is something that comes from the outside in 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and 7 says for God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind so if God hadn't given us the spirit of fear fear does not come from God fear is not of God what is of God is the power and the authority what is of God is the love he didn't have love he is love and what is of God is the fact that because of the power and the authority and the love that you can have sound thinking and you could have a sound mind so we also talked about the fact that fear that is tolerated will be faith that is contaminated so if you want to really put all this together fear is really contaminated faith fear tolerated is faith contaminated now if we will compare in contrast fear versus faith what would it look like well first of all faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but you know fear comes the same way fear comes by hearing and fear comes by hearing the words of the devil the Bible also talks about it's impossible by possible to please God without faith do you know it's impossible to please Satan without fear everything in the kingdom of God operates by faith everything in the kingdom of darkness operates by fear and so we have to understand that the greatest fear that Satan can inflict on Christian people is the fear that what God promised in his word won't come to pass the fear that what God said in his word won't work for example Philippians 4:19 my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory through and by Christ Jesus well fear is attacking your thinking to get you to think that that's not true that that's not going to come to pass and so that's the greatest fear that Satan wants to inflict upon Christian people is to be afraid that what God promises in his word won't work or it won't come to pass now when we operate not based in the word then our operation is going to be based in fear so what's what's motivating you to do what you do are you motivated by fear to pray because if you are then you're most likely gonna be praying a fear-based prayer and so we've got to recognize we operate within the boundaries of God's Word and not allow fear to become the thing that that motivates us to do what we do now look at job chapter 1 and 5 we went over this last week I want to just look at it just one more time job 1 and 5 and then job 325 because there's something interesting that happens here job thought for some reasons that his kids had sinned against God and so out of fear he began to bring sacrifices verse 5 he says and it was so when the days of their fastening were gone about that job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts thus did job continually notice the motivation behind Joel bringing the sacrifices notice the motivation behind what job did continuously it was fear motivated afraid that his sons have sinned afraid that his sons have cursed God and so the sacrificial offerings which were offered to cover man's sin Joel knew that it was going to cover their sins but his motivation for the offering was fear motivated and look what he said in job 3 verse 25 job 3:25 what's the result of doing things in fear what's the result of inviting fear into your life and not dealing with the fear what's the result of tolerating fear well he says for the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me Wow so fear is kind of like it opens the door for the thing you're afraid of to try to get into your life for the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me you know as Christians we've got to be careful not to tolerate fear I mean not even a little bit because fear tolerated will contaminate your faith because fear is contaminated faith and so uh do you find that you are allowing yourself to to put up with fear I mean have people convinced you well a little bit of fear a little bit of fears all right don't worry about it well that's just like saying a little bit of adultery is all right that's just like saying a little bit of murder is all right don't tolerate fear I mean not for one moment now let's look at some examples tonight that's pretty much the review of what we talked about last week let's look at some examples tonight and then focus in on how do we cast it out well mark chapter 4 verse 35 through 41 this is the issue about the disciples that were in the boat and let's see how fear entered in to this situation mark 4 verse 35 and the same day when the evening was come he saith unto them let us pass over unto the other side and when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship and there was also with him of the little ships verse 37 and there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship now it sounds to me like was it either a really bad storm or a hurricane so that it was now full so the you got water in the ship and he was in the the back part of the ship asleep on a pillow now I don't know what kind of boat this was but man he's at Jesus's sleep on a pillow Jesus is at peace and the disciples woke him up and they said unto Him master carest thou not that we perish Master don't you care that we perish now first of all they were afraid that's why they woke him up and he arose and he rebuked the wind and he said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm now watch this next verse and he said unto them why are you so watch this fearful how is it that you have watch this no faith though that's a powerful powerful statement why is it that you're so fearful and why is it that you don't have faith so he Jesus just said to us here that fear is the absence of faith to be fearful there has to be the absence of faith and they feared exceedingly and sent one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now listen if Jesus said let us go to the other side then you ought to have enough faith that hey we're gonna have what he said but fear will come in to try to make you think through circumstances through the I gate the ear gate through what you can see and feel and try to convince you that what Jesus said won't come to pass once they would convince that what Jesus said something and the devil said what you know how do you let's gonna come to pass and because what did he use he used the water in the boat he began to use the wind the storm the circumstances on the outside that can be felt the circumstances on the outside that can be seen all of these things bought fear from those outside circumstances in side of that of those disciples and then they begin to wake Jesus up being fearful I mean they should have thought if Jesus is asleep maybe we need sleeeeep but no they said no let's wake him up don't you care if we perish or not jesus said how in the world could you be so full of fear and have no faith at all saying that you believe me man I think that's really really similar to what a lot of people going are going through right now with this coronavirus jesus said no peasant pestilence shall come near thee jesus said that he will deliver you from every disease and every pestilence and every virus jesus promised you these things and yet why is it that you are so fearful this is so important that we see this don't allow fear to rob you of your faith because when faith is absent then fear will be present that's why it's important to feed on the word more than you feed on the news reports that's why it's so important for you to just meditate in God's Word so you don't find yourself pondering and meditating on what the news people have to say why when there's an absence of faith there will be a presence of fear amen now let's look at another another illustration real quick Matthew chapter 14 verse 22 through 33 and I want to read this one in the NLT Bible Matthew 14 22 through 33 and this is the story talking about Peter walking on the water and yet there is fear again trying to trying to stop something and Matthew chapter 14 verse 22 he says immediately after this Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while he sent the people home 23 after sending them home he went up into the hills by himself to pray night fell while he was there alone praying 24 meanwhile the disciples were in trouble far away from the land for a strong wind had risen and they were fighting heavy waves sounds like a similar situation 25 about three o'clock in the morning Jesus came towards them walking on the water I just pause this for a moment now the last time they heard of Jesus he went he was all he was uh he went up to pray the next time they saw Jesus was in the middle of the storm walking on the water now they didn't know who Jesus could walk on the water say they thought well is this a phantom or ghost and so watch this now verse 26 and when the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified in their fear and they cried out it's a ghost so they thought it was a ghost 27 but Jesus spoke to them at once don't be afraid he said take courage I am here boy that's powerful don't be afraid take courage I am here alright so we're not talking about you know if you saw a ghost but maybe you saw a report on television or maybe you saw something that said something about coronavirus he says be of courage Jesus says I'm here and that's that's the thing that should really calm you down be of courage Jesus's I'm here then Peter called to him and he said Lord now watch Peter if it really if it's really you tell me to come to you walking on the water I mean if it's really you lord tell me bid me to come to walk on the water I mean what was Jesus supposed to say it's not really me I mean so he really couldn't do anything else but to say alright come walk on the water and Jesus said so Peter Jesus said come walk on the water so Peter went over the side of the boat Peter walked on the water towards Jesus that's powerful that's powerful faith is present man Jesus is present Jesus said walk on the water come on now that's a man walking on the water somebody says now it's alright for Jesus walking on the water but what about Peter Peter walking on the water I know what's this but when he saw the strong wind and the waves he was terrified and he began to sink what happened Peter got out the boat had his eyes on Jesus faith was present he started walking on the water and then he saw the wind and he saw the waves fear coming from the outside in he saw the wind he saw the waves and faith is no longer present and he was terrified know that the terror came nc fear brings terror the terror came in from the outside he saw with his eyes the wind he saw that and perceived the waves and he was filled with terror and all of a sudden it stopped don't let the dare the devil bring terror in your life to stop your faith don't let the the reports of the media or the reports of anything else bring terror to stop your faith you've got to make sure I am NOT going to tolerate fear I'm not moved by what I see I'm not moved by what I feel I am moved by the Word of God and you keep your focus on God's Word what happened with Peter he lost his focus he got his focus on the wind he got his focus on the waves he took his focus off Jesus and that's a word for everybody where's your focus what are you focusing on are you focusing on all the bad reports are you focusing on the potential terror of what if this thing comes to my house are you focused what it was your focus your focus has got to get back on the word Jesus says that he's the word you got to get your focus back on the word get your focus on the word where's the word after said you got to get up in the morning and get focused on the word at lunchtime get focused on a word and they evening get focused on the word do not let these negative reports outweigh or overcome your focus on God's word that's that's what happened to Peter the the the blessing then the miracle stopped because you know he was robbed of his focus from but from Jesus and start looking at the wind and rain what are you two did to start focusing in on that you know what caused you to sink are you focusing on the economy are you focusing on whether you gonna have a job or nada you're focusing on you know how you're gonna pay your rent all your money spent a little bit buy some food look you got a light bill do you gotta get what is your what are you what are you focusing on don't focus on the problem focus on the finish works of Jesus focus on the answer focus on Jesus being your answers focus on the provision of God focus on the healing of God focus on the protection of God and when when outside things try to bring fear on the inside of that situation you just say no I ain't looking at that I'm not focused in on that I'm gonna focus in on what the word says and so Peter was filled with terror and he began to sing and he said save me Lord and he shouted that out and and in verse 31 and Jesus immediately reached out grabbed him you have so little faith now I always pause and I see this term so little faith because I don't believe he's talking about he had a little measure of faith that just couldn't be true because he did walk on water so I mean I've never walked on water I've tried but you know to say that he had so little faith what what is he talking about here he's not talking about the measure of faith that Peter had he's talking about the endurance of that faith in other words why did you have a short burst of faith why is it that you know you were walking on the water you were in faith but it didn't last long that's what he's talking about a short burst of faith and he asked why is it that you had little faith or short burst of faith you know while you're listening to this teaching tonight maybe your faith is on fire and you feel like praise God I've got the faith to overcome whatever I'm dealing with right now but it's when it's when all of the outside forces come it's when you hear another news report it's when you you know you heard somebody you know contracted the viruses it's when you heard about what's going on the economy how much enduring does your faith have how much endurance were your faith have I mean the grace of God has made everything available to you that pertains to life and godliness Satan is gonna try to bring fear from the outside to cause your faith to be little to cause your faith endurance to be short and so you've got to focus in on the word jesus said why did you doubt me remember doubt is just one moment of fear doubt is just one moment of fear and so look at what fear is doing fear is trying to give you faith that doesn't last long fear is trying to contaminate your faith fear is trying to get you to doubt why why because where there is not the presence of faith there will be the presence of fear and like God needs faith in order to bring things to pass in your life Satan each fear in order to bring his his will to pass in your life verse 32 he says when they climbed back into the boat the wind stopped think of that the wind stopped sometimes the only thing that's going on with your circumstances is to get you to stop and then when you stop in your faith the thing that bought your fear stops huh we got stand up against it we got it we got a we got to take our stand against fear and against these outside forces that are trying to bring fear in our lives and we got to say stop no more he said then the disciples worship Him you really are the son of God they explained you really are the son of God I believe that that's that's really the the base and the foundation for our success as Christians it's knowing that Jesus really is the son of God it's knowing that I have a relationship with Jesus I know him I know him as the son of God and when you begin to know that it's gonna be hard to walk in fear when you know who Jesus is it's gonna be hard to be afraid when you know who Jesus is it's gonna be really difficult for your faith to be short and little when you know who Jesus is my question tonight is do you know who Jesus is I mean are you sure that you know him do you sure you have a personal relationship with him because if you know who Jesus is fear will not but he won't be able to come in do you know who Jesus is and that comes once again through a personal relationship with him where you know him and he knows you and you have no need to fear because you know that when the Lord is with you you don't have to fear the Lord is my shepherd I won't be afraid because I know who he is a lot of times if you don't know Jesus then you doubt him then if you doubt him you're probably gonna doubt what he said this is a bit key right here you really are the son of God you really are the son of God you know one of the things that I practice in my thinking and in my mind is why I do what I do I'm in this because he's the son of God I'm in this because of my personal relationship with him and one of the worst things you can do being in the ministry or just being a Christian is for you to compare with somebody else or you compare amongst yourself and then you lose focus on on Jesus I mean I'm in this for a personal relationship with him I'm not in this so I can you know get a level of success and then compare with somebody else to see how I'm doing no I want him I'm in it for him I'm in it for the relationship I'm not in it for anything else but that so what happens because I know who he is fear has a limitation when it comes to people who are in it for the relationship and when you know Jesus you also recognize fear and fears are not going to be able to torment your life fear brings with it torment so fear is not okay it's not okay it'll never be okay it's just not okay and Romans chapter 8 15 let's look at that for a moment before we now move on to talk about how to cast it out talk about how to cast it out Romans 8:15 it talks about how fear has has bondage look at this I want to look at it in the King James and then the New Living Translation he says for you have not received the spirit of bondage watch this again to fear a spirit of bondage what again to fear I don't want to be in bondage to fear and every time you look around I'm walking in fear because I'm in bondage he says but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father that's an intimate relationship right there now look at this in NLT and and I just so believe that when you develop an intimate relationship with him fear is not gonna be able to torment you fear is not gonna bring terror in your life fear is not gonna be able to oppress you he says so you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves Wow you have not received a spirit not from God that makes you fearful slaves instead you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children now we call him Abba Father God spirit man and so again that relationship becomes a very very vital and important thing for us to remember in our relationship now let's go to Isaiah 54 now let's let's begin to set the foundation up on how we need to work what and how and what and how to cast out the spirit of fear in our lives and if you detect it anywhere in your life Isaiah 54 verse 14 let's go from verse 14 to 17 and out notice he says in righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression thou in righteousness shall that be established so those of us who are born again you're established in righteousness said that I allowed I'm established in righteousness so he says in righteousness help you shall be established and when you're when you know you're the righteousness of God you believe you receive that you're the righteousness of God you're gonna be far from oppression now what does it mean to be far from oppression I talked about this look look this morning oppression means to remove from someone the power to control their own future to remove from someone the power and the ability to control their own future oppression that's who wants to do Satan wants you to feel powerless where your future is is is concerned and so in righteousness you shall not be put in a position where you become powerless where your your future is concerned because he says you shall be far from oppression which means you have the power now given to you by God Almighty to control your future and to follow God he says for thou shalt not fear that's why you're not gonna be oppressed cuz you're not gonna fear that's why you're not gonna be oppressed because you're not gonna fear he says and from terror so you're gonna be free from terror because you're not gonna fear for it shall not come near thee that is your promise meditate on that it's not gonna come near me fears not gonna come near me coronavirus is not gonna come near me flu virus is not gonna come to me poverty is not gonna come to near me lack is not gonna come near me lay hold on this scripture right now I lay hold on this scripture that that God has given me now verse 15 says behold they shall surely gather together but not by me he says fear terror and oppression they're gonna gather together they're gonna try to get into your life God wants you to know he's not responsible for them you know coming to you he says but whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall for thy sake that's good news fear terror oppression will gather together but they're gonna fall they're gonna fall it's a fixed fight they're gonna fall when you know you're the righteousness of God and when when you when we were few to be absent of faith fear terror oppression it will fall it may gather together against you but it will fall and it will fail alright now notice this 4:16 behold I have created the Smith that blow up the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and I have created the waster to destroy you know what God is saying here he says I created the devil I can handle him I created him I can handle him praise God you ain't got to be afraid of him and then he said verse 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment you shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord so this is a part of your inheritance what's a part of your inheritance that when you hear something that is not of God that when you hear something that's fear base you can condemn it if you're sitting around and looking at television or something somebody says oh everybody in this city's got coronavirus you ought open your mouth and condemn that say nope that shall not come near my house according to Psalm 91 it shall not come near thee and you begin to condemn that you you hear it say now that ain't will happen somebody says well you know seems like every time somebody gets on the plane they crash you say nope I condemn that right now that shall not happen to me I don't die in plain air crashes and incorrect and you you that's how you that's how uniform the weapon were formed but it will not it will not hurt you it won't come against you why because you have the authority to condemn it to cast it down this is your heritage and your righteousness is of me saith the Lord this is your heritage you have the power to condemn what fears tries to bring from the outside in you can condemn you know what it means when something's condemned it is of no use and so that's stuff that Satan tries to bring your way condemn it why it won't be able to work it will be of no use in your life praise God glory be to Jesus amen now let's go to Isaiah 41 in 10 Isaiah 41 and 10 and we're moving towards how do I cast out this fear Isaiah 41:10 is one of my favorite scriptures he says fear thou not why for I'm with you man you can go home on that fear thou not why because I'm with you but dude when you get a revelation that God is with me when you get a revelation of the everyday presence of God being with you there's no fear and every time for your knocks on the door it's like hey I'm not afraid I'm with God it's kind of like being a little kid and and you know somebody's bullying you and then you go get your big old strong brother and he's standing behind you now I'm sudden you ain't scared of nobody why because my big brothers right here it's the same way why should I be afraid of anything when Jesus is with me so you got to get a working revelation that Jesus is with me therefore I won't be afraid I'm not gonna be afraid of anything because he's with me and then he says he says be not dismayed why for I am your God I am your God I'll strengthen thee I'll help thee I'll uphold thee with my right hand of righteousness well that's a powerful something to stand on look at this in the NLT to know that God's with you to know that God is is there backing you up just like just like that kid who has the big brother look here he says don't be afraid for I'm with you don't be discouraged for I'm your God I will strengthen you and help you I will hold you up with my victorious right hand now it's not enough that he'll help us but he says I'm gonna strengthen you and help you why be discouraged why I'd be afraid and there are lots of you at home you're discouraged oh my god they won't let me go out my house and you know my god that got me through her in a quarantine it oh this and that and the other don't be discouraged why God says I'm your God don't be afraid why he says I'm with you I'm gonna strengthen you I'm gonna help you I'm gonna hold you up with my victorious right hand that means you win hold on to that man grab hold of that now so what what do I do to cast it out let's go to first John chapter 5 verse 15 and 15 let's read 15 through 18 in the NLT first John chapter 5 15 through 18 in the NLT how do we cast out the spirit of fear verse 15 says and since we know he hears us when we make our requests we also know that he will give us what we asked for verse 16 if you see a fellow believer sitting in a way that does not lead to death you should pray and God will give that person life but there is a sin that leads to death next verse and I am NOT saying you should pray for those who committed all wicked actions of sin but not every sin leads to death now watch this we know that God's children do not make a practice of sinning for God's son holds them securely and the evil one cannot touch them verse 19 first John 5:19 he says we know that we are the children of God and that the world around is under the control of the Evil One now let's go to 1st John chapter 5 and let's look at verse 18 in the King James Version of the Bible so I mean it's very clear that that that God has made a decision to do some powerful things in your life we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and the wicked one watch this the wicked one touches him not the wicked one does touch him so that's a that's something you can stand on that's something that you can know for sure that God Almighty has got your back and and we know that God hears us we knew that God protects us we know that God takes care of us now we also know according to the scripture that let's go to 1st John chapter 4 verse 18 first John chapter 4 verse 18 King James he says first unfortunate there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out o perfect love casteth out o perfect love casteth out fear because fear has torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love go to the that same one in the NLT perfect love casts out fear so we got a way to deal with fear got to figure out what this is such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear if we are afraid it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love to experience this perfect love I believe with all my heart is also to experience this grace and to experience the finished works of Jesus Christ when you see the love that God has for you when you see the love that Jesus displayed that when he became a man and he died for your sins and he became your sin on the cross and he became the sin offering for you Wow and he's forgiven you of all of your sins past present and future and you don't have to be afraid of punishment Wow when you understand this love and we understand that your your highly favored and greatly loved of God what are you afraid of what do you fret God here's what you understand when you get a hold of this love you'll get a hold of this God is for me and when God is for you check this out nothing can be against you because God is for you God is for me that's what you need to be saying God is for me and when you get a hold of that that God is for you when you get a hold of all the things that God has done you know that he hears you you get a whole of what God has promised God is for me that's perfect love it casts out all fear but you know what if you don't believe the love and this is the key to doesn't new New Testament believe the love I can't tell you the number of times where I have just put this in my mouth and something came up and fear knocking on the door and I spelled it by just simply open my mouth up and say God loves me and I know it yeah I thought well what is that gonna do and then I did it God loves me and I knew it man I got something that's doing ministry I don't know where the money's coming from God loves me I know it you know you know I'm saying God loves me I know he loves me and her used to me tripping and getting stressed out God loves me I know it he'll take care of it when I got the diagnosis that I had I got an aggressive form of cancer my response was God loves me and I know it that's really what that kept me calm the whole time God loves me I know it it'll be alright man I'm telling you that's a powerful thing to overcome Satan and to overcome fear with the confidence that you have in God's love for you and so you need to just open your mouth up you might be going through some things and you're wondering and now you need to say God loves me I know it all as well remind yourself of the love that God has for you remind yourself that God loves you and all is well with you you know I want to show this I shared this a couple of times but in Deuteronomy chapter 1 I think I got enough time Deuteronomy chapter 1 and verse 20 26 and 27 what happens when you don't believe in the love you have to believe in the love that God has for you you got to believe it enough that it comes out of your mouth because you know they believe and then they spoke it's something about you believe it and then what you believe comes out of your mouth and so you know sometimes people they they say they that that they believe God loves them but they don't really believe it and look look what happens if that's the case he says in verse 26 notwithstanding you would not go up but you rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God now what would cause somebody to want to rebel against the commandments of the Lord our God and you murmured in your tents and you said because the Lord hated us he has brought us forth out of the land of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the ammonites to destroy us look what happens they thought God hated him they got they thought God hated them and because they thought God hated them they rebelled against him I mean I can't imagine waking up and walking in this world thinking that God hates me but do you know that there are some people who are alive today they've been convinced that God hates them they've been convinced that you don't understand I mean I did such and so such a song and I don't believe God loves me anymore cuz of what I did no you may be beating yourself up but God loves you and you got to get that out your head thinking that God hates you when he hates you you if you think God hates you and if you don't think God loves you you will rebel against the very love that's been sent to make you whole and heal you and to deliver you you have to believe the love I believe God loves me and that settles it well you know I don't know if I've been perfect well ain't nobody been perfect but still God's not loving you because you've been perfect he loves you because He gave His Word an obligation that if you believe on his son Jesus Christ that you shall be saved and besides god is love he doesn't have I know God loves me I know he loves you we are the apple of his eye and I tell you that that knowledge of God's love and then that confession of God's love it captures fear and it says stop no more we won't tolerate you again and then you walk with confidence knowing that God loves you you can be right in the middle of a storm and you know God loves me too much for me to die in the middle of a storm and he also loves me enough where I could speak to that storm and command it to cease it has probably been one of the number-one most major things that has ever happened in my life is to come to realize that I don't have to be afraid cause God loves me I don't have to fear because God loves me Wow I don't have to be in torment because God loves me I don't have to walk around in terror because God loves me I don't have to crash in a plane crash because God loves me I don't have to get the coronavirus because God loves me I don't have to be broke busted and discuss it when all this is old wit because God loves me I don't have to walk around distressed and stressed God loves me if you don't get anything out of this lesson tonight crew listen to me carefully God loves me practice that we even wake up in the morning and remind yourself to say out loud God loves me and I know it look in the mirror after you brush your teeth and say God loves me and I know it you know the Bible says in Galatians and I believe this is the topic sentence of the entire New Testament that faith workers by love I think faith worketh by how much you believe God loves you I believe that's what it means to the degree that you believe God's love is the power that you walk in to cast out all fear I believe he loves me in fact I you go from I believe you loves me to I knew it I knew it you get yourself focused in on that you get yourself meditating on the love of God you get yourself making confessions where the love of God is concerned understanding that his everlasting awesome unending love is for me I guarantee you fear will flee it will go it cannot remain because of this love that he has both given us and this love that we believe amen I want you to bow your heads and and I want to pray with you right now father I I'm so grateful that you allowed this understanding of your love to come up in this lesson tonight I believe it's a powerful weapon I believe it's a powerful weapon that we can use against the enemy and defeat the strategy of fear thank you Lord for loving us that's something we believe thank you Lord for loving us that's something we don't doubt thank you Lord for loving us that is something that we are assured of and I pray for the Wednesday night crew all over the world I pray for our our church I pray for my friends and my partners and my sons and daughters in the ministry let them get a revelation of this love let this love now escort them through this entire event we give you praise thank you so much for loving us in Jesus name just lift your hands up right where you are just just just thank God for his love just give him praise for your father we just we praise you for your love we praise you for loving us even when we didn't deserve it that's your grace we thank you for loving us for the bad that we deserve to happen to us you didn't let it happen thank you for your mercy that's your mercy you're an everlasting loving patient God for that we give you praise tonight we honor you tonight let let an anointing go through every computer and phone and screen right now let your presence touch those who have been a part of this lesson tonight that's something so amazing happened on the inside of them by the Spirit of God by the Spirit of God by the Spirit of God all is well we praise you for it now in Jesus name we pray and everybody said I'll be oh praise God well I hope you got something out of that man we're gonna we're gonna stay on this we're gonna stay on walking and authority Willis we're gonna stay on the authority that we have in our prayer life and I believe that you will never be the same again let's go ahead and be prepared to this worship God with our offerings this is an amazing thing that you know there's there's you know the the people not in the dome and and and we're still having church we're still being able to teach you Bible study we're still being able to honor God with our finances we're still being able to lead people to Jesus Christ I am grateful for this technology thank God for it because if we didn't have it I just would be missing you and not being able to feed you and minister to you and I do miss you I miss you so much but thank God I'm still able to minister to you and feed you the Word of God so if you're giving through the text you just text world changes plus the amount two seven four four eight three if you like to dial the 800 number and give by just check or create a card you can dial eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three to give now or you can go to world changers dot org and give on-line now if you know your code from other churches for example if you're from new york and you want to text just put WCC y in and the amount to the same number and of course you can down the same number as well and so let's prepare there to bring our offerings to worship God with it this is not the time for - to give to try to get God to do something for us somebody says well I'm giving to get bless well I'm giving cuz I'm already blessed well I'm giving a get victory well I'm I'm giving cuz I already got victory see faith reaches out and takes possession of what Jesus has already made available well why give I give to worship God to thank God to honor God by giving is an act of honor my giving causes me to remember all of the good that God has done in my life my giving is my opportunity to go before God and to worship Him with what he has done in my life and to take my gifts and worship Him matthew 2:11 the Magi finally found Jesus the Bible says that they failed to their knees opening up their treasury to worship Him so as we open our treasury up we're worshiping God we're honoring God with our finances and as we do that we see that this is an honor Act this is not giving out of necessity but giving out of worship so whole your phone's up like I'm doing here or whatever you're giving or maybe a symbolic representation of something and let's just worship God with our finances father I thank you that I have this opportunity to give and to worship you with my finances I thank you that as I worship you with my finances I can say thank you I so appreciate all you've done I have a flashback and I remember every time you deliver it me and every time you healed me and every time you you spoke to me and loved being thank you so much and now we worship you with our gifts we worship and honor you we give gratitude and Thanksgiving to you who is like unto the O God who give who loves like you love and and and who gives favor like you give favoring you're so amazing and we praise you in this right now it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen you can go ahead and you know I just have it on my phone and you can just text the amount and do what you got to do it and so it in Jesus name and it's done amen thank you guys so much for keeping Bible study a priority in your life even though you're not here it's an amazing thing I mean you could be watching Nick flicks and all the other kinds of stuff but you put everything on pause and say it's my feeding time it's my feeding time I miss my crew but I know you're out there and I thank God for you take this message and the one this morning on why I pray if you haven't listened to that on why pray it was a really really good time this morning and let's just share it with as many people as possible and share what we learn with everybody else and let's grow and glow together I want to do one more thing and I'll let you go for this evening if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life there people get born again through this technology it's just amazing you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life and you say you know pastor dollar I want to know this love that you're talking about I want to know about this love that can love me out of fear and love me out of fright and love me out of out of a sinful life well I want to pray with you right now it's a real simple prayer I just want you to join me in that prayer let's pray together Heavenly Father I believe that Jesus is the Son of God I believe with all my heart that he died for my sins and He shed his blood so that I can walk in a new covenant father I ask you now coming to my life be my Lord and my Savior father I thank you that by faith and my belief that Jesus has died and that he's forgiven me of all of my sins past present and future I declare by faith that I am saved and that Jesus is my lord thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer with me I say welcome to the family of God I mean right what you are just go ahead and text it I just got born again I just prayed that prayer with weird brother dollar and in the name of Jesus all is well and if you don't mind you know call that number and tell them you got saved and to send you that little salvation book we're working diligently to get some downloads so we can have you to download some things immediately right here it's just an amazing thing though to every service I've done since we've been doing this people have gotten born again that's powerful God is so good and I praise them for that so welcome to the family of God and God bless you the rest of you have a wonderful wonderful evening god bless you I will see you Sunday morning at 10 o'clock it's gonna be good good good good don't you miss it be there good night everybody you
Channel: undefined
Views: 117,703
Rating: 4.8634019 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: ZMd0yjR5KNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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