How to Judge the BEST BBQ IN THE WORLD! #spon

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They take an oath before judging?? I had no idea

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/i8mypen 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
it's 7:30 a.m. in Kansas City and Jamie and I have booked Barry and been a surprise this is great on a number of levels number one two stadiums next door to each other the Chiefs in the Royals number two Ben and Barry are probably just realizing what's happening about now okay so it turns out we're gonna be running 5k and get some colorful ready to change my shoes no well they'll get ruined this is a color [Music] I'm impressed going so big last night [Music] to be fair we did buy them the right clothes so they wouldn't look stupid good luck [Music] Jamie and I left the boys to get colorful for this we have found an actual barbecue competition that is run by the Kansas City barbecue society we are in the middle of the competition all the meats been cooked and they're actually in that building about to judge some stuff the judges are actually going to give us an insight into how and what they look for in judging professional barbecue now when we got there we were just hoping to have a quick chat film some bits but then this happened but one of you gentlemen care to give the oath Albertus yeah are you so many swam so objectively and subjectively in fact you are each barbecue meat it was a pretty amazing welcome and jaded a job leading the pledge and then it was time to judge some barbecue teams have five minutes before and five minutes after 12:00 12:30 1:00 in 1:30 they bring up to the tenth left side what you see earlier mm-hmm they bring it to this table right here before we change the number so no one knows but the number is except us the contest rips we then pass it along to the table captains the table captains are in charge of a table with six judges they sport for appearance then this court for taste in this court or tenderness after the scorecards completely filled out representing takes it over to the computer operator tallies all the scores from each key from each category the computer spits out the winner we checked it to a couple of judges who ran us through how the scoring works and more exactly they were looking for you look for the wow factor and you had a score of 1 to 9 but it's a judge you cannot give the one the only motocross whereas a 1 or a disqualification all right the to you is inedible inedible is its bloody or something is is long so in nine is excellent it doesn't say the best you know or outstanding it just says excellent if I want your recipe that's a knife my last thought is what I spend money on something like this because that's what it all boils down to after they touch the food they have 36 boxes of ribs which are there and we have very kindly been invited back into the kitchen to sample some of those ribs and they're believable I'm gonna get through them I'm gonna give it a try yeah back at the Color Run the finish line was approaching and our pretty little ballerinas were getting competitive I think the happiest boat came the dawn [Music] bars and been made up had a shower and swung by one of your recommendations the city market and then the four of us set out to prove that we can jump at the college basketball experience I'm totally losing confidence and wearing your hat like that is really gonna help [Music] [Applause] we obliterated the court with our unbelievable Tekin can you believe literally no one has scored a basket in the entire last sequence but this did happen [Applause] [Applause] what you could hang for Responsive ago business your Cummins Kansas City I'll definitely go here now it's time for us to leave this is where this place is going to be City Kansas City barber seriously Kansas City's Tibet's we left out the back door to escape the talent scouts and headed to another of your recommendations BB's barbecue which was just brilliant [Music] we were instantly welcomed by everyone including fellow Brit Charlie and Mama ray who's been providing a blues and jazz jam in Kansas City for 25 years [Music] the place was just an absolute pleasure to be in and obviously the food and Kansas City barbecue was also super [Music] [Music] [Applause] did we find our game-changer yeah I guess we did so far few burnt ends in particular they were out of this world incredible if I expected that and I'd have been disappointed if it hadn't done however as a city I don't know why I was expecting but I wasn't expecting it to be like that effortlessly beautiful every shot I take was just easy to make it look amazing because it is the lighting the architecture again the people and their smiles are kind of all made in everyone we spoke to us as they heard our accents are like where are you from and they were so interested and its first confused they're like why have you come to Kansas City because what they do with great food and great music great hospitality they have all the time without sounding like a text book into a video Kansas City as a city was a game changer and I don't think you can deny that the footage and the experiences that we had hasn't proven that [Music] you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 453,086
Rating: 4.9640698 out of 5
Keywords: KCBS, Kansas City Barbecue Society, bbq competition, barbecue competition, pro bbq, color run, colour run, game changer, game changers, loveKC, Kansas City, KC, KCMO, Kansas City food tour, Kansas City food guide, Visit The USA, #VisitTheUSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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