Idiot Proof Cheese Soufflé Recipe

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hello and welcome to I'm Barry this is Ben and boy do we have a week for you this way yeah I'm pretty sure this happens it's there's 14 teats and each one only gives off a little bit of milk I don't like the chef's table anymore I'm certain that this happens are you actually serious but before all that we need to find out this week's theme it's a mission Fox not Halloween episode mystery here's how this is going to work in a second James is gonna lower a box and in that box is a mystery ingredient that mystery ingredient is gonna provide a clue for our weekly theme we will spend the next couple of weeks coming up with ideas and suggestions from you for what we should do with that ingredient and at this point in time James the only one that knows the contents of the box but he will also bring with him a challenge of the week James a feeling [Music] don't even need to look in it Oh to have the clue oh you have a heavy box this week James we've got one each multiple even wants to do that like your favorite a mystery ingredient is cheese yep so we're gonna have to work with these guys do some research find out all about cheese we're going to come up with some awesome recipes awesome videos and at the end of the week you guys are going to do a topped with cheese battle week I get to eat you're free you get to eat all three and these guys have to impress you because they're a brownie points up for grabs this week is going to be excellent let's get it underway turns out you guys love cheese as much as we do and with all of your input we have come up with a whole bunch of stuff of the week but this recipe is a foolproof double-baked Cheese Souffle foolproof don't like cheese and a fool so if this works on me then this is gonna be a great recipe you're going to love it it starts with a couple of onions which you want to peel and slice and then cook in butter for a long time like normally you say sort of five minutes to sweat off here we're talking like 25 to 30 minutes over a gentle heat before we bake our souffles give the inside a little bit of a rub with butter does this stop it sticking and then yeah a lining of bread crumbs which sticks to the butter and it will just help him or even rise and stop some sticking so that you can in a foolproof way pop them out later and bake them again [Music] these are jammy onion let's see look at that now they are super super jammy souffle is obviously a French dish in fact souffle means to breathe or to puff and for that reason next into our onions some French brandy batter tablespoon and let that cook out for a minute or so once the Brandy's cooked out we're gonna make a roux around those Chami onions so flour goes in and cook that to a paste with more butter [Music] as soon as your flour and butter is cooked out to our going to add in the milk a little bit of time you do it slowly it won't be lumpy then a lump will be any of the onions which is a good thing because they're tasty mm-hmm while Mike carries on making the sauce with the rest the milk I'm gonna grate the cheese because that's gonna go in it to turn it into a cheese sauce now given that it's a beautiful French souffle we're going for Swiss grew yay and Italian parmesan strong cheese's with little water content the white sauce is nearly there it now needs to bubble for a couple of minutes to completely cook out any of the last raw flour taste the cheese is grated the next thing are the eggs three of them we just need to separate them out because we need the egg yolks to go into here but the egg whites we beat up to a stiff peak and that's what gives the air in trust you [Music] fast hello you gave me some chives how very you can introduce everyone to the wheelbarrow everybody this is Ben's herb garden he insisted on it it's beautiful with it chives yeah chives please right oh oh no I'm a there's a cat poo in it chives seriously first time which was time no that's rosemary okay sorry yeah about half a teaspoon roll back to the souffle so a lovely smooth sauce with onions which makes it look less smooth but it's a lot thicker than you'd expect for white sauce and it needs to be for this recipe that's gonna hold it together now all the cheese can go in and you give it a stir given that it's a French souffle with Swiss cheese and Italian parmesan a little bit of French mustard just to bring it back and some of our fresh herbs so chives a little bit of fresh thyme and then once the sauce has cooled down we add in our egg yolks too soon and the egg yolks might scramble but the egg yolks will enrich it and it's absolutely delicious maybe have that to you to your bed you grew yet you can have that thank you delicious Mike you're gonna love this the sauce and body to our souffle done now for the air if you whip up our three egg white that was that was sign language Bobby we're gonna do is fold egg white into source start off with a dollop and you can just fold it in a little bit more aggressively lots of myths that you shouldn't overwork souffles they're all correct except for the fact that the structure the egg white will remain anyway you just want to keep it as lifelike as possible and make doesn't that make it a fat then once you've initially loosened up with that first dollop the second one you can be a bit more gentle with because it's all much looser we've lined our ramekins with butter and bread crumbs want to fill them pretty much to the top and ideally without dribbling any on the sides because it's the dribbles catch what you're looking for is something that is risen and it's nice and golden on top it will depend on the size of your ramekins it will depend on which shelf or the oven it will depend on so many factors like the size of your eggs for example however roughly 6 17 18 minutes should somewhere between 15 and 20 and there we go I mean even I like a smell of that now if you're brave enough you can just take that straight to the table and serve it that would be a souffle but even the myth loud noises don't make them collapse we now need to let these cool once your souffles have cooled they look something like this which is a good thing you know because it is a foolproof recipe yes so what you want to do then is take a knife and cut right the way around the edge to loosen them it should be really easy because the bread crumbs and the butter and then tip out at that point it goes on to an ovenproof dish and that is your souffle now if you bake that again for your guests then it could dry out so what you're gonna do is place a double cream parmesan and more mustard into a bowl you're gonna season it with a pinch salt pepper you pour it over the top and then it goes back into the oven to bake a much higher temperature 220 degrees for about 10 minutes and that and cover up all of your mistakes that is a situation and once it goes in there and comes out it will be a rectified situation there you go how impressive do they look they have risen again they look Gretton eight great oh shut up fluffy you can see the wobble on them the grass nation is amazing all we need to do is finish it with a little bit of finely chopped parsley that is a foolproof twice-baked Cheese Souffle sorted [Music] I feel like I should go first Mike well I'm probably the least likely to like this and I've got the biggest fall twice Bates very soft it's like a cloud of cheese so delicate hmm it's nice I know it's nice but I'm just an idiot so it's like it's like my mind's telling me yes but my body my body's telling me no but I can tell that that is really delicately balanced and delicious I'm just an idiot enough it's such a puff of like it just disappeared right yeah it disappeared too quickly 50% err I'd say and for that reason when you eat it they're made yeah yeah so this is actually quite healthy because 40% of it is that it's 50% of fat free all the right cheese is impaired with herbs and mastered winning combo thanks for your help if you want the recipe for this and all of our links to our cooking lessons which are completely free then all the links are downstairs now it makes you join us on Tuesday where we're gonna be getting very cheesy and asking fen and James lots of cheesy questions yes and in the meantime could you like this video because the doorbells just gone and that's the sign for alike click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 427,401
Rating: 4.962698 out of 5
Keywords: cheese souffle, cheese souffle recipe, cheese souffle julia child, how to master cheese souffle, how to make cheese souffle, easy cheese souffle, foolproof cheese souffle, soufflee with cheese, idiotproof cheese souffle, french cheese souffle, fast souffle, delicious souffle, twice baked souffle, twice baked cheese souffle, amazing cheese souffle, perfect souffle recipe, recette de souffle fromage, souffle au fromage, le meilleur souffle au fromage, the best cheese souffle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2017
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