London's Best Burger?! | SORTEDfood

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hello we all sorted food and this is fridge can well we've got another London's best coming your way you requested it it's burgers can you tell I'm excited if you're excited give it a like as you watch it it always helps in our opinion London has some of the best food in the world and today we're looking at burgers we've each been assigned a different price bracket and we're gonna see if we can get the best burger location experience for that money I've got a tenner I have thirty pounds but first we're going all out at the park tower hotel or I've got 40 quid mistake number context a high bar is in the park Tower Hotel the park to hotel is in Knightsbridge nice which Otto's home to Howard's and McLaren garage and definitely can't afford the luxury collection burger which is made up of Wagyu beef Vermont white cheddar heritage tomato and get this gold are you ready to show how beef you have a beef burger is it feel like it's moving very heavy so it's just all beef I think the price point in the make is based on the Wagyu beef and and yet I love about this burger everything else the gherkin the very very finely sliced red onion which is raw the cucumber the tomato the crisp oak leaf the slaw and the button that is what brings the burger if you're gonna come to a place of this dress the car so he ventured very far one minute round the corner inside Harvey Nichols there is a burger and obstinate do burgers I say this lobster it and 423 pounds you can get a 5 out speed burger with lobster and the cool thing about this place is it started in the same way we started because for makes you it's a school santa past came up with the idea then and open their very first further lobster restaurant in Mayfair or reading a point of difference in fairies blade she get a nice linen napkin I can't wait to put this in my mouth that is my classic flavor profile like with all these videos is incredibly subjective but that is how I got my bow still a little bit thick middle you can also vote on the Sephora but this is how I love it again this week real fun salty cheese it breathe yeah really punching on the truffle and then the burger itself which is absolutely delicious not to mention the slight sweet tooth lobster like you've got a loft and I came out of it that is the dream right there do some mayo in the truffle and tarragon mayo is something else if you're gonna do something as limiting on your menu as burger lobster then the burgers would be great and cooked well that was how the lobsters gonna be great and fresh these are so fresh you can see them in the tank of the press the rest when you come in to burgers down my heart rate at the moment is 90 so while back you might have seen that unmissable street food in London we film that in diner AMA which is run by street feast they have another street food festival called Walker house that's here in Canada water and they've got what appears to be a delicious looking burger renders henna let's go thanks guys so I'm gonna spend a channel on the nose it's my burger with fries this is a tie-up between honest burger which is already an amazing burger joint in London and up in my grill which is an incredible statement I debate and together we're doing the most phenomenal tanning burger yeah I am very happy with our it reads amazing honor they knew now I see it it looks and smells amazing can I put you on my tongue now I'm drowning the light with Bergen lobster they ask you how you want your boat cook they recommend medium-rare to medium this was cooked on the grill on Japan they're doing a little bit of steam last minute but it's still super thick in the middle and super succulent picture good burger needs balance that's why I like a gherkin this hasn't looked good kid this has got Malbec pickled onion sheets as the same jostle sharpness with the richness of the planet TV and then the cheese not too strong it's provolone so in more subtle but it's creamy he's a cheetah same cheese week 7 affinities that yes it has eye color stick to loose mouth color face it's vinegar is soft this is juicy in comparison to the other two that tastes like there's more going on but all of those flavors are more subtle which is very different so I've noted we go down this like really cool bike but absolutely less his father's not like Hungary is just like candy we sum up my friend that the person who went to McDonald's she talked money I think all three burgers we consumed were unbelievable delicious for me place number one is a lot for a burger and I feel like you're paying more for the plush elegant setting the amazing table service the little snacks the linen napkins I thought the burger was delicious I wouldn't pay that amount of money again for the burger and chips what it has made me do though is want to go back for a drink and maybe to explore some of the other bits of the menu because I just thought the whole place was it was great and you know what you're getting number two burger lobster I just thought that truffle Mayo was absolutely delicious it you could argue there overpowered the burger but I think the taste was so delicious they a big complement the lobster which I loved already and the burger you get awesomely consistent food every single time the burger was delicious and that truffle mayo was punishing I know I'm starting bias cuz it was my choice but I tell you how good the final burger was to be a seven quid the person serving it to me she didn't eat red meat before she started working here now she loves it the burger turned ER yeah I don't think it made any difference for me where you were you eat the burger the same way wherever you go for me I don't need Linens I don't need lobster I just had a great burger in my mix the chompin definitely something to reference though is that we are absolutely blessed for amazing really creative burgers in London and we've missed out the Bleecker burgers the patty and buns there are loads more these ones we just happen to research and they fitted our individual price points and we just thought they were great them and you should know about them but you know if you're in London you only need to go around the corner and find an amazing burger they are everywhere and I think we're pretty blessed to be in a place offers that's that quality of food what did you think make sure you comment down below because we need loads more themes so we can go out in London and just eat food whoo thank you it's a great great idea for video it is amazing well have an amazing rest of your week see you later click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,102,766
Rating: 4.910202 out of 5
Keywords: sean evans hunts for londons best burger, best burger in london, searching for londons best burger, best double cheeseburger london street food, burger gang, london street food burgers, where is the best burger in london, $4 burger vs $777 burger, how a michelin star chef makes the perfect burger, tips on how to make the best burger, blind burger challenge, will it burger, best burger, gordon teaches chef his best burger recipe, tasty cook off burgers
Id: 3yU7w30233E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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