How to integrate Cisco Unity Connection with CUCM 8.x

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hello and welcome to this tutorial and how to integrate Cisco unity connection with Cisco Unified Communications Manager in this this is just my home lab I don't have anything no major hardware just 32-bit Dell SC 4 20s and 4 gigs ram nothing too powerful here and for simplicity this is more you know for studies for the dcmp voice exam I recently had some videos on version 7 which I never end up posting because by the time I got those done they had moved to version 8 and are changing their curriculum around so now on that same note I don't have the hardware to run unique connection 8.5 yet but for now I'm running it on 702 and I do have co-manager 8.5 so we'll be using that in this example and there's really not that much of a difference so if you learn one you know you'll know the other version as well they just have different features and whatnot and also for simplicity this is a pretty much a fresh install of unity connection and call manager with the exception I've already added some phones in there so there's no device pools calling sort spaces or partitions set up those come into play when you configure the voicemail as well but since we're not using any we're just going to use the default none again it's just for simplicity best practices is you're going to have partitions and calling search space is specifically for unity and CCM integration but but this is just this video was just intended to show you how to get it set up and then if you want to make it more complex and secure you can certainly do that so to begin we're going to start off here in the Cisco Unified Communication administer edition page and set up our voicemails and then we'll go into unity connection to integrate it and then we'll use the softphone IP communicator to actually we'll have to configure this this one's not configured yet and then we'll apply voicemail and test it all test it out all that fun stuff so the first thing we're going to do is with under advanced features there's this voice mail tab and these are the options we'll configure and to start off we'll start with the message waiting and this is where as you can see there's none right now so we'll create a new one and we're going to create excuse me I want to create extensions to turn message waiting indicator on and off so for this let's just use will say 5501 partition that's what I'm saying you would select this if you already had that created same with calling search space and you'll use the message weight change the message indicator on we can give it we can say MWI on and hit save and then we'll click on add new add 5502 and this one will be message wedding indicator off and we'll hit save then if we go back to our list we can see we've got the extensions for on and off the next thing we'll do is we'll go back to the voicemail and we can either configure port each port manually or go through the configuration wizard and in here you can create an unlimited number of voicemail ports the as far as if unity connection will let you use that many is based on the licenses and with the demo license you get two ports so we'll go to we're just go ahead and go to the wizard because this will talk us through through the steps and what they are so for adding the new ports we can use this the same and I'll copy that because I'll use it later on unity connection we'll just hit next and how many ports do you want and we'll say two because that's the max we can actually use see here it's like is not unlimited you can use up to 250 but again that's all based on licenses and running unity connection on VMware you get to so I will hit next and then for the description we can just say voicemail device pool default again the coin search spaces we have not created so we'll leave those in the none calling search space and partition let's see it will use the standard default location and for now non-secure and there actually is a participant here these are just the calling search spaces but nevertheless we'll click on next and then the beginning directory number that you're going to use for the voicemail and in this case we can say like 5601 partitions none calling search space is none and we can just leave these as the defaults and hit next then as far as adding the punter line groups we will we'll add those later which will be the next step so hit on next and then here you can see it created 5601 250 602 and we'll hit finish all right and then you can see it's successfully created these and if we go back to our voicemail ports page hit find we can now see that these extensions have been created they're not yet registered yet because we haven't set up unity connection but you can see these are all set ready to go so now we'll go over to call routing route hunt and we'll create a line group and as again there's currently no line group so we'll hit add new and for the name we can just type in VM group I can type distribution algorithm we can usually say top down and then we'll go through and find the extensions that were just created so we got the 5601 and to add those to the line group and then hit save and now that that's created we'll go back up to the route hunt and we'll create a hunt list and again there's no list created yet so we hit add new and you give it any type of aim you want we can just call this one voicemail hunt and this one will flag as for voicemail um so that way you know it's not like a normal hung group and then in here we'll add our line group that we created which is the VM group hit save and you go down you see we have our hunt group in the list so we'll save that and now we just need to create our pilot number so we'll go back here and create the hunt pilot again there's no pilot so we'll add a new one and the pilot number we can make 5,600 and let's see we don't need to provide out side dial-tone the hunt list we're use is the voicemail hunt that we created and they're really since this is since this is just 1 over 2 unity connection we don't really need to worry about any of these other settings selects that looks good and we'll hit save and then the last thing we need to do is again under the voicemail settings is create the voicemail pilot and the voicemail profile now the voicemail pilot is going to be it's going to be the same as the hunt number so we said it was 5,600 we don't have any calling search space and we'll just go ahead and save that and what that does is on your on the IP phones here this voicemail button this is what tells the phone what extension this button goes to so when I click on this it's going to go to 5600 which is in turn is that that hunt group that is going to connect to unity connection so then the very last thing here is under voicemail to go to the voicemail profile we'll hit add new we can just call this a default voicemail and the pilot is going to be the 5600 what this does is when you when you're setting the line configuration for the phone it's going to you'll say you know after so many rings go to voicemail or if you're busy go to voicemail and you're going to select a profile and this profile links basically tells the the call manager of where to send the call when it's referencing voicemail so in this case it's 5,600 so with that saved we're pretty much done and we can apply this to a phone so one phone that hasn't been created yet is a soft phone and I believe let's see this one should be line one cipc so let's create this real quick and we'll give it an extension so we'll go to phone add new and this is a Cisco IP communicator we can use skinny and then for the device name it's usually the MAC address but in this case we use the line once the a PC and then we'll say this is a soft phone again this is very basic we're not using any any type of security or calling search spaces or partition so I'll just go through here most of them you can leave at defaults give it this and standard security nuts and a standard nonce secure profile and that's pretty much it we can turn on the video capabilities for kuva so you can integrate it with a webcam and then we'll add a new line here no make this one 2009 and the voicemail profile here we'll choose the default voicemail that's the one that we just created and then down here we can say let's go to check these so automatically the forward no answer automatically checks these and then we can say the no ring answer will shorten it for this we'll change it to 10 seconds so that our testicles we don't have to wait 30 seconds and we'll hit save and we should be all set now if we go back let's every start the phone on a real phone what we do is if you go to settings hit start our pound star star that would reset it so now you can see that it's registered we have the extension and if i refresh this page we can now see that it's registered so let's go over to unity connection and login here I am mistyped I did okay I must have been sitting on this too long let's get a fresh connection here okay alright next I to switch to firefox here because I'm having some issues here with Internet Explorer I get this kind of stuff all the time on other sites too so it's it works fine in Internet Explorer but for whatever case on my machine right now I can only get to work in Firefox so that's what we'll use so now that we're logged in to unity connection this is the apply again this is the appliance version and when we scroll down here we're going to go under the telephony integrations and under phone system it has a default phone system we can add our own I mean this part really doesn't matter what you want to call it Oh hit save and then it will give you a bunch of other additional options that you can configure which we won't go into all the advanced ones we're just going to do a very basic set up so now we have the phone system created we'll go to the phone group create a new phone group and then this is where you can choose if you want skinny or sip and we've got our CCM phone system already selected here the display name we can have whatever you want but the device name prefix is the one that we used earlier and we want this to match exactly what's on the call manager so it was a VI one message waiting indicator was 50 would we say 50 501 and 5502 and then the IP 191 6-8 20.5 this is the call manager address and you know I'll just leave it on skinny and default port 2000 hit save and it will remind you that you need to create ports once this is rated phone system cannot take calls as no port so we can go down to ports add new and we'll say there are two ports add it to this port group this you can select if you want to answer calls perform message waiting notification I'll do for this example just leave them all checked let it do everything hit save wait forward to finish here alright so now we have our all of our connections or reports I mean and if you click on these you can see the oops can you see the problem already I put a one in there I probably just put a VI because this needs to match what's on call manager so if we flip back to Co manager here to lose in my trainers out here under voicemail and voicemail ports these ports names device names here need to match in order to register so let's let's go back to the ports delete those we'll try it again we'll say two ports we'll go back to port group and this one will change to the prefixes Cu CMV I hit save and then we'll go to back to port add new we'll say two ports save and now when we go into these it should match yeah Cisco um 1 - VI 1 and the other one should be 2 which it is and that matches what's in call manager and see now you can see these ports and extensions are now registered with 10 10 10 50 which is unity and then what we can do is on this phone we created extension 2009 so we can go to up to users here we'll add new and alias we could just say let's see I was going to say YouTube but this one will say VMware and then the name first and last name this display name is what the text-to-speech engine will read so you can type in anything you want here and it will actually read it I was goofing around with that before and some of my other videos but this is extension 2009 and we'll hit save once you hit save you will actually get a lot of additional options as well all right so now that that's created this voicemail is ready to go let me see if we pull up unity here Oh another thing actually let's go to edit and we'll go to the password settings and see I mean change password and here you can select the web application or voicemail in this case we're going to say voicemail and we'll just create a password here all right password updated so now if we go back to our phone if entering the sub so you can here and okay should we get there now hit the voicemail and now if you can hear that or not let me see oops doesn't look like it's going to work with my headset I don't think you'll be able hear this one second here all right so since I can get the audio to work through cipc I thought I'd show you real quick on the hard phones so with the voicemail profile we set up or pilot I should say we can hit this button enter your PIN followed by pound and we put in the pin that we set up at Unity connection welcome to Cisco unity connection please take a moment to personalize or update your settings know to exit pressed are the first time that you do this a recorded name identifies you to weather collar you know the first time you go through it's going to go through that tutorial have you set up your greeting and all that that's a one-time thing but then the other thing is when the when you call the extension sorry YouTube watcher is not available record your message at the tone when you are finished hang up or press pound for more options to send this message press one if you would like to try an extension you may do so now so that's leaving a message and then like I was saying with the calling search faces and partitions for messages waiting indicator one example would be by just out of the extension see I can turn on the message waiting indicator on this phone and I can turn it off with an extension to so normally you probably wouldn't want that that's why you would restrict the calling search space just between unity connection and call manager but anyway that is a unity connection and call manager in one or integration so thanks for watching
Channel: wmx99
Views: 103,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco, unified, communications, manager, 8.5, unity, connection, integrate, cucm, cuc, voice, mail, ccnp, ccvp
Id: e0A0PY5DybY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2011
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