Managing Unity Connection Users

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[Music] welcome everyone my name is John Muir's MA and I want to welcome you to our Tech Talk managing unity connection users I'm an instructor at sunset learning I've taught Cisco now for nearly 20 years started out routing and switching moved into collaboration voice over IP about a decade ago and that's where I've been for the most part ever since although these collaboration devices are computers and so we use networking all the time the the course the Tech Talk that we're going to give you today is going to be using unity connection Cisco's voice mail system in order to have voice mail we have to create users and there's a variety of ways that we can do that I'm going to show you a handful of ways that we can pull users we can import users into unity connection we can create users and then once they're there we can implement policy as mentioned the point of our Tech Talk is going to be to show you how to create users manually and via importing into unity connection the intended audience would be those with some experience those who have some familiarity with unity connection otherwise it'd be pretty challenging it does what is this thing no no no no it's a voice mail system so having some familiarity will make it a little bit easier to follow along I will move fairly quickly oh the great the great thing is is this class is recorded and so if you take advantage of the the if you take advantage of the promo code not only do you get access to the course but you have a year access to the recorded courses so every course we have if you decide you want to learn more about routing and switching but you may not have time to sit the class our next videos have a recorded version of all of our courses including this Tech Talk so a presenting that you miss you will be able to see this and its recorded version so you can slow it down stop rewind go forward and our goal is to show you a variety of ways that we can add users to unity connection before I get started though I'd like to make sure that we are all on the same page we are all 100% certain with what it is that we're trying to accomplish so what I'd like to do is briefly illustrate what it is that we're going to accomplish so they we're all on the same page in order to have the unity connection we're going to have to have a Unified Communication Manager some people call it call manager I like to it's less syllables call manager it used to be known as call manager but it's official title is Cisco Unified Communication Manager this is the server you can have up to 20 of these servers but these are the servers that have identical databases and they control endpoints which is the whole point of a collaboration systems you need to support users who use endpoints phones video units these are all computers every one of these devices is a computer speaks tcp/ip Unified Communication Manager and up to 20 of its friends our computers also so it's a it's an IP based telephony system and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add another server to our collaboration deployment we're gonna talk to unity connection now I've already set up the voicemail ports unity connection can use Cisco proprietary skinny s CCP to talk to unity connection but unity connection can also support sip and sip can be used by all vendors all proprietors anyone is allowed to use sip including Cisco so since unity connections supports sip it can work with any IP telephony solution so we can connect any system to unity connection so this part I've already set this up but what I want to show you is we need users need to add end-users there's a variety of ways we can do this we can go in and add users one at a time we can go in and say okay which I'll show you we'll add a new user we'll add user Amy and you can manually add the user they live just in the Unity connection database that's fine but we can also import users we can import users once we have our system set up and we're communicating with unified communication manager one of the ways that I'll show you today to import users is if those users already exist inside of Unified Communication Manager we can synchronize them and bring them into unity connection so if you have a user named Bob over here we can synchronize them and then all the sudden Bob's going to show up in unity you don't have to create Bob you just synchronized and then another way that we're going to demonstrate importing users is going to be from a Microsoft Active Directory server if you have a dot-com gov dot edu then you have a domain name ten bucks a year it's your name but what you do with that name is you go to a usually nearly all most companies nearly all companies are going to go to a Microsoft Windows server you're going to turn on what's called Active Directory it's a database and then the Active Directory needs a domain name which is your com gov your dot edu so you have X Y Z com that's your domain name and you configure you activate Active Directory you build this com database then the whole point is that you want to be able to manage computers you want to be able to manage computers servers and instead of having to create local user accounts on each of these instead of having to go create local accounts on each computer the idea is that you can create users within Active Directory we can create users within Microsoft Active Directory and then those users are allowed to log in to any computer in the company and you can control policy from the server so the point is your users are already going to exist within Active Directory all of the users in your company will probably have a Microsoft account so if your users already exist wouldn't it be great if we could import them into unity which we can certainly do so all of these users that are in Microsoft will be able to be imported I'll show you how to pull them into unity so we can grab users bring them in from a variety of sources we're going to show you how to do them manually from Unified Communication Manager and from Active Directory without further ado let's get started so as I a list rate it we have two servers we're going to go into our unity connection server and if we start and click users over here on the left side we can see that we just have the system users there are no end users yet created within unity connection they don't exist yet so one of the things that we can do is to simply add new the only two settings that are required the only two settings that are well actually three I suppose you need an alias and then we're also going to have to provide an extension so in order to create a user and unity connection the user is going to have to have a name an extension and that extension they'll create a voice mailbox belonging to that user however just note since we're here we'll point this out I say I personally I forget this often but the user has to be based on a template so when you create a user once the user exists there's all kinds of settings that you can customize although if you're savvy you might customize first slide on over to user templates you can customize the template then when you make the user base them on the template voila all of those customized settings are applied to the user so you can do that we haven't done that but you certainly can once the users create it's too late if you modify the template it has no effect on an existing user so the two things that we're going to do have the user and then we're going to give the user an extension give them an extension of 7,001 we're gonna have to base him on a template and there's only one template by default that's the voicemail user template although we could create as many templates as we want notice there is no edit yet there is no edit up here until we click save once we click save then we're going to be able and if you click if you double tap like I did it doesn't like it you get this message but it's fine I just double tap if you click and there's our user if you click save twice it's ok but now that we have created the user and we select the user will see that edit is now available and once you click Edit that's where you're going to be able to get all of your different options customizable which again nearly all nearly all of these could have been done in the template prior to creating the user but you can also do it once the users created you can go in and modify things like password what role they're going to have if you want to give them a role if you want to change their transfer rules so that when people transfer when they answer calls they have the option of deciding whether or not they want to take it you have a call from hey man it's me and then you can decide whether or not you want to take it Dave's not here or you can customize the experience for the end user once they're created so creating the user manually is one way we can get them in unity and then from there we have the option of customizing changing settings once they exist another way that we can pull users in is going to be Microsoft now in order to do that I want to show you a Microsoft server and the reason for that is I want you to be able to see where it is that we're gonna bring these users from it's one thing to tell you yeah they're from Microsoft but I want to show you because within a Microsoft Active Directory database within a Microsoft Active Directory database we have yep accom write a dot gov dot edu that's the name of your database but your database is Active Directory so you go to the Windows Server and you can go into your Administrative Tools and you can then select Active Directory users and computers it's one of your Administrative Tools once you open up Active Directory users and computers that's your comm you're gov that's your your your domain and I just I know this is hard to see but I want to show you there's the domain name but then notice all of these folders that are in the domain some of them are just plain old [Music] they're just plain ol folders a lot of them are in fact just plain old folders but some of them are marked notice some of them have little icons on them the folders themselves have little icons those are organizational units and a Microsoft administrator worth their salt is going to create these organizational units they're just folders you create a no you you give it a name but then once you once the user excuse me once the organizational unit is created then we can put users in it within the Microsoft database you can add your end users I mean put as many users as you want in here and the reason that's so important is because then you can implement policy the Microsoft admin can implement group policy in group policy gives the administrator thousands and thousands and thousands of settings they can adjust that will apply to all users in this organizational unit every conceivable option on a Windows desktop is controlled within group policy so I can go in and say here's what your background is here's what programs are installed in your computer here's what happens when you click start here's what happens when you click file here's your home page and internet explorer here's you can't use internet explorer you have to use this program and here's how your packets are marked when they're sent out for quality of service we're gonna incorporate IPSec encryption anything you want everything you want thousands of settings are applied to these organizational units so notice that your Microsoft administrator has many of these organizational units and the reason that I'm bringing that up is because the Microsoft administrator does is for policy we as cisco administrators need to know what organizational unit were pulling users from you don't want to pull users from the entire domain because then you're gonna get everything and if we click on some of these folders and we open it up and we realize we don't want all of this we don't want all of these some of these users are like what we want migration excuse me what user are you migration dot 8 f 3 e 7 7 once ok that's enough who who let this Joker in well I just imported the entire Microsoft database they don't want to do that some of these users are built-in system users we don't want to import them into unity come on think McFly what we want to do is pull the users that are in an organizational unit well in order to do that we have to know the name of the organizational unit so if we go look inside of any of them let's see we choose pod 3 and there's 4 users those are the users we want to pull into unity so what we need to do is ahead of time know the name of our domain the name of the organizational unit the name of the organizational unit and the IP address of our server we need to know the IP address of our server then we can tell unity to pull these users from this oh you from this domain and it should work just fine so that's where our users are at now let's go import them to do that we're going to go drop down or excuse me we're going to click the drop down box under navigation we're gonna choose Cisco Unified serviceability go and there are two services we can activate within unity connection just to if you've ever done this in Unified Communication Manager there's a dozen or there's two dozen services your entity there's just two tools service activation we've got two little services one of them that we can activate is the LDAP service and that's the one we want the cisco der sync cisco directory sync in order to use LDAP which is the lightweight directory authentication protocol that's the language Microsoft uses to let users sign in and it's the protocol that's used when users authenticate well we want to use that protocol to bring the users into our database we have to turn this service on click Save click OK the service is activated and then while that's going on we can wait a few moments trust but verify I'm sure it'll work but let's wait and make sure now we can see that it's activated but does that really mean that it's running well yes it does most of the time but not all the time about one out of a hundred times you'll see well it says activated yeah but did you really check so since we're here we might as well check our work click tools and now we're going to click control feature services we're going to click control center feature services we initially configured service activation we initially checked that now we're going to go into this and verify that it's actually running and I expect it to be I'm just wanting to verify because it can it does happen where sometimes you'll activate and it doesn't actually work so we can see the directory sync started its activated there's the time everything looks great now we're going to go back into our unity connection administration and from here we're gonna drop down and we're gonna select LDAP which if we come down LDAP is going to be right there so from here we're gonna go into the LDAP settings start with the LDAP setup the Box enable LDAP synchronization synchronization from an LDAP server click Save we get the update successful message then we're going to go into the directory add new make sure you get this right if you don't get this right you have to delete it and recreate it cannot modify it so from here we're going to use the directory name can be any name we want it's just naming this process but the distinguished name this is the credentials these are the credentials from the Microsoft server unity can't just go to Microsoft excuse me I need all your users can your users just come with me please we're gonna import all these guys we'll just take all their information you don't mind do you Microsoft's gonna say hey wait wait wait based on whose credentials whose authority do you have and we're gonna be able to say based on the Microsoft Authority we have the Microsoft user name and the Microsoft password and that will be enough so we have to tell unity what credentials to use and we have to do that in UPN format so we're going to say not it's not enough to say administrator we have to do administrator at the domain name you see SLI I'm gonna do that at SLI - you see and the Microsoft password and in the user base oh you this is the organizational unit it's why we went on that journey and examine the organizational unit the o u equals pod 3 it's not case-sensitive c'mon DC equals the domain name SLI - you see labs comma D C equals calm make sure you get this right if you don't and you click save you have to delete it and recreate it that's the path from there we can decide how often to synchronize we can do it once we can do it every hour every day every week every month or we could just do it one time now we need to put in the IP address of our Microsoft server click Save and you get to find out right away if you're successful if you get an ad successful it's great if you get an error message there's a problem Network issue you put the wrong credentials in we didn't get that so fine now we can drop down and we have the option of performing a full sync now we can drop down and at the very bottom it says perform full sync so we'll do that click OK let's go through the process now what we'll go get your users we're gonna slide back up to the very top under users and we're gonna see about importing these users will click import find users in LDAP directory and then find sometimes you have to give it a few moments see sometimes so don't panic you just say ok alright it's not it's not instantaneous a lot sometimes things are instantaneous other times yeah not so much [Music] bumbum okay sure we're fine there we go see just when you start to doubt yourself yes when you're like they show up happens all the time take a breath have a cup of coffee there they are so now that we have the users it only does what we tell it so it's not gonna bring them into our database we have to select them choose a template voicemail users or create a template why not create a template customize pull them in they're all configured something to think about choose a template pick the users pick them all pick some import them and then we will see the results shows us that we've imported for users zero failures we've imported for users and we've got no failures so that all looks good that looks great and then we're going to go back up we'll click users and we should see our users and we do so we can see that we brought in a Volga our Nile s Danby J Amazon we've brought these users in their numbers arrived from there we could select any of the users and then we could make changes we could click Edit and make changes customize them so that's how we're going to import them via Microsoft now there's a third way that I want to show you and that's importing them through you call manager let's go to a Unified Communication Manager different server we're gonna take a look at users we've got two end-users here now I want to show you something these users have a phone number if we go in and select the user John and we drop down because the user has the phone associated to them the user is then able to have an extension associated to them must have an extension once the extension is there now the user can be brought into unity connection so we have these two users they both have phone numbers associated to them let's bring them into unity to do that we're going to drop down and go to the phone system under telephony integrations we're gonna go to the telephony integrations and choose phone systems phone system choose the phone system and then we're going to click Edit from here we want the Cisco Unified Communications Manager axl service Excel gives our it's the service used to interact with the database we want to bring users in from that database now we're going to create a server so the couple doesn't really matter the order of steps here we could create a user then we're gonna add a server or excuse me we're not going to create a user we're going to put in the credentials of the Unified Communication Manager just as we had to put in the credentials from the Microsoft server we have to put in the credentials of the Unified Communication Manager server so we're going to use so you see M admin then we can click we can add new add a server the IP address of our Unified Communication Manager port 8 4 4 3 click Save and again we'll find out if there's a problem we can test if you'd like the test was successfully sent we're in good shape now that we've done that we can go back up to users import users and now we want the phone system that's going to be the name of your phone system and we can find and it will go to Unified Communication Manager and it will look for users and we can see that we've got our two users John and mark same process you want to bring them in ok base them on a template select the users import to successes zero failures the message tells us everything looks great we would expect to see the users when we click users and then we see our two users that were brought in John and Mark now notice if we were to go to in fact I'll delete these users and I want to show you something just to help you avoid a potential pitfall well delete these two then we're going to go back to Unified Communication Manager and we're going to create a user just create a user let's say we add a new user will add Amy and will give Amy a last name and that's all we need to do now once we create the user we might think okay let's import them but notice that Amy does not have a phone associated to her nor does she have a phone number so users are separate objects from phone numbers users are separate objects from phone numbers and phones so we have our user phone and then we have a phone number these are all separate objects in Unified Communication Manager these are all separate objects so this would be our user phone and then we've got our phone number our directory number and when we create them they're just not magically intertwined we have to physically go in to the user and point them to the phone then we have to point the phone to the number and then the number and the user have to be connected but then you have to go to the user and associate the number and then we have to go to the phone and associate the user and then the number to the phone so when you build them separately you have to them all together as I straight it just creating user doesn't create the others and you cannot associate a phone number until there's a phone so I'm going to create a phone associate it to the user and then we'll have a number on the phone we'll associate it to the user as well and then we'll be able to import Amy see if we were to go back into unity and try to import users she's not gonna be available because she doesn't have a number so we're going back to Unified Communication Manager and there's just John and Mark even though our user Amy clearly exists she is not available to be Sprott in to unity until she has a number I mean you can't show up in unity without a number because the whole point of being in unity is so that you have a voicemail account and in order to have a voice mail account hey leave me a voicemail what's your number oh I don't have one that's not how that works so we have to have a phone number let's go back into Unified Communication Manager we're going to create a phone we have two phones one from Mark one for John I'll just simply copy one of these then I'll give it a new MAC address and we'll call it Amy 2001 description we'll change the user from Mark to Amy and click Save so we've got a new phone then we have to give her a phone number there's no number so we'll give her a number of say 2001 we don't have to do anything else we could give her a description if we wanted to but we certainly don't have to do this I like to do it but it's not required we just have to have a number but I like to have a number description alerting names if somebody calls us if somebody calls Amy whatever is in the alerting name is gonna be sent back to them we can scroll down we can give Amy a caller ID if we want external number mask if we call the outside world it'll change our four digits it'll change our four digits if we call the outside world instead of being 2001 it'll turn it into five one three five five five 2001 none of those are required just by habit I like to do that so I have a user I have a number now we need to go to the end user associate the phone and the new extension so all of these objects are created separately and then associated separately the Vice Association find the new phone go back to user and by the way there are there are much easier ways to do what I'm doing cisco has ways that creates users phones and numbers in one move instead of these all separate and then have to create them all together much easier ways because I wanted to show you how it didn't work this is the way that I'm choosing to do it now we've associated the phone but then we can associate the extension that's on the phone perfect so the user has a phone has a number because we created them we associated them we double associated them who now we should be able to import that user into unity because of that that's the key go to unity find our users it'll query Unified Communication Manager and hopefully we would expect to find three users which we do and now all three of them are there we can import them three successes zero failures click users there they are and that is how we import users into unity connection so we create users shall we synchronize from LDAP how we pull them in from unified communication manager the only thing that I want to point out that I haven't yet is that within Microsoft when we pulled the users into unity connection from the Microsoft Active Directory server we pulled the users in we had what I think J Amazon was one of our users and the user comes in to unity once we did that the user was created here in LDAP and they're brought in but the passwords are separate you pulled the user into unity you still have to go into unity and create their password and that could cause a little bit of an issue because our user within Microsoft has to have a separate Microsoft password and so now you're like yeah you got your Microsoft's your computer your exchange Outlook password but then in unity I have a totally different password if you want to sign in and check your voicemail and is there a way that we could simplify this there is if you turn on LDAP synchronization which is what I demonstrated if you turn on LDAP sync which pulls the users in you then and only then have the option of turning on LDAP authentication and this does your end-users a nice service you can also authenticate if you turn on sync you can then take the additional step of saying well you know what I'm going to sync the password as well now your password exists in one place your users exist in one place change your password and it will change the password that's used in both Microsoft and unity one password to rule them all so we have that ability and in order to do that it's the last thing that I'll show you is that if we drop down and we click LDAP under LDAP we have the option of choosing LDAP authentication and this only works if we've also set up LDAP sync so under LDAP authentication since we've turned on the other LDAP we can turn this on check the box and then essentially we're just repeating some of the configuration that we already used the Microsoft administrator at and no you don't need to use the actual administrator account but we don't have very many accounts and it's a simple one to remember for demonstration purposes but you don't need to have such high privilege to do this and then the search base can be the entire domain because within Microsoft passwords are controlled at the domain level not at the OU you level the domain is where your password in fact it's a micro used to be a Microsoft test question for their server exam you want to change password policies what do you do it create a second domain because you can change it within you can't have two separate password policies or passwords with it its domain wide so you might as well just point to the entire domain SL I - you see labs that's not how you do it that would be easy if it was it's actually DC equals SL I - you see labs , DC equals calm so you can leave out the oh you the IP address save and now notice this if you go to a user that came from Active Directory they're not going to such as je Amazon we won't be able to change their password they're brought in from Active Directory their password is also going to be brought in from Active Directory we can check through we can select our voicemail but you don't have the option of choosing their web app which is the where the password is remember in unity there are two different types of passwords in unity a pin is when you try to sign into your when you're using your phone and you want to check into voicemail please enter your PIN you have four new messages a web app which is not available to us in unity because it's controlled by Microsoft that web app is when you try to sign into a web page we can't change it in unity anymore for these users just these users we would have to go into Microsoft to change the password the other users we certainly can change web app because Amy is not controlled by Microsoft so we could go into her account edit password settings and we can change the web app because she is a user that is not in her password is not controlled by Microsoft it's a local so just a point now you might say well hey man what about Unified Communication Manager I want users coming from call manager to have one password as well well in order to do that remember if you can think of it someone else already created a way to do it pretty much how I approach things the solution and what if that's what you're thinking if you want to pull them in from Unified Communication Manager see you see em and then you have unity and then you have Microsoft if you want the users coming from call manager to have their passwords controlled you actually have to sync call manager from LDAP which you can do and now the users are being controlled by Microsoft they'll show up and call manager then you can sync the users from call manager into unity connection and guess where the passwords are controlled again so that's the way to do it you can either do it directly a use LDAP pull the users in directly set authentication authorization and synchronization or you can go the roundabout way pull the users from LDAP into Unified Communication Manager then into unity then turn on authentication then turn on authentication or turn on authentication here and here and that still might not even work now that I think of it might not even work have you thought about that sure thought that through before I brought that up that's really I think about that but that's beyond our purview today what I wanted to show you were ways of pulling users in from into unity into unity connection want to be clear on that since there is a unity product that cisco has and we're not using unity we're using unity connection which is different than unity which is different than unity Express so I wanted to show you ways to do that before I finish I will point out because sometimes this is uh this is useful information you can always search you can always bring up a search - Cisco unity connection and then you can search the cisco has step-by-step guides and we can go into the Cisco unity connection and you can get maintain and operate guides I mean I'll send this link to you but they have lots of documentation available so if you do want to research how you would best apply users coming from Unified Communication Manager and you wanted to try to limit the amount of passwords you can do some research take a look at the documentation and find a solution they have that for each of the versions so that brings the event brings my demonstration to an end I want to open it up for questions if you have any questions please feel free to ask you can either ask or type well then if there are no questions I want to thank you for participating thank you for being here I hope you found our demonstration useful insightful thanks for being here and we are going to have at noon in the next 15 minutes we're going to do a demonstration on Cube cisco unified border element and then later on today at 4 o'clock Eastern we're also going to do a demonstration on using Python code in rest api's to automate configuring WebEx teams WebEx teams will be the product that we're going to show you how to write code to make updates to that'll be at 4 o'clock Eastern all right hey John I have a quick question go ahead the question I have is about alternate extensions is there a good way to list alternate extensions in unity you know like I have an extension it's the main mailbox number for that but then we have other extensions that are tied to that and that doesn't seem to pull right up from unity easily so wondering if there was a real good way to look at that alternate extensions on a user or one of the places that we can go to on an individual user now we can also look at reports but let me um on an individual user under edit there is a alternate extensions tab right and so it'll show any if any alternate extensions that this user has a user itself that's on the user but my question is like when you go to put that in on a if you have an alternate extension you put that in it doesn't it won't list that in the front page there you know like or like you can see two thousand one there how would i look for if it had twelve thousand one that's an alternate number two that or something you know that my question let's go take a look under unity connection serviceability we may be able to run a report on that little bit maybe so we have reports that we can run but as far as just listing them you're gonna see what you see it's not gonna change the appearance are you right and so but we may be able to run a report on a regular basis that might show users or extensions that they have but that's that's probably yeah all that I have I don't I don't have an easy way to show alternate extensions I mean they are very individual user we have to go digging in for them and then to see them in yeah personally aware that's basically that's basically what I've been doing this fight okay well what number did you call and then we go okay I will give you this because this is this is something that you might be amazed at what's available because sometimes if you have these questions other people have found solutions there's a Cisco Unity tools website that people often create programs tools and it's it's it's dedicated to unity administrators and it's an FTP site where they have all kinds of tools programs that we can serve and there might be something listed there as well or something that no good thank you alright we're going to we're going to stop here and then in ten minutes we're gonna come on back we're gonna do a demonstration on how to connect how to configure a cube a SIP trunk to a cube and then we will also make some calls and hopefully pull up a sip trace or two and now John is what question is there going to be a link or or is it the same conference link to view the recorded cube message you know like I gotta go right now but I would like to view your Riku tiara recorded message oh is it the same message I mean the same link to join it later okay great yeah the the cube message I mean it's the same link for the cube which is in ten minutes right and in order to view the recorded we're gonna have to sign in to the sunset website as a user have a user account you can sign into the sunset website and access all of our videos okay so if you are access to that or want to get access I do all of our videos this video will be made available in our collection of videos you just sign in to the sunset website with your user account password and it will be available you should be able to search done and find it you're welcome mmm buh-bye Thanks
Channel: Sunset Learning Institute
Views: 2,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, collaboration, collab, cucm, ldap, unity connection, technology, it training, cisco training, education, webinar, exam, certification, tech training, training, online learning, online resources, online education, learn something new, technology training
Id: BWUlsLpO2dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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