How to configure an Auto-Attendant with CUC 11.x

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hi and welcome to this video my name is Jaime Valencia I'm part of the PDI technical advisers in Cisco and today I'm going to show you how to configure a basic out attendant quit see you cm and unity connection on eleven dot X release I hope this is used free before I start with the configuration in CEO cm I just want to remind you that right now we are going to be using the subtract integration and that the boys mail pilot number is going to be configured to four thousand four the other tendon the first thing that we want to create is a city elrod point that is under device city our rod point we're going to click on admin and we're going to fill in the basic details then we are going to save it and we're going to add a directory number to it you we need to make sure that we assign the for a fault that we are going to be using for the forms and a valid calling search space we are going to sell it to cull forward all two boys map and we're going to save it for this basic of the tenant that I'm going to create in first place this is going to be all the configuration that you need in cuc em we're going to move over to unity connection to configure a code handler there is going to be receiving the call and playing the grading in get the connection we are going to start by creating a calendar we get the call management system call handlers as you can see the ones that we have right now are the default ones and I'm going to click on add new the extension it's going to be the same that I use for my CTO rod point in CUC m and I'm going to save it now a few things that you want to make sure that you have the right settings here is the active schedule right now this is going to be active for all day long you can change this depending on what you want and also very very important is that a lot of people are going to try to record their greetings on the recorded name and that is wrong what happens when you do that is that you're going to hear something like sorry the greeting that you record it is not available and what you're supposed to get in the recorded name is for example something like John Doe so you could hear sorry John Doe is not available and that is a very common mistake that I have seen let me go back and from the Edit menu the menus that we are going to be using for this are going to be transfer roles color input and greetings let's go to breathing's in first place and record the agreeing that I'm going to use as you can see we have a lot of options in here the one that is going to be enabled and used by default is the standard greeting you also have the closed grading there is only going to play when you configure - cattle and you configure the closed hours there is also an alternate greeting and that one if during namely it will play above any other greeting that you have let's lick on the standard greeting a couple of functions that you want to make sure that you get the right settings in here if for example you want this outer tender and you only want to give a message you do not want them to try to reach anybody else you can use the ignore color input option here by default unity connection will only allow you to transfer to directory numbers that are configured in unity connection what does this meant right now on this scenario as the only directory numbers that are configured in unity connection are the ones from my users the e.164 number that they have in unity those could be the only numbers that you could be able to reach if you want to reach any other number that is configured in C you see M but doesn't have a matching number in unity connection you can use this option allow transfers the numbers not associated with users or Co handlers if we go to the bottom of this page we will get recordings option and we are going to get the gridding and the play record option let's click on it we are going to get the meteor we are going to get several options Kiera if you want to record any rhythm you can use your computer or you can use a phone I'm going to show you here to configure both options right now I'm going to try it with my computer and also for the playback you can use your phone or the computer I'm going to use computer for both if you go to options you here open file you want to use this option if you already have a file with the audio that you want to play a lot of companies will invest in a professional recording for the grillings and you can use this option to upload it the other option playback and recording you are going to get this new window as you can see a couple of the options that you have here are the same that you have in the media bar the playback device the recording device and you also have the active phone number this is the director number in which unity connection is going to dial if you choose to use your phone to hear the grading or to record the grainy I'm not going to change anything and I'm just going to click on OK now I'm going to try to record my grade hello you have reached my lap if you want to reach bill mostly press number one if you want to use conference now press number T and if you do nothing you can leave me a message and we can hear the recording right now hello you have reached my lap if you want to reach Bill mostly press number one if you want to use conference now the bridge number 10 and if you do nothing you can leave me a message and we're going to save it now I'm going to configure the color input options so that I can do your eyes man shot in my greeting I'm going to edit and I'm going to color input I'm going to choose number one because that is going to be transferring to Bill Mosley and I'm going to choose that the action is going to be for a user with a mailbox it's going to be all T's that is Bill mostly user and I'm going to attempt the transfer for the option number two that I mentioned I need to create a new calendar and that is going to be transferring the call over to see you see em for this one you really do not need an extension because you do not want people reaching out this one directly you need to go to edit and girl and change the transfer rules for this one we're going to change the standard transfer rule and we're going to choose transfer codes to an extension or URI the pilot that I have for conference now in CCM it's a star 3000 and that is what I'm going to configuring here important a lot of people do not like to hear the weight while I transfer your code and you can disable it here right now I'm going to leave it and I'm going to save this we need to go back to our original Calandra we need to go back to the color liquid options and we're going to configure option number two this time we're going to use a calendar it's going to be the two conference now calendar and we're going to attempt transfer whenever you set this to attempt to transfer it's going to use the transfer laws of the target option so right now if I attempt a transfer to the conference now go hunter is going to try to transfer to a start 3000 in see you see em I'm going to save this the concert space that I have for the integration in cuc M already allows me to reach a star 2000 but unity connection might not allow me to dial that we need to go to the restriction tables and we need to adjust that we're going to change the default transfer option if you want to know how to configure this pattern you can click on help for this page and you will get explanation of every single thing that is in here you will get the explanation of the patterns the wall cards and it will also tell you that the last pattern in the table always matches all numbers and that one is enabled by default this is very important to prevent 12-foot with this in place I'm going to racer my EP communicator and I'm going to place a couple of tasks all so that you can see how this works before the demo something is very important and the life order to enable is that once you have a personal grilling you need to enable it we are going back to the standard grading and under colors here we need to enable my personal grilling if we do not enable this option you are going to get sorry the name of the greeting in this case it could be a a one is not available you need to make sure that you choose my personal greeting and we're going to save it with this we can go ahead and do the demo the layout for this is the same one that I have been using for the other videos I'm going to be using Corey Taylor which is locally resetting my PC and I'm going to be dialing into the outer tangent hello you have reached my lab if you want to reach Bill Mosley press number one if you want wait while I transfer your call as you can see we were able to establish a code between Bill Mosley and Cory Taylor using the alt attendant I'm going to end the skull I'm going to dial again and I'm going to use option number two hello you have reached my lab if you want to reach Bill Mosley press number one if you want to use conference now press number clean up wait while I transfer your call welcome to join a conference now please enter a meeting number followed by pound that is how you create a basic out of ten that I'm going to configure more advanced options and I'm going to show you another few tricks in order to use out attendance now I'm going to show you a more complex at attendant that I created the name for it it's a a dash to the number that will come into dialects 4200 the configuration on C you see it's going to be the same as for the previous one you can also see that I created two moral handlers guianese customer service and the other one is to sales they are going to be doing the same as the conference now Cassandra I'm going to show you the configuration and also some of the advanced features that I'm using for this one in first place you can notice that the active schedule is not the standard one I created a new one we can click on build to see what I created you will notice that the office hours for this are going to be Monday to Friday from 95 and open 24 hours on weekends what difference is this going to make with the configuration when you call in one of the hours in which this is going to be working you are going to get the standard wording when you call on these hours you are going to get the clothes grading let's go back to the calendar and I will show you that if we go to the greetings you will notice that right now I hear both the standard and the closed gradings enabled and I also have my recording on h1 we're going to hear the once they do them I'm going to show you the clothes grading for that one I'm going to play you the grading since right now it's not going to work I also change the color input right now as you can see I have one two sales to to customer service three I'm sending that to a user and I'm using some particular settings on this user I'm going to show you that in a minute and I configure zero for the operator I also change the settings for the operator car handler I'm going to show you that let's go back to the calendars and I'm going to show you the operator this one if we go to the transfer roles I change the configuration by default you are going to go to the grading I change the dial to an extension or URI on this case this is Otis there's the number we are going to see that in the demo let me show you for math here thing where I can feel the most common transfer is set it to release switch on this scenario I'm not going to be doing that I'm going to be using a super bus transfer we're not going to play the way to allow transfer your call prompt I'm also going to ask who is calling I'm enabling ask me if I want to take the call the user will be prompted if you wants to take the call or not if the color is basic you can change it to not only send the color to voice mode but to pull the column halt withered asking or as colored halt I'm going to show you how this works in the limo one important thing that I need to mention is that right now these two call handlers the customer service and the cells I do not have them configured to transfer to anything back to my see you see em you can use this option if for example you have a line group in which you help your customer service representatives and another one for your sales you can also send this calls over if you have contact center you can also direct them over there now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to show you how this works as I previously mentioned I'm going to be using 4200 for this test hello and thanks for calling my allah if you want rich sales press number one if you want to reach customer service press number two if you want to reach matthean press number three or you can press zero at any time to reach the operator wait while I transfer your call as you can see I was able to transfer to the operator which in this case was Otis let me end this call and we are going to go ahead and we are going to die out to Matthew we're going to dialogue one more time for 300 hello and thanks for calling my lab if you want rich sales press number one if you want to reach customer service press number two if you want to reach Matthew press number three or it did who may I say is calling hi Emma Valencia I'm going to under call because they cannot hear the sound sorry Matt Heafy is not available record your message at the tone when you are finished hang up or prep on the previous scenario if we could hear the Unity connection call Matthew heavy we could have heard something like camera lens he is calling you press 1 if you want to take the call or press 2 if you don't want to take the call and then if you have send me over to baseball as I mentioned I also configure the close greeting I'm going to play you what I have for that and I'm going to show you that in the configuration hi you have reached my lab during non-working hours if you want to leave a message please stay on the line that was the greeting that I recorded let me show you that configuration in the calendar on this scenario the call action of the duck reading is going to be to take a message you can also direct this to another call handler if you want to send for example this goes to a mobile phone you can also send them to audio sir with the mailbox there are several options that you can deal with this kind of course these will depend on what you wanna do with this we can finish them and I have already provided you all the basics on how to create a basic of the tendon and some advanced features anything that you want to do you can deal with this kind of configuration thank you very much for watching this video and I hope this was useful for you
Channel: Cisco Community
Views: 50,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Auto-Attendant with CUC 11.x, configure a basic Auto-Attendant, System Administration, SIP integration, PDI Technical
Id: En18tN1pNMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2016
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