Cisco Unity Connection Call Handler Complete Setup

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hello everyone this is Jason with the geeks sakes and today I'm going to be reloading or redoing a video that I previously done for those of you who have watched it already I just felt like I did you guys an injustice because I kind of skip some steps or didn't necessary skip them but I just didn't go over the full setup of the call tree so what I want to do is just go with it again so let's begin for those of you who don't know call tree or call handler is basically the automatic message that you get when you call our office and it says press 1 for sales press 2 for tech support and so forth and so on inside of Cisco unity connection it's very easy to set up so let's get started what you want to do is going to go to the system call handler right here on the call management on the Left panel here and we're already here but you would click that click add new and we're going to just do a best buy call tree since everybody's pretty familiar with Best Buy and I have most of the stuff cached so that's why I'm just able to click and it automatically pops the popped up because I've done this before I just deleted it for this video so this is the first couple steps you hit save and it's going to open up a lot more features and typically you can keep this stuff by the default the one thing that you do want to change here is the active schedule the active schedule dictates open and closed on recordings so I've already created one called Best Buy store hours you want to select that here and hit save and for those of you who are curious as to how the I created that schedule it's right here in this panel it's a whole lot of options here but it's right here under system settings and schedules and if you click on this Best Buy store hours you'll see how I have it set up from Monday through Saturday I believe I have it opening at 9:00 to 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and then on Sunday only it opens at 1:00 p.m. I'm sorry on 1 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and basically that dictates when the open greeting plays so from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday Saturday you're going to hear that greeting in any other hours you're going to hear the clothes greeting and on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. you're going to hear the opening greedy in any other hours you're gonna hear the clothes green okay so once you create that and set that at your schedule we're going to go back to the system call handler click on Best Buy now we want to create on create the inputs what happens when they press one what happens when they press two you do that under edit color input choose the option that you want to program we're just going to start with one and typically you're going to transfer it to an extension so under call action you want to go transfer to alternate contact number we're just going to do one one one description let's let's make it sales and you hit save all right so you can go back up to to edit call it color input the program option two or you can just come over here to call the inputs it's going input some of these quick shortcuts just to help you out a little bit but either way it's fine if you want to go back to the menu or you can go to the shortcut it doesn't matter it's going to get you to the same location so we're going to program option two we're going to do the same thing we're going to do a transfer to alternate contact number extension two two two two description tech support the description is not necessary just handy for administrators to help identify where calls are going so we're going to hit save and let's do action through instead of going to an alternate contact we're going to send it directly to someone's voicemail so we're going to go back to caller input choose option three so instead of caller action you want to go down to user with mailbox and select it here and I already have it created it's called Best Buy manager so when someone presses option three it's directly going to go into that managers voicemail box so whenever he comes into office if someone has a customer complaint or or whatever it's going to be right there in these mailbox and that all happens from the main greeting when a person presses option all right the next thing we want to do is go in set the greeting typically you're going to have an open and closed ring some people don't do a code ring but a store like Best Buy would you know because they get a lot of call volume you want to have the options going on you're open greeting on closed day and pretty much it simply says we're sorry the stores closed so to set that up you're just going to click on standard standard is the opening greeting and you want to choose my personal greeting and then you can you can kind of uncheck this that that is really not going to play a fit in here because we're going to run the call actions we're not going to take a message we're actually going to restart the greeting you don't want to take a message with most call handlers you want to actually just have it loop loop or worst case scenario just have it hang up after it plays one time but if a person doesn't make a choice we're just going to have it restart over and over and over again so we're gonna we did my personal greeting so someone can actually do the recording the call action is restart greeting and here's where the person actually does the recording and this is actually run by Java so you're gonna have to go through a couple of their Java prompts first before you actually get the little icon popping up and just say allow so here whenever you're ready you can actually set this up to where you hit the record it'll it'll ring to someone's extension and it'll beep in their ear and they can do the recording there or if you have a file you can actually open it and actually click save it and hit save and it will save that file and automatically attach it to the call tree and that's that's a - those are two of the option that you can go with and that is basically it as far as the culture so cisco unity is the voice mailbox so the calls actually have to come through the cisco call manager first so what we need to do is create a CTR out point so we're going to actually jump over here to the column manager and go to Device CTI route point and do an add new and again I already have most of this cast so I'm going to click here and I'm going to say best buy Maine now this is character sensitive you can't just put spaces here you kind of got to use brackets and hyphens and things of that nature it'll give your ugly message at the top here telling you didn't say so you just when you get that you just know you got to go back and figure out what went wrong and most the time it tells you exactly what it was so here we're best by Maine is the description that's fine device pool branch office calling search space long distance concert stations fine I don't think I have a location program all that's fine so we're gonna hit save now you see here what most phones you're going to get it registered IP address but with CTI points it's not really registering to anything is within the calm integer so to see unknown right here is typical no big deal all right we're going to create an extension ednan as you saw here the best by extension is five five five five so that's the number that you want to put here whatever your main number is that's the number that goes here and concert spaces all phones is fine and because it because the call tree is located in voicemail you need to send it to voicemail so this is very crucial these next couple steps you're going to send it to your voicemail profile and notice it says voicemail you're going to check this box to send it to voicemail and that will complete the process guys like I said this is the step that I didn't do in my first video and I just felt like I needed to share it with you guys and next video I will do actually show you guys to have purchased my item how to get your phones registered I know that's very important and a lot of guys are confused I'm going to show you how to program the switch how to um turn on the surfaces in the call manager to get everything up and running so stay tuned thanks for viewing please like comment and subscribe for geeks aches out
Channel: 4Geeks-Sake
Views: 75,400
Rating: 4.9253335 out of 5
Keywords: Cisco Systems, CIsco, CUCM, CME, Call Manager, CCNA Voice, CCNP Voice, CCIE, CCIE Colaboration, CCIE Voice, Switch, Router, IOS, Study, How To, VMWare, VMware Workstation (Software), VMWare ESXi, Unity (Software), CCNA (Field Of Study), Technology, Management, Data, VoIP, Voice over IP
Id: THITwUrUfn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
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